Lab 9b: Meiosis • Prelab 9 and Informal Lab Report is due. • Microworlds are due NEXT CLASS! – You should have time to work on it today. – Turn in all 10 Microworlds including the 4 that have been graded. – You may use mitosis & meiosis slides for this. Chromosomes Mitosis makes cells, but what about making babies? • Does Mitosis produce gametes (sex cells: egg and sperm)? Meiosis • Resembles 2 rounds of mitosis • 2 cell divisions (meiosis I and meiosis II) • 4 resulting haploid cells HAPLOID= 1 copy DIPLOID = 2 copies Haploid gametes (n = 23) Meiosis n Egg cell n Sperm cell Meiosis A Meiosis video in a nematode. A little slow downloading but only 24 sec. Fertilization Diploid zygote (2n = 46) Multicellular diploid adults (2n = 46) Mitosis and development 2n Meiosis I: Prophase I • Chromosomes condense • Nuclear membrane degrades • Centrioles (Spindle fibers) move to opposite poles • Homologous chromosomes (homologues) pair up • Crossing over occurs Meiosis I: Metaphase I • Spindle fibers attach to centromeres • Paired Homologues line up on equator (metaphase plate) Meiosis I: Anaphase I • Homologues separate (each still consists of two sister chromatids) • Chromosome # halves (counting centromeres) • Cells destined to be haploid Meiosis I: Telophase I • Nuclear membranes reforms • Cytokinesis follows • Haploid cells as the homologs split not the sister chromatids Meiosis II: Prophase II • Chromosomes condense again • Nuclear membrane breaks down • 2 sister chromatids to 1 chromosome Meiosis II: Metaphase II • Spindle fibers attach to centromeres • Chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate Meiosis II: Anaphase II • Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite plates • The microtubules contract, moving the chromatids Meiosis II: Telophase II • Nuclear membranes reforms • Chromosomes unwrap • Cytokinesis follows • 4 haploid cells produced (at least in males, oogenesis is more complicated) Ex. 1: Modeling Meiosis • Use either Play-doh or the Pop Beads to model meiosis • Make a diploid cell with 3 chromosomes of different sizes. • Be sure to model all the steps in meiosis • One of the exercises models crossing over • Important, answer the Study Guide Questions at the end of the lab. It compares mitosis and meiosis. Rest of Lab • When finished, your table group needs to walk me through the steps of meiosis w/o using notes or the manual! • If I pass you, turn in a list of your names. • Work on your Microworlds project, due next week. (Micoworld slides, pond water, mitosis/meiosis slides available.) • When you are all done, you are free to go!