Unit 3: Spanish American war

Spanish – American War
* In the mid 1890’s Cubans rebelled against the rule of Spain.
Spain brutally suppressed this rebellion.
* The US had economic interests in Cuba, particularly in sugar
cane plantations.
* The US had an interest in establishing naval bases in
strategic places to try to become a world power.
* Yellow Journalism – Newspapers in the US began to print
sensationalized stories about Spanish atrocities committed in
* “Remember the Maine” – US Battleship Maine mysteriously
explodes and sinks in Havana Harbor (Cuba) killing over 200
American sailors. The US blames Spain for the incident.
* DeLome Letter – In a letter to Spain, the Spanish minister to
the US (DeLome) insults President McKinley, essentially
calling him a wimp. The letter is intercepted and printed in
US newspapers.
Special Note: The Teller Amendment is added to the US
declaration of War saying that the United States will not
take over Cuba because many congressmen refuse to
vote for an “imperialist” war.
Fighting the War
 The US sends troops to Cuba and the Navy to the
Philippines. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore
Roosevelt resigns to lead a cavalry unit known as “The
Rough Riders.” Units of Black soldiers are also sent.
 In Cuba 5,000 soldiers die from disease only 400 from
 In Cuba the main fighting takes place near and at San Juan
Hill. Roosevelt and the Rough Riders become famous for
their charge although just as much credit should have gone
to the black units fighting beside them led by John “Black
Jack” Pershing.
 In the Philippines, US Admiral Dewey joins forces with
Filipino rebel Emilio Aguinaldo to overthrow Spanish rule.
 After victories in Cuba and the Philippines, US forces move
on to take the Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico and Guam.
 The entire war is over in four months with Spain releasing
its colonies in the Caribbean and the Pacific. From the
American viewpoint it is “a splendid little war.”
 After a short period of hesitation and debate the US takes
outright possession of the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico,
and the Virgin Islands.
 The US also annexes Hawaii which had been taken over by
descendants of American missionaries a few years before
the war.
 The Teller Amendment prevented a US takeover of Cuba so
Congress passed the Platt Amendment in which the US
claimed the power to control Cuba’s foreign policy. The US
also gains the Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay which it still
holds today.
 In response to the US takeover of the Philippines Emilio
Aguinaldo leads a rebellion against US rule. Although it is
never referred to as a war in US history books, it lasts for
more than two years and results in more combat deaths
than the Spanish-American War.
 The United States became an imperialist power and a
growing force in world politics.
Question: Does the Constitution follow the Flag? In other
words, are people living in territory controlled by the US
entitled to the rights and legal protections of US citizens?