Canada and the ATLAS Experiment NSERC - Large Projects Day NSERC 4th February 2005 CERN Situation: LHC, ATLAS ATLAS Schedule Canadian Projects (Update from Review) Financial Issues • M&O, C&I, Construction Completion • Operating: Travel, Salaries R. S. Orr ATLAS Canada Alberta 33 University/Lab.physicists Over Carleton 88 people, including Engineers, McGill Technicians, Students Montréal Simon Fraser Includes 3 IPP Research Scientists Toronto TRIUMF Educational Role UBC 20 UG Summer Students Victoria 21 Graduate Students York 13 Post Docs Focus on Liquid Argon Calorimetry • 4 NSERC Funded Construction Projects Endcap Hadronic Calorimeter Forward Hadronic Calorimeter Front-End-Board Electronics Endcap Signal Cryogenics Feedthroughs Construction completed last year End of Installation this year Commissioning in 2006 • Ongoing/Future Activities Analysis of Beam Tests Calorimeter Calibration Preparation for Physics Event Filter Algorithms/Ops Computing - soft/hard Beam Condition Monitors LHC machine Status Dipole Cold Masses Cryoline (QRL) History • Early June 2004 – leak detected on a pipe element. Extraction of pipe bundle mid-June revealed damaged tables. • End of June 2004 – endoscopic examination revealed damaged tables in many pipe elements and service modules. • CERN investigation revealed that tables are not moulded in conforming material. Resistance to shock an order of magnitude too low. • July 2004 – CERN task force to verify QRL design. Production Restart Review 15 September 2004. • Installation was scheduled to be restarted beginning of November 2004. QRL Service Module Sliding Table Sliding Table Cryoline (QRL) History • 90 units out of 263 already repaired at CERN. Repairing 25 pipe elements per week. Expect completion by end of March 2005. • Installation of repaired QRL started on 15 November 2004. Before Xmas one shift per day was completing 4 joint welds/day cf. six required. Two shifts instituted • Weld quality extremely good at 2.5% failure • Installation re-started 3 Jan with three teams. Expect subsector of 428m completed by early Feb and two more subsectors by mid-March. • QRL should be finished before 3 Q of 2006 and last tested magnet available end of 2006. Conclusions • Component delivery is proceeding at a rate compatible with a startup of the machine in summer 2007. • The new QRL problems have caused delays in installation. The delay will be of order 3 months. • LHC has re-ordered tasks to minimize effect on schedule. For example, local cabling is now being done before QRL installation. A new contractor has been brought in to remove, repair, and re-install damaged QRL. • Increase rate of component manufacture to install 2 (maybe 3) sectors in parallel • In New Year talk to CERN staff, Aymar said that CERN was committed to an LHC physics startup in summer of 2007 – and that this was in accord with the schedule. Construction Status of the Main ATLAS Detector Systems Diameter Barrel toroid length Endcap end-wall chamber span Overall weight 25 m 26 m 46 m 7000 Tons ATLAS Cavern – February 2003 ATLAS Cavern – November 2004 Installation of the Barrel Cryostat on 28th October 2004 in the pit onto the lower part of the Barrel Tile Calorimeter BT-1 Installation in the Cavern LAr and Tile Calorimeters Tile barrel Tile extended barrel LAr hadronic end-cap (HEC) LAr EM end-cap (EMEC) LAr EM barrel LAr forward calorimeter (FCAL) Liquid Argon Calorimetry – MIG Projects Hadron Tiles The LAr calorimetry (pre-samplers, EM, hadronic end-caps, and forward calorimeters) C-End: Integration complete, cold test underway ready for pit May 2005 (Move Sept 2005) A-End: Integration well-advanced, cold test in summer 2005,ready for pit November 2005 Hadron LAr EM LAr Solenoid Forward LAr Endcap cryostat Barrel cryostat GSC Q#3 • Canada Contributed of order 4% of Capital Cost of ATLAS • Commensurate with the size of the group Front-End Board Schedule Switched Capacitor Array • Light Blue is schedule before Delay at Bottom • • • 2003 October: full 14 board test. 2004 March: start of front-end board production 2004 November: begin front-end board installation (1.25 days/crate) Stopped late summer due to QPLL problems Solution found – mezzanine board Resume Production Feb 2005 Six Month Delay • • • • No Final Schedule at present for