Great Expectations - Mrs. McCrady's Classes

Great Expectations
Part 2
Chapter 14
Finally, Pip is in London @ Jaggers’ office
Page 108- description of Jaggers’ office
 Odd objects- pistol, swords, etc
 High backed chair looked like a coffin
 Casts/statues of people’s faces
 Room is so small that people almost are backed
into the wall
Jaggers seems to be surrounded by death and
his clients are obviously afraid of him or
intimidated by him
Chapter 14
Jaggers can’t see him just yet so Pip goes for a
walk- gets a tour of the gallows.
When he returns there’s even more people in
the office. This shows how in-demand Jaggers
Jaggers is well known. His services are sought
by many. He is frank and direct- assuring
people that they will be well represented by
him- as long as they pay. He almost bullies his
clients into not asking questions and just
letting him “do his thing”.
Chapter 14
Jaggers tells Pip that he will be keeping tabs
on his $$ and spending. (Will probably be
reporting it back to the secret benefactor)
Meet Mr. Wemmick!
 40-50 years old
 Little withered man
 Square face
 Bachelor- his shirt is all torn
 Small black eyes
 Thin lips
Chapter 14
Wemmick and Pip exchange views on London
 Wemmick is cynical in his views of London saying
that a crime is a crime much like human naturecan be found anywhere there are people
 Pip shows he is naïve- believes that he is unable to
consider that a crime is anything other than
personal- random crimes don’t exist; only avenging
or striking out an enemy
Pip heads over to Mr. Pocket (Junior)’s house.
Wemmick explains to Pip as he leaves that
they will be seeing each other frequently b/c
he holds Pip’s money.
Chapter 14
Mr. Pocket (Junior) will be showing Pip
around London until Monday when he moves
in officially.
He’s making every effort to make sure Pip is
happy and comfy.
Fun coincidence- this is the boy Pip fought
with many years ago @ Miss Havisham’s!!!
What’s the purpose of this chapter?
 We meet Wemmick & Jaggers & Pocket Jr.
 It also established the character of Jaggers- we
need to know more about him to understand his
actions and attitudes toward Pip.
Chapter 15
Herbert and Pip agree to put the fight behind
them and become friends.
The Pockets assume, as does Pip, that Miss
Havisham is his benefactor. Pip has then
“taken” expectations from Herbert.
Apparently, Herbert was taken to see Miss H
to see if she would take a liking to him, like
she did Pip…she didn’t!
Herbert only wishes that he’s be the one
engaged/married to Estella.
Chapter 15
It is obvious that Herbert is not jealous of Pip. He even agrees to
keep the benefactor/how Pip got his money a secret.
Pg. 115. Herbert believes that choosing his dad (Matt Pocket) as
Pip’s tutor is even more evidence to support that Miss H is his
We find out Estella is adopted.
Meet Herbert!!
Frank & easy going; friendly
Could never do anything mean or secretly
Pale, not strong (nothing has changed since a kid!)
Not handsome but good natured, cheerful
Wore his old clothes with great style
Pip asks Herbert to watch out for him/get his back- he agrees
Chapter 15
Herbert then asks to give Pip a nickname (it is
against the wishes of the benefactor
 Wants to call him Handel after a piece of music by
the composer Handel about a blacksmith
 Ironic! While it is not Herbert’s intentions, it will
be a constant reminder for Pip of the life he is
trying to leave behind.
We noticed between pages 116-117, Herbert
starts giving Pip tips on his manners.
Chapter 15
The story of Miss Havisham! (Aren’t you excited?!?!)
 Spoiled child- mom died when she was a baby, and Dad, who
was a rich brewer, gave her everything she wanted
 He was rich and proud and raised her to be the same
 She had a half brother- apparently he did the “hibbity
dibbity” with his cook, got her pregnant, and married her.
Miss H didn’t find out until that woman died!
 Once the “cook” died, the son became part of the family- he
turned out to be an extravagant, unduitful bad person
 At some point the dad disinherited him but then on his death
bed wrote him back into the will, giving him $$ but not as
much as Miss H
 The brother ends up spending all his $$ from the inheritance
and believes that Miss H influenced the dad to not give him
as much as her- so he holds a BIG grudge
Chapter 15
More info!!
 Miss H meets “Mr. Right” who she falls head over
heels in love with
 He was an attractive man but not a gentleman
 He ends up taking advantage of Miss H and her $$ taking large sums of $$ from her and conning her
into buying out her brother’s portion of the
brewery and putting him in charge of it
 Miss H- blinded by love- would not listen to
anyone’s warnings that something was wrong with
this picture, especially Matthew Pocket’s adviceshe screamed at him and vowed to never Matt
Chapter 15
The wedding day!
