NSP II 15-118: Salisbury University: Faculty Toolkits

Toolkits and Standardized
Patient Experiences:
Developing Core
Psychiatric Mental Health
Nursing Skills
Debra Webster Ed.D, RNBC, CNE
NSP II Grant
Student Anxiety
Stigma of Mental Illness
Traditional Methods of Instruction
Limited Clinical Placements
Random Patient Encounters
Core Skills
• Year 1
Professional Boundaries and
Therapeutic Communication
Managing Hallucinations and
Assessing Suicidal Behavior
Tool Kit 1 – Student Assignment
Title – Therapeutic Communication
and Professional Boundaries
At the completion of this clinical experience, the student will be able
1. Discuss how empathy, genuineness, and positive regard impact the
nurse-patient relationship
2. Compare and contrast therapeutic versus social relationships
3. Define transference and countertransference
4. Identify factors that affect communication
5. Identify and discuss therapeutic and non-therapeutic
communication techniques
6. Demonstrate effective therapeutic communication techniques
Pre-Assignment activities
Read Chapters 8 and 9 in Halter, M. J. (2014). Varcarolis’ Foundations
of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach. Elsevier St.
Louis: Missouri. (Or selected psychiatric nursing textbook).
Video Vignette Client Description
25 year- old Miss Jones currently shares an apartment with two
female roommates. She completed two years of college but
dropped out due to issues of anxiety. She continues to struggle
with anxiety daily and has difficulty in social situations. This has
led to difficulty in maintaining a job. She currently works parttime for an online company taking orders for products. She has
been hospitalized once in the past for mental health issues. Her
psychiatrist prescribed anti-anxiety medication and she has been
in outpatient treatment for the past year. Miss P has one older
sister and there is a family history of both anxiety and depression.
Her maternal aunt committed suicide at the age of 40 and her
maternal grandmother was hospitalized with depression in her
early 30s. Miss P. presents to the outpatient clinic this morning
with complaints of increased anxiety, worry, and difficulty
sleeping. She appears jittery and is having difficulty focusing.
Directions - Watch video vignette and complete the following written
assignment. Submit to clinical faculty.
1. Write a one to two page reflection about your feelings about working
with an individual with mental illness.
2. Answer the following questions:
a. What is transference?
b. What is countertransference?
c. Did you observe any issues of transference or countertransference
in the video? Discuss in detail what you observed.
d. Identify at least three therapeutic communication techniques
used by nurse in video. Be specific as to naming the technique
and what the nurse said.
e. Identify two non-therapeutic communication techniques used by
nurse in video. Be specific naming the technique and what the
nurse said. Provide a modification as to what the nurse could
have said to make the interaction therapeutic in these examples.
Suggested Post-Clinical
• Role Play
• Case Study
• Year 2
Setting Limits with Manic Patients
Managing Addiction and Withdrawal
Communicating with Individuals with
The Standardized Patient
• Video Recorded
• Live Viewing with Feedback
• Group Debriefing
Where From Here
Refinement of Feedback Rubrics
Web Access of Toolkits
Development of Additional Toolkits
Presentations and Publications
Research Studies
Thanks for your participation.