Alkyl Halides Organo halogen Alkyl halide Cl H H C Cl Cl Cl C Cl CCl3 H C Cl Cl Aryl halide H C Cl Cl Halide vynilik H C Cl Cl C H H I HO I H2 H C C O I Alkyl halide Reactions : Substitution : SN1 dan SN2 Elimination : E1 dan E2 Cl O C OH NH2 I 1 NUCLEOPHILIC SUBSTITUTION R Y- X R Y X- 1. Leaving groups weaker base = better leaving group reactivity: R-I > R-Br > R-Cl >> R-F best L.G. worst L.G. most reactive least reactive R X + Y stronger base R Y + X weaker base Br + NaF SB Br + NaI WB K>1 F + NaBr WB acetone I + NaBr (s) SB precipitate drives rxn (Le Châtelier) 2. Mechanisms SN general: Rate = k1[RX] + k2[RX][Y–] k1 increases RX = CH3X 1º 2º 3º k2 increases k1 ~ 0 k2 ~ 0 Rate = k2[RX][Y–] (bimolecular) Rate = k1[RX] (unimolecular) SN2 SN1 SN2 Mechanism A. Kinetics e.g., CH3I + OH– CH3OH + I– find: Rate = k[CH3I][OH–], i.e., bimolecular both CH3I and OH– involved in RLS and recall, reactivity: R-I > R-Br > R-Cl >> R-F C-X bond breaking involved in RLS concerted, single-step mechanism: [HO---CH3---I]– CH3I + OH– CH3OH + I– B. Stereochemistry: inversion of configuration Stereospecific reaction: H Br Reaction proceeds with inversion of configuration. HO H NaOH (R)-(–)-2-bromooctane (S)-(+)-2-octanol C. Mechanism HO H + C I H H H HO C H HO C I H HH Back-side attack: HO C + I H inversion of configuration I HO C I HO C I D. Steric effects e.g., R–Br + I– R–I + Br– 1. branching at the a carbon ( X–C–C–C.... ) a b g minimal steric hindrance H Compound Rel. Rate methyl CH3Br 150 1º RX CH3CH2Br 1 2º RX (CH3)2CHBr 0.008 3º RX (CH3)3CBr ~0 I increasing steric hindrance I Reactivity toward SN2: CH3X > 1º RX > 2º RX >> 3º RX react readily by SN2 (k2 large) more difficult does not react by SN2 (k2 ~ 0) H C Br H H H H C H C Br H C H C H H H maximum steric hindrance E. Nucleophiles and nucleophilicity 1. anions R X + OH R OH + X R X + CN R CN + X 2. neutral species R X + H2O R O H + X H R X + R'OH R O R' + X H Summary: very good Nu: good Nu: fair Nu: poor Nu: very poor Nu: I–, HS–, RS–, H2N– Br–, HO–, RO–, CN–, N3– NH3, Cl–, F–, RCO2– H2O, ROH RCO2H ROH + HX hydrolysis ROR' + HX alcoholysis SN1 Mechanism A. Kinetics e.g., CH3 H3C C Br + CH3OH CH3 H3C C O CH3 + HBr CH3 3º, no SN2 Find: Rate = k[(CH3)3CBr] CH3 unimolecular RLS depends only on (CH3)3CBr A. Kinetics CH3 CH3 RLS: H3C C Br H3C C CH3 CH3 CH3 H3C C + Br HOCH3 CH3 CH3 H H3C C O CH3 CH3 -H+ CH3 H H3C C O CH3 CH3 CH3 H3C C O CH3 + HBr CH3 A. Kinetics Two-step mechanism: R+ RBr + CH3OH ROCH3 + HBr B. Stereochemistry: stereorandom Br CH3CH2 OH CH3 H2O CH3CH2 H CH3 + CH3CH2 H OH2 CH3CH2 + H C CH3 OH2 sp2, trigonal planar H racemic CH3 OH C. Carbocation stability R+ stability: 3º > 2º >> 1º > CH3+ R-X reactivity toward SN1: 3º > 2º >> 1º > CH3X CH3+ 1º R+ 2º R+ 3º R+ rearrangements possible SN1 vs SN2 A. Solvent effects nonpolar: moderately polar: polar protic: polar aprotic: hexane, benzene ether, acetone, ethyl acetate H2O, ROH, RCO2H DMSO DMF acetonitrile O O CH3 C N C S N(CH3)2 CH3 CH3 H SN1 mechanism promoted by polar protic solvents stabilize R+, X– relative to RX R+X– RX in less polar solvents in more polar solvents A. Solvent effects SN2 mechanism promoted by moderately