Delaware Academy 2015-2016 Delaware Academy Student/Parent Handbook Syracuse City School District 900 South Geddes Street Syracuse, New York 13204 Celebrating 100 Years! 1916-2016 THE DELAWARE DOLPHIN CODE WE ~ aspire to excellence. WE ~ behave with integrity and courage. WE ~ hold ourselves accountable. WE ~ embrace diversity. We never give up! We never give up! PRESIDENT: VICE PRESIDENT: Michelle Mignano Derrick Dorsey COMMISSIONERS OF EDUCATION: Patricia Body David Cecile Mark D. Muhammad Maxwell Ruckdeschel Stephen Swift ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: Sharon L. Contreras, Ph.D., Superintendent Jaime Alicea, Chief Operations Officer Cheryl Atkinson, Ed.D., Chief Ombuds Officer Kim Bradley, Chief of Staff Brandan Keaveny, Ed.D., Chief Accountability Office Linda Mulvey, Chief Academic Officer Suzanne Slack, Chief Financial Officer NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION The Syracuse City School District hereby advises students, parents, employees and the general public that it is committed to providing equal access to all categories of employment, programs and educational opportunities, including career and technical education opportunities, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, Native American ancestry/ethnicity, creed or religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identity or expression, disability or any other legally protected category under federal, state or local law. Inquiries regarding the District’s non-discrimination policies should be directed to: Executive Director of Student Support Services, Civil Rights Compliance Officer Syracuse City School District 725 Harrison Street • Syracuse, NY 13210 (315) 435-4131 Email: District Goals: *Provide all students with equitable access to rigorous curriculum with aligned instructional material and assessments in all subjects and all grade levels. *Recruit, develop support and retain effective teachers and school leaders. *Develop infrastructure to support student success. *Build a district culture based on high expectations, respect and co-accountability for performance that recognizes and rewards excellence at all levels of the organization. *Communicate effectively with all district stakeholders. Delaware Academy Vision: Delaware Academy will be the most improved school in the Syracuse City School District. Delaware Academy Mission: Delaware Academy is a school of scholarly students who have the necessary desire for learning and are able to gain the skills and strategies for college and career readiness. A Letter from the Principal Dear Family and Friends of the Delaware Academy, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share my excitement about my appointment as the new principal of Delaware Academy. The Academy is rich with history and diversity. It is my intent to embrace this history and diversity as we strive towards academic excellence. Parent and community involvement can play an important role in the success of a school. I invite you to help me determine what is best for your child by participating in meetings, attending parent conferences, family activities and academic events throughout the year. I welcome your input and on-going feedback as we make this important transition. Allow me to share some information about my educational background and professional experience. I’m joining Delaware after serving as Vice Principal of HW Smith Pre K-8. Previously, I taught and then served as Administrative Intern at Dr. Weeks Elementary on Hawley Ave. Prior to my service with the Syracuse City School District I was an Elementary teacher and an English Language Learning teacher for the District of Columbia Public Schools. My roots are in upstate New York. My grandparents were proud graduates of Blodgett and Central High School. I was raised in Manlius, New York but have lived in Mississippi and Indiana, as well. I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana. I earned my CAS from Syracuse University. I look forward to joining the Delaware Academy community and working together with your family this coming school year. If you have questions, concerns or feedback at any time, please contact me. I look forward to an exciting and prosperous school year. Sincerely, Mary Lowe Delaware Academy 2015-2016 DAILY SCHEDULE 7:40-7:59 a.m. Arrival and Breakfast 8:00 a.m. School day begins 2:00 p.m. Dismissal-School day ends 2:oo p.m. Afterschool day begins 3:30 p.m. Afterschool day ends *Early Dismissal (or the half-day) is at 11:00 am. PRINCIPAL Mrs. Mary Lowe VICE PRINCIPAL Dr.ValerieTorrence SECOND GRADE Ms. Bordeleau Ms. Delaney Ms. Barney Mr. Daniel Reid (Incl.) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mr. McShane Mr. Paul THIRD GRADE Ms. Schneider Ms. Bisesi Ms. Banish Ms. Socia (Incl.) FOURTH GRADE Ms. Coggins Ms. Saya Ms. Terpening Ms. Ballard (Incl.) LIBRARY MEDIA Ms. Nunn SPEECH Ms. Haas-McEney Ms. Sinclair ELA COACH Dr. Saka ELA EIS Ms. Kusak-McGuire FIFTH GRADE Mr. Brann Ms. Sarsfield Mr. Dowd (Incl.) ELL Teachers Ms. Freeman Ms. Guy ART Ms. Pierce MATH COACH Ms. LaFountain MUSIC Ms. Ryder MATH EIS Ms. Burt MUSICINSTRUMENTAL Ms. Ryder OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST Ms. Lopez . INTERN Mrs. Lyda Ragonese SUPPORT STAFF Ms. Mahapatra Mr. Maney Ms. Arocho-Bague Ms. Tousaw SECRETARIES Ms. Lawton Ms. Moreno CUSTODIANS Mr. Brian Warren, Head Custodian SECURITY Ms. Menifee Ms. McBride AFTERSCHOOL Ms. Villarreal, YWCA ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE The Syracuse City School District offers a wide array of compensatory, remedial or special education programs at all grade levels to supplement its regular school programs. Parents who feel that their child might need help or testing beyond what is offered in the classroom should contact their child’s school building school psychologist. Delaware Academy’s school psychologist is Mr. Haney and can be contacted at 435-4156. The school psychologist will meet with parents to discuss the process that will be followed and the possible interventions available to fit the needs of the student. Your child’s teacher may accompany you to the meeting. If necessary, appropriate referrals will be made by the psychologist or parent. For more information regarding the district’s student support services, go to the district’s website, and click on the “Student Support Services” link under “Curriculum & Instruction.” ATTENDANCE In accordance with New York State law, children must attend school from September of the year in which they become six through June of the year in which they attain the age of 16 years. All students are expected to be in attendance whenever school is in session. Your child’s daily attendance is very important. When he/she is absent, missed class activities are difficult to make up. It is your responsibility to make sure your child is in school every day, including before and after school vacations. Delaware Academy parents will be notified by phone when unexcused absences occur within the school day. Continued tardiness (arrival to school after 8:00 am) or chronic absences will result in direct communication with parents by phone or conference. Our school social worker, Mrs. Arocho-Bague can be reached at 435-4528 if a family crisis or emergency is generating chronic absences or tardiness. When your child returns from any absence, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed while away and to have the assignments completed. Student