Installation Not affected by production delay – – – – SCA Controller Jan 05 – Aug 05: Aug 05 – Sep 05 : Dec 05 – Jul 06: Feb 06 – Aug 06: Phase 1 – EM barrel at truck Phase 2 – EM Barrel at IP Endcap C Endcap A End Cap Cold Commissioning • End cap C cold commissioning started Jan. 2005 • End cap A cold commissioning is planned to start in July 2005 EMEC FCAL HEC Week 1 HV test Week 2 HV test Week 3 HV test Week 4 HV test HV test Week 5 TPA, LC, Rcal Ramp, delay, x-talk Week 6 TPA, LC, Rcal Reflection test Ramp, delay, x-talk Week 7 TPA, LC, Rcal Tests with calib.p. TDR test Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 HV test started FEC test FEC test FEC test Combined Beam Tests H6 beam EMEC-HEC-FCAL test Major Group Activity 200 GeV incident just below “crack” Energy sharing in calorimeters EMEC + HEC LHCC Milestones 2003 Review for Comparison Integrated LHCC milestones LHCC November 2004 ATLAS Installation Schedule (working version 6.24, not baselined) Technical Coordination is working on optimizing and updating the schedule taking into account the by now better known and consolidated Barrel Torroid construction schedule Conclusion GSC Question #4 • CERN Committed to LHC Startup in 2007 • ATLAS Detector on Schedule for 2007 Startup • Canadian Projects have proceeded in timely fashion ATLAS Canada Project Request Specific Issues • Purpose of Request • Financial Summary • Student Support R.A. Salaries Priorities During this Grant Period • Transition from Construction > Commissioning > Physics • RA’s and Students based at CERN • Initially focus on calorimeter calibration - test beam • Cosmic and Single beam running • Planning for Analysis • TRIUMF Computer Centre & University Installations • Grid development • Data Challenges • New CFI requests • Event Filter • Strong group of committed people • Beam Condition Monitor • Ties nicely with commissioning ATLAS Computing Timeline 2003 • POOL/SEAL release (done) • ATLAS release 7 (with POOL persistency) (done) • LCG-1 deployment (done) 2004 • ATLAS complete Geant4 validation (done) • ATLAS release 8 (done) NOW 2005 • DC2 Phase 1: simulation production (in progress) • DC2 Phase 2: intensive reconstruction (the real challenge!) late • Combined test beams (barrel wedge) (in progress) • Computing Model paper 2006 • Computing Memorandum of Understanding • ATLAS Computing TDR and LCG TDR • DC3: produce data for PRR and test LCG-n 2007 • Physics Readiness Report • Start commissioning run • GO! ATLAS-CDN Computing • Significant progress made on computing in Canada: - Prototype TRIUMF centre has been built - Several sites have joined the LHC computing grid - Developed an interface between LCG and Grid-Canada - Fully integrated into the Data Challenge - Preparing to join the LCG Service Challenge • At ATLAS & LCG: - Real Grid in operation - New computing model produced - MOUs are being developed • At TRIUMF: - Budget for the TRIUMF centre known soon - TRIUMF is now accepted as a Tier-1 site Goals for the Coming Year • Data Challenges: - Continue to participate fully (pile-up & analysis) - Prepare for DC3 in 2006 • Service Challenges: - Get 10-GigE connection to BCNet working - Set up storage servers to receive data - Add tape storage to the TRIUMF centre • Participate in fast/sustained file transfer project in Canada. • Continue to develop Grid-X1 as the Canadian HEP Grid. • Produce final design for the TRIUMF centre • Make first hardware acquisition for the TRIUMF centre. • Computing MOUs must be signed with LCG and with ATLAS. Trigger, DAQ and Detector Control DAQ Trigger Calo MuTrCh Other detectors 40 MHz 40 MHz 2.5 ms LV L1 ROD RoI ~2 kHz LVL2 RoI data = 1-2% ~ 10 ms ROIB H ~ 200 Hz RoI requests ROB Read-Out Buffers L2P ROB L2SV L2N L Lvl2 acc = ~2 kHz EFP EFP EFP EFP ~ sec DFM EB 120 GB/s Read-Out Links GB/s ROS T Event Filter Event Filter Processors ROD 120 ~4 GB/s L2 N/work L2 Proc Unit ROB Lvl1 acc = 75 kHz 75 kHz RoI Builder L2 Supervisor ROD D FE Pipelines E T R/O Read-Out Drivers EBN SFI D A T A F L O W Read-Out Sub-systems ~2+4 GB/s Dataflow Manager Event Building N/work Sub-Farm Input Event Builder EFN Event Filter N/work SFO Sub-Farm Output EFacc = ~0.2 kHz ~ 300 MB/s High Level Trigger • Principal focus past year - Combined Testbeam – LVL2 muon slice fully integrated