polar & polar aprotic solvents destabilize Nu–, make them more nucleophilic e.g., OH– in H2O: strong H-bonding to water makes OH– less reactive OH– in DMSO: weaker solvation makes OH– more reactive (nucleophilic) in DMSO in H2O RX + OH– ROH + X– B. Summary rate of SN1 increases RX = CH3X 1º 2º (carbocation stability) 3º rate of SN2 increases (steric hindrance) react may go reacts primarily by either primarily by SN2 mechanism by SN1 (k1 ~ 0, k2 large) (k2 ~ 0, k1 large) SN2 promoted good nucleophile (Rate = k2[RX][Nu]) -usually in polar aprotic solvent SN1 occurs in absence of good nucleophile (Rate = k1[RX]) -usually in polar protic solvent (solvolysis) ELIMINATION REACTIONS Dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides H X C C + B C C + BH + X Elimination strong base: KOH/ethanol CH3CH2ONa/CH3CH2OH tBuOK/tBuOH Follows Zaitsev orientation: EtONa EtOH Br + 61% EtONa EtOH Br + 20% + 71% 29% 19% The E2 mechanism elimination, bimolecular • reaction is bimolecular, depends on concentrations of both RX and B– Rate = k[RX][B–] RLS must involve B– • reactivity: RI > RBr > RCl > RF increasing R—X bond strength RLS must also involve breaking the R—X bond (and reaction doesn’t depend on whether RX is 1º, 2º, or 3º) 1. Single step, concerted mechanism: X X C C C C H H B B Br + OH- X C C B H Zaitsev 2. stereoelectronic effects: anti elimination spatial arrangement of electrons (orbitals) In the E2 mechanism, H and X must be coplanar: (in order for orbitals to overlap in TS) H H C C X C C X syn periplanar anti periplanar -but eclipsed! -most molecules can adopt this conformation more easily E2 eliminations usually occur when H and X are anti 2. stereoelectronic effects: anti elimination CH3 Br EtONa EtOH + major CH3 Br but " " major minor 2. stereoelectronic effects: anti elimination Br must be axial to be anti to any b-H’s: H H CH3 CH3 H H but Br Br is anti to both H’s normal Zaitsev orientation Br Br is anti only to H that gives non-Zaitsev orientation 3. the E1 mechanism Recall: EtONa EtOH Br + major Rate = k[RBr][B–] E2 Reactivity: RI > RBr > RCl > RF However: Br minor (and no effect of 1º, 2º, 3º) EtOH + major Rate = k[RBr] E1 Reactivity: RI > RBr > RCl > RF and: 3º > 2º > 1º minor (no involvement from B–) (RLS involves R–X breaking) (RLS invloves R+) 3. the E1 mechanism Step 1: (RLS) + Br Br EtOH + HBr Step 2: + EtOH2 H EtOH - and R+ can rearrange eliminations usually carried out with strong base Substitution vs Elimination A. Unimolecular or bimolecular reaction? (SN1, E1) (SN2, E2) Rate = k1[RX] + k2[RX][Nu or B] • this term gets larger as [Nu or B] increases bimolecular reaction (SN2, E2) favored by high concentration of good Nu or strong B • this term is zero when [Nu or B] is zero unimolecular reaction (SN1, E1) occurs in absence of good Nu or strong B B. Bimolecular: SN2 or E2? Rate = kSN2[RX][Nu] + kE2[RX][B] 1. substrate structure: steric hindrance decreases rate of SN2, has no effect on rate of E2 E2 predominates Br NaOEt O + 91% Br steric hindrance increases " O 9% + 13% Br Br " tBuOK 100% O 15% sterically hindered nucleophile 87% + 85% B. Bimolecular: SN2 or E2? 