Absences and Excuses The following reasons for student absences from school are legal: a. Sickness. b. Impassable roads or weather making travel unsafe. c. Religious observance. d. Illness or Death in the family. e. Approved school-sponsored trips. f. Required court appearances. *Missing school due to a family vacation or travel is not an excused absence. Procedures for Parents Absences: If your son or daughter is absent, please call the Main Office #4354540 between 7:40 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. For documentation purposes, we need a written excuse whether phone contact is made or not. Send a signed written excuse stating the reason for the absence when your child returns to school. Tardiness: We will require students arriving to school after 8:00 am to secure a late pass. Our support staff will be contacting families to offer support if a pattern of late arrivals is noted. Leaving School Early: If it is necessary for your child to leave school early for any reason, a signed, written request is necessary indicating the time you want your child to be dismissed. Please keep in mind, students are fully engaged with coursework until 2:00 pm. Providing prior notice that an early dismissal is necessary will allow for teachers to prepare the child for missed coursework. It is the responsibility of the family to gather and complete all coursework that is missed due to an early release from school. Procedures for Students Absences: Please give your signed written excuse to your teacher when you arrive in class. Tardy: When you come to school late (after 8:00 a.m.) go directly to the hall monitor station or the main office, to get a late pass to give your teacher. Leaving School Early: When you are leaving school early, give your excuse to your teacher when you arrive in class. When your parents arrive, they will sign you out in the office. Your teacher will be called and you will be dismissed to meet your parent in the office. Returning To School: If you return to school before the end of the school day your parent will sign you in at the Main Office. You will be permitted to walk to class. Testing and Holiday Dates: We ask that parents note these dates when planning appointments and family trips. It is important to avoid missing class on test dates or taking extended vacations at times other than those set aside on the calendar. BUILDING ACCESS The building is locked during all school hours. Parents should report to the Main Office to secure a visitor’s pass if a classroom visit is planned. Please be prepared to show ID. We will generate a Visitor Pass that must be worn at all times while in the building. Pre-scheduled visits will ensure our focus on learning is not disturbed during school hours. Please call ahead to secure an appointment for desired meetings with school personnel. BUILDING USE All meetings held on school property must be approved by the administration. Forms used to apply for use of the school building or grounds are available on the district website, BUS RULES AND REGULATIONS Transportation – 435-1820 Information on routes and schedules is mailed home at the start of each school year. If changes are necessary, the new information will be sent home with your child. Child Care Request forms are available in our Main Office (435-4540). Addresses are based on updated e School home address information. If there is a change, please notify the office as soon as possible. Proof of address will be needed to make a change within the e School system. Students who live within 1.5 miles of school are designated as walkers. For questions, please contact the Transportation Department at 435-1820 or our Main Office at 435-4540. Students should be at the bus stops ten minutes before bus arrival times. Certain roads are designated as hazardous roads. On these roads, students are picked up at their homes and may not cross the street. A list of these roads is available upon request. Please remember it is illegal to pass a stopped school bus with red lights flashing at any time, including in all school zones. Please do not enter the bus loading/unloading area when buses are present. Rules for behavior on school buses reflect state law and are designated to provide safety at all times. The bus driver shall report any infraction of these rules and regulations to the school designee. These reports will result in an appropriate disciplinary measure. Recurring infractions will be taken seriously and can result in the denial of transportation privileges. Consequences for inappropriate behavior on the bus may include the following: i. Warning ii. Seating assignment iii. Written referral by driver to administrator; call to parents. iv. Detention or Safety Lesson. v. Loss of bus privilege - duration to be determined by school administration. BUS PASSES The school building may issue a five day bus passes for a student who has to ride another bus or load/unload at a different bus stop for short term babysitting or emergency reasons. Passes can only be written for existing bus stops. Patterns of requests for short term bus changes may result in our staff using their discretion in generating bus passes. Our efforts to maintain a safe and productive travel plan home can be compromised by frequent changes. Written permission from parents should include the bus number, street address and parent’s signature. Written permission should be given to classroom teacher in the morning. Please avoid requesting bus passes over the telephone. Bus Behavior Expectations To provide a safe and orderly bus environment, students are expected to follow all aspects of the Syracuse City School District Code of Conduct while on the school bus. Students may be disciplined for conduct that occurs on the school bus that may endanger the health or safety of pupils within the educational system or adversely affect the educational process. When problems arise on a school bus, the transportation staff will inform parents/school staff as quickly as possible. Parents are encouraged to reinforce appropriate bus behavior with their children. Students using district transportation should: • Be at their designated bus stop ten minutes ahead of the scheduled bus arrival time. The bus cannot wait for those who are tardy; • Be visible and, if possible, 15 feet away from the bus as it approaches the bus stop; • Not approach the bus until it has stopped and the door is opened. If Students’ miss their bus, under no circumstance should they run after the bus; • Sit down after boarding the bus (The bus driver is authorized to assign seats when necessary; • Keep their heads and hands inside the bus; • Remain in their seats until the bus arrives at its destination and comes to a complete stop; • When exiting the bus, walk 10 feet away from the bus. If they need to cross a street, they should wait for the driver to signal it is safe before crossing; • Be courteous and respectful to the bus driver and passengers; • Use conversational level voices – no yelling or screaming. Unnecessary conversation with the driver is dangerous; • Keep the bus clean –no eating or drinking on the bus. CAFETERIA A Breakfast, Lunch and Snack (for the Afterschool students) program operates on a daily basis under state and federal regulations. The monthly menu is delivered home by the students. Students are provided a lunch number to access this program. Children are welcome to bring lunch from home. Please review healthy options with