Chapter 3 - Body Systems


Chapter 3 - Body Systems

Study Sheet

1. Why does your brain send a message to the diaphragm and rib

muscles telling them to breathe when you hold your breath?

Carbon dioxide builds up in the blood

2. What type of blood vessel takes blood from cells back to the

heart? vein

3. What is the transportation system of the body? Circulatory

4. Which organs send chemicals to the small intestine to help

digest food? Pancreas and Liver

5. When does digestion begin? When the teeth grind the food

6. What tasks do the kidneys perform? Clean the blood, regulate

the level of salt in the blood, & control the level of water

in the blood.

7. What does the body make in greater numbers in response to

an infection? White blood cells

8. Which organ stores a mix of wastes and water until the mix of

wastes and water is ready to leave the body? Urinary bladder

9. Which system in the body is involved in removing wastes?

Urinary system

10. What is around the wall of each air sac in the lungs?

A web of capillaries

11. How does food move through the esophagus? Rings of muscles

push food down the esophagus

12. What do the villi in the small intestine do? They provide more

surface area to absorb food.

13. Be able to label the ventricles and the atriums of the heart.

14. Be able to label the parts of the respiratory system.

Short Answer:

15. Where do the respiratory and the circulatory systems work

together? Explain how the two systems interact with each

other at this location. Explain what happens to the

circulatory system if the respiratory system does not

function properly. The respiratory and circulatory systems

work together in the chest. In the chest, oxygen is

delivered to the blood as the carbon dioxide is dropped off

to be expelled. If the respiratory system is not working

properly, then the circulatory system cannot deliver

enough oxygen to the body. Without enough oxygen, the

organs cannot function properly.

16 . How do the urinary and the circulatory systems work

together? The urinary system cleans the blood in the

circulatory system. The kidneys clean the blood and

control the amount of salt, water, and other substances

in the blood.
