An Across-Institution Anytime MOOC in Database Douglas H. Fisher Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN Presentation at SIGCSE 2015 • An open, online, self-paced course allows an individual to move through the course at their own pace • But, it also allows an instructor to move a campus course (or any other cohort willing to follow a leader) at the instructor’s pace, presumably synchronized to the institution’s term Related Readings: • “Wrapping a MOOC: Student Perceptions of an Experiment in Blended Learning” by Derek Bruff, Douglas Fisher, Kathryn McEwen, Blaine Smith. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, Vol 9, No 2, June 2013 • “Warming up to MOOCs”, Douglas Fisher, Chronicle of Higher Education (ProfHacker) Blog post, November 2012 • Leveraging AI Teaching in the Cloud for AI Teaching on Campus by Douglas Fisher, AI Magazine, 2014, Vol 35, No 3 (Fall Issue). Preprint at An Across-Institution Anytime MOOC in Database Douglas H. Fisher Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN Presentation at SIGCSE 2015 • An open, online, self-paced course allows an individual to move through the course at their own pace • But, it also allows an instructor to move a campus course (or any other cohort willing to follow a leader) at the instructor’s pace, presumably synchronized to the institution’s term Related Readings: • “Wrapping a MOOC: Student Perceptions of an Experiment in Blended Learning” by Derek Bruff, Douglas Fisher, Kathryn McEwen, Blaine Smith. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, Vol 9, No 2, June 2013 • “Warming up to MOOCs”, Douglas Fisher, Chronicle of Higher Education (ProfHacker) Blog post, November 2012 • Leveraging AI Teaching in the Cloud for AI Teaching on Campus by Douglas Fisher, AI Magazine, 2014, Vol 35, No 3 (Fall Issue). Preprint at An Across-Institution Anytime MOOC in Database Douglas H. Fisher Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vanderbilt Institute for Digital Learning Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN Presentation at SIGCSE 2015 • An open, online, self-paced course allows an individual to move through the course at their own pace • But, it also allows an instructor to move a campus course (or any other cohort willing to follow a leader) at the instructor’s pace, presumably synchronized to the institution’s term Related Readings: • “Wrapping a MOOC: Student Perceptions of an Experiment in Blended Learning” by Derek Bruff, Douglas Fisher, Kathryn McEwen, Blaine Smith. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, Vol 9, No 2, June 2013 • “Warming up to MOOCs”, Douglas Fisher, Chronicle of Higher Education (ProfHacker) Blog post, November 2012 • Leveraging AI Teaching in the Cloud for AI Teaching on Campus by Douglas Fisher, AI Magazine, 2014, Vol 35, No 3 (Fall Issue). Preprint at An Open, Online, Self-Paced Course in Database • Jennifer Widom’s “Databases” on Stanford OpenEdX • Free for non-profit use (with permission) • Originally designed as a “semester-long” MOOC • Now broken into 14 mini-courses (aka modules) • Each minicourse includes • Video lectures and “in-video” questions • Auto-graded quizzes and exercises (“for grade”) • Auto-graded, PRACTICE exercises (not “for grade”) • Discussion Board and Wiki • A “Statement of Accomplishment” Douglas H. Fisher An Open, Online, Self-Paced Course in Database • Jennifer Widom’s “Databases” on Stanford OpenEdX • Free for non-profit use (with permission) • Originally designed as a “semester-long” MOOC • Now broken into 14 mini-courses (aka modules) • Each minicourse includes • Video lectures and “in-video” questions • Auto-graded quizzes and exercises (“for grade”) • Auto-graded, PRACTICE exercises (not “for grade”) • Discussion Board and Wiki • A “Statement of Accomplishment” Douglas H. Fisher A Campus Course that embeds (wraps) Widom’s Databases DB4: Relational Algebra Vanderbilt University, CS 265, Introduction to Databases DB5: SQL (Queries) • • DB11: Constraints & Triggers DB9: Unified Modeling Language DB8: Relational Design Theory Widom’s minicourses are reference “text” Roughly, one mini-course per week (incentived, but not required) • • Students can opt for minicourse SoAs All but a few missed SoAs Project 1, Midterm, CfT Eval Spring break (NOW) CS 265 customizes the ordering of mini-courses • • DB10: Indexing & Transactions DB12: Views &Authorization Active Learning in class CS 265 grades are exams (of my design) and group projects (of my design) DB 2:XML Data & DB3: JSON Data UNC Charlotte, ITIS 5160, Applied Databases, customizes order differently (David Wilson) Douglas H. Fisher DB6: Xpath & XQuery CS 265 and ITIS 5160 to share exam questions, active learning exercises, and post-break project topics DB13: OLAP • • Widom/Stanford permissions FERPA attention DB7: XSLT DB14: Recursion in SQL (optional) Project 2 & Final Exam A Campus Course that embeds (wraps) Widom’s Databases DB4: Relational Algebra Vanderbilt University, CS 265, Introduction to Databases DB5: SQL (Queries) • • DB11: Constraints & Triggers DB9: Unified Modeling Language DB8: Relational Design Theory Widom’s minicourses are reference “text” Roughly, one mini-course per week (incentived, but not required) • • Students can opt for minicourse SoAs All but a few missed SoAs Project 1, Midterm, CfT Eval Spring break (NOW) CS 265 customizes the ordering of mini-courses • • DB10: Indexing & Transactions DB12: Views &Authorization Active Learning in class CS 265 grades are exams (of my design) and group projects (of my design) DB 2:XML Data & DB3: JSON Data UNC Charlotte, ITIS 5160, Applied Databases, customizes order differently (David Wilson) Douglas H. Fisher DB6: Xpath & XQuery CS 265 and ITIS 5160 to share exam questions, active learning exercises, and post-break project topics DB13: OLAP • • Widom/Stanford permissions FERPA attention DB7: XSLT DB14: Recursion in SQL (optional) Project 2 & Final Exam A Campus Course that embeds (wraps) Widom’s Databases DB4: Relational Algebra Vanderbilt University, CS 265, Introduction to Databases DB5: SQL (Queries) • • DB11: Constraints & Triggers DB9: Unified Modeling Language DB8: Relational Design Theory Widom’s minicourses are reference “text” Roughly, one mini-course per week (incentived, but not required) • • Students can opt for minicourse SoAs All but a few missed SoAs Project 1, Midterm, CfT Eval Spring break (NOW) CS 265 customizes the ordering of mini-courses • • DB10: Indexing & Transactions DB12: Views &Authorization Active Learning in class CS 265 grades are exams (of my design) and group projects (of my design) DB 2:XML Data & DB3: JSON Data UNC Charlotte, ITIS 5160, Applied Databases, customizes order differently (David Wilson) Douglas H. Fisher DB6: Xpath & XQuery CS 265 and ITIS 5160 to share exam questions, active learning exercises, and post-break project topics DB13: OLAP • • Widom/Stanford permissions FERPA attention DB7: XSLT DB14: Recursion in SQL (optional) Project 2 & Final Exam A Campus Course that embeds (wraps) Widom’s Databases DB4: Relational Algebra Vanderbilt University, CS 265, Introduction to Databases DB5: SQL (Queries) • • DB11: Constraints & Triggers DB9: Unified Modeling Language DB8: Relational Design Theory Widom’s minicourses are reference “text” Roughly, one mini-course per week (incentived, but not required) • • Students can opt for minicourse SoAs All but a few missed SoAs Project 1, Midterm, CfT Eval Spring break (NOW) CS 265 customizes the ordering of mini-courses • • DB10: Indexing & Transactions DB12: Views &Authorization Active Learning in class CS 265 grades are exams (of my design) and group projects (of my design) DB 2:XML Data & DB3: JSON Data UNC Charlotte, ITIS 5160, Applied Databases, customizes order differently (David Wilson) Douglas H. Fisher DB6: Xpath & XQuery CS 265 and ITIS 5160 to share exam questions, active learning exercises, and post-break project topics DB13: OLAP • • Widom/Stanford permissions FERPA attention DB7: XSLT DB14: Recursion in SQL (optional) Project 2 & Final Exam A Campus Course that embeds (wraps) Widom’s Databases DB4: Relational Algebra Vanderbilt University, CS 265, Introduction to Databases DB5: SQL (Queries) • • DB11: Constraints & Triggers DB9: Unified Modeling Language DB8: Relational Design Theory Widom’s minicourses are reference “text” Roughly, one mini-course per week (incentived, but not required) • • Students can opt for minicourse SoAs All but a few missed SoAs Project 1, Midterm, CfT Eval Spring break (NOW) CS 265 customizes the ordering of mini-courses • • DB10: Indexing & Transactions DB12: Views &Authorization Active Learning in class CS 265 grades are exams (of my design) and group projects (of my design) DB 2:XML Data & DB3: JSON Data UNC Charlotte, ITIS 5160, Applied Databases, customizes order differently (David Wilson) Douglas H. Fisher DB6: Xpath & XQuery CS 265 and ITIS 5160 to share exam questions, active learning exercises, and post-break project topics DB13: OLAP • • Widom/Stanford permissions FERPA attention DB7: XSLT DB14: Recursion in SQL (optional) Project 2 & Final Exam