U.S. Government Mrs. Topping Room 314 Contact Information: Extension 1314 E-mail mtopping@lindberghschools.ws Voice Mail 1801 I check my e-mail several times a day. My planning time is from 12:40 – 1:30. Please feel free to contact me during that time. Course Prerequisites: To be enrolled in this class, students must have a current SSD evaluation and IEP, as well as recommendation of the IEP team. Content: We will be studying U.S. and Missouri constitutions, politics, economics, and citizenship. *As part of this course, and a State of Missouri graduation requirement, all students will be required to pass a U.S. and Missouri Constitution test. Our essential questions are: What is the purpose and role of government and politics in society? What does it mean to be a good citizen? How can people become involved in affecting their government? Homework: There will generally not be homework for this class with exception of occasional projects. Class time will be provided to complete classroom assignments and prepare for exams. An ongoing review of current events will be included in this course of study. Textbook: We will use a variety of texts and materials. Classroom copies will be available, students will not be assigned copies. Students will use study guides and study aids that I provide. Required Materials: 1. Pocket Folder 2. Spiral notebook 3. Pen/pencil Grading: Students will be graded equally on: 1. Classroom assignments 2. Participation and cooperation 3. Quiz and test scores Semester grades are the sum of all points earned divided by points possible. A = 100 – 90% B = 89 – 80% D = 69 – 60% F = 59 – 0% C = 79 – 70% Citizenship and Effort: 1=above average, 2=average, 3=improvement needed Class Expectations: All building and district rules will be adhered to. In addition, my classroom expectations are based on my belief that classroom expectations are closely related to life expectations and coordinate with our character pillars. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be on time Be prepared Participate Show respect Be responsible The following 6 character pillars will be reinforced in the classroom as well: Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship Detentions: Students will be assigned detentions per the building guidelines. They will have two weeks to serve their detentions. As a special note, most detentions result from excessive tardies. It is extremely important that students arrive to class on time so they do not miss important information and instructional time. We have a lot of material to cover in a semester’s time, so it is essential that we make the most of our time. Attendance is another important issue. It is critical that students attend school on a regular basis and adhere to district attendance guidelines. Though the contents of this course are modified, it is very easy for students to fall behind due to excessive absences. We complete daily assignments together as a class and make-up work must be completed individually, so attendance is crucial. Students will receive a zero for the day’s activity for unexcused absences. In addition, per district guidelines, students will not receive credit for the course if absences exceed 5 days per semester. Interventions: Parents will be contacted regarding concerns including, but not limited to, excessive absences or lack of academic progress. Parents are encouraged to communicate directly with me if they have concerns as well. Interventions: Parents will be contacted regarding concerns including, but not limited to, excessive absences or lack of academic progress. Parents are encouraged to communicate directly with me if they have concerns as well. This course is modified in its content and pace to address a variety of learning styles. I look forward to working with your student this year! Mary Topping