 The wedding is all planned, honeymoon booked,
guests invited, etc. the day came and Miss H
receives a letter from her hubby to be
 No one knows exactly what it says other than him
calling off the wedding
 The clocks were stopped at the moment she
received the letter
 Miss H became very ill, left the whole mansion as
is, will never look at the light of day again and has
vowed to get revenge on all men
Chapter 15
Plot twist!
 Apparently, this “hubby to be” was in workings
with her brother!
 They were going to rob her and share the profits!
 There’s rumors that the guy was married already
and that’s why he backed out of the con
 No one knows as to whether or not the two are still
After all that, Miss H adopts Estella and
grooms her to be her weapon of revenge.
And that’s all Herbert knows about Miss H
Chapter 15
Herbert’s job- he’s an insurer of ships- accounting
house in the city.
His dreams are to own a fleet of cargo ships for trade
in sugar, tobacco, and rum.
Pip sees how Herbert is very poor but so happy with
his life. Pip feels jealousy and guilt.
Pip starts to feel homesick.
We then meet the Pocket family
 Mrs. Pocket is very carefree and airheaded
 There’s 7 kids!
 Mr. Pocket was untidy and seemed out of sorts/puzzled
Chapter 18
Biddy writes to Pip to let him know that Joe is
going to London with Mr. Wopsle.
Joe wants to see him and they all hope Pip will
take the time to do so.
Pip is NOT looking forward to this visit- even
wishes he could avoid it by paying $$!
Relieved that Joe won’t be visiting the school
(doesn’t want to be seen with him in front of
Pip realizes that it is wrong he isn’t happy to
see Joe. He’s OK with Herbert or Mr. Pocket
meeting him but not Drummle, someone he
Chapter 18
Joe is so happy to see Pip and impressed with
the “new and improved Pip”
Everyone at the forge is the same- except
Wopsle. Wopsle has left the church and joined
the world of acting. We could’ve predicted this
with his dramatic readings of Shakespeare in
an earlier chapter.
Humorous moment! Joe is sitting, eating the
meal, trying to be a gentleman. But he has sat
himself so far away from the table that he
ends up dropping food into his lap before it
reaches his mouth! It is obvious to us that Joe
doesn’t fit in but he is trying his hardest,
especially to make Pip happy.
Chapter 18
Joe has come with news- Estella has come
home and wants to see Pip!
Page 138-139. Joe makes a very smart and
profound statement to Pip: Even though we’re
all from different “classes” we are all people.
Joe says that a friendship between the two of
them can only happen in “private” not public
because they are completely different people
now, from different social classes. Joe finishes
his speech by saying he knows who he is,
accepts himself, and he’s ok with that. He’s
not changing for anyone.
Pip is very moved by what Joe has said and
knows he is right.
Chapter 18
Heads back home but decides he doesn’t want
to stay at Joe’s- even though it is his home and
he can stay there whenever he wants, he
makes excuses to not, feels some guilt about
Note: at night, convicts are transported to
different jails by way of public coaches. Pip is
stuck sharing a coach ride with 2 convicts.
Pip is feeling very scared about sharing his
coach ride, based on the experiences he had
as a kid.
Chapter 18
Ironically enough, one of the convicts is the
guy who stirred his drink with the file! He also
gave Pip $$- considers paying him back at that
moment but changes his mind.
Page 142- Pip overhears a conversation
between the 2 convicts. It is discovered that
the $$ that the 2nd convict gave Pip was a gift
from Pip’s convict.
As hears this convo, Pip gets even more
frightened but doesn’t understand why.
Page 143. Pip spots an article in the paper
about Mr. Pumblechook. He is claiming that
he is the reason for Pip’s successes and the
founder of his fortune. He’s trying to mooch
off of Pip’s good luck. What nerve!
Chapter 22
Herbert and Pip’s debt becomes increasingly
Happy Birthday Pip!!! He turns 21! He’s now
responsible for all his $$ and decisions.
He’s hoping that on this birthday he will know
the identity of his benefactor and maybe hear
of news of his engagement to Estella.
He recalls the encounter with the convict and
the nervousness he felt- he’s feeling that same
feeling now.
Chapter 22
Jaggers asks Pip if he has any questions; Pip of
course asks about whether or not he will find
out his benefactor’s ID today- he says NO and
to ask another; Pip asks about when he will
find out, Jaggers says he cannot answer that
answer again. Humorous Moment
Jaggers knows that Pip is in debt and tells him
to tell the truth via writing it down of just how
in debt he is.
Every year Pip will receive 500 pounds until
the benefactor reveals themselves.
Chapter 22
We see something interesting about Jaggers
 Pip tries to express his gratitude for the $$, Jaggers
stops him and says it is not his job to relay
 Jaggers is always at a distance from his clients.
 He does not give advice; merely follows
instructions given to him.
 He seems to be protecting himself from
something- we don’t know what.
