Follow the Circulatory System

A. Describe the purpose of the respiratory system
B. List & describe the structures of the respiratory
C. Describe the respiratory cycle, frequency, and factors
that effect respiration in animals
D. Label the parts of the circulatory system
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the
circulatory system
A horse must win:
1-Kentucky Derby
2- Belmont Stakes
3- Preakness
A. Describe the purpose of the respiratory system
Function of Respiratory System
1. To obtain and use oxygen
2. To eliminate carbon dioxide
B. List & describe the structures of the respiratory system
1. Nostrils
 Also called
 Paired, external openings
 Separated
by nasal septum
B. List & describe the structures of the respiratory system
1. Nostrils cont’d
 a.
Species Differences
 i Horse--Very Pliable and Dilatable
 ii. Pig--Rigid
B. List & describe the structures of the respiratory system
2. Nasal Cavities
 Paired
 Separated
by Nasal Septum, and from
mouth by palate
3. Pharynx
 Common pathway for air and food
B. List & describe the structures of the respiratory system
4. Larynx
 "Voice Box"
 Organ of Phonation (Sound Production)
 Sound produced by controlled passage of air
which causes vibration of vocal chords
 Syrinx
Voice Box for Birds
Located where trachea divides from bronchi
Vibrating Muscles
B. List & describe the structures of the respiratory system
5. Trachea
 Primary passage way to
 Cartilage Rings prevent
collapse of airway
6. Alveoli
 Principle site of gaseous
diffusion between air and
B. List & describe the structures of the respiratory system
7. Lungs
 Principle Organ of
Respiratory System
 Paired, found in
a. Thorax expansion causes Lung
Pig Lungs Video
Human Lungs
Respiratory System
B. List & describe the structures of the respiratory system
Right Bronchus
Right Lobes
Left Bronchus
Left Lobes
C. Describe the respiratory cycle, frequency, and factors that
effect respiration in animals
Respiratory Cycle:
 1.
 A. Intake of air
 B. Enlargement of thorax and lungs
 C. Diaphragm pulls down creating
negative air pressure
C. Describe the respiratory cycle, frequency, and factors that
effect respiration in animals
Respiratory Cycle:
 2.
 A. Removal of air
 B. Contains mostly Carbon Dioxide
 C. Diaphragm pushes UP
C. Describe the respiratory cycle, frequency, and factors that
effect respiration in animals
 A. Number of Respiratory Cycles per minute
 B. Factors affecting Respiratory Frequency
Horse 12
Cow 29
Pig 40
Sheep 25
 b.
Species variations
Body Size
--Heavy animals breath heavier
C. Describe the respiratory cycle, frequency, and factors that
effect respiration in animals
Frequency Cont’d
 c.
-Younger less
 d.
 e.
 f.
Environmental Temperature
-Faster in heat (panting)
C. Describe the respiratory cycle, frequency, and factors that
effect respiration in animals
Frequency Cont’d
 g.
 h.
 I.
Degree of filling of Intestine
State of health
--Disease increases
Circulation Video
D. Label the parts of the circulatory system
Red = Oxygenated
Blue = Deoxygenated
Superior Vena Cava
Left Atrium
Right Atrium
Semilunar Valve
Tricuspid Valve
Mitral Valve
Left Ventricle
Perkinge Fibers
Right Ventricle
Inferior Vena Cava
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Circulatory System
System is a closed
circuit path
Blood cells follow
this path over, and
over, and over
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
 Thin walled blood
 Site of gas exchange
 Microscopic in size
 Every inch of your
body is covered in
hundreds of
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
 Pathway of blood headed
BACK to the heart
 Always deoxygenated
Small Veins are
called Venules
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
Vena Cava
Where blood
ENTERS heart
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
4-Right Atrium
1st Chamber of the
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
5-Tricuspid Valve
 Thin walled blood
 Site of gas exchange
 Microscopic in size
 Every inch of your body
is covered in hundreds
of capillaries
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
6-Purkinje Fibers
 Prevent backflow of
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
7-Right Ventricle
 2nd Chamber of heart
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
8-Semilunar Valve
 Deoxygenated blood
LEAVES the heart
through this valve
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
 Blood is oxygenated by
 Oxygen exchange takes
place by passing from
the alveoli (respiratory
system) to the capillaries
(circulatory system)
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
10-Left Atrium
 3rd Chamber
blood re enters
the heart
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
11-Mitral Valve
 Valve between LEFT
atrium & ventricle
Left Atrium
Mitral Valve
Named because it looks
like a Miter’s hat
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
12-Left Ventricle
 Last (4th) chamber
of the heart before
blood leaves the
heart through
Left Ventricle
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
 LARGE Blood
passageways that
blood AWAY from
the heart
E. Follow the path of a blood cell through the circulatory system
Follow the Circulatory System
 Here is where the
process starts all
 Junction between
arteries and veins
Trivia Question:
Which species of animal has a
“second heart?”
 The frog is an important part of the horse's
circulatory system — it pumps blood up the
horse's leg each time the frog makes contact
with the ground. The blood flows down the
horse's leg into the digital cushion, a
fibrous part of the inner hoof located just
above the frog which contains a network of
blood vessels. The horse's weight then
compresses the frog on the ground,
squeezing the blood out of the digital
cushion, and pushing it back up the horse's
Tell me everything you
know about the horse
racing industry
 Name 2 purposes of the respiratory system
 Compare the structure of the “nares” of the
horse and the pig
 What is the name of the voice box?
 What is the name of the rooster’s voice box?
 List the pathway of an air molecule from the
time it enters the nasal passages til it
reaches the alveoli.
Bellwork 11-17-09
Sketch a diagram of the
Include the bronchus,
bronchioles, alveoli, etc.
 Name the 4 chambers of the heart in the order that
blood passes through them
 What valve connects the right atrium and ventricle?
 What valve connects the left atrium and ventricle?
 What structure is the site of gas (oxygen) exchange?
 What is the definition of a vein?
 What is the definition of an artery?
 What is the only vein in the body that carries
oxygenated blood?
Describe the path of
“Robbie” the red blood cell as
he travels from a capillary,
back to the heart and ends up
in a capillary again.