in H8 combined testbeam – ID LVL2 tracking algorithms integrated and run in the testbeam – CaloRec in EF • Timing algorithm & data preparation timing studies • Extensive testing of the event selection steering component • Online histogramming • New members of ATLAS-CDN focused on HLT/Event Filter. • In particular on algorithm software and commissioning. • ATLAS has agreed to this proposal From Commissioning to Physics • Now that calorimeters have been built and delivered, the group’s next major effort will consist of commissioning those systems. • Our group’s hardware, software and commissioning expertise will be used to help us lead some of the early physics analyses First step: • Collect samples to be used for calibrations and measure various efficiencies: – minimum bias events – jets with various trigger thresholds – Z, W bosons – photon + jets – top?! • Use these to tune detector simulation • Important baseline measurements can be made with samples above (multiplicity distributions, W, Z boson cross sections) Intend to be Active in High Profile Physics Higgs Boson • Vector boson fusion dominates favoured Higgs mass range • Relies on tagging forward jets • Extensive VBF studies performed by Canadian group (including 2 theses) • WW l l analysis performed by Canadians at Fermilab Forward Jet Identification Commissioning and calibration of endcap + forward calorimeters and understanding forward jet reconstruction constitute first steps in these analyses Getting Organized • Calorimeter commissioning will involve large fraction of Canadian group • Natural for this effort to evolve into early physics measurements • High-profile analyses will be very competitive, but we can compete as a group if we are well organized • Already have Canada-wide meetings (e.g. testbeam analysis meeting) • Frequency of meetings, travel within Canada likely to increase. Funds Requested Summary of Requested Budget Salaries Travel Operations, Maint., Supplies 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 $1,335,294 $1,006,274 $168,381 $1,562,126 $1,174,690 $213,516 $1,827,603 $1,451,835 $179,051 $160,000 $57,000 $234,667 $111,150 $391,111 $427,928 $2,726,950 $3,296,149 $4,277,528 CERN Maintenance & Operations (A) Maintenance & Operations (B) Total Request M&O Component Evolution of M&O Plans (MCHF) 25 MCHF 20 15 10 5 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Year M&O Plan October '01 M&O Update April '04 COMMON COSTS ATLAS OPERATING GRANT REQUEST OPERATING Year 1 2003-04 Equipment or facility Purchase rental or user fees ATLAS M&O (A) ATLAS M&O (B) Subtotal Material and supplies FCAL Completion Subtotal TOTAL Year 2 2004-05 Year 3 2005-06 Year 4 2006-07 Year 5 2007-08 $76,482 $100,694 $160,000 $234,667 $391,111 $34,989 $16,000 $57,000 $111,150 $427,928 $111,471 $116,694 $217,000 $345,817 $819,039 $55,000 $55,000 $166,471 $116,694 $217,000 $345,817 $819,039 Grant Holders ATLAS FTE PROFILE A. Astbury D. Axen G. Azuelos D. Bailey S. Bhadra G. Couture D. Gingrich R. Keeler R. Kowalewski P. Krieger M. Lefebvre C. Leroy M. Losty J.-P. Martin R. Moore R. McPherson G. Oakham D. O'Neil C. Oram R. Orr J. Pinfold S. Robertson P. Savard P. Sinervo R. Sobie R. Tafirout W. Taylor I. Trigger W. Trischuk B. Vachon M. Vetterli M. Vincter A. Warburton TOTAL Victoria UBC Montreal Toronto York Montreal/UQAM Alberta/TRIUMF Victoria Victoria Toronto/IPP Victoria Montreal TRIUMF Montreal Alberta Victoria/IPP Carleton Simon Fraser TRIUMF Toronto Alberta McGill/IPP Toronto/TRIUMF Toronto Victoria/IPP TRIUMF York TRIUMF Toronto McGill Simon Fraser/TRIUMF Carleton McGill 2005 2006 2007 2000.0 2001.0 2002.0 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.10 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.10 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.25 1.