Pip asks more questions about his benefactorJaggers quickly replies that answering
anymore questions will compromise his work
and he refuses to continue the conversation.
Chapter 22
Pip wants to do something positive with his $$;
despite how snobby and financially irresponsible
Pip has been, deep down he is still a decent and
thoughtful person.
Pip asks Wemmick for advice on this. He says very
cynically that the only reason to lend or give
money to a friend would be to get rid of a friend.
However he hints that his personal opinion (not
work opinion) might be different from his official
Page 170- 171. That Sunday Pip goes to visit
Wemmick at his house- he isn’t there when he
arrives so he chats a bit with the Aged One.
Wemmick soon after arrives with Mrs. Skiffinsshe is Wemmick’s girlfriend.
Chapter 22
Now no longer at work, Pip asks Wemmick’s
opinion again.
Pip’s reasons:
He explains that he feels partly responsible for
Herbert’s debts.
Herbert has always been a good friend and
companion to Pip
He taught Pip proper manners
Never expressed jealousy for Pip’s fortune
Pip feels he inadvertently (not on purpose)
took Herbert’s expectations from him
Wemmick tells Pip to help his friend BUT Herbert
can never know that Pip is helping him. He also
says he’s glad to know there’s still generous
people in the world.
Chapter 22
Wemmick found someone who was
willing to take on Herbert as a partner.
Herbert has no idea! He comes home
one night telling Pip that someone
named Clarriker took a liking to him
and made him partner at his business.
Pip is ecstatic that his expectations and
fortune is going to good use…that he can
help a friend.
Chapter 23
Mrs. Brandley- was friend of Miss H’s, very well
known, member of high society, and while does
not have any common interests with Estella, she
takes pride in showing her off.
Estella continues to mess with Pip’s head and
Their relationship is ironic b/c she treats him as
her most intimate suitor but not with any sense
that she likes him. When he is with her he is
miserable yet when he’s not with her he’s
They head over to Miss H’s house.
Chapter 23
Still nothing has changed at the house & she is even
more fond of Estella.
She wants to hear over and over again how Estella
breaks men’s hearts.
Page 177- Pip has this very disturbing thought- He
believes that Estella is going to save Pip for last after
she destroys all others.
Estella and Miss H have a HUGE HUGE HUGE fight- a
nasty one!!!!
The entire fight, Estella shows no emotion or raises
her voice.
Estella is a cold creature that Miss H has created. She
is even cold to Miss H!
Chapter 23
It is ironic that by revenge on all men b/c she
was disappointed in love, Miss H raises a girl
who is completely incapable of loving her or
ANYONE! (Page 178- second to last paragraph,
Important Quote!)
Pip goes for a walk to let them fight it out;
when he returns, they are totally fine, like
nothing happened.
Some time passes and Pip finds out that
Estella is dating Drummle!!!!
Chapter 23
Pip is infuriated!!!!! He doesn’t understand
why she would want to be with him!
One night at a ball, Pip confronts Estella
about her relationship w/Drummle.
Why would she date this guy?
 She wants to make other suitors jealous/miserable.
If she pays attention to someone so despicable and
hated others will feel terrible.
Page 181- Important Quote- Estella shows that
she cares for Pip; she doesn’t want to “deceive
and trap him” like all the others.
Chapter 24… Yay!!!!
On page 182, Dickens uses the weather of a
dark and stormy night to let us know
something is going to happen.
A stranger- man in his 60’s, muscular/strong,
long gray hair- comes to visit Pip late one
Pip is a bit unnerved b/c this guy knows him
yet Pip has no clue who he is!
The stranger doesn’t understand why Pip isn’t
happier to see him. Odd???
Chapter 24
Pip realizes who he is…. The convict!
The convict explains how grateful he was for
Pip’s help back in the day- Pip expresses that
he hopes the convict turned his life around.
Also states that they cannot be friends b/c
they are from “two different classes”. Pip tries
rushing him out of the apartment.
The convict has been a sheep
farmer/cattleman in Australia and has made
$$$ from it.
Chapter 24
The convict asks about his partner- Pip
confirms he brought him the 2 pounds. Pip
tries to pay him back for it. The convict burns
The convict asks Pip how he’s come into so
much $$ since he’s left the marshes and Pip
explains he inherited some property.
The convict starts dropping hints- the 5 if the
5 hundred pounds, the “J” in the name of his
guardian- he confirms that he’s…… Pip’s
Chapter 24
When Pip finds out that the convict is his benefactor
it destroys all thoughts he had about a future with
Estella. His expectations are not based on respectable
money (the guy is a convict!)
The convict wants to make Pip a gentleman to take
revenge on the gentleman he has known who in some
way have harmed him. This is just like Miss Havisham
using Estella to get revenge on men!
Pip feels terrible about the whole situation especially
because he has hurt and deserted Joe and Biddy.