Minor nutri vit

Minor (needed and safe only in small quantities) nutrients: vitamins and minerals
vitamin sources: “ADEK” fat soluble vitamins (meat, fish, eggs, oil, butter, nuts)
and “CAB” water
soluble vitamins (fresh fruits and vegetables)
Vitamin elements- C, H, O, N e.g. OF vitamin structures below – A, B1, B12, C
Vitamins are organic molecules that help the processes of the body. They are
‘helper molecules.’
Vitamin functions
(match the vitamin with its helper function)
 Helps us to feel well and healthy:
 Commonly found in citrus fruits:
 Scientific name is ascorbic acid:
 Helps us heal and resist viruses:
 Prevents bleeder disease called scurvy:
 Helps us see better at night:
 Helps us secrete gastric juices for protein digestion in the stomach:
 Commonly found in carrots or spinach:
 Helps prevent a disease called night blindness:
 Scientific name is Rentinol:
 Helps use absorb and use calcium:
 Produce by our skin using sun light:
 Prevents the bone deforming effect in children by a disease called Rickets:
 Scientific name is “itself2”:
 Helps us maintain healthy skin:
 Commonly found in nuts:
 Helps us produce antibodies of the immune system:
 Scientific name is Tocopherol:
 Helps us form bone and controls natural bone loss:
 Commonly found in broccoli and spinach:
 Is an import helper in blood clotting:
Scientific name is Phylloquinone:
 Helps us maintain nerve and red blood cells:
 Scientific name is “itself12”:
 Helps us process protein and fat:
 Is also a blood builder:
 Prevents the nerve and heart disease called beri beri:
 Scientific name is Thiamine chloride:
 Helps the body to process carbohydrates to:
 Is the energy booster vitamin:
 Found in brown rice and fortified bread/cereals:
 Scientific name is Riboflavin:
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Why is our urine so brightly coloured after taking a supplement?
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Which vitamins should be consumed with meals richer in fat content?
Why it is better to suck an orange than to drink the squeezed juice?
Why any fortified and natural juice products are not worth the price you pay when serve in
a clear bottle?