your children to ensure balanced meal choices. Kindergarten and Third: 11:00 - 11:30 a.m. 4th Grade and 2nd Grade: 11:35 - 12:05 p.m. 1st Grade and 5th Grade: 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. Students are expected to behave in the cafeteria as they would in any dining situation. Lunch time is an opportunity for students to socialize in a courteous and orderly manner. When in the cafeteria, students must observe the following rules: Stand quietly whenever you’re in line. Keeping your hands and feet to yourself. Stay seated at all times. Do not share food. • Use the Magic X to open milk cartons. • Support staff in keeping the room clean. • Use good manners while eating and talking to your friends. • When finished raise your hand for recycling. CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2015/2016 (Dates are subject to change.) September 2 Family Picnic 1:00-2:30 4-7 Labor Day Recess 8 School Opens 14 School Leadership Team @2:15 15 Staff Meeting @2: 15 17 Parent Organization @2:15(6:00pm) 28 School Leadership Team @ 2:15 29 Theater Production The New Kid @ 9:15 October 5 Afterschool begins 12 Columbus Day – No School 13 Staff Meeting @2:15 14 Family Science Fair @12:15 and Parent Univer. Luncheon 15 Parent Organization @2:15 19 School Leadership Team @2:15 26 A Net1 Assessment @9:00 30 Harvest Festival @12:15 & Marking Period 1 Ends November 4 Parent Teacher Conferences 9 School Leadership Team @2:15 10 Staff Meeting @2:15 11 Veteran’s Day – No School 12 Parent Organization @2:15 17 No School – Parent Conferences 25-29 Thanksgiving Recess 30 School Leadership Team @2:15 December 3 Afterschool Showcase & Final Day of Session I 8 Staff Meeting @2:15 10 Parent Organization Meeting @2:15 and Afterschool Showcase 14 School Leadership Team @2:15 22 Holiday Concert @ 12:15 23 Half Day – 11:00 Dismissal 24-31 Winter Recess – NO SCHOOL January 1 4 12 14 18 19 25 28 29 Winter Recess – NO SCHOOL School Resumes A Net 2 @ 9:00 Staff Meeting @2:15 Parent Organization Meeting, 2:15 p.m. Dr. Martin Luther King Day – NO SCHOOL Oratorical Contest - Grade Level Event @12:30 School Leadership Team@ 2:15 Marking Period 2 Ends Staff Development Day – NO SCHOOL February 3 Staff Development Day – NO SCHOOL --9 12 PO Sponsored Square 1 Art Order Staff Meeting @ 2:15 Academy Gym and Swim Open House, 6:00 pm Parent Organization Meeting (as well) 15-19 Winter Recess 29 School Leadership Team @2:15 March 7 8 10 11 14 25 28 A Net3 Assessment @ 9:00 Staff Meeting @2:15 Parent Organization Meeting @2:15(6:00pm) Spelling Bee - Grade Level Event @12:15 Afterschool Session II begins Good Friday - NO SCHOOL School Leadership Team Meeting, 2:15 p.m. April 5-6 NYS ELA Assessments, Grades 3-5 12 Staff Meeting @2:15 13-15 NYS Math Assessments, Grades 3-5 & Marking Period 3 Ends 14 Parent Organization Meeting @2:15(6:00pm) 25-29 Spring Recess – NO SCHOOL May 10 Staff Meeting @2:15 12 Parent Organization @2:15 16 School Leadership Team @2:15 pm 27 30 June 9 10 14 23 24 *Grade 4 Science Performance Assessments Dolphin Day - Grade Level Academic Events @ 12:30 Memorial Day – NO SCHOOL Afterschool Final Showcase & Parent Organization @2:15 School Picnic and Book Fair @11:00 Staff Luncheon from Parent Organization LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS & Final Report Card Distribution Last day for Staff CELL PHONES We ask that parents turn off or silence cell phones when visiting or volunteering in our school. Unanswered rings or even quiet phone conversations are distracting to students. The use of cell phones by students is strictly prohibited during the instructional day. Student cell phones are to be off and in lockers during school hours. Please note: the school district will not be responsible for lost or stolen phones or electronics. Students who are in violation of this policy will have their phones collected for parent pick up. Singular Misuse of cell phones by students will result in confiscation by the teacher and return at the close of the school day. CLASSROOM CELEBRATIONS Children enjoy celebrating their birthdays with their classmates. If your child hopes to celebrate in school, please contact your child’s teacher in advance to arrange a date and time. Each classroom has its own procedures for birthday celebrations. All food should be store or bakery prepared or purchased. Food prepared at home cannot be shared during the school day. Students with food allergies or restrictions will need special accommodations. Siblings in other classrooms may not attend celebrations. CLOSINGS AND DELAYS The decision to close the schools is made by the Superintendent of Schools. When schools must be closed for the day, opened later or closed earlier than usual because of weather conditions or other emergencies, announcements will be made through the School Messenger calling system and on all local radio and television stations. School closing information can also be obtained from the district website, Students would return home by the normal procedure. Parents away from home during the day must make arrangements for care of their children in the event of emergency school closings. Please clearly communicate this plan with your child so that a safe travel plan home in a weather emergency is clearly understood. CODE OF CONDUCT Each student is expected to behave in a responsible way and to follow the rules and regulations of Delaware Academy. This enables all of us to work in a positive manner to learn. When a student misbehaves, he/she interferes with learning and hurts not only himself but also others. As a result, students must be prepared for the consequences of their actions. A copy of the Syracuse City School District’s Code of Conduct is available in the Main Office. Students may be referred to the Student Intervention Team, asked to join a Restorative Conference or visit the Behavior Intervention Center as a consequence to Code Violations. Additional consequences, including: Detention: Detention can be during lunch or recess. After school detention may be assigned in extreme situations. The Principal who assigns the detention or restorative practice will inform the students of the day(s) and place of the consequence. Behavior Intervention Center (BIC): The BIC Room is part of our Restorative plan for students to reflect and return to class. Upon entry into the setting, a trained counselor will engage the student or students in a self-reflection process in hopes to find a restorative solution. Students may be returned to the instructional school day if the reflection is productive. In-School Suspension: In-school suspension is for part or all of the school day. Upon being assigned to ISS (by an administrator following the review of their reflective Conference, the student will be escorted, and should be prepared to work on school subjects for the remainder of the day. Parents will be contacted by phone and letter in the event of an assignment to ISS. If a student is legally absent from school on the day of the assigned in school suspension, it will be made up on the first day of the student’s return. Participation in school activities will not be allowed on days of in-school supervision. Out-of-School Suspension: This consequence is for serious infractions of the rules of Delaware Academy. This includes violations of the policies of the Board of Education. A student may not be on school grounds at any time during the day or night of the suspension. Refer to the district website