Muscles - PA

Muscles review Day
Get out the packet of muscles
Label the muscle and action on
each page
Test Thursday
Name the Muscle
• Origin 3rd to 5th ribs
near their costal
• Insertion Medial border
and superior surface of
coracoid process of
• Action
• Innervation Medial
pectoral nerves;
Name the Muscle
• Origin
• Clavicular head: anterior
surface of medial half of
Sternocostal head:
anterior surface of
sternum, superior six
costal cartilages
• Insertion Lateral lip of
intertubercular groove of
• Action ????
Name the Muscle
• Origin
• Short head: tip of coracoid
process of scapula
Long head: supraglenoid
tubercle of scapula
• Insertion Tuberosity of radius
and fascia of forearm via
bicipital aponeurosis
• Action This muscle does (?) in
a (?position)
• Innervation
Musculocutaneous nerve (C5
and C6 )
5) Name the Muscle
• Origin Distal half of
anterior surface of
• Insertion Corocoid
process and tuberosity of
• Action This muscle does
(#6) in a (#7 position)
• Innervation
Musculocutaneous nerve
(C5 and C6)
Name the Muscle
• Origin Proximal 2/3 of
lateral supracondyle ridge
of humerus
• Insertion Lateral surface
of distal end of radius
• Action This muscle does
(??) in a (??) position)
• Innervation Radial nerve
(C5, C6 and C7)
Name the Muscle
• Origin Medial third of
superior nuchal line; base
of the occitpital bone
• Insertion Lateral third of
clavicle, acromion, and
spine of scapula
• Action Name 3 functions
Innervation Spinal root
of accessory nerve (CN
XI) (motor) and cervical
nerves (C3 and C4) (pain
and proprioception)
Name the Muscle
• Origin
• Minor: nuchal ligament
and spinous processes of
C7 and T1 vertebrae
Major: spinous processes
of T2 - T5 vertebrae
• Insertion Medial border
of scapula from level of
spine to inferior angle
• Action major function??
• Innervation Dorsal
scapular nerve ( C4 and
• Name these 5
• What is their primary
Name the Muscle
• Origin
• Long head: infraglenoid
tubercle of scapula
Lateral head: posterior
surface of humerus,
superior to radial groove
Medial head: posterior
surface of humerus,
inferior to radial groove
• Insertion Olecranon
process of ulna and
fascia of forearm
• Action # function?
• Innervation Radial nerve
(C6, C7 and C8)
Name the Muscle
• Origin Lateral third of
clavicle, acromion, and
spine of scapula
• Insertion Deltoid
tuberosity of humerus
• Action
• Anterior part: #??
Middle part: #??
Posterior part: #??
• Innervation Axillary
nerve (C5 and C6)
Name the Muscle
• Origin Spinous
processes of inferior 6
thoracic vertebrae,
thoracolumbar fascia,
iliac crest, and inferior 3
or 4 ribs
• Insertion intertubercular
groove of humerus
• Action #??
• Innervation
Thoracodorsal nerve (C6,
C7, and C8)
Name the Muscle
• Origin medial lip of linea
aspera, superior part of
medial supracondylar
ridge of femur
• Insertion Medial base of
quadriceps tendon
• Action #??
• Innervation femoral
Name the Muscle
• Origin Superior 2/3 of
anterior and lateral
surfaces of femur
• Insertion Lateral
border of patella
• Action ??
• Innervation femoral
Name the Muscle
• Origin greater trochanter,
superior portion of lateral
lip of linea aspera
• Insertion Lateral base
and border of patella;
lateral side of quadriceps
femoris tendon
• Action ??
• Innervation femoral
Name the Muscle
• Origin anterior inferior
iliac spine
• Insertion Base of patella
to form the more central
portion of the quadriceps
femoris tendon
• Action 2 functions ?? &
• Innervation femoral
Name the Muscle
• Origin (2)
• 1st part from anterior
surfaces and lower
borders of transverse
processes of L1 - L5
• 2nd part from upper
2/3 of iliac fossa of
• Insertion Lesser
• Action #??
• Innervation
Name the Muscle
• Origin Posterior aspect
of dorsal ilium,
• posterior superior iliac
crest, posterior inferior
aspect of sacrum and
• Insertion iliotibial band;
also into the gluteal
tuberosity on posterior
femoral surface
• Action ??