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 0.90 0.65 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.50 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.50 0.40 0.75 0.90 0.10 21.50 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.10 0.50 0.90 1.00 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.50 0.60 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.25 1.00 0.50 0.60 0.85 0.90 0.20 23.85 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.20 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.80 0.70 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.90 0.90 1.00 0.50 27.10 16.0 17.4 18.4 2003.0 2004.0 2005.0 18.0 18.6 18.8 2005.0 2006.0 2007.0 21.5 23.9 27.1 1999 Grant Request 2002 Grant Request 2004 Grant Request • In this decade group grew by 34% (5.5 FTE) • Faster than we predicted • 2000 – 2007 predict increase 70% (11 FTE) • Increase driven by newly hired faculty New Grant Eligible Group Members Robert Kowalewski Commissioning, Calibration, Software. Roger Moore Event Filter Steven Robertson Event Filter Pierre Savard Commissioning, Calibration, Software. Reda Tafirout TRIUMF/ATLAS Computing Centre Wendy Taylor Event Filter Isabel Trigger Commissioning, Calibration, Software Brigitte Vachon Event Filter Andreas Warburton Event Filter Red = New Hire @ Institution since last request Group Member Actvities Offline Test Beam Calorimeter Computing Commissioning Detector Installation Software Analysis Calibration Grid Controls Event Filter Beam Physics Monitor Simulation Faculty A. Astbury D. Axen G. Azuelos D. Bailey S. Bhadra G. Couture D. Gingrich R. Keeler R. Kowalewski P. Krieger M. Lefebvre C. Leroy M. Losty J.-P. Martin R. Moore R. McPherson G. Oakham D. O'Neil C. Oram R. Orr J. Pinfold S. Robertson P. Savard P. Sinervo R. Sobie R. Tafirout W. Taylor I. Trigger W. Trischuk B. Vachon M. Vetterli M. Vincter A. Warburton Victoria UBC Montreal Toronto York Montreal/UQAM Alberta/TRIUMF Victoria Victoria Toronto/IPP Victoria Montreal TRIUMF Montreal Alberta Victoria/IPP Carleton Simon Fraser TRIUMF Toronto Alberta McGill/IPP Toronto/TRIUMF Toronto Victoria/IPP TRIUMF York TRIUMF Toronto McGill SFU/TRIUMF Carleton McGill 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.50 0.10 1.00 0.50 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.75 0.15 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.10 0.10 0.70 0.50 0.30 0.30 0.20 1.00 1.00 0.15 0.30 0.50 0.30 0.20 0.50 0.40 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.50 0.20 0.10 0.15 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.30 0.15 0.50 0.05 0.10 0.80 0.10 0.20 0.50 1.00 0.15 0.80 0.20 0.80 1.00 0.70 0.35 1.00 0.30 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.30 0.80 0.20 0.80 0.10 0.20 0.50 Research Associates B. Caron S. Chekulaev P.A. Delsart M. Finke-Keeler P. Gorbunov M. Khakzad S. Liu R. Mazini R. Mehdiyev R. Seuster R. Soluk K. Voss R. Walker Total Alberta TRIUMF Montreal Victoria Toronto Carleton Alberta Toronto Montreal Victoria Alberta Victoria SFU 0.20 0.20 0.60 0.80 0.10 0.40 0.30 0.25 0.50 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.75 0.50 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.20 0.40 0.50 0.50 3.20 5.15 0.40 1.00 0.30 0.30 0.40 1.00 2.60 6.80 9.05 GSC Q#6 6.60 2.55 0.85 2.20 7.00 Time Dev. In Budget Research Associate Salaries Note No. Alberta Sarah Wheeler (EF) Shengli Liu (electronics) Richard Soluk (PESA tau + physics) TBA (electronics + physics) TBA (PESA Etmiss + physics) Carleton Mohsen Khakzad R.A. (TBA) McGill TBA Montreal R. Mehdiyev K. Benslama/P.-A. Delsart Simon Fraser Rod Walker TBA RA (JES & Calo calib) Toronto Petr Gorbanov Rachid Mazini Hugo Ruiz R.A. (TBA) TRIUMF Sergey Chekuleav Denice Deatrich TRIUMF Post-Doc (Physics/Computing) TRIUMF Post-Doc (Physics/Computing) Victoria Naoko Kanaya Margret Fincke-Keeler Monika Wielers Kai Voss Rolf Seuster TBA RA (Sept 2007) Salary Total 4) Year 1 2003-04 $25,284 $55,239 $21,758 Year 2 2004-05 $55,589 $41,250 4) 2) 2) $58,825 $0 $59,003 $10,000 2) Year 3 2005-06 Year 4 2006-07 $27,795 $45,000 $27,794 $23,250 Year 5 2007-08 $47,500 $47,500 $47,500 $61,953 $55,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $65,051 $57,750 $27,500 $68,303 $60,638 $57,000 $59,000 $62,900 $55,000 $67,131 $56,100 $67,131 $56,985 $67,131 $56,985 $67,131 $56,985 GSC Q#6 $18,333 $6,164 $60,500 $60,500 $60,500 $50,000 2) 3) 4) $53,333 $22,049 $65,619 $30,000 $25,000 $66,931 $30,000 $55,000 $66,931 $60,000 $55,000 $66,931 $60,000 $60,000 $25,000 Time Dev. In Budget 1) 3) 4) 5) $59,583 $66,584 $34,368 $15,000 $68,582 $17,184 $59,003 $ $29,502 $ $70,639 $72,758 $57,808 $40,799 $20,437 $25,500 $58,000 $59,000 $60,000 $49,050 $51,000 $50,000 $52,000 $51,000 $53,000 $26,500 9) 10) 8) $36,913 $53,885 $10,362 9) 10) 11) $533,462 $676,351 $937,159 60,773 60,773 $1,042,033 $ $ 62,596 62,596 $1,172,939 Travel Broken Down by Task $$. 