at for the complete Code of Conduct. COMMUNICATION Communication between home and school is essential to support and encourage each child’s success. Common forms of communication include personal notes, telephone messages and email. Please understand that teachers cannot always respond to messages until later in the day or perhaps the next day but will reply as soon as possible. The protocol for SCSD email addresses is: first initial, last (For example, Jane Smith would be School emails are not confidential and are stored electronically. Parents should call the office if there is an emergency or if information is of a timely nature. Other ways to learn about events at Delaware Academy or in the district are by checking the website, the monthly The Academy Chronicle or classroom websites and newsletters. Often parents are uncertain about whom to contact in order to answer a question or pursue a concern. The following guidelines are designed to provide clarification: • Contact the teacher for a question regarding a child’s classroom progress or a concern regarding the teacher’s own performance. • Contact the counselor or psychologist for a question regarding a child’s personal adjustment. The counselor and psychologist are a key communication link between the home and the school. • Contact the administrator for a question regarding the child’s behavior or if satisfaction is not received through communication at the other levels. COUNSELING In order for students to learn effectively, they must feel comfortable and happy in their school environment. To help accomplish this goal, school counselors and psychologists provide individual and group counseling programs. Teachers, parents or students can request a meeting between the counselor or psychologist and a child. By working closely together, parents, counselors, and teachers can help each student reach their highest possible level of accomplishment. We have numerous agencies that offer professional counseling support: Brownell, Huntington Family - FSSS, SBHC Counseling, the Promise Zone providers, SCSD Social Workers, and others. Services offered by the professional staff include: • Individual or group counseling • Social groups • Referrals and recommendations to pupil service, specialists and outside counseling service DIGNITY FOR ALL STUDENTS ACT The state’s Dignity for All Students Act, which went into effect July 1, 2012, reinforces the Syracuse City School District’s commitment to provide a positive learning environment for all students. The goal of the Dignity for All Students Act, or DASA, is to provide students with a safe, supportive educational environment that is free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment and bullying (including cyberbullying). Some of the law’s requirements include establishing anti-harassment and discrimination policies and creating school training programs at every grade level which includes lessons in civility, citizenship and character education. The Syracuse City School District has several longstanding policies in place that are aimed at eliminating harassment. This new law will enhance those policies as well as support SCSD’s existing array of positive behavior education programs, which promote respect, tolerance and civility with the goal of creating a caring school community. Making sure all students are attending school in a setting that is free from bullying, harassment and intimidation is central to the standard of excellence for which Delaware Academy prides itself. The district encourages students, staff members and parents to report bullying–including cyberbullying. In most cases, the district will work with students accused of creating a hostile environment, educating them on why their actions are hurtful to others. In some cases, depending upon the seriousness and nature of the reported incident, a student could be disciplined according to the district’s Code of Conduct. Depending upon the nature of the offense, the district may involve local law enforcement. Parents are encouraged to review the Code of Conduct, which is posted on the district website, and sent home annually with every student. The district’s policies condemn and prohibit all forms of discrimination on school grounds, on school buses, at school bus stop sites and at all school sponsored activities, programs and events. The SCSD is committed to providing an educational and working environment that promotes dignity and equality for all students and staff. It is critical that those being bullied, or who witness bullying, report the incidents to the district. Students are encouraged to report such incidents to a teacher, counselor, administrator or other trusted adult at school. Each school building also has a designated Dignity Act Coordinator. Our coordinator is Dr. Torrence. Please call her at 435-4540 with comments or concerns. What is bullying? Bullying is the creation of a hostile environment that has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits or a student’s mental, physical or emotional well-being. Bullying includes, but is not limited to, the following types: Verbal bullying: includes, but is not limited to, name calling, insulting remarks, verbal teasing, frightening phone calls, violent threats, extortion, taunting, gossip, spreading rumors, racist slurs and anonymous notes. Physical bullying: includes, but is not limited to, poking, slapping, hitting, tripping or causing a fall, kicking, punching, biting, pinching, scratching, spitting, damaging clothes and personal property and taking personal belongings without permission. Social or relational bullying: includes, but is not limited to, spreading rumors or gossip, excluding someone from a group, arranging public humiliation, undermining relationships, teasing about clothing, blatant or subtle offensive body language, and coercion. Cyberbullying: occurs via electronic communication (both on and off school property) on the Internet, cellular phones or other electronic media and includes, but is not limited to, sending or posting inappropriate or derogatory email messages, instant messages, text messages, digital pictures or images and blog and website postings. DISMISSAL NOTES Parents must inform the office first thing in the morning in writing (email, written note or fax) if: • Student will be picked up by parent or other designated adult listed on the Emergency Card. • Student is taking a different bus than usual; or • Student is being picked up early for an appointment. Please note: new security protocols are now in place. Adults will be asked to provide picture ID when securing students for early dismissal. Please ensure that the Emergency Card for your student is up to date and accurate. No child will be released to individuals not listed on the Emergency Card. All adults will be asked to provide ID upon arrival. Please have up to date and accurate Orders of Custody, or other related legal documents that would support the safe release of your child. We can only honor documents that are up to date and on file in the Main Office. DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP PROCEDURES Morning Drop-Off Between 7:40-8: 00 a.m. all students driven to school should be dropped off on the Fitch Street sidewalk. Please walk directly to the playground to enter the building thru the Playground Side Entrance. Walking students should cross city streets using corners and crosswalks only. They are to enter the building thru the