important notice about your no-fault (pip) coverage

New Jersey Citizens United Reciprocal Exchange (NJ CURE) has revised its Decision
Point Review Plan (DPRP) in accordance with amendments to New Jersey law. There
are several changes which should be noted.
A new Attending Provider Treatment Form is now available to use when
requesting coverage for treatment, testing or durable medical equipment arising
from a PIP loss
Repeated failure to attend a scheduled Decision Point Review Plan Independent
Medical Examination may result in the denial reimbursement of treatment, the
use of durable medical equipment and/or diagnostic testing relating to the
diagnosis code(s) and corresponding family of codes associated with the
Our policy has changed concerning Assignment of Benefits
Customers with PIP claims previously reported to us will receive a copy of our
updated Decision Point Review Plan Notice as part of our Treatment Plan responses. A
copy will also be provided to their treating provider and legal representative, if
applicable. If a customer acquires a new provider, a copy of our notice will be sent to the
same parties listed above upon receipt of the 21-day notice or upon notice of
commencement of treatment, whichever is earlier.
(08/05 Edition)