04.17.09 – THE CAROLINGIANS CAROLINGIAN RENAISSANCE: CLOISTER: an open court yard with columns that run all the way around it and hallways to connect them The franks arrive in the fifth century – choose as their site – Paris – their kings settles down and believes in Christianity The kings of the Franks – the most famous is Charlemagne – Charles the great - he has the pope crown him This is a Christian empire They all claim to have been chosen by god EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT OF CHARLEMAGNE(?) - THE CAROLINGIANS Portrait of a Carolingian king – these kings want to restore the empire This is the king on horseback and has an orb on his hand – claiming to be a world ruler This is based on images like “The Equestrian” This is made of bronze and has a lot of silver incorporated into it This is not a true portrait – generic features – drapery is pretty simple The horse is simple and plump looking – not as detailed This image is 9.5 inches tall PALATINE CHAPEL, AACHEN - THE CAROLINGIANS Today this site is Germany Carolingian calls this second capital of Rome This is really the only monument that survives This is the chapel of the capital that he builds Looks like the layout of San Vitale There is a second story and has a dome over the center This has a sort of heavy simple look inside it Corinthian columns – these are spoils that were brought up from Italy This whole building is reused materials from earlier buildings This central space is used for the congregation The second floor is reserved for the king where there is a throne lodge The second floor alters are dedicated to the virgin Mary and the Christ TORHALLE (GATEHOUSE), LORSCH - THE CAROLINGIANS The Carolingians and the church work together For the emperors the church is a major support They are trying to keep records and the only people who can read and write are members of the church Many religious communities just give their land to the king This a piece of land that belonged to a royal Abbey – there would have been monks that lived here This is in Germany where it snows This is the gateway that was used when the emperor came to visit Ionic Corinthian columns – they are imitating Roman triumphal arches like Constantine’s PLAN FOR MONASTERY AT SAINT GALL - THE CAROLINGIANS During this time we really don’t have a lot of cities Most people have to support themselves One of the communities and large groups that survives is the Christian monasteries They are a center for religion and economic issues, etc. The church was trying to come up with a plan that would make all the monasteries look similar This is the original plan made on calf skin and has red writing It is drawn to scale Earliest ground plan that survives – made by an architect and for other architects Shown self sufficiency – you can’t rely on outside people Most important thing in plan is the church in the center There are large towers that mark the church so from far away people can see where the church is Church is a weird shape – there is an altar at both ends They salvaged columns from earlier buildings Open timber roof Right next to the church is where the monks reside and live the majority of their lives – they have direct connection with the church because they pray a lot of the day There is a huge wine and beer cellar Animal sheds for food, mill for grain grinding; there is a huge kitchen w/ bakery or beer, hostile for guests, guests houses for important people, school, abbots house, garden specializing in herbs, cemetery, etc. ST. MATTHEW, CORONATION GOSPELS - THE CAROLINGIANS This is a little gospel book – the first four books of the new testament This book may have been buried with Charlemagne Little book – 9 inches high This is made of animal skin Very luxurious This is the name caught in the process of writing the bible The style of this figure – very fancy but outdoors His clothing looks almost like a toga The only thing showing this a s a sacred figure is the halo around his head This image looks like a roman figure