2. base vs nucleophile • stronger base favors E2 • better nucleophile favors SN2 NaI I Br 100% good Nu weak B + good Nu strong B NaOCH3 OCH3 60% 40% tBuOK poor Nu strong B OtBu + 5% 95% C. Unimolecular: SN1 or E1? OH2 Br OH H2O (weak B, poor Nu) H OH2 for both, Rate = k[R+][H2O] no control over ratio of SN1 and E1 D. Summary 1. bimolecular: SN2 & E2 Favored by high concentration of good Nu or strong B good Nu, weak B: I–, Br–, HS–, RS–, NH3, PH3 favor SN2 good Nu, strong B: HO–, RO–, H2N– SN2 & E2 poor Nu, strong B: tBuO– (sterically hindered) favors E2 Substrate: 1º RX 2º RX 3º RX mostly SN2 (except with tBuO–) b-branching both SN2 and E2 (but mostly E2) hinders SN2 E2 only 2. unimolecular: SN1 & E1 Occurs in absence of good Nu or strong B poor Nu, weak B: H2O, ROH, RCO2H Substrate: 1º RX 2º RX 3º RX SN1 and E1 (only with rearrangement)can’t control ratio of SN1 and E1 (may rearrange) SN1 to E1 1. Halogenation of Alkanes or R–X + HX a substitution reaction R–H + X2 heat — light Reactivity: F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2 too reactive common too unreactive (endothermic) Cl2 Cl2 Cl2 Cl2 CH4 CH3Cl CH2Cl2 CHCl3 CCl4 hn hn hn hn + HCl + HCl + HCl Problem: mixture of products Solution: use large excess of CH4 (and recycle it) + HCl A. Free-radical chain mechanism Step 1: Cl2 2Cl• Step 2: Step 3: Cl• + CH4 HCl + CH3• CH3• + Cl2 CH3Cl + Cl• (homolytic cleavage) 1000’s of cycles = “chain” reaction net: Initiation Propagation -determines net reaction CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl Sometimes: Cl• + Cl• Cl2 CH3• + CH3• CH3–CH3 CH3• + Cl• CH3Cl Termination (infrequent due to low [rad•]) B. Stability of free radicals: bond dissociation energies R–H R• + H• H = BDE BDE CH3—H 104 kcal CH3CH2—H 98 kcal CH3CH2CH2—H 98 kcal (any 1º) (CH3)2CH—H 95 kcal (any 2º) (CH3)3C—H 91 kcal (any 3º) CH3CH2CH2• • CH3CHCH3 98 kcal CH3–CH2–CH3 95 kcal easier to break bonds free radical more stable lower energy, more stable, easier to form Reactivity of C–H: 3º > 2º > 1º > CH3–H C. Higher alkanes: regioselectivity Some alkanes give only one monohalo product: CH3 CH3 Cl2 hn CH3 Cl2 hn CH2 Cl Cl Synthetically useful. Cl Cl2 hn Cl But: CH3CH2CH3 Cl2 hn CH3CH2CH2Cl + CH3CHCH3 find: even though statistically: 43% 75% (6 H) 57% 25% (2 H) Not as useful. C. Higher alkanes: regioselectivity Reactivity of C–H: 3º > 2º > 1º -for Cl2, relative reactivity is 5.2 : 3.9 : 1 Predicting relative amounts of monochloro product: Cl Cl2 hn CH3CH2CH3 CH3CH2CH2Cl + CH3CHCH3 2º product reactivity of 2º H number of 2º H’s = x 1º product reactivity of 1º H number of 1º H’s = 3.9 x 2 7.8 57% = = 1x6 6 43% Cl2 hn CH3 H CH3 CH3 C C C CH3 CH3 H CH3 Cl2 hv CH3 C C C CH2 CH3 H CH3 Cl H H H H H H 1-chloro-2,4-dimethylpentane 12 H, primary #H reactivity factor 12 x1 12 CH3 CH3 H CH3 C C C CH3 CH3 C C C CH3 H H Cl H Cl H 2-chloro-2,4-dimethylpentane 3-chloro-2,4-dimethylpentane 2H, tertiary 2 x 5.2 10.4 2H, secondary 2 x 3.9 7.8 sum = 12+10.4+7.8 = 30.2 percent 12/30.2 x 100 = 39.7% 10.4/30.2 = 34.4% 7.8/30.2 = 25.8 Bromine is much more selective: Cl Cl2 hn Br2 hn Cl + 43% 57% 3% 97% Relative reactivities for Br2: 3º 2º 1º 1640 82 1 Br2 hn Synthetically more useful.