Presentations Shemesentations Improving Your Presentation Skills Computing & Information Technology Professional Development Group December 19th, 2013 -Bob Orrange -UB Career Services Words of Wisdom “It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.” -- Mark Twain Words of Wisdom “…four weeks, if there’s PowerPoint involved.” -- Bob Orrange Words of Wisdom “…five weeks, if there’s Prezi.” Some Quick Tips Say who you are! Be yourself! Use the microphone!!!! Choose the tools that are best for you and your information (e.g. PowerPoint vs. Prezi). Be the best-dressed one in the room! Talk with the audience beforehand. Have audience members help you. Let the audience complete your sentence! Some Quick Tips Say things like, “These are the keys issues” and “This is important.” Don’t speak while the audience is reading or looking at audio-visuals. Deliver one thought to one person. Make sure the audience knows where you are in the handout or PowerPoint. Have a backup plan for technology. Don’t compete with food! Some Final Tips Don’t go over the time limit. Be sure everyone has a copy before discussing a handout. Ask “Who needs one?” Not, “Does everyone have one?” And when it is not going well……. Do an icebreaker. Change the topic area. Move it along! Ask if there are questions! So, are there any questions? Icebreakers Learn everyone’s name! Have audience learn each other’s name. Have them name an object that represents their personality and state why. Ask, “Why did you get the name you got and what is unique about it?” Have each state their pet peeve and why. Ask, “Who is your role model and why?” Have each person complete, “When I grow up I want to be a __ .” Give stuff away! Icebreakers 1,000 +40 +1,000 +30 +1,000 +20 +1,000 +10 4,100 Common Mistakes of Presenters Not thanking the host/hostess/audience. Not being genuine. Getting off track with a side issue. Don’t be a phony. Don’t be too serious. Use shorter answers until the end. Trying to analyze facial expressions. People commonly don’t praise in public. Feel free to prove me wrong today! Common Mistakes of Presenters Lack of preparation/organization Not knowing the subject Saying you’re nervous more than once Not knowing the audience Ignoring the occasion Not knowing the technology Facing the wrong way!! Common Mistakes of Presenters Lack of proofreading! Errors distract from your message and detract from your credibility. Don’t EVER skip words! Proofread forward & backwards! Don’t skip the headings! Your visuals will be judged on grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, and spelling. Common Mistakes of Presenters I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I waas rdanieg. It wis abot the phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig, huh? Creating Structure This basic structure works for a variety of presentations: Introduction - Grab Attention! Credibility - Introduce yourself and state a bit of your credentials. Need Step - Give them a reason to listen. Initial Summary - Tell them what’s coming! Body/Categories (See next slide) XXXX XXXX Final Summary - Tell them what they heard! Refer to the attention grabbing statement. Take Questions. Creating Structure The Body These categories are used in “The Body” of many presentations: Chronological Sequencing Topical Issues Asking Five Questions Cause/Effect Pro/Con Problem/Solution Yardstick Motivational Reasoning Shake It Up! Here are some ways to support your content: Facts, Figures, Statistics Authoritative Sources Current Events Quotations Narratives -Tell a story! Definitions Humor - Self-deprecating humor is the safest form for presenters to use! Strategies For Giving Information Go from big picture to small picture back to big picture (The hourglass approach!). Tell them what is important. Don’t expect them to know! Use a linear progression: Past, present, future Go from a general statement to a specific example. Build a bridge back to the key issues. Hooray! It’s Break Time! Take five minutes Then find a partner Create an outline Strategies For Distractions & Interruptions Distractions Ignore minor distractions Acknowledge major distractions Focus the attention & then move on! Interruptions Deal with the unexpected professionally Think “Serenity Now!” Call on audience members in turn Audience members with questions may feel part of the “show!” Presentation Aids Consider: Your personal preference Setting/Size of the group Is it enhancing the presentation? Culture of audience/organization Attention span of the audience THE ATTENTION SPAN OF THE AUDIENCE !!! Presentation Aids PowerPoint Prezi Linear in Nature User Friendly Endless Possibilities Hyperlinks Printouts Large Files New (Learning Curve) Non-linear Zoom Feature Sharing Online Costs Dizziness Nausea Vomiting Effective PowerPoint Use Use short titles Express one group of thoughts per slide Four colors per page, maximum Use no more than two fonts Use sound and effects with a purpose 6 x 6 Rule No more than 6 Words per line & 6 Lines per slide Except for this presentation, of course! Effective PowerPoint Use Write your presentation first! Information should be self-contained and understood by all. Clearly label charts and graphs. Information should flow horizontally. Content should enhance your presentation not detract from it. Don’t try to be too flashy! Effective PowerPoint Use Must have an appropriate purpose. Should be large, clear, & visually appealing. Don’t put up data you are not using. You should not have to say, “I hope you can read this!” Don’t clutter the page! Actual Slide I Saw!!! 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 $3000 $4,000 2,000 .55 (Red) 1,000 Profit 7 6 5 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 4 3 2 1 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 Effective PowerPoint Use For graphics: Blue has a solid, conservative feel Yellow is fun and hopeful Green is good for social interaction Purple is mysterious Avoid red/green contrasts Use dark to light color sequence – working from the bottom up Effective PowerPoint Use For text: Use black on white background Yellow/white on dark background Avoid red for text Maintain consistency in your reveals Effective PowerPoint Use KISS – Keep It Short & Sweet KILL – Keep It Large & Legible KIHB – Keep It Horizontal, Baby! HABUPBYKSWSU – Have A Backup Plan Because You Know Something Will Screw Up! Don’t fall in love with PowerPoint! That still make’s me sad, Dorkhead! Thank You! Bob Orrange UB Career Services & www.HigherEd Resources “Knockout Presentations – How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz” by Diane DiResta, Chandler House Press. “How To Be a Great Communicator” by Nido R. Qubein, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. “Guide to Presentations” by Mary Munter & Lynn Russell, Prentice Hall. “Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery.” 1st edition, by Garr Reynolds, Random House. PowerPoint vs. Prezi by Adam Noar