playground entrance as well. The doors will close at 8:00am. Late students (8:00am and later) should enter the building using the Geddes Street main staircase. Breakfast will be available in the classroom. Dismissal - Car Riders and Walkers All students picked up from school at 2:00 p.m. dismissal will report to the playground side entrance. A staff member is assigned to this area to monitor pickups. Parents will receive their children and proceed to the corners and crosswalks for a safe travel home. Please do not park in the Fenton Street parking lot during dismissal. This creates congestion and prohibits teachers from accessing their cars in the case of an emergency. Dismissal - Bus Riders All students going home on the bus will be dismissed at 2:00 p.m. They will exit the building on Fenton Street and board designated buses. EARLY ARRIVALS Sometimes a student might arrive to school prior 8:00 a.m. Supervision is available beginning at 7:40 a.m. each morning. Students should not be in the building before this time. All students should report directly to their classrooms after entering the building. Students who walk or are driven to school should plan to arrive at school by 7:45 a.m. During the cold winter season, students who arrive prior to the start of school will be offered a warm place to stay. This protocol will be announced when the season becomes more winter-like. EARLY DISMISSAL All days that are designated as early dismissal days (half days) end at 11:00 a.m. Students who are picked up are dismissed at 11:00 a.m. Students going home on the bus are dismissed at 11:00 a.m. EMERGENCY DRILLS Frequently during the school year, we will have emergency drills to practice evacuating the building or taking safe cover as quickly as possible. All adults including parent volunteers) that are in the building at the time of an emergency drill are expected to follow school procedures. FIELD TRIP POLICY Field trips are off-campus activities which extend and enhance classroom learning. All students are expected to participate in field trips since they are curriculum based. These trips occur during the school day. Expenses are supplemented by the Parent Group and families. General Requirements: 1. Written permission is required for all field trips to sites other than Syracuse City school property. Generally, the Field Trip Parent Permission form signed at the beginning of the school year covers all field trips. 2. Your child’s teacher will send home advance notice of planned field trips. These notices will give you more detailed information about these trips. 3. If you plan to volunteer as a chaperone for a field trip, you may not bring siblings with you. Transportation shall be provided only by: • bus drivers driving school-owned or school-leased vehicles; • Chartered or public transportation (buses, trains, etc.) including rental or leased vehicles. No other persons are to provide transportation or drive school vehicles on field trips. Transportation of a student to a site other than SCSD property is to be provided by the district. A parent may transport his/her child only. FUNDRAISING AND ADVERTISING IN THE SCHOOLS No activity, which involves commercial endorsement or promotion, shall take place on school facilities during the academic day. Moreover, no activity that involves profit or non-profit organization fundraising, other than that which is initiated by a recognized SCSD student or parent organization for the sole benefit of the organization, shall take place in school facilities during the academic day. However, an activity which involves commercial sponsorship, endorsement, or promotion, or which involves profit or non-profit organization fundraising may take place on school property outside the academic day if it is totally voluntary on the part of each student participant. Permissible fundraising activities during the academic day (for the sole benefit of the sponsoring organization): • A sale approved for a student organization. • A sale approved for a foundation. • Yearbook and school photographs, as long as the photographer does not use the opportunity for commercial promotion. Impermissible fundraising activities during the academic day: • A sale by an SCSD student or parent organization for which the beneficiary is not the organization itself. • Any non-school fundraiser by an individual or group; i.e., United Way, Scouts, American Heart Association, American Cancer Society, Make-a-Wish, sports teams. GIFTS AND DONATIONS At various times in the year, some parents give gifts to staff members. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are appreciated; however, we do not expect gifts from you. Some ways to express appreciation are to give a book or game to your child’s classroom. A donation to the library or gym is acceptable. You might make a contribution to the Say Yes Foundation in the name of a teacher, student, or our school. You might consider purchasing a book for our media center in honor of your child’s birthday. We think these are excellent ways to share a gift with many children for many years. SHELTER DRILL An annual shelter drill is a requirement of our Emergency Management Plan. Staff and students are notified of the specifics of this drill in advance of the date. Sheltering may be used in the event of emergencies such as: • A snow/ice storm that prohibits normal dismissal. • Any incident (chemical, radiological, etc.) resulting in it being unsafe to go outside therefore prohibiting normal dismissal. • Emergencies that require building occupants to remain in the building for an extended time period after school hours. • Any situation that delays the normal dismissal. DELAWARE PARENT ORGANIZATION The Parent Organization membership consists of all parents with students currently enrolled at Delaware Academy as well as the faculty, staff and administration of the school. Meetings are held during the academic year, generally on the second Thursday of the month. Daytime (2:15 pm) and evening hours (6:00pm) will be offered. Consult the monthly calendar or The Academy Chronicle for the upcoming meeting dates. The Parent Organization provides a forum for parents and staff to discuss mutual concerns. Every meeting includes a principal’s report of upcoming activities and provides an opportunity for parents to ask questions. Programs of special interest to parents are presented at the meetings. PO sponsored events are independent of school-sponsored activities. Ongoing PO activities include: School Pictures: The PO assists in finding parent volunteers for this event. Evening Activities: One activity is held for each marking period in the evening. Staff Luncheon: This is held during the second semester to show appreciation to our faculty and staff. Parent Lending Library: This is a collection of leveled books for parents to check out for home use. Book Fairs Each year the PO supports many school-wide programs, including field trips and Arts in Education. Support is possible through various fundraising projects throughout the year. Profits from all fundraisers are reinvested in Delaware Academy to support our school. If you have ideas to share, please contact the PO president. HOMEBOUND INSTRUCTION Homebound instruction is available to students who are unable to attend school due to a lengthy illness. A physician must certify the illness. Parents should contact the office for further information. HOMEWORK Homework is any assigned work or activity to be