Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury MERCURY The prominent mercury lines are at 435.835 nm (blue), 546.074 nm (green), and a pair at 576.959 nm and 579.065 nm (yellow-orange). There are two other blue lines at 404.656 nm and 407.781 nm and a weak line at 491.604 nm. 1000 P,c3983.931Hg IISR01 400 P 4046.563Hg I BAL50 60 4339.223Hg I BAL50 100 4347.494Hg I BAL50 1000 P 4358.328Hg I BAL50 12 c 5128.442Hg IISR01 15 5204.768Hg IISR01 80 P 5425.253Hg IISR01 500 P 5460.735Hg I BAL50 200 P 5677.105Hg IISR01 50 5769.598Hg I BAL50 60 5790.663Hg I BAL50 HgSpec.1 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury HgSpec.2 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 400 P 4046.563Hg IBAL50 60 4339.223Hg IBAL50 100 4347.494Hg IBAL50 1000 P4358.328Hg IBAL50 500 P 5460.735Hg IBAL50 50 5769.598Hg IBAL50 60 5790.663Hg IBAL50 Polarization and the Zeeman Effect: Nothing has been presented about the spin angular momentum of the electron so only comments about the polarization of the light emitted during transitions is to be presented, not the details of the energy levels. First, the z axis direction is set whenever a measurement is made or a direction is made distinct. For the Zeeman problem, a magnetic field is applied to the atom defining the field direction as the z direction with the result that the energy of the states shift by m effective. In a 210 to 100 transition, the electron density oscillates along the z direction and the emitted light is polarized along the projection of the z direction onto a plane perpendicular to the plane of propagation. 3D to 2P Transitions with the levels split by an applied B field. The three lines are the m = 0, 1 transitions. Splittings are of order 60 (eV) or 14 GHz in a 1 Tesla field. HgSpec.3 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury For a 211 to 100 transition, the electron density circles around the z direction at the difference frequency 2 - 1. Viewing in along the z direction the light is circularly polarized. View from a direction in the x-y plane, only the electron density projection is observed – motion back and forth along a line – so the light is linearly polarized. Again, consider the projection of the circular motion onto a plane perpendicular to the propagation direction of the light. For light propagating at angles relative to the z direction, the projection on the motion onto the plane yields an elliptical path, and the emitted light is elliptically polarized. Begin by imagining the field line pattern due to a static point charge at the origin. Next imagine the charge executing uniform circular motion about the origin in the x-y plane. The information about the charges motion propagates out along the field lines at speed c. The transverse components are greatly exaggerated. Observer A views inward along the x axis and sees horizontal electric field components. Observer B views inward along the z axis and observes a transverse electric field with a direction that rotates in the plane parallel to the x-y plane. If the intensity observed along the z axis is normalized to 2, then the net intensity radiated along a direction at angle relative to the z axis is 1 + cos2. The light is circular polarized for lines of sight at = 0 or ; it is linearly polarized for = ½; and it is elliptically polarized for intermediate angles. B is in the z direction. In the lab we view in along the x axis, the y axis is vertical, and the z axis is horizontal and perpendicular to our line of sight. HgSpec.4 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury y z x x Appendix II: THE SOURCE OF E-M RADIATION: ACCELERATED CHARGE HgSpec.5 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury The static (Coulomb) electric field due to a charge at rest is ECoul 4qr o r3 where r is the displacement from the position S of the source charge q, to the field point P where the field is to be specified. In addition, a slowly moving charge has a Biot-Savart r magnetic field