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 GSC Q#7 Conf SW TB Ana Calo Cal Comp/Grid Comm DCS Install EF BCM Physics Management Involvement in this Period • Georges Azuelos Convener of exotics physics studies • Chris Oram Elected Deputy Chair of Collaboration Board (Chair in 2006 - 2007, return to Deputy for 2008) Ex-Officio member of Executive Board • R.S. Orr National Contact Physicist • Rob McPherson Offline Commissioning Coordinator Member of Computing Management Board • Randy Sobie & Mike Vetterli LHC Grid Deployment Board • Mike Vetterli ATLAS International Computing Board • Manuela Vincter Publications Committee MFA Paid Staff Activities • During Construction Period Several Institutions MFA staff heavily Involved • Focus of Activities are again shifting – have details Phone/Video Meeting Attendance Video/Phone meetings GSC Q#1 25.0 Video/Phone 5 10 Physical Trips 1 People per week 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 MON TUES WED THURS FRI University Graduate Student Expectations GSC Q#2 Total GS University New GS 3 - Year Sum HEP Exp. (recent avg) ATLAS Grant (by 2008) (last 3 years) ATLAS grant (05-08 TBA) Alberta 13 5 9 2 Carleton 8 4 6 3 McGill 11 5 15 5 Montreal 16 6 7.5 2 SFU 4 5 4.5 4 Toronto 11 8 6 6 Victoria 13 6 8.4 5 York 6 2 4.5 2 82 41 61 29 Sum HEP Exp. • New faculty hires should improve both ATLAS and HEP recruitment, but this is neglected here • Project ½ of new HEP experimentalist students at ATLAS institutes to join ATLAS. • The TBA graduate students in the ATLAS request are probably low Conclusion • We believe that we have a realistic plan to make the transition to active physics analysis by LHC Turn-on. • The Grant Request describes the financial implications of this plan. Construction Completion Request Funds Requested Construction Completion (A) Construction Completion (B) Commissioning & Integration (A) Commissioning & Integration (B) 2005 2006 2007 2008 $287,464 $45,429 $287,464 $45,429 $287,464 $45,429 $287,464 $45,429 $84,801 $39,119 $84,801 $39,119 $84,801 $39,119 $84,801 $39,119 ($88,839) ($88,839) $367,974 $367,974 Membership Fee from 2003 RTI Carryover from 2003 RTI ($44,000) Request $412,812 $456,812 Payment Profile (CHF) 2002 Construction Completion (A) Construction Completion (B) 32,000 Commissioning & Integration (A) Commissioning & Integration (B) Total 32,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 177,000 284,750 45,000 284,750 45,000 284,750 45,000 284,750 45,000 71,000 84,000 38,750 84,000 38,750 84,000 38,750 84,000 38,750 452,500 452,500 452,500 452,500 248,000 0 Why Does ATLAS Want to Bring Forward Deferred Funds? PROJECTED EVOLUTION OF ATLAS BUDGET POSITION (MCHF) PAYMENTS 95-01 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total Baseline + CC(A) 229 71 56 70 54 18 4 504 504 0 1 3 4 -4 -8 -2 -14 -14 9 4 21 21 1 1 3 5 2 12 12 73 60 77 64 16 522 522 Total Ref. 494 494 of which deferrals C&I (A+B) CC (B) TOTAL 229 INCOME 2 95-01 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Baseline + CC(A) 250 Ref. 65 55 60 42 13 C&I (A+B) 1 9 4 3 1 18 17 CC (B) 2 4 4 1 0 10 11 250 68 68 67 45 14 11 522 522 BUDGET BALANCE 20 -5 7 -10 -18 -2 8 0 CUMULATIVE 20 15 23 12 -6 -8 0 TOTAL CUMULATIVE (APRIL 2004) 21 15 23 7 -10 11 -6 0 GSC Q#5 • No Impact, so far, from Canada not funding CC and C&I. • Deficit avoided, so far, by other countries bringing forward Deferred Funds. • If no countries bring forward funding, there will be a 6Million CHf deficit this year. Global ATLAS Budget Balance (MCHF) 275 250 Payments 225 200 MCHF 175 Income 150 125 Budget Balance (Cumulative) Cumulative (April 2004) 100 75 50 25 0 95-01 -25 2002 2003 2004 Year 2005 2006 2007 BACKUP SLIDES Superconducting Cables • At ATLAS Review Dec. 2003 – Nominal production rates attained by all suppliers – Steady performance achieved and maintained critical current >6% above specification transverse dimensions within tolerance of +/- 6 mm strand magnetization and contact resistance under control • This year we can see the effect of that • SC Cables no longer a critical item EC Cryostat Preparation • Cryostat preparation: – Feedthrough Installation – Pedestal