completed outside of class. Homework will generally be assigned daily and will vary depending on the grade level and the individual teacher’s objectives for the assignment. No homework will be assigned on Friday. Homework is an integral part of learning. If a student has missed class time, it is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher and make arrangements to complete the work. If a student is out due to illness, a homework request may be made through the main office. Requests for homework may be made prior to 9:00 a.m. on the second day of absence. Homework can be picked up or sent with another child at the end of the day. Our Delaware Dolphins Homework Guide, including game suggestions for practicing math facts, is posted on the website ( We also have copies available in the office for families who prefer a hard copy or do not have internet access. ILLNESS/INJURY There is a health office and nurse in each school building. Any student who is ill or injured should report immediately to the teacher who will, in turn, refer the student to the nurse’s office. When necessary, the nurse will contact a parent to take the ill student home. In cases of severe injury or illness, the local ambulance will be called, and parents will be notified. Parents may have trouble making a judgment call about whether to keep a child at home. Parents are generally the best judge of their child and whether he/she is different from normal but sometimes it is hard to decide what is a true illness. In general, these symptoms warrant keeping a child home from school for the day: o o o o o o o Fever of 100.4 or more Vomiting or diarrhea Sore throat Runny nose, cold and cough Earaches Impetigo or other skin rash “Pinkeye” or conjunctivitis When your child is ill, staying home from school not only will help him/her recover, but will help all of us by preventing the spread of diseases. IMMUNIZATIONS Immunizations needed to comply with Public Health Law Section 2164: • • • • • Diphtheria - three or more doses Pertussis – three doses Tetanus - three doses Polio (TOPV) or IPV - three or more doses Rubella (measles) - two doses: one after the age of 12 months; also, a Rubella booster required for children born after January 1, 1985 • Incoming kindergarteners must have a second dose of measles (Rubella) vaccine • Rubella (German measles) - single dose after age of 12 months • Mumps - single dose after age of 12 months • Hepatitis B - a series of three doses • Varicella - all students born on or after January 1, 1998 As mandated by Public Health law, the nurse must have the dates of each vaccine on your child’s record with a physician’s signature. The only exceptions are as follows: • Record signed by the physician that the child has been diagnosed by him/her as having had the diseases of measles or mumps. • Record signed by the physician that the child has serological evidence of rubella antibodies, measles antibodies, and mumps antibodies. • History of varicella disease as documented by a health care provider or serologic evidence of immunity. • Proof of entitlement to exemption from these requirements for medical or religious reasons. Immunizations are available to all students in K-12 grades who reside in Onondaga County. For information contact our School Based Health Clinic or our Nurse’s Office for support. MEDICATION The nurse may give your child medication only when she has a written script from your family physician which indicates the frequency and dosage. A written request from a parent or guardian that requests the nurse to administer the medication is also required. Please deliver the medication to the Health Office. If this is not possible, you should call the nurse and tell her that the medication is being sent in with your child. These regulations apply to both prescribed and over-the-counter medications (this includes cough drops and Tylenol). In general, the medication should be kept in the Health Office, unless otherwise arranged through the nurse. If there are questions about these regulations, please call Mrs. Toucan in our Health Office (435-6256). PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS All students are required to comply with the New York State health guidelines. Complete physical examinations done by their family physician or by the school physician are required for students entering our district for the first time and those in third grade. A physical examination form is available at the SBHC clinic office. This form can be completed by the school physician or a family physician. LOST AND FOUND If any materials are lost during the school year, follow these steps: Check the Lost and Found area in the Main Lobby as soon as possible. Check with the Main Office, in case your item was returned there. Lost items can be returned more easily if books, clothing, and other items are labeled. Twice each year, unclaimed articles will be donated. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC When a student is in the third or fourth grade, there is the opportunity to play a musical instrument. Instrumental lessons are given during the school day by Mrs. Ryder. All fourth grade students will receive a letter in late summer to explain the program and highlight dates for enrollment. An informational meeting for parents of interested students is held each September. LEAVING SCHOOL BUILDING AND GROUND Students may not leave the school building without supervision. Children may not leave the school grounds. Students who ride buses to school are under our care and supervision upon boarding the bus. They are to report directly to school upon arrival to school. Students leaving campus will be considered in violation of the Code of Conduct. DISCRIMINATION POLICY The Syracuse City School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, ethnic background, religion, creed, country of origin, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability in the educational programs and activities which it operates. The district will identify, evaluate, and provide an appropriate public education to students who are disabled within the meaning of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Any parent who believes his or her child is disabled has the right to refer the child to the building principal for evaluation. No otherwise qualified individual with a disability solely on the basis of that disability, shall be denied benefits of, or be subject to discrimination from, any program or activity of the district. SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES Special education services are designed to help children with educational disabilities. These children are the responsibility of the district’s Committee on Special Education and are identified through referrals. Questions on special education should be addressed to the school psychologist. Mr. Maney is a support staff member for families of students with special needs. His phone is: 435-4156. PARENT CONFERENCES Days are set aside in late fall for parent conferences for grades 2-5. Teachers will schedule individual times with parents to discuss progress and answer questions. Regular communication between parents and teachers is important to foster student achievement. Parents are encouraged to visit schools and to meet with teachers. Prior notice is important to properly plan for any parentteacher conference. Parents can request a conference with the principal or individual teacher by calling the office at 