Chapter 22 – The Progressive Era I. Reform in the Gilded Age (630

Chapter 22 – The Progressive Era
I. Reform in the Gilded Age (630-632) ALT (Pg. 632 #’s 1-5)
A. The Spoils System
1. What event focused attention on the “spoils system”?
2. What is patronage?
3. Why did patronage lead to corruption?
4. What is corruption?
5. What is the Civil Service?
6. What is the role of the Civil Service Commission?
B. Regulating Business
1. What was the goal of the Interstate Commerce Commission?
2. How was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act incorrectly used?
II. The Progressives (633-636) ALT (Pg. 636 #’s 1, 3, 4, & 5)
A. City Corruption
1. Who were “city bosses”?
2. Why were the bosses popular with immigrants?
3. Who was Boss Tweed?
4. Who was Thomas Nast?
B. Muckrakers
1. Who was Jacob Riis?
2. Who were the muckrakers?
3. Who was Lincoln Steffens?
4. Who was Ida Tarbell?
5. Who was Upton Sinclair?
C. The Progressives ALT (Pg. 636 #’s 2 & 6)
1. According to the Progressives, what should guide government action?
2. Who was Bob LaFaollette?
3. Define the powers given to the voter:
a. primary
b. initiative
c. referendum
d. recall
D. Other Progressive Goals
1. Why did Progressives want to end tariffs?
2. Why did Progressives want a graduated income tax?
3. What was the 16th Amendment?
4. What was the 17th Amendment?
III. Progressives in the White House (638-643) ALT (Pg. 643 #’s 1-6)
A. Theodore Roosevelt and the Square Deal
1. What was Roosevelt’s views of Trusts?
2. What was the Northern Securities case?
3. What did Roosevelt do to end the 1902 Coal Strike?
4. What was the Square Deal?
5. What was the Meat Inspection Act?
6. What was the Pure Food and Drug Act?
7. What is conservation?
B. Taft vs. Roosevelt
1. What was the Bull Moose Party?
2. How did the Republican Party split help Wilson?
3. What was the Federal Reserve Act?
4. What is the Federal Trade Commission?
IV. Women Win Reform (645-648) ALT (Pg. 648 #’s 1, 2, 4, & 5)
A. The Fight for the Vote
1. What is a suffragist?
2. Who was Carrie Chapman Catt?
3. Who was Alice Paul?
4. What was the 19th Amendment?
B. Further Progress
1. Who was Myra Bradwell?
2. What was the WCTU?
3. Who was Frances Willard?
4. Who was Carry Nation?
5. What was the 18th Amendment?
V. Other Americans Seek Justice (649-653) ALT (Pg. 653 #’s 1-3)
1. Who was Booker T. Washington?
2. What was the Tuskegee Institute?
3. What advice did Washington give blacks who were intent on progress?
4. Who was W. E. B. Dubois?
5. How did Dubois differ from Booker T. Washington?
6. Who was Sarah Walker?
7. Who was George Washington Carver?
8. What was the Gentlemen’s Agreement?