given by BBS 4qv . Finally, an accelerated charge has a radiation r3 contribution to the electric field that is approximated by the relation ERad 4qac r Ret 2 (for v << c). The subscript Ret directs that the source charge acceleration a, the component of the acceleration perpendicular to the line of sight at the observation point, should be evaluated at the retarded time t' = t - r/c where r is the distance between the observer now and the source location at the time the radiation currently being detected was emitted by the source. That is you want to evaluate a at the time that the light left the source S in order to reach P at time t. Note that Erad isto the line of sight and that it is directed oppositely to the retarded value of a and that the radiation field falls off as r -1 at large distance while ECoul and BBS fall off as r -2. [There are corrections to ERad of order v/c and r -2, etc.] The energy flow is described by the Poynting Vector S 1 E B which is proportional to the product of ERad and BRad . At large r the net energy flow out is proportional to S 4πr 2 = (1/µo) E B 4πr 2. As radiation must be capable of carrying energy to infinity, the radiation contributions to the net E and B fields must fall off no faster than r -1 with distance. We assume v << c which means that only non-relativistic sources are to be considered. HgSpec.6 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury HgSpec.7 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury The form of the radiation field can be motivated using Gauss's Law. Electric field lines begin and end only on charges. For a charge in uniform motion, the lines are directed radially away from the instantaneous position of the charge. A short burst of acceleration therefore puts kinks on the field lines that propagate outward at c. In the kinks, the field has a component perpendicular to the line of sight in addition the Coulomb field along the line of sight. If the charge accelerates to the right from time 0 HgSpec.8 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury to t, the field lines must adjust such that those inside a distance ct are directed away from the instantaneous position of the source charge while the lines outside a distance c(t+t) are directed away from the instantaneous position that the charge would have had if it had not been accelerated. Between ct and c(t+t), the lines must be continuous (no starting or stopping in the absence of charge). They join with straight line segments if the acceleration is constant over the intervalt. Note that this behavior adds a transverse component to the electric field that is directed oppositely to the projection of the acceleration perpendicular to the line of sight at the retarded time t'=t-r/c. Please remember that the sketch is exaggerated as v = a t << c. The two spheres (circles) should appear nearly concentric! The center separation of centers is v t = t (a t). For the lines to be continuous, the ratio of the transverse (Radiation) and longitudinal (Coulomb) field components must be the distance that the source has traveled since acceleration divided by the distance that light traveled during the time elapsed during the acceleration. ERad = ECoul v t/c t where t = r/c and v = a t. Radiation Exercises: 1.) The radiation contribution to the magnetic field can be represented as qa r BRad 3 2 4 c r Find an analogous expression for ERad . It requires a double cross product! Show that rˆ ERad c BRad where r̂ is the direction of propagation. 2.) Consider a charge q with acceleration a = - 2 d cos(t) in the z direction. Find an expression for ERad (r ) in terms of spherical components and unit vectors with the coordinates centered on the charges location. HgSpec.9 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 3.) Compute Poynting's vector ( S 01 [ E B] ) for the charge discussed in #2. Describe the dependence of the radiation on the angle measured relative to the direction of the acceleration. Compute the average power radiated during one cycle. 