WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Photo courtesy of MT Wx Training Center Lead Safe Weatherization for Crews and Managers Weatherization Assistance Program Standardized Training Curriculum September 2012 1 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Lead-Safe Weatherization for Crews and Managers Lead-Based Paint Overview WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – September 2012 2 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Learning Objectives LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW By attending this session, participants will be able to: • Explain what lead is. • Explain why and when lead was used throughout history. • Describe where lead can be found today. • Discuss the lead paint hazards faced in Weatherization. • Discuss compliance requirements of DOE, EPA and OSHA. 3 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 What is Lead? LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • Pb = Latin word Plumbum. • A heavy, durable, soft gray metal. • Does not break down or decay with time. • A poison if inhaled or ingested. • Is most dangerous as dust and fumes. 4 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Why Was Lead Used LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • Ancient Egypt – Used in sculpting and as a pigment and binder in paints. Used in Egyptian eye makeup. Used as roadway sealant. Knew it could be lethal. • Ancient Greece – Used in sculpting. First to document lead poisoning. • Ancient Rome – Used in pipes for water systems and to line goblets. Continued to use even though they were aware of lead poisoning. 5 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Why Was Lead Used? Cont. LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • Europe – Used in pipes and waterproofing roofs. Recognized health risks of lead exposure. As early as 1400 A.D. prohibited addition of lead to wine. Lead-free paints available in the 1800’s. • United States – Lead paint promoted in advertisements even though lead poisoning was studied and documented. Image courtesy of the National Lead Company 6 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Where Can Lead be Found Today? LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Photo courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control • • • • • • • Imported pottery Water pipes Mini-blinds Painted toys Painted furniture Craft products Others Image courtesy of Mike Vogel Photo courtesy of CPSC Photo courtesy of the Marin County Health & Human Services Photo courtesy of the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Photo courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control 7 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Problems with Lead LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Most problems with lead come from old paint, stains and varnishes on buildings built before 1978. Photo courtesy of Photo courtesy of US Dept. of Justice 8 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Benefits of Lead in Surface Coatings LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Lead was added to: • Increase durability. • Add color. • Resist mold and mildew growth. • Prevent corrosion of metal surfaces. • Help paint dry faster. • Lead may be found in paint, stains and even varnish. Image courtesy of the Lead Industries Association 9 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Lead-Based Paint Percent by Component – Year of Construction LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW 10 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 What is Lead-Based Paint? LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Federal Standards define lead-based paint as: • Any paint or surface coatings that contain lead equal to or in excess of 1.0 milligrams per square centimeter or more than 0.5% by weight. • Testing is the only way to determine if and how much lead is present in a surface coating. • Some states and localities regulate paint with lower concentrations of lead. 11 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Lead Paint Hazards LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • Deteriorated, flaking, or peeling lead paint. • Lead paint surfaces accessible to infants. • Demolition exposing lead. • Renovation exposing lead. Photos courtesy of Marin County Health & Human Services 12 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Why are Dust and Debris a Problem? LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • Lead-based paint is the primary source of leadcontaminated dust in housing. • Lead-contaminated dust is poisonous. • Very small amounts of lead-contaminated dust can poison children and adults: - Children swallow & inhale dust during ordinary play activities. - Adults swallow and breathe dust during work activities. 13 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Who is at Risk From Lead? LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Lead Dust can harm everyone. The most vulnerable are: • Babies. • Young children. • Pregnant women and their unborn babies. • Workers. Photos courtesy of Montana State University Extension 14 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Consumer Product Safety Commission – Ban on Lead Paint LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • In 1978, the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) banned the use of lead paint in residences, schools, hospitals, parks, playgrounds, and other public places; however, any home built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. • Lead can still be found in all types of buildings. • Lead is still found in paint used for industrial and commercial purposes. 15 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Lead Paint Hazard in Weatherization LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • Weatherization IS Renovation • Renovation activities (sawing, drillings, cutting, scrapping, etc.) that disturb lead-based paint create debris and tiny particles of dust. • Many jobs, including Weatherization work, can expose occupants and workers to lead dust. • Unless protected, Weatherization workers swallow and breathe poisonous lead dust during work activities. 