Course Title: United States Government - jheitman

Course Title: United States Government
Contact Info:
ROOM 607
Course Website:
Course Description:
This course is a survey of the U.S. Government structure, systems and political processes
focusing on constitutional structures and foundations. Content will include factors that influence
U.S. Government. This course prepares students to become responsible/aware members of
American society.
This course will also prepare you for the United States Constitution Test and the Missouri State
Constitution Test (Missouri State Graduation requirements); as well as the United States
Government End of Course Exam.
Required Materials:
Students are expected to bring to class daily: a writing utensil, paper or notebook, a folder to
keep assignments in, and the course textbook.
U.S Government and Politics is a core academic course for graduation. Students in their pursuit
of developing civic competence will develop an understanding of structure of power, authority,
governance and their evolving function in contemporary U.S. society. Through the study of U.S.
Government and Politics, a student will continue to develop their reading, writing, and critical
thinking skills that will provide leverage and value in other academic disciplines and provide
enduring skills for life beyond high school.
Course Objectives:
1. Students will identify their roles in civic life, politics, and government.—1st Quarter
2. Students will identify the foundations of the American political system.—1st Quarter
3. Students will understand how the government established by the Constitution embodies the
purposes, values, and principles of American democracy.—2nd Quarter
4. Students will understand the relationship of the United States to other nations and to world
affairs.—3rd Quarter
5. Students will identify their roles in American democracy.—3rd Quarter
6. Students will become familiar with current events at the local, state, national, and international
levels as they relate to government and how it functions.—4th Quarter
7. Students will register to vote and participate in local elections.—4th Quarter
Course Outline/Goals:
I. Foundations of American Government/Federal Constitution—1st Quarter
II. The Legislative Branch –2nd Quarter
III. The Executive Branch—2nd Quarter
IV. The Judicial Branch—2nd Quarter
V. State and Local Government/Missouri Constitution—3rd Quarter
VI. Liberty and Justice For All—3rd Quarter
VII. Participating in Government—4th Quarter
VIII. EOC/Current U.S. Policies—4th Quarter
Upon completion of U.S. Government, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate the ability to interpret maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams.
2. Demonstrate research skills (use of databases, evaluation of websites, and use of primary
3. Demonstrate a working knowledge and understanding of the foundations of American
Government (political tradition, principles, and values; Declaration of Independence,
Constitution, Bill of Rights).
4. Demonstrate evaluative skills and understanding of political behavior, civic responsibility, and
the political landscape (political parties, voters and voter behavior, electoral process, media and
public opinion, interest groups).
5. Exhibit intensive comprehension of the legislative branch (Congress, Expressed/Implied
powers, committees, legislative process, and amendment process).
6. Establish and show profound knowledge and analysis of the executive branch.
7. Show a basic understanding of the composition and function of the judicial branch.
8. Provide verbal/written evidence of awareness of contemporary politics.
Methods of Evaluation: The Percentage System will be used for calculation of final grades in
this class. Your grade will be made up of points on tests, quizzes, essays, projects, debate and
Grading Procedure: 60%--Assessments 40%--Practice (examples: questions, projects)
**(20% of Semester 2 grade will be the EOC)**
Grading Scale: See Canton High School Handbook
Homework Policy: All work handed in, or make up work completed past the assignment’s
deadline will handled according to the guidelines listed in the Canton High School Student
Handbook: Homework handed in the next day (after due date) by 8:30am will receive 50%
credit. Any work turned in after 8:30am will receive a 0.
Test Policy: All make-up tests will be handled according to the guidelines listed in the Canton
High School Handbook: “Students will be allowed four (4) school days to make up tests and
quizzes from the date the test was given, regardless of whether or not if they were absent
for part of the time period. A zero will be entered in the grade book until the test has been
completed. If the test/quiz is not made up during this time frame, the student will receive
zero (0) credit”.
Classroom Discipline Plan: An Ideal Learning Environment
Students are expected to be punctual and attend class regularly. Student participation and effort
are vital to their success in this American Government course. All assignments are expected to
be turned in on time. Delinquent work and substandard classroom behavior will be treated
according to the policies outlined in the Canton High School Student Handbook. I am a
proponent of Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. However, classroom disruptions are a
waste of valuable instruction time. Therefore classroom management will proceed as follows:
Individual or Group Warning
Final Warning and Change of assigned seat and education plan
Detention and Notification of Parent/Guardian; or Office Referral
 Students are expected to be on time to class and bring all necessary items daily.
 This is an American Government class so you are expected to be working on that
and only that unless you have everything done, and have my permission!
 Don’t talk when I am and treat others with respect.
 This is not a binding contract and the instructor reserves all rights to change any
aspect of the course to produce a more effective learning environment.
Signature Section:
Please read this course syllabus carefully, and if you have any questions call or email Mr.
Heitman at the high school. This slip must be signed by both the student and a parent or
guardian, and returned to Mr. Heitman by August 29, 2014. Please keep the syllabus for
your records.
I have read and understood the above course syllabus.
Student signature and date
Parent(s)/Guardian signature and date