4.) Devise an argument that shows that the transverse component ERad (r ) falls off as r -1 at large distance if the radial component ECoul (r ) falls off as r -2 using the picture above these exercises. Motivate equation 3. Vector Triple Product: A , B , C A B C B C A C A B 5.) Consider a charge q with acceleration a = - 2 d cos(t) in the z direction. The time dependent dipole moment is p qd cos t kˆ p0 cos t kˆ . average power radiated by the charge q by computing Compute the S nˆ dA over a large sphere concentric with the charge and averaging over one cycle. Express the result in terms of po and plus other factors. p 2 0 e 2 f r i 2 .) Ans: Paverage = (For the E-M transition problem, p02 c 546 nm Green HgSpec.10 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury The Zeeman pattern is nine lines with line to line spacing of ½ h-1B. The pi lines are the center three, and they are polarized horizontally as viewed along a horizontal line at right angles to the field direction. The sigma lines are polarized vertically when viewed along the same line. When viewed from along the direction of the field, the sigma lines have right and left circular polarizations. The relative intensities are shown for the green lines. The levels are inverted in this drawing! 3S1is the upper. HgSpec.11 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury HgSpec.12 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury HgSpec.13 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury HgSpec.14 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury S state is upper level for 546.1 nm 3 E0 ( S1 ) 2 B Bext 3 E0 ( S1 ) 3 E0 ( S1 ) 2 B Bext 3 S1 g=2 mJ = -1, 0, 1 E E0 (3 S1 ) E0 (3 P2 ) B Bext 2 to2 by ½ 3 E0 (3 P2 ) 3 B Bext E0 (3 P2 ) 3 2 B Bext P2 E0 (3 P2 ) E0 ( P2 ) 3 2 B Bext E0 (3 P2 ) 3 B Bext g = 3/2; 3 mJ = -2, …. , 2 HgSpec.15 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury vo - h-1BB Lines m = 0 vo + h-1BB Mercury 577 nm Zeeman Structure ERROR vo h-1BB h-1BB In each set of three lines The line to line spacing is: 1 /6 h-1BB Lines m = 1,-1 21 HgSpec.16 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury vo - h-1BB Lines m = 0 vo + h-1BB Mercury 577 nm Zeeman Structure No intensity information. vo h-1BB h-1BB In each set of three lines The line to line spacing is: 1 /3 h-1BB Lines m = 1,-1 HgSpec.17 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury ERROR Mercury 577 nm Zeeman Pattern |2 2ñ ED + 7/3 BB |2 1ñ ED + 7/6 BB 3 D2 |2 0ñ ED |2 -1ñ 1 P1 ED - 7/6 BB |2 -2ñ ED - 7/3 BB |1 1ñ EP + BB EP EP - BB |1 0ñ |1 -1ñ 7 g = /6 ; mJ = - 2, …. , 2 g=1 mJ = - 1, 0, 1 REVISED Mercury 577 nm Zeeman Pattern |2 2ñ ED + 8/3 BB |2 1ñ ED +4/3 BB 3 D2 |2 0ñ ED |2 -1ñ ED – 3/4 BB |2 -2ñ 1 P1 ED -8/3 BB |1 1ñ |1 0ñ |1 -1ñ 4 g = /3 ; mJ = - 2, …. , 2 EP + BB EP EP - BB g=1 mJ = - 1, 0, 1 HgSpec.18 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury Mercury 579 nm Zeeman Pattern 3 D1 |1 1ñ ED + 1/2 BB |1 0ñ ED |1 -1ñ ED - 1/2 BB |1 1ñ 1 P1 EP + BB g=1 |1 0ñ |1 -1ñ g =1 /2 ; mJ = - 1,0,1 EP EP - BB Mercury Violet 436 nm Upper: 3P1 gu = 3/2 mJ = - 1, 0, 1 Lower: 3S1 g = 2 HgSpec.19 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury g 1 J ( J 1) L( L 1) S ( S 1) 2 J ( J 1) Mercury 436 nm Zeeman Pattern |1 1ñ 3 P1 EP + 3/2 BB |1 0ñ EP |1 -1ñ EP - 3/2 BB |1 1ñ 3 S1 ES + 2BB g=2 |1 0ñ |1 -1ñ g =3 /2 ; mJ = - 1,0,1 ES mJ = - 1, 0, 1 ES - 2BB } + } } Mercury deep violet 405 nm Upper: 3P0 gu = * Lower: 3S1 g = 2 HgSpec.20 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury g 1 J ( J 1) L( L 1) S ( S 1) ; 2 J ( J 1) * the g factor for a J = 0 state can be set to 3/2 or any other finite value. Mercury 405 nm Zeeman Pattern 3 P0 |1 0ñ EP |1 1ñ 3 S1 ES + 2BB g=2 |1 0ñ |1 -1ñ g =3 /2 ; mJ = 0 ES mJ = - 1, 0, 1 ES - 2BB + HgSpec.21 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury Sodium HgSpec.22 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury HgSpec.23 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury Sodium Energy Levels HgSpec.24 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 26.) Assume that the 577 nm line in the Hg spectrum has a frequency of about 520,000 GHz. Identify the frequency shift of each line in an applied field of strength one Tesla. Prepare a spectral drawing that displays the lines one way and the lines in a distinct way. For the experimental setup used in our course, prepare a spectrum drawing that would be observed if the polarizer were passing the vertical polarization. ……. The horizontal polarization. Mercury 577 nm Zeeman Pattern |2 2ñ ED + 7/3 BB |2 1ñ ED + 7/6 BB 3 D2 |2 0ñ ED |2 -1ñ 1 P1 ED - 7/6 BB |2 -2ñ ED - 7/3 BB |1 1ñ EP + BB EP EP - BB |1 0ñ |1 -1ñ 7 g = /6 ; mJ = - 2, …. , 2 g=1 mJ = - 1, 0, 1 27.) Assume that the 579 nm line in the Hg spectrum has a frequency of about 518000 GHz. Identify the frequency shift of each line in an applied field of strength one Tesla. Prepare a spectral drawing that displays the lines one way and the lines in a distinct way. For the experimental setup used in our course, prepare a spectrum drawing that would be observed if the polarizer were passing the vertical polarization. HgSpec.25 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury ……. The horizontal polarization. Mercury 579 nm Zeeman Pattern 3 D1 |1 1ñ ED + 1/2 BB |1 0ñ ED |1 -1ñ ED - 1/2 BB |1 1ñ 1 P1 EP + BB g=1 |1 0ñ |1 -1ñ g =1 /2 ; mJ = - 1,0,1 EP EP - BB mJ = - 1, 0, 1 29.) The distinctive cadmium red arises from the transition from a 1D2 (5s5d) state to a 1P1 (5s5p) state. a.) Prepare a term diagram similar to the ones in the previous two problems, but appropriate for the Cd red transition. b.) .) Assume that the 579 nm line in the Hg spectrum has a frequency of about 466000 GHz. Identify the frequency shift of each line in an applied field of strength one Tesla. c.) Prepare a spectral drawing that displays the lines one way and the lines in a distinct way. For the experimental setup used in our course, prepare a spectrum drawing that would be observed if the polarizer were passing the vertical polarization. ……. The horizontal polarization. d.) The Cd red line displays a normal Zeeman effect. What characteristics determine whether the effect is normal or anomalous? HgSpec.26 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 30.) The sodium yellow doublet arises from transitions from either a 3P3/2 or a 1P1/2 state to the common 3S1/2 state. a.) Prepare term diagrams similar to the ones in the previous two problems, but appropriate for the Na yellow transitions. b.) .) Each line in the Na yellows has a frequency of about 466000 GHz. Identify the frequency shift of each line in an applied field of strength one Tesla. c.) Prepare a spectral drawing that displays the lines one way and the lines in a distinct way. For the experimental setup used in our course, prepare a spectrum drawing that would be observed if the polarizer were passing the vertical polarization. ……. The horizontal polarization. 31.) The Na yellow lines have an average wavelength of about 589.3 nm. The lines share a common lower state while the corresponding upper states have energies that differ by 0.0021 eV. Correct to 0.1 nm, what are the wavelengths of the two lines in the Na yellow doublet? Modeled Line Shapes for Hg (546 nm) Green: Model as a sum of exponential shapes centered at a and with width parameter w. ( xa ) 2 line[ x, a, w] e w2 . For the sigma components of the green line, we expect lines on the plus and minus sides at separations of BB, 3/2 BB and 2 BB with relative intensities of 6:3:1. The variable x is in units of ½ BB as is the width parameter w. The lines shape is plotted for several values of w and the diameter of the ring measured for the positive peak to the negative side peak is identified. (Choose the value of w that yields the best approximation of the line profile that you observe. HgSpec.27 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury Report the values that you use.) Be aware that there will be background light added to the observed signal light. line[x_, a_, w_] = Exp[-(x - a)^2/w^2] w = .5; Plot[6 line[x, 2, w] + 3 line[x, 3, w] + line[x, 4, w] + 6 line[-x, 2, w] + 3 line[-x, 3, w] + line[-x, 4, w], {x, -5, 5}] w = 0.5 Plot[6 line[x, 2, w] + 3 line[x, 3, w] + line[x, 4, w] + 6 line[-x, 2, w] + 3 line[-x, 3, w] + line[-x, 4, w], {x, 1.85, 2.35}] HgSpec.28 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury For w = 0.5, The to ring separation is modeled to be 4.04 in units of ½ BB. For w = 0.6, The to ring separation is modeled to be 4.08 in units of ½ BB. HgSpec.29 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury For w = 0.7, the ring diameter is modeled to be 4.18 in units of ½ BB. 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 2 2 4 For w = 0.8, The to ring separation is modeled to be 4.30 in units of ½ BB. HgSpec.30 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 2 2 4 For w = 0.9, the to ring separation is modeled to be 4.4 in units of ½ BB. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 2 2 4 For w = 1.0, the to ring separation is modeled to be 4.48 in units of ½ BB. HgSpec.31 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 2 2 4 For w = 0.2, the to ring separation is modeled to be 4.00 in units of ½ BB. 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 2 2 4 For w = 0.3, The to ring separation is modeled to be 4.00 in units of ½ BB. HgSpec.32 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 2 2 4 For w = 0.4, the to ring separation is modeled to be 4.00 in units of ½ BB. Modeled Line Shapes for Hg (436 nm) Blue-Violet Line: } + } } For the outer sigma components; model the peaks as having an intensity ratio of 2:1 and w =0.6 HgSpec.33 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4 2 2 4 For w = 0.6, the to ring separation is modeled to be 6.1 in units of ½ BB. 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4 2 2 4 For w = 0.8, the to ring separation is modeled to be 6.3 in units of ½ BB. HgSpec.34 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 4 2 2 4 For w = 1.0, the to ring separation is modeled to be 6.5 in units of ½ BB. Relative Intensities Multi-electron Atom Selection Rules L 1 S 0 J 0,1 (0 to 0 forbidden) M J 0,1 (0 to 0 forbidden for J 0) Relative Intensities for Zeeman components (Electric Dipole Radiation): Following Shore and Menzel in Principles of Atomic Spectra For transitions from and initial state i to a final state f the intensity of the radiation is N ( J M ) ck2 4 J Q (1) J 2 2 ( J M ,1m|JM )2 ½(1 cos ) m 1 2 2 J 1 m0 sin HgSpec.35 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury The initial state i has quantum numbers J Mwhere is all the quantum numbers except for the angular momentum specific values J M The final state f has quantum numbers JMwhere is all the quantum numbers except for the angular momentum specific values J M J M) is the number of atoms in the initial state k is the wave-number J Q (1) J is the reduced matrix element, a value independent of M and M. (J Mm|JM) is the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for adding JMand m to get JM. is angle between the magnetic field and the line of sight. For the case of our Zeeman experiment, = 90o. Relative Intensities in the Zeeman Effect: This section demonstrates a computation method that reproduces the relative intensities claimed in the manual for the Pacific Scientific experiment. A revised version will be attempted in which the perturbation only operates on the orbital portions of the wavefunction. The predictions of the two methods are to be compared with experiment. Consider the 5460.7 Å 3S 3P2 line in the spectrum of mercury. If the mercury is 1 placed in a strong uniform magnetic field, the 3S and 3P2 levels are each split into 1 several levels. Into how many levels is the 3S level split? splits on mJ2J + 1 1 Into how many levels is the 3P2 level? splits on mJ2J + 1= 5. HgSpec.36 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury Compute the g factors for the 3S {J=1; S=1; L=0; g = 2}. 3P2 {J=2; S=1; L=1; g = 1 3 /2} The selection rule for allowed level to level transitions is: m = 0, 1 The magnetically split levels as corresponding to energies: E0 (3 S1 ) k B Bext E0 (3 S1 ) g B Bext mJ E0 (3 S1 ) 2 B Bext mJ E0 (3 P2 ) j B Bext E0 (3 P2 ) g B Bext mJ E0 (3 P2 ) 3 2 B Bext mJ 3 |1 1ñ S1 3 |1 0ñ |1 -1ñ |1 -1ñ P2 g=2 mJ = -1, 0, 1 E E0 (3 S1 ) E0 (3 P2 ) B Bext |1 0ñ |1 +1ñ 3 E0 ( S1 ) 2 B Bext 3 E0 ( S1 ) 3 E0 ( S1 ) 2 B Bext |2 2ñ |2 1ñ |2 0ñ |2 -1ñ |2 -2ñ 2 to2 by ½ E0 (3 P2 ) 3 B Bext E0 (3 P2 ) 3 2 B Bext E0 (3 P2 ) E0 (3 P2 ) 3 2 B Bext E0 (3 P2 ) 3 B Bext g = 3 /2 ; mJ = -2, …. , 2 The relative intensities of the lines depend on the direction from which they are viewed. For that reason, the form of the transition rate formulae prior to averaging over directions must be used. ba3 I ab oc3 f JfMf p eˆ i Ji M i 2 3 e2 ba oc3 f J f M f r eˆ i J i M i 2 HgSpec.37 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury The overall angular momentum quantum numbers for the initial and final states are displayed explicitly. The symbols i and f represent all the other quantum numbers that remain fixed as the angular momentum options are investigated. For our discussion, the only requirement is that i and f represent states of opposite parity. The assumption is that the matrix element factors. This conjecture is supported by the results for the n = 2 to n = 1 transition rates for atomic hydrogen that are computed in the appendix. I ab 3 e2 ba oc3 f r i 2 J f M f rˆ eˆ J i M i 2 Note that ê is the polarization direction of the electric field. The relative intensities follow as they are just the absolute squares of the ratios of the angular momentum matrix elements. Let’s recall the angular momentum nature of the position vector. r xiˆ y ˆj z kˆ r (sin cos iˆ sin sin ˆj cos kˆ r r 2 rˆ 2 3 {Y1 3 {Y1 1 1 ( , ) Y11 ( , )}iˆ i ( , ) Y11 ( , )}iˆ i 2 2 1 3 {Y1 1 3 {Y1 ( , ) Y11 ( , )} ˆj ( , ) Y11 ( , )} ˆj 4 4 0 3 Y1 0 3 Y1 ( , ) kˆ ( , ) kˆ HgSpec.38 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury y z x HgSpec.39 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury Consider the lines which, when viewed from the transverse direction (in along the x axis) are polarized parallel to the magnetic field. That is: they are polarized in the z direction. J f M f rˆ kˆ J i M i 2 JfMf 4 0 3 Y1 ( , ) J i M i 2 The perturbation z has a Y10 or |1 0ñ angular momentum character. The radial parts of the wavefunctions are the same for the various Ym as long as remains fixed. For the chase above, Y10 or |1 0ñ is to be combined with |Ji Miñ to make |Jf Mfñ. The three lines have the following angular momentum characters: | 1 1ñ | 1 0ñ | 2 1ñ| 1 0ñ | 1 0ñ | 2 0ñ and | 1 -1ñ | 1 0ñ | 2 -1ñ. HgSpec.40 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury Using the 1 1 Clebsch-Gordan table: | 1 1ñ | 1 0ñ | 2 1ñ| 1 0ñ | 1 0ñ | 2 0ñ and | 1 -1ñ | 1 0ñ | 2 -1ñ. 11 10 10 10 2 3 1 1 10 21 1 2 1 2 11 20 0 10 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 3 00 11 Squaring the amplitudes, the intensities are predicted to be in the ratios: 1 /2 : 2/3 : 1/2 or 3:4:3. For the + lines we only see the y projection of the polarization when viewed transversely. Use i 2 1 3 {Y1 ( , ) Y11 ( , )} . Note that the coefficients for the Y’s is less by a factor of the square root of two ( 2 3 vs. 4 3 ) which is equivalent to a factor of 2 in the predicted relative intensity. | 1 1ñ | 1 1ñ | 2 2ñ| 1 0ñ | 1 1ñ | 2 1ñ and | 1 -1ñ | 1 1ñ | 2 0ñ. 11 11 22 This 100% times 1/2 means the same as the 1/2 lines in the line set. HgSpec.41 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 10 11 1 1 11 1 6 1 2 21 20 1 2 1 2 11 10 1 3 00 Using the 1 1 Clebsch-Gordan table, the matrix elements are 1, 2-½, 6-½ corresponding to ratios of 1: 1/2 : 1/6 or, dividing by 2 to scale to the lines, 1 /2: 1/4 : 1/12. For the collection of all the lines, we have: 1 /12: 1/4 : 1/2:1/2 : 2/3 : 1/2:1/2: 1/4 : 1/12 Scaling by 3/2 these become: 1/8: 3/8 : 3/4:3/4: 1 : 3/4:3/4: 3/8 : 1/8 ! PERFECT AGREEMENT WITH THE CHINESE MANUAL! Relative Intensities of the lines in a Zeeman pattern First, consider an atom with a single active electron. Following the lab setup, the active perturbation is z for the lines and y for the lines. Consider a mythical atom with a fine structure that leads to a 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 states with the same energy with no applied magnetic field. Lying at a higher level is a HgSpec.42 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 2 P3/2 state. The level diagram is not drawn to scale. The energy separation between the 2P3/2 state and the 2S1/2 and 2P1/2 states is E2 - E1 = 0.5 eV. Mythical Atom Fine Structure/Zeeman Level Diagram mj= 3/2 mj= 1/2 2 E2 P3/2 g B B mj= -1/2 mj= -3/2 n0 2 2 E1 2 S1/2 P1/2 g' B B g'' B B S1/2 mj= 1/2 2 P1/2 mj= 1/2 2 P1/2 mj= -1/2 2 S1/2 mj= -1/2 Exercise: a.) Compute the g factors for the levels. b.) What is the frequency of a 0.5 eV photon? c.) A magnetic field of strength 1 Tesla is applied. Label each Zeeman level by its frequency shift per Tesla relative to the zero field level. For example, the 2P3/2 , mj = - 3/2 state might be at – 28 GHz/T. d.) Suppose that the atom HgSpec.43 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury is initially in the 2P3/2; mj = 3/2 level. What are the allowed transitions that the atom/electron can make? e.) Repeat for the other three mj levels. Electric Dipole Selection Rules state that P to S transitions are allowed while P to P transitions are forbidden. Remember that spins must not flip. Compute the angular part of the matrix elements for the allowed transitions. The angular parts are associated with the orbital angular momentum, not the total angular momentum. Find the relative intensities of the allowed transitions. The Battle Plan: The intensities are computed for viewing along the x axis with the magnetic field in the z direction. The lines are horizontally polarized (z direction) while the lines appear vertically polarized (y direction). 1.) Decompose each level into its orbital angular momentum ket multiplying its spinor representation. For example, 2P3/2; mj = ½ 1 3 11 ½ ½ 2 3 10 ½½ . In each pair, the first ket is the orbital ket related to the spatial coordinates and , and the second is the spin ket related to the internal coordinates of the electron. 2.) The operators z and y are to be represented in terms of the spherical harmonics revealing their , character. y Equivalently, y 2 3 r{ 11 2 3 r{Y1 1 1 }; z 1 ( , ) Y11 ( , )}; z 4 3r 4 0 3 rY1 ( , ) . 10 . These perturbations act in the coordinate range of the orbital angular momentum and act as the identity operation, multiplication by one, in spinor space. The Clebsch-Gordan tables can be used to find the orbital kets equivalent to the operators acting on the orbital kets. For example, z |11ñ 4 3r 10 11 4 3r 1 2 21 1 2 11 . HgSpec.44 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury 3.) Compute all the initial to final matrix elements. The ket above is multiplied by its spinor ket as are the final state orbital bras. The inner products are evaluated are the product of the orbital bra-kets and the spinor bra-kets. When the operator y is used, either the plus or minus term alone is considered depending on whether the intensity of the + or the - line is in question. Extended Battle Plan: The Zeeman components in the 546 nm transitions of mercury. Mercury has two valence electrons in the spin symmetric S =1 configuration for this line. Match this with an anti-symmetric two particle spatial functions. The dipole operator must include both electrons, p er1 er2 . Proceed using the components of the previous battle plan with the two particle complications. ??? What is the two particle coordinate perturbation HgSpec.45 Appendix 4: Spectral Data for Mercury HgSpec.46