Blackworm/ Wowbug Test Study Guide Explain why scientists use

Blackworm/ Wowbug Test Study Guide
1. Explain why scientists use scientific diagrams.
To allow scientists to share data in an effective way
2. List and define the 5 views used to observe an organism
a. Lateral- from the side
Dorsal- from above, backside of the organism
Ventral- From below, underside of organism
Anterior- from in front, forward facing
e. Posterior- from behind, rear of organism
3. Be able to identify the correct format of a Scientific Diagram. I will give you a
diagram and you will need to identify mistakes made on the diagram. Review the
10 guidelines to creating a scientific diagram.
4. List the characteristics common to all insects. (intriguing insects reading)
Body has 3 parts; head, thorax, and abdomen
Six legs
Four wings
5. Define the following terms. Definitions may be found in the two reading
selections as well as notes taken in class.
Parasite- an organism that lives on or in an organism
Regeneration- to regrow organs or tissue
Entomologist-scientist that studies insects
Setae- hairs found on an earthworm
Chaete- hairs found on a blackworm
Photoreceptors-cells that can detect light
Clitellum- part of an earthworm that allows it to reproduce
Asexual Reproduction – reproduction without another gender
Spiracles- opening in the abdomen of a WOWbug that allows for gas exchange
6. Explain how the circulatory system of a blackworm functions. Where does blood
flow start and why? Describe the path it follows.
Blood starts at the posterior end because that is where the muscles contract and it flows
to the anterior end.
7. Explain the difference between an open and closed circulatory system.
In a closed circulatory system the blood flows in vessels. In an open system, blood flows over the
8. Explain how to identify a male and female WOWbug.
Male – small wings, horned antennae, lighter in color, 3 small eyes
Female – large wings, thin antennae, dark in color, 2 large eyes
9. Be able to identify the Phylum, genus and species of a WOWbug and blackworm.
WOWbug – Arthropod, Meliottobia, digitata
Blackworm –Annelidia Lumbriculus variegatus
10. Be able to identify the common name of the organism from the scientific name.
Lumbriculus variegatus = __Blackworm__
Lumbricus terrestrius = ___Earthworm_____
Meliottobia digitata = _____WOWbug______
11. Complete the following for each organism
Describe the habitat
Lives in a host organism
Lives in shallow marshes,
and ponds
How does it get oxygen
Through Spiracles(openings in the abdomen)
Through its tail
What structures are
used to move? How does
it move?
Legs and wings help it to
crawl, jump or fly.
Muscles and chetae help it
to crawl and swim
How does the organism
reproduce? Include both
methods of
Sexually – female lays eggs
which are fertilized by male.
Asexually- fmales lays and
fertilizes eggs.
Sexually- lays and fertilizes
Asexually - regeneration
12. Explain the importance of a circulatory system (3 main reasons.)
To transport oxygen to the cells
To transport nutrients to the cells.
To remove waste.
13. Give an example of how each organism may respond to a predator.
WOWbug- plays dead or hops
Blackworm- contracts muscles to withdraw its tail
14. What are the 4 life stages of a WOWbug?
Eggs, larvae, pupae, adult
15. What are the two main characteristics of Arthropods?
Jointed feet
16. What are the sizes of the field of vision for a microscope under each
40x = _____4.5mm______mm
100x = _____1.5________mm
400x = ____0.4_______mm