Latin in Pharmacy

Latin In Our World Today
Guiding You To A Career
Human Services
Engineering & Industrial
…all include careers where Latin would be
Latin in Pharmacy
Human Services Pathway
Translating and Pharmaceutical
The symbol Rx comes from the Latin “recipe.”
Common Latin Rx Terms
Latin Abbreviation Meaning
ante cibum
before meals
bis in die
twice a day
hora somni
at bedtime
oculus dexter od
right eye
oculus sinister os
left eye
per os
by mouth
post cibum
after meals
pro re nata
as needed
quaque 3 hora q 3 h every 3 hours
quaque die
every day
quater in die
4 times a day
ter in die
3 times a day
Importance of Latin in the
Business & Communications
How can taking Latin benefit
Personal Insight on
Latin in High School
• Latin has numerous advantages and you will most
assuredly not regret participation in Latin both now,
in junior or senior high school, or later in life.
• Latin aids you in English class and knowing Latin
can greatly improve the level of your vocabulary
Personal Insight on Latin in High School
• Vital issues to high school age students, like the SAT,
are facilitated by Latin, as a superior knowledge of
Latin can give one an essential edge in comprehension
and lead to a notably higher score
Look at what Influential Americans
had to say about the Value of Latin to
RICHARD NIXON, President of the United States.
I was especially pleased that you wanted my thoughts on the
value of studying Latin, since it a one of my favorite subjects
when I was in I school, and I studied it for four years.
In my opinion those courses were extremely valuable to me in
the development of logical thinking and in giving me a better
understanding of English grammatical construction.
I hope you and the future students at Princeton High School
derive as much pleasure and benefit from your study of Latin
as I did.
Influential Quotes cont’d
• EDWARD M. KENNEDY, United States Senate, Massachusetts.
Those of us who have had the privilege of studying Latin in high
school have found this subject of enduring value. Our own English
language has many of its roots in Latin, and because of this, one
might say that Latin is, indeed, a “living language.” The study
of Latin also acquaints us with a fascinating and important
historical era—an era which gave us much of our cultural
Influential Quotes cont’d
• NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER, Governor of the State of New York.
There are many reasons for studying Latin. First, if you
study it properly it will raise the general level of your
Second, it will add to your cultural enjoyment by enabling
you to read, in the original tongue some of the world’s greatest
literature in both poetry and prose.
Third, Latin is the most terse and concise of all languages. If you
will compare a passage in Latin with its equivalent in English,
with its equivalent in English, you will find we have to use more
words to express what is so -y expressed in Latin.
Furthermore, the person with a knowledge of has a better
command of English, for much of our language stems from Latin.
• GEORGE C. WALLACE, Former Governor of the State of
Undoubtedly, you and many of your classmates have
aspirations of someday entering professions either directly or
indirectly related to the practice of medicine or law. The study of
Latin is vitally essential to persons working in these areas, and to
erase any doubt in one’s mind, it is only necessary to open any
medical or legal dictionary to practically any page.
Influential Quotes Cont’d
EDGAR HOOVER, Director of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
Over the centuries, the study of Latin has brought to students
everywhere the great culture of Rome. Here is where the student
learns about -Caesar, Cicero, and Virgil. Not only does studying
Latin do much to broaden the cultural outlook of the student, but
it enables him better to gain a mastery of the English language
through the frequent classical word derivation he encounters.
Every American should take pride in learning how to express
himself more effectively in his own native tongue, both orally
and through writing, and the study of Latin is one of the best
ways to accomplish this aim. In my opinion, the study of Latin is
not antiquated but holds great value for all who would like to
Medicine: A Pursuit in Latin
Science & Human Services
• Arbor Vitae: Cerebellum pattern of nerves
• Articulation (artus): the joining of a joint
• Albinism (alba): lack of pigment in the skin
• Phalanges (phalanx): small bones of the
Interesting Fact
• The term “muscle” comes from the Latin
term musculus meaning “little mouse,”
referring to muscles like the biceps which
pop up as though a mouse were scurrying
about under the skin
All element on the periodic table are abbreviated using their Latin names:
Au Aurum
Pb Plumbum
Hg Hydragyrum
Potassium K Kalium
Tungsten W Wolfram
Antimony Sb Stibium
The great scientist Isaac Newton would not have considered publishing his Principia
Mathematica in anything but Latin.
Scientists use Latin to universally communicate with other scientists from
different countries because all languages derive from Latin.
The Wonder’s of Latin in the
Medical Field
Cardiovascular Terms
 Hypertension (Hyper-High)- Excessively
high blood pressure
 Angioplasty (Angio-Vessel)- Widening a
vessel to increase blood flow
 Ischemia-(Isch-reduced)- Redcuced blood
Respiratory Terms
 Alveolus (Alve-Basin)- Small Hollow
 Pulmonary (Pulmo-Breath)- Referring to the
Neurological Terms
 Hypothalmus (hypo-below)- Region below
the brain
 Temporal (tempus-time)- Region that deals
with memory
Why Latin For Archeology?
Science &
Communications Pathways
The Importance
of archeology is
to discover and
learn about
ancient societies
Volcanic eruption
buried the city
Most of the
archeological digs
at Pompeii extend
down to the street
Artifacts that
they have
Law and Latin
Human Services Pathway
Latin Legal Terms
Ex post facto
Pro bono
Habeas corpus
In loco parentis
Pro bono publica
Quid pro quo
Why Study Latin for Law?
As you can see, the legal terms on
the previous page are pretty
If you want to be a lawyer, you
must learn the meanings of these
Latin words and more
Learning Latin can give you a good
background for entering the legal
Latin Legal Terms- Translated
When you know Latin, you can
understand the terms from the previous
Ex post facto: After the fact
Pro bono: For good
Habeas corpus: You have the body
In loco parentis: In the place of a parent
Pro bono publica: For the good of the public
Quid pro quo: What for what
Related Latin Words
Ius gentium- applies to the body of laws
that make up international law
Corpus Juris- means "body of law". Later
the term was used for comprehensive
collections of laws in the US, as in Corpus
Juris Secundum.
Habeus Corpus-the name of several writs
which may be issued by a judge ordering
a prisoner to be brought before the court.
More related Latin words
Privilegium fori- Latin for "Privilege of the
(legal) forum“
In flagrante delicto- (Latin: "while the
crime is blazing") is a legal term used to
indicate that a criminal has been caught in
the act of committing an offense
Et seq- "and the following ones," is a legal
term indicating that a writer is citing
Engineering & Industrial Pathway
Roman architecture was very innovative in its time. In fact,
today architects use elements that are derived from ancient
Roman architecture! Columns, curved arches, domes, and
concrete characterized the buildings of the Romans.
The Romans wrote about their knowledge of architecture,
and these writings are all in Latin. Vitruvius, who wrote the
Ten Books on Architecture, is still discussed in architecture
schools today.