• Innervation Inferior
gluteal nerve (L5, S1, S2)
Name the Muscle
• Origin Dorsal ilium
inferior to iliac crest
• Insertion Lateral and
superior surfaces of
greater trochanter
• Action Major #?? of
• Innervation Superior
gluteal nerve (L4, L5,
Name the Muscle
• Origin Dorsal ilium
between inferior and
anterior gluteal line
• Insertion Anterior
surface of greater
• Action #??
• Innervation Superior
gluteal nerve (L4, L5,
Name the Muscle
• Origin Anterior superior
iliac spine
• Insertion Iliotibial band
• Action ???
• Innervation Superior
gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
Name the Muscle
• Origin Anterior surface of
the fibula and the
adjacent interosseous
• Insertion Base and
dorsal center of distal
phalanx of great toe
• Action #49
• Innervation Deep
peroneal nerve (L4, L5,
Name the Muscle
• Origin Lateral condyle of
fibula, upper 2/3 - 3/4 of
medial fibular shaft
• Insertion Splits into 4
tendon slips each of
which insert on middle
and distal phalanges
• Action #53
• Innervation Deep
peroneal nerve (L4, L5,
Name the Muscle
• Origin Lateral condyle of
tibia, proximal 1/2 - 2/3
• Insertion Medial and
plantar surfaces of 1st
cuneiform and on base of
first metatarsal
• Action #??
• Innervation Deep
peroneal nerve (L4, L5,
Name the Muscle
• Origin Inferior 2/3 of
lateral fibular surface;
also anterior and
posterior intermuscular
septa of leg
• Insertion Base of 5th
metatarsal base
• Action #57
• Innervation Superficial
peroneal nerve
Name the Muscle
• Origin Head of fibula,
upper 1/2 - 2/3 of lateral
fibular shaft
• Insertion medial
cuneiform and lateral side
of 1st metatarsal base
• Action ??
• Innervation Superficial
peroneal nerve
# ??
• Origin
• Medial head from
posterior nonarticular
surface of medial femoral
• Lateral head from lateral
surface of femoral lateral
• Insertion the Achilles
tendon, inserting on the
middle 1/3 of the
posterior calcaneal
• Action #??
• InnervationTibial nerve
(S1, S2)
• Origin Posterior
aspect of fibular head,
Insertion Achilles
tendon, inserting on
the middle 1/3 of the
posterior calcaneal
• Action ??
• Innervation Tibial
nerve (S1, S2)
??? (superficial)
• Origin: Lower 8
• Insertion Illiac crest,
ligamentum inguinale
• Nerve: lower 6
intercostal nerve +
subcostal nerve
• Action: ????
? (deep to the external oblique)
• Origin: Inguinal ligament,
Iliac crest and the
Lumbodorsa fascia.
• Insertion: Linea alba,
Xiphoid process and the
inferior ribs.
• Nerve: lower intercostal
• Action:???
Straight down the abdomen??
• Origin Pubis bone
• Insertion Ribs (5th,
6th, & 7th) Xipoid
• Action #??
Innervation thoracoabdominal nerves
• Origin Posterior superior 2/3
of medial posterior surface of
• Insertion 2
• superficial slip inserts on the
tuberosity of the navicular
bone and sometimes medial
• deeper slip divides again into
slips inserting on plantar
sufraces of metatarsals 2 - 4
and second cuneiform
• Action #???
• Innervation Tibial nerve (L4,
• Origin ischial
• Insertion Posterior
surface of the medial
tibial condyle
• Action ?? and ??
• Innervation Tibial
• Origins (2)
• Long head ischial
tuberosity; short head
from lateral lip of linea
aspera of femur
• Insertion Primarily on
fibular head
• Action 2 answers
Innervation Long head
by tibial nerve; short
head by common
peroneal nerve
Name the Muscle
• Origin the ischial
• Insertion Superior
aspect of medial
portion of tibial shaft
• Action ??
• Innervation Tibial
• Origin Anterior superior
iliac spine
• Insertion Superior aspect
of the medial surface of
the tibial shaft near the
tibial tuberosity
• Action Flexes and
laterally rotates the hip
joint and flexes the knee
• Innervation Femoral