435-4540. Please do not hesitate to call your child’s teacher if you have a question about your child’s progress or program. PARENT VOLUNTEERS AND GUIDELINES Volunteers are welcome in classrooms, the library, and the computer lab and on field trips. The staff at Delaware Academy recognizes the valuable contribution of our parent volunteers. We encourage all parents to become involved as volunteers to assist with the educational programs at our school. Open House Events are a good opportunity to sign up for a variety of events or activities for which you want to volunteer. If you wish to volunteer or would like further information, please call the office at (435-4540) or contact your child’s teacher. Planning and Arrival o Are responsible for their scheduled time and should notify the school staff if unable to find a substitute and therefore cannot commit. o May not bring siblings or other children with them while volunteering. o Must turn off cellular phones while volunteering in the building. o Report to the office to sign in and out. o Wear a Delaware Academy volunteer ID badge while in the building. In the Classroom o Work under the direction of the school staff. Please recognize that all instruction and discipline are the responsibility of the school staff. o Communicate with the Delaware Academy staff to ensure clear expectations of the assigned activity. o Treat all students with fairness, honesty, patience and kindness. o Set a good example by being courteous and respectful of the students and staff at Delaware Academy. o Respect the privacy of students and school staff by not divulging confidential information. o Should not place themselves in situations where they are alone with a student. On a Field Trip (continued) Supervise students at all times. As a chaperone, you will be responsible for supervising a small group of children, helping them learn and making sure they behave appropriately. Students must stay with their chaperone at all times. Chaperones must be readily available, be mindful of safety concerns and respond to student needs. Student safety is the primary concern at all times. Know what to do in an emergency (medical emergency, natural emergency, lost child, serious breach of rule, etc.). As a chaperone, you will be provided the phone number of the teacher in charge in case any problems or concerns arise. The teacher will know who is first aid trained, where the first aid kit is and will have copies of the parental permission slips with emergency phone numbers and medical information. PERSONAL ITEMS Any personal items that are brought to school should be labeled with the student’s first and last name. We discourage students from bringing valuable items to school. Classrooms do not have a secure place to store such items; therefore, we cannot be responsible for damage or loss. PESTICIDE USE AND NOTIFICATION The Syracuse City School District utilizes an Integrated Pest Management Program in an attempt to eliminate pest hazards. Pesticides will only be used as a last resort. The district maintains a list of persons in parental relation, faculty and staff who wish to receive 48-hour prior written notification of certain pesticide applications. The following pesticide applications are not subject to prior notification requirements: anti-microbial products; nonvolatile rodenticides in tamper-resistant bait stations in areas inaccessible to children; silica gels and other nonvolatile ready-to-use pastes, foams, or gels in areas inaccessible to children; boric acid and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate; the application of EPA designated biopesticides; the use of aerosol products with a directed spray in containers of 18 fluid ounces or less when used to protect individuals from an imminent threat from stinging and biting insects including venomous spiders, bees, wasps, and hornets; and a pesticide application where a building remains unoccupied for a continuous 72 hours. In the event of an emergency application necessary to protect against an imminent threat to human health, a good faith effort will be made to supply written notification to those on the 48-hour prior notification list. are scheduled to occur in your school, please contact us. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Students in grades 2-5 attend physical education class every other day. Physical education requires that students wear sneakers. Swimming instruction requires students bring a swim suit, towel and plastic bag. There is a collection of donated sneakers, swim suits and towels in the gymnasium and locker room for students to borrow if they should forget. You may donate outgrown sneakers or bathing suits to support students in need. A medical excuse from class participation in physical education is allowed for one day when written by a parent. Excuses for more than one day must be based upon a statement from a physician. After an injury or illness requiring medical treatment, it is necessary for a student to obtain a medical release before returning to active participation in physical education. TIMED OUT STATUS OF DELAWARE ACADEMY Please make an appointment with Mrs. Lowe if you would like to discuss our schools designation and your options surrounding the Timed Out Status of Delaware Academy. RECESS Children will have recess outdoors on most days. We ask that families plan appropriate clothing for each day’s weather conditions. A doctor’s note is required for a student to be excused from outdoor recess. General Rules o o o o o o o o o o Wear proper clothing for outdoors. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Use good language. Play on the playground, away from classroom window and fences. Take turns and share the playground equipment. Follow game rules. Slides: One at a time, feet first. Swings: Seated. Keep a safe distance from equipment when it is being used. Line up as soon as called. REPORT CARDS AND CONFERENCES The staff attempts to provide parents with a clear understanding of the student’s academic and personal development during the course of the school year. Our reporting system consists of report cards and parent conferences. Every 10 weeks, all students in grades 2-5 will receive a report card. Check the school or district calendars for dates that report cards will be sent home. Teachers in grades 2-5 will schedule parent conferences in November and/or December or at any time desired by the parent. SCHOOL SENTRY AND BEHAVIORAL SUPPORT The primary responsibility of the School Sentry is to serve as a mentor and role model for Delaware Academy students. The Behavior Intervention Specialist (Ms. Mahapatra) will educate and mentor students on the school district’s Code of Conduct. The sentry will also talk with students about acceptable behaviors and help them to understand the consequences of unacceptable behaviors, according to the district’s code. For teachers and staff members, the Support Staff (ISS TA, Sentry, BIC Room Specialist) will all serve as resources, helping to nurture our students and prepare them for success inside and outside the classroom. SCHOOL MESSENGER SchoolMessenger is utilized by the Syracuse City School District to notify parents and staff of upcoming school events, emergency situations, closings and delays, etc. SchoolMessenger allows the district and each of its schools to send messages via telephone. This system is replacing the paper-based system formerly used by the district to contact parents/guardians. SCHOOL