16 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Take Home Lead Exposure LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Weatherization workers can be a source of lead: • Lead dust on work clothes can contaminate cars and homes. • Lead dust from work clothes can be transferred to the office and home; co-workers and family members including children. Photo courtesy of MT Wx Training Center 17 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Lead-Safe Weatherization (LSW) LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • Lead-Safe Work Practice is not new to Weatherization. • First defined, May 10, 2001 – Weatherization Program Notice 02-1 required LSW to be applied to pre-1978 homes. 18 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 EPA RRP Program LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW EPA “Lead, Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Program. Effective – April 22, 2010. • “Renovation” includes weatherization. •Requires “Certified Renovators and Firms” •Defines required work practices and tools. •Requires documentation. •Enforced by U.S. EPA and “approved states” 19 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 DOE’s Response to RRP LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW WPN 08-6 – September 22, 2008. • Interim LSW Guidance “When the EPA RRP is in full effect, DOE will require as part of it’s LSW Minimum Standards all additional requirements as outlined in the EPA RRP April 22, 2010, published rule.” WPN 09-6 – January 7, 2009. • LSW – Additional Materials and Information with “benchmark” LSW training curriculum. WPN 10-6 – LSW Training. WPN 11-6 – WAP H&S Matrix. 20 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Worker Protection - OSHA LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • Even if DOE and EPA did not have rules dealing with lead exposure to workers, implementing Lead-Safe Weatherization, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency of the Department of Labor which writes and enforces rules protecting workers on the job. • To protect employees from lead hazards, the OSHA Lead in Construction Standard (29 CFR 1926.62) was developed. The standard became law on June 3, 1993. • Weatherization agencies and crews must always comply to OSHA worker protection standards. 21 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 OSHA Compliance LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Personal Air Monitoring • OSHA has established Permissible Exposure Levels (PEL) for workers exposed to lead. These levels must not be exceeded. • To test for lead, air is pulled through a filter which traps particles. • The filter is analyzed by a laboratory to determine the lead concentration. 22 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 The 12 Core Elements of LSW LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Weatherization agencies and crews must be in compliance with EPA RRP Rule, DOE LSW Standards AND OSHA Worker Safety Rules. 23 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 The 12 Core Elements of LSW LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW 1.Training for all Weatherization workers. 2.Client notification “pre-renovation education.” 3.Pre-1978 lead testing or presume presence of lead. 4.Barriers and Signage to restrict occupant access 5.Interior and Exterior Containment. 6.PPE/respiratory protection. 7.Safe work practices/prohibited tools and methods. 8.Work-site cleanup. 9.Debris disposal 10.Work-site visual inspection. 11.Cleaning verification. 12.Documentation. 24 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 LSW Minimum Standards LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW See Lesson 3 of this training curriculum for a review of all Lead-Safe Weatherization (LSW) standards and Re how LSW compares to the EPA Renovation, Repair and Paint (RRP) Rule. For a overview of LSW view WxTV episode “12 Steps to Lead Safety” at Length : 45:26 25 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Exercise LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Exercise: Identifying common Weatherization practices that produce a lot of dust and debris. 45 minutes 26 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Exercise LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW Identifying common Weatherization practices that produce a lot of dust and debris. Rank the work practice descriptions according to the amount of dust and paint chips you think they make. In the table on the next slide, under the column labeled “rank,” write: • 1 next to the work practice that makes the most dust. • 2 next to the work practice that makes the second most dust. • 3 next to the work practice that makes the third most dust. • Continue to rank until you have ranked each work practice. Some practices may be given the same rank. 27 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Exercise LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW 1.For the work practice(s) that you ranked #1, tell why you think it makes the most dust and debris. 2.For the work practice(s) that you ranked last, tell why you think it makes the least amount of dust and debris. 3.If you actually did any of the jobs described above, what would you do to clean up when the job was finished? 28 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Points for Discussion LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW 1.Does it make a difference if there is a lot or a little lead dust generated? 2.Why should Weatherization crews be aware of the physical condition of a home before conducting an audit? 3.How does the amount of lead dust generated by Weatherization activities depend upon the work practices? 29 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012 Summary LEAD-BASED PAINT OVERVIEW • Lead is a heavy metal and a dangerous poison. • Lead can be found in paint on homes, buildings, furniture, toys, cars, bridges, etc. • Weatherization agencies and crews must be in compliance with EPA RRP Rule, DOE LSW Standards AND OSHA Worker Safety Rules 30 | WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM – December 2012