NWIUG / Google Analytics

NWIUG / Google Analytics
Sara Amato / Bowdoin College
Bill Kelm / Willamette University
(...and thanks to Rebekah Kilzer
The Ohio State University Libraries
kilzer.2@osu.edu and the iii listerv....)
Today's Goals
Intended Audience: If you are wondering WHAT IS Google
Analytics, and are interested in usage statistics for your OPAC,
you are in the right session
• Google Analytics: what is it?
• How do you set it up?
• What information does it provide?
What is Google Analytics
"Google Analytics is a full-featured, powerful analytics
Track usage, entry points, searches, etc. via a web based
interface. Reports can be viewed, emailed and exported.
This free version is limited to 5 million pageviews a month
Privacy Policy & Terms of Service :
You will have and abide by an appropriate privacy policy and will comply with all applicable laws relating to the collection of
information from visitors to Your websites. You must post a privacy policy and that policy must provide notice of your use of a
cookie that collects anonymous traffic data.
Set Up
1. Sign up for Google Analytics account
2. Add javascript to all site pages (botlogo)
Also add to resserv_panel.html if you want to collect link
resolver statistics
Set Up
Apply js code to all site pages / use botlogo loaded last
<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ?
"https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost +
"google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxx-x");
Cached / No Bots!
Google Analytics Dashboard (1)
Google Analytics Dashboard (2)
Vistitor Info - What Browsers
Willamette Catalog Uses
State Library Usage - Across the State
Willamette Using Awstats
Subject guide usage
Willamette Using Google Analytics
Subject Guide Usage
Willamette's Other Uses
Journal Title Finder - Subject Searches
Willamette's Other Uses
Library Web Site - Referring Page
Willamette Catalog Uses
Patron Information - monitor renewals/holds
- Hide the Patron Id
Filters can be used to
include/exclude domains,
directories, or to change
incoming url info
- Hide the Patron Id
Bowdoin: from BLACKBOARD!
worldcat .4% , google .3%
Content Drilldown - Scopes
~7 - gov docs - 0.07%
~6 - journals - 3.89%
~5 - Electronic Resources - 0.15%
~4 - music scores - 0.24%
~3 - tapes/lps/cds - 1.28%
~2 - dvd/video - 0.99%
~1 - all - 63.19%
But wait, that doesn't add up to 100%!
/search/ & /patroninfo/ were most of rest of it, but....
/record=b2266163&searchscope=1 -- looks like the new books
Are they using the New Book List
Search Terms
Excluding reserves.....
Webbridge SIDs - google vs. webfeat
Tracking Outbound Links
...add the following attribute to the link's tag:
<a href="http://www.syndetics.com" onClick="javascript:
Important: if your pages include a call to _trackPageview, _setAllowLinker
_trackTrans(), your Analytics tracking code must be placed in your HTML code
above any of these calls. In these cases the tracking code can be placed
anywhere between the opening <body> tag and the JavaScript call.
Might work ... definitely for our script generated links, not sure about bibimages
Presentation Available Online at: