Tool III-1. Mercury inventory worksheet

Tool III-1: Mercury Inventory Worksheet1
Hospital Name:
Date of Inventory:
Mercury-containing device,
equipment, or instrument
Person Responsible for Inventory:
Quantity Comments
Look for mercury-containing products, including thermometers (fever, laboratory, freezer), blood pressure
devices with a mercury column, switches containing visible mercury, barometers, laboratory chemicals (e.g.
thimersol), liquid mercury for dental fillings, other.
Worksheet format from the initiative “Reduction of Mercury Use in Costa Rican Hospitals” (2008-2009). The Costa Rican project was supported by
the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Telecommunications (MINAET), the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social - CCSS (Costa Rican Social Security
Agency), the National Children’s Hospital in San José, and the Carlos Luis Valverde Vega Hospital in San Ramón, with financial support from DRCAFTA environmental cooperation, and technical assistance from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Eliminating Mercury in Health Care: A workbook to identify safer alternatives
Available online: