The US….


1890s: The U.S….

• A rapid growth in industry after the Civil War results in national wealth

• The western frontier had closed up (no more land left to discover)

• “Manifest destiny” is questionable now

• Now the U.S. will look to foreign markets to sustain our economy

Teddy Roosevelt says

• 1897

• “I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one”

1893 World’s Columbian Exposition

• Chicago

• 400 th anniversary of discovery of the new world

• 27 million: ¼ of nation’s population visit fairgrounds (largest tourist attraction in history)

• Inspires visitors to indulge in America’s glorious past/ delve into glorious future?...

Where do we draw the line between achieving “manifest destiny” and bullying?

(remember The Bully conversation)


(Spanish American War)

- Cuba: Spanish-ruled island 90 miles off coast of Florida

- Cuban patriots revolted against harsh Spanish rule

- American citizens wanted President McKinley to take action to help


– U.S. papers covered stories of brutality/ cruelty daily

• Exaggerated or made up to stir American anger

• Sound familiar?... (yellow journalism!)

– Under growing public pressure, McKinley signs declaration of war against Spain on April 25 th , 1898

Tensions in Cuba

Jose Marti led Cuban rebels in their fight against Spain, coining the battle cry, “Cuba Libre!” (Free Cuba).

• Spain sent General Valeriano Weyler to be a governor to

Cuba ( Uses brutal tactics to crush revolt)




Tensions in Cuba

– Reconcentration: policy of moving large numbers of people into camps for political or military purposes

• 100,000 Cubans in revel reconcentration camps died from starvation & disease

Yes…those are real bones!

American Opinion

• Americans had invested $50 million in Cuba

– Rice & sugar plantations, railroads, tobacco, mines

– Trade with Cuba = $100 million per year

Why do we invest?..

American Opinion

• Opinions were split over whether U.S. should intervene in Cuba or not

THE NO ARGUMENT: it could hurt our foreign trade

THE YES ARGUMENT: It’s our duty as Americans to help

Cubans achieve their freedom like we did during the

American Revolution

“They have risen against oppression, … which led us to rebel against England …they should have the sympathy of the people of the U.S.”

Henry Cabot Lodge (Senator Massachusetts)

Americans Call for War

• Pulitzer & Hearst compete to print the most grisly stories about Spanish atrocities: wartime acts of cruelty & brutality

– War sells more newspapers

– Yellow journalism: reporting that relied on sensational stories and headlines that were biased or untrue.

• Still, McKinley wanted to stay neutral

“Remember the Maine”

• 1898- fighting broke out in Havana; capital of Cuba

• McKinley sent U.S. battleship Maine to protect U.S. citizens & property there

• While anchored in the harbor, an explosion destroys the


– 260 died of the 350 U.S. crew

“Remember the Maine”

“Remember the Maine”

• The real cause of the explosion remains a mystery.


– Boiler blew up

– Accident in ship’s ammunition room


SPAM: Spanish American War: 1898 war between

Spain & U.S. that lasted 4 months

(SPAM Continued…)


• Teddy Roosevelt is now Assistant Sec. of Navy

– He realizes that a war with Spain would span into wherever Spanish sea power lay

– Philippine Islands: Spanish colony & Spain’s main naval base in the Pacific

– The major U.S. military objective = Teddy wants to attack here as soon as war broke out

Teddy contacts George Dewey: U.S. commander of Pacific Fleet

• Dewey’s ships slip into Manila Bay (main city) during the night

• At dawn, they bombarded the surprised Spanish ships & destroyed their fleet

Your duty is to see that Spanish fleets do not leave their port in the



George Dewey


Summer 1898

• U.S. ground troops land in the Philippines

• Locals had been fighting for independence from

Spain for years (remember Cuba)

• Native rebels are led by Emilio Aguinaldo & helped U.S. troops to capture Manila

“Hey…it worked for Jose Marti, it may work for me too!”

Emilio Aguinaldo

Meanwhile, Back in Cuba…

• Teddy resigns as Assistant Secretary of Navy & organizes the 1 st volunteer cavalry regiment

– Cavalry: soldiers or warriors who fought on horseback

– Rough Riders: military unit organized by Teddy during SPAM

• Ranged from cowboys to college students & adventurers

• Symbol of multicultural troops (why could this be

AWESOME for boosting morale?)

Buffalo Soldiers: African American members of the 9 th & 10 th

U.S. Cavalry

“Whites, blacks, regulars & Rough Riders—representing the young manhood of the North & South, fought shoulder to shoulder, unmindful of race or color…just mindful of their common duty as


• Finally the Spanish army in Cuba surrenders & buckles under pressure from the U.S.

• The U.S. then traveled to Puerto Rico & claimed the island while Spain was still intimidated

A Quick End—Fall 1898

• Spain & U.S. agree to end fighting

– U.S. losses: 380 killed from battle/ 5,000+ killed from yellow fever, typhoid & malaria

The Peace Treaty—Winter 1898

– Spain grants Cuba its freedom

– Spain gives the U.S. Puerto Rico (Caribbean) & Guam (Pacific)

– Spain trades the Philippines to U.S. for $20 million!





Ruling an Empire

When war had begun with Spain, the U.S. had promised to “leave the government & control of Cuba to its own people”


• BUT…. the U.S. soldiers stayed in Cuba after the war ended because they felt Cubans were “not ready” for independence

– Sound like the ‘White man’s burden’?...

– Business leaders in the U.S. were afraid that an independent Cuba might threaten their investments

– U.S. let Cuban people write their own constitution, but

Cubans first had to accept the Platt Amendment


Platt Amendment: allowed the U.S. to intervene in Cuba as they pleased & gave U.S. control of naval base at Guantanamo Bay

• In effect, the amendment made Cuba an

American protectorate

Protectorate: a nation whose independence is limited by the control of a more powerful country

Puerto Rico

• U.S. set up a new government under the Foraker

Act of 1900

• Foraker Act: gave Puerto Ricans only a limited say in their own affairs

• The U.S. set up schools, roads, and health care on the island

Emilio Aguinaldo


• REMEMBER… Philippine natives had been fighting for independence long before SPAM

• When the U.S. took over after SPAM, Philippine natives felt “owned” without their own identity

• Emilio Aguinaldo

(remember him?) leads natives to fight for freedom against a NEW imperial power: the U.S.

– He tells the U.S. that “you’ve forgotten your beginnings”


– Revolt in the Philippines resulted in a war that killed 4,000

U.S. troops & 20,000 Philippine natives & 200,000

Philippine civilians too

– 1902- U.S. set up a government similar to that in Puerto

Rico & finally granted the Philippines independence in