SPIRIT DAYS Throughout the year, students and staff will enjoy a number of spirit days to celebrate special occasions, sports events and character education. Hats, favorite sportswear, and occasionally costumes are permitted. Notification of all spirit days is sent home. SCHOOL WEBSITE All Delaware Academy students and parents have access to the school website. The web-based system allows parents to current information related to our school community. www.scsd/delaware SIGN IN/SIGN OUT To maintain a safe environment, we have established the following procedures. Bringing students after the day has started: Go to the office to sign your child in. He/she will be given a late pass. Student will be sent to his/her classroom. Picking up students before the end of the day: Go to the Main Office to sign your child out. Office staff will call the classroom to have your child released. Present ID. Wait in the office area for your child to arrive from the classroom. Picking up students at the end of the day: Dismissal is at 2:00 p.m. Please wait on the playground for student dismissal. Prompt arrival for pick up is essential. SMOKING Smoking is prohibited at all times in all school district buildings and vehicles and on all school grounds. SNACKS Students are provided snacks during the afterschool school day. Each Classroom teacher may determine a time in the classroom for the snacks. SPECIAL AREAS OF INSTRUCTION All students in grades 2-5 take physical education, music and art, library and computer. Students have computer instruction in the computer lab and in the classrooms during the school year. Please watch the book bag for passwords to access your child’s computer account from home. This could be an opportunity for additional home supported learning like homework. SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES Special education services are designed to help children with educational disabilities. These children are the responsibility of the district’s Committee on Special Education and are identified through referrals. Questions on special education should be addressed to the school psychologist. Mr. Maney is a support staff member for families of students with special needs. His phone is: 435-4156. TESTING Students in grade three take New York State Assessments for English/Language Arts and Mathematics. Students in grade four take the New York State Assessments in English / Language Arts, Mathematics and Science. The Science Assessment has a written and a performance component. Students In grades five take New York State Assessments for English/ Language Arts and Mathematics. A Net testing will be completed three times this year. Results will be shared with families shortly after the exam roll out. TOYS/TECHNOLOGY Children should not bring toys/technology for use on the bus, during lunch or at other school activities. These items are not permitted during the school day unless they are part of a classroom request and/or celebration. Misuse of toys/technology by students will result in confiscation by the teacher or administration. USE OF STUDENT PHOTOS Throughout the school year, photographs will be taken of students to be used in Syracuse City School district print publications, posted on the district’s website and Facebook page, shared via the district’s Twitter account and to be distributed via press releases to local news media. Parents who do not wish to have their child’s photograph used in these outlets should indicate so on the Student Emergency Information Card that is sent home to parents/guardians at the beginning of the school year. Contact the school’s main office if you have questions. VACATIONS Some families have asked that we provide work for students who are on vacation when school is in session. We believe that part of each child’s education occurs within the context of classroom instruction, interaction, and activities that cannot be replicated outside of the classroom With this in mind, we would like to recommend activities that may enhance your child’s vacation experience such as creating a book of experiences from the trip; making a collection of photographs or other memorabilia, or reading books and practicing math facts. Please note that family vacations are not considered excused absences. VISITORS To ensure a safe learning environment for all students, please be reminded that all visitors must sign in at the main office upon arrival to school, present photo identification and receive a scanned identification badge to wear. Any school work, treats or other items for students should be left in the office for pick up by the teacher or student. Parents and other visitors should not go directly to a classroom to make deliveries or to pick up a child. Teachers cannot be interrupted during instructional time but also, it is an unsafe practice for visitors to be moving through the building throughout the day. Parents and others, with building principal approval and teacher notification, may visit the classroom during regular instruction. The building principal is encouraged to be present. WEBSITE The district website contains a wealth of important information and updates. Please check our website at Handbook Acknowledgement and Receipt I. I, GUARDIAN AND STUDENT have read the student Code of Conduct expectations and understand the policies. II. I, GUARDIAN AND STUDENT have read the New York State Compulsory School Attendance Law and I understand the possible consequences and penalties for non-compliance. III. I, GUARDIAN AND STUDENT, also understand that Delaware Academy is NOT responsible for children left on school grounds before 7:40 a.m. and after 2:00 p.m. unless students are participating in a teacher supervised extra-curricular activity. IV. I, GUARDIAN AND STUDENT understand that the SCSD and NYS recognize the importance of providing a safe school environment so that students can learn and mature without fear of violence or intimidation and without disruption from unruly students. V. I, GUARDIAN AND STUDENT, acknowledge that a copy of the Student Behavior Code has been distributed to my child. I understand that these rules govern my child’s behavior at school for certain off campus behavior and provide sanctions for misbehavior, including expulsion. I have been the familiarizing myself with the contents of it. VI. I, GUARDIAN AND STUDENT, understand that if my child is a chronic disciplinary problem, I will be requested by my child’s principal to observe my child in the classroom and to attend a conference to devise a disciplinary and behavioral corrective plan. VII. I, GUARDIAN, also understand that I have an invitation to visit and observe my child’s classroom. VIII. I, GUARDIAN, am aware of the school calendar and that grade reports are sent home every 10 weeks. IX. I, GUARDIAN, have read the parental responsibilities section in the handbook. X. I, GUARDIAN AND STUDENT, understand and agree to follow internet use & guidelines in a legal and ethical manner. My child has permission to access the Internet at school. I understand that if my child denied access to these computer privileges and face other disciplinary procedures. ______________________________ _______________________________ Student Name (Please Print) Parent/Guardian’s Name _______________________________ ______________________________ Student Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature _______________________________ ______________________________ Address Phone