Using the Flashcard Template Copy the presentation to your hard drive. There are two sets of templates: Slides #3 & 4 are for identifying terms Slides #5 & 6 are for learning definitions Open the slides using slide sorter and copy either set of slides for each term/definition you are going to construct. Go to each slide and substitute the text with the proper terms or definitions. Delete this slide (slide #1) after you are done. Save the file. FLASH CARDS Analog Click for Definition Analog use a continuous range of values to represent information. Analog Click for Definition Digital Click for Definition Using discrete (discontinuous) values, usually but not always symbolized numerically (hence called "digital") to represent information for input, processing, transmission, storage, etc. Digital Click for Definition Linear Editing Click for Definition The process of selecting, arranging and modifying the images and sound recorded on videotape. Linear Editing Click for Definition Zoom Click for Definition Is the cropping of an image down to a centered area with the same aspect ratio as the original Zoom Click for Definition Focus Click for Definition The adjustment for distinct vision ; also : the area that may be seen distinctly or resolved into a clear image. Focus Click for Definition 2 Dimensional Effect Click for Definition 2 Dimensional Refers to objects that are constructed on two planes (X and Y, height and width, row and column, etc.). (Flat Objects) 2 D Effect Click for Definition 3 Dimensional Effect Click for Definition 3 Dimensional objects are constructed on three planes (X, Y and Z) (Items can be rotated into different views) 3 Dimensional Effect Click for Definition