installation, warm cabling, testing • Rotation • Pressure test of the empty cryostat – ECA pressure test winter 2004 – Leak of interior large Ω-seal at 2.6bar below working pressure (2.7bar) – Exterior large Ω-seal started to leak at 2.8bar – Leak re-disappeared at lower pressures ECC rotated with all feedthroughs installed, Mar 2003 EM EndCap A wheel on the insertion stand, May - June 2004 LAr Forward Calorimeters • C end in Cryostat • A end assembled into support tube • FCAL C assembly into tube – Fall 2003 EndCap Integration Summary EndCap A EndCap C • • • • • • • Cryostats preparations – Feed throughs, pedestals, warm cables installation – Finished in spring 2003 Electromagnetic EndCap insertion – PS installation in June 2003 – EM wheel insertion in Aug. 2003 Hadronic EndCap insertion – HEC1 insertion in Sept. 2003 – HEC2 insertion in Oct. 2003 Forward calorimeter insertion – FCal insertion in Aug. 2004 Final closing of the cryostat – Final closing and welding of cold vessel July – Oct. 2004 – Closing warm vessel Oct. 2004 Cool down for the cold commissioning – Started Nov 2004 – Cool down scheduled to take 8 weeks Delivery to the pit – Planned for Sept. 2005 • • • • • • • Cryostats preparations – Feed throughs, pedestals, warm cables installation – Finished in fall 2003 Electromagnetic EndCap insertion – PS installation in May 2004 – EM wheel insertion in July 2004 Hadronic EndCap insertion – HEC1 insertion in Aug. 2004 – HEC2 insertion in Sept. 2004 Forward calorimeter insertion – FCal insertion planned for Jan. 2005 Final closing of the cryostat – Final closing and welding of cold vessel planned for Dec. 2004 – Feb. 2005 – Closing warm vessel planned for Feb. 2005 Cool down for the cold commissioning – Planned to start in May 2005 – Cool down scheduled to take 8 weeks Delivery to the pit – Planned for Nov. 2005 LVL1 TDAQ Setup in Combined Test Beam Compared to ATLAS LVL2 LVL1 calo ROS Tracker • ~10% of DAQ • ~2% of HLT just counting PCs… farm in H8 ROS RPC TGC ROS ROS CSC MDT Tile ROS ROS ROS LAr data network (GbE) Calo Muon det. LVL1 mu pROS monitoring run control MAGNI farm in bdg. 513 DFM ROS storage ROS CASTOR (IT) TRT SCT SFI ROS EF farm SFO Pixel ROS gateway in bdg.513 remote farms ATLAS-Canada Model • A large computing/storage facility at TRIUMF to handle the large-scale, repetitive computing: Tier 1 functionality • Sufficient computing in the universities for physics analysis and to develop algorithms and codes for analysis; Tier 2-3 • Use the Grid to link these facilities for data transfer and to give everyone easy access to the TRIUMF facility • Include enough people at TRIUMF to form a core software group that will not only support Canadian users, but make a strong intellectual contribution to ATLAS software ATLAS Data Challenge ATLAS Data Challenges • Major Activity of ATLAS Canada Group in past year • Develop and test the ATLAS Monte Carlo production and data processing systems. • The TRIUMF – LCG, a unique Interface. • Toronto, Carleton, Montreal, TRIUMF and Alberta join LCG grid directly. Supervisor (Windmill) Executor Executor Executor (Dulcinea) (Lexor) (Capone) Nordugrid LCG Grid3 Montreal Carleton TRIUMF farm Alberta Alberta TRIUMF Toronto Grid Canada WestGrid Victoria NRC Commissioning Phase A System at ROD level. Systems for LVL1, DCS and DAQ. Check cable connections. Infrastructure. Some system tests. Phase B Calibration runs on local systems. Phase C Systems/Trigger/DAQ combined. Phase D Global commissioning. Cosmic ray runs. Initial off-line software. Initial physics runs. 8/03 12/04 03/06 10/06 Travel Broken Down by Task $$. YEAR Category Year 3 2005-2006 Year 4 2006-2007 Year 5 2007-2008 Conference 84500 119175 144635 Offline Software 67658 80448 112577 Testbeam Analysis 170256 187719 228037 Calorimeter Calibration 181549 208844 259070 Computing/Grid 137837 148248 188246 Commissioning 83304 87222 97949 2430 3086 3344 Installation 62653 63524 62234 Event Filter 114573 148970 204850 Beam Monitor 35938 44632 50238 Physics Simulation/prep. 56475 72824 90655 997274 1164690 1441835 Detector Controls Sum Research Associate Salaries In previous years we classified Research Associates in terms of Detector Responsibilities. From now, this makes less sense in that the focus of all R.A.s is Commissioning and