Module 3: Anatomy 4 Make-up

Module 3: Anatomy 4 Make-up 2015
1. Define the different types of muscle tissue.
a. Cardiac muscle
b. Smooth muscle
c. Skeletal muscle
2. What are the 4 main functions of muscle tissue?
3. Describe the muscle structure, including:
a. muscle belly
b. tendons
c. attachments
d. endomyosin
e. perimysium
f. epimysium
g. fascia
4. Define the following regarding muscle roles:
a. Prime mover
b. antagonist
c. synergist
d. fixator
5. Define the following regarding muscle contractions:
a. concentric contraction
b. eccentric contraction
c. isometric contraction
6. How many GROUPS of muscles are in the extensors of the vertebral column? What are they?
7. What are the 4 suboccipital muscles and their actions?
Module 3: Anatomy 4 Make-up 2015
8. What are the 3 transversospinalis muscles and their actions?
9. What are the 3 Erector spinae muscles and their actions?
10. What are the spinotransverse muscles and their actions?
11. What are the cervical body wall muscles by "design"?
a. ventral
b. subvertebral
c. lateral
12. What are the thoracic body wall muscles by "design"?
a. ventral
b. subvertebral
c. lateral
13. Describe the thoracic body wall and breathing.
14. What are the abdominal body wall muscles by "design"?
a. ventral
b. subvertebral
c. lateral
15. What is the linea alba?
Module 3: Anatomy 4 Make-up 2015
16. What is the aponeurosis?
17. What is the inguinal ligament?
18. What are important features of the abdominal wall muscles?