Preparations for Data Taking. RAs are just listed by institution. Details of activities of existing RAs are in Group Member table Proposed RAs are generally focused on the new activities MFA Paid Staff Future Activites Alberta Jan Soukup 60% of his time will go on HEC associated work and studies of heat flows in ATLAS detector. Patrick Price 30% of his time will go on tasks associated with Installation of Front end electronics. Replacement for Herb Coombes 20% on electronics for up grades of ATLAS. Carleton Phillipe Gravelle 30% on FCAL installation related work. Falling off at end of period. Yun-Ha Shin 40% on ATLAS Grid Computing MFA Paid Staff Future Activites Montreal Gaetan Richard 50% mechanical work on Beam Condition Monitor. Yanik Landry 100% electronic work on Beam Condition Monitor. Toronto Kenneth Vincent 10% on FCAL installation related work. 60% mechanical and electronics for Beam Condition Monitor. Rest on neutrino experiment. Mircea Cadabeschi 90% on ATLAS Technical Coordination work From January 2005 design and manufacture of ATLAS cable schleppers 10% on design of BCM support structure. Leslie Groer 60% on ATLAS Grid Computing, 40% CDF. MFA Paid Staff Future Activites Victoria Ashok Agarwal 25% on computing: ATLAS, Grid Canada, LCG interface To TRIUMF and Grid Canada. Paul Poffenberger 20% hadron calorimeter modeling in GEANT4. David Bickel (HEPNET) 100% as HEPNET project manager. TBA (HEPNET) 50% development and deployment of Grid tools. Student Support Note Year 1 No. 2003-04 Alberta Li Chen (Gingrich) Claudiu Cojocaru (Vincter) J-P Archambault (Vincter) Jeff de Jong (Pinfold) Andrew Hamilton (Pinfold) Wei-Yuan Ting (Pinfold) Yushu Yao (Pinfold) Ahmed Hossain (Gingrich) TBA (Moore) Kevin Chan (Moore) TBA (Pinfold) Carleton Malachi Schram J.P. Archambault C Cojocaru M.Sc. student (TBA) Montreal R. Mazini (Ph.D.) P-H Beauchemin (PhD) C. Lebel (PhD, NSERC) M-H Genest (PhD, NSERC) J. Ferland (MSc) S. Charron (MSc) J. Idarraga (MSc) 2 TBA McGill NSERC TBA Student 1 (Vachon) NSERC TBA Student 2 TBA Student 3 TBA Student 4 TBA Student 5 Simon Fraser Marco Bieri M.Sc student 2 (TBA) Future students (2) $8,597 $4,962 1) 2) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3) $10,439 $8,771 $4,821 $4,683 1) 1) 1) 1) $15,527 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) $1,400 $8,400 $4,000 $4,000 $3,600 $0 Year 2 2004-05 $7,905 $6,271 $1,752 $19,000 $9,500 $19,000 $5,947 $9,500 $19,000 $8,000 $8,000 $9,500 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 Year 5 2007-08 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $15,380 $15,000 $15,500 $8,000 $16,038 $15,000 $15,500 $15,000 $16,038 $16,038 $16,038 $15,000 $8,400 $4,000 $4,000 $14,400 $8,400 $0 $16,800 $4,000 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 $0 $8,400 $16,800 $16,800 $16,800 $14,400 $0 $0 $8,400 $16,800 $16,800 $16,800 $28,800 $5,000 $5,956 Year 4 2006-07 $16,038 $8,554 $8,887 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 2) 3) Year 3 2005-06 $0 $0 $16,500 $16,500 $9,625 $5,000 $5,000 $11,300 $19,000 $16,500 $26,125 $5,000 $5,000 $13,200 $11,300 $11,300 $19,000 $19,000 $37,000 Student Support Note Year 1 No. 2003-04 Toronto Kalen Martens (Ph.D.) Yan Guo Robert Dumoulin TBA M.Sc./Ph.D. TBA M.Sc./Ph.D. TBA M.Sc./Ph.D. TBA M.Sc./Ph.D. TBA M.Sc./Ph.D. TBA M.Sc./Ph.D. 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) $10,500 Victoria Tayfun Ince (MSc Sep 01, PhD Sep 04) Tamara Hughes (M.Sc. Sep 02) Warren Shaw (M.Sc. Sep 03) Dan Vanderster (M.Sc. Sep 03) TBA (M.Sc./Ph.D. Sep 05) TBA (M.Sc./Ph.D. Sep 05) TBA (M.Sc./Ph.D. Sep 06) TBA (M.Sc./Ph.D. Sep 06) TBA (M.Sc./Ph.D. Sep 07) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 5) 6) 6) 7) $17,665 $17,665 $10,335 $6,117 $147,438 Year 2 2004-05 Year 3 2005-06 $18,000 $10,000 $10,000 $9,000 $14,900 $14,900 $10,000 $17,700 $17,700 $17,700 $2,283 $18,000 $235,437 $18,000 $9,600 $10,000 $10,000 $324,405 Year 4 2006-07 Year 5 2007-08 $14,900 $14,900 $14,900 $10,000 $10,000 $16,560 $16,560 $14,900 $14,900 $14,900 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $18,500 $19,000 $18,500 $18,500 $18,500 $18,500 $19,000 $19,000 $19,000 $19,000 $19,000 $408,363 $533,334 Regular ATLAS-related Tele-Meetings I • • • • • • • Physics Coordination (3 months) – Azuelos Jet / ETmiss / tau (2 wks) – Azuelos,Delsart,Lefebvre, McPherson, Seuster, Voss Exotics group (every 2 months) – Azuelos, Delsart, Leroy SUSY group (monthly) – McPherson, Voss Physics MC production (monthly) – Azuelos Canada DC2 physics (monthly) – Azuelos,Caron,Krieger, Lefebvre,Mazini, Orr,Pinfold, Oakham,Vetterli, ... ATLAS Testbeam SW coord. (3 wks) – McPherson • LAr SW & Performance (2 wks) – Lefebvre, McPherson, Voss • EC TB Analysis meeting (2 wks) – Agarwal, Archambault, Kakzad, Cojocaru, Schram, Galt, Vetterli, Keeler, Hughes, Ficke, Shaw, Ince, Lefebvre, Poffenberger, Seuster, Bieri, Vincter, Orr, Krieger, Oakham, Astbury • Canadian EC TB meeting (monthly) – (same as above) • Endcap coldtest meetings (monthly) – Krieger, Oakham • FCAL meetings as needed – Khakzad,Krieger,Oakham, Orr,Schram • Beam conditions monitor (2 wks) – Trischuk Regular ATLAS-related Tele-Meetings I • • • • • • • ATLAS Computing Management Board (weekly) – McPherson LHC Grid Deployment Board (monthly) – Tafirout, Vetterli LHC Grid phase 2 WG (monthly) – Vetterli LHC Grid service challenge (monthly) – Tafirout, McDonald ATLAS International Computing Board (3 months) – Sobie, Vetterli ATLAS Tier 1 coordination (monthly) – Tafirout, Vetterli LCG Tier 1 services for Tier 2 WG (weekly) – Vetterli • ATLAS Data Challenges (weekly) – Caron,Groer,Oakham,Tafirout, Walker • ATLAS Canada computing (2 wks) – Agarwal, Azuelos, Bickle, Caron, Deatrich, Groer, Hong, Losty, Lu, Mazini, Oakham, Orr, Sobie,Tafirout, Vanderster, Vetterli, Walker, • Grid Canada / GridX1 (weekly) – Agarwal, Caron, Groer,Hong, Lu, Orr, Sobie, Vanderster • HEPNet (weekly) – Caron, Hong, Sobie • ATLAS HLT remote farms (2 weeks) – Caron, Moore, Pinfold • HLT Pesa algorithms (monthly) – Caron, Pinfold, Robertson, Soluk, Vachon, Warburton • Calorimeter trigger sw (monthly) – Pinfold, Soluk • ATLAS Software (weekly) – Caron ATLAS M+O (A) and (B) Payments in 2005 (kCHF) Item & Cost Driver (by RRB SG Headings) Cat. A M&O Detector related costs Cooling systems, power supplies Magnet Cryo. Op. in Point 1 2,197 100 5 60 165 Mechanics & Gas & Cooling & Cryogenics Gases (ID, Tiles, Muons) Secretariat 2 FTE charged to ATLAS Publications, consumables 205 100 90 80 270 Standard electronics Crates, electronics pool rentals Communications GSM phones Computer network connections 15 On-line computing Detector controls Software licences 435 Test beams Magnet Cryo Op. in B180 On-line computing support TDAQ common electronics 440 Laboratory operations Assembly areas, workshops TDAQ laboratory equipment 115 General services Electricity Heavy handling Technical support, storage Survey Outreach 2,102 TOTAL 5,509 Hired manpower at CERN (in kCHF) Institute manpower (in FTE) TOTAL M&O FOR A Pixel SCT Cat. B TRT IDGe n LAr TileC Muon M&O 0 140 55 110 760 45 45 0 140 55 110 760 0 140 55 110 760 Detector controls 1,115 Areas Installation, system integration (ID) 0 incl. above 5,509 50 Item & Cost Driver (by RRB SG Headings) 295 95 140 1,595 275 15 1 100 2 375 18 570 95 240 Communications Store items Cables, connectors (LAr) Sub-detector spares (Critical spares dealt with separately) (Excluding hired manpower for Category B) 1,970 TOTAL M&O FOR B Notes: 1. Category A are common items charged based on the number of authors. Category B is system-specific and is based on CORE sharing ATLAS C+I (A) and (B) Payments in 2005 (kCHF) Item & Cost Driver (by RRB/LHCC SG Headings) Cat. A Cat. B C&I Pixel SCT TRT IDGen LAr TileC Muon C&I Item & Cost Driver (by RRB/LHCC SG Headings) Detector related costs 2,095 Magnet assembly in B180 (gas, controls) External cryogenics in Point 1 General integration tasks (TCn) Gen. Technical support Integration and survey 100 25 140 265 Mechanics & Gas & Cooling & Cryogenics Gases (ID, Tiles, Muons) Secretariat 95 100 70 265 Standard electronics FE electronics (Muons) Communications 0 On-line computing 30 Test beams Magnet Cryo consumables in B180 255 5 5 Laboratory operations Assembly areas 590 60 4 General services Heavy transport, crane operations 550 TOTAL Hired manpower at CERN (in kCHF) Hired institute manpower (in kCHF) Institute manpower (in FTE) TOTAL C&I FOR A Anticipated budget carry-over from 2004 TOTAL PLANNED PAYMENTS (A) 3,520 125 1,245 0 0 0 580 0 0 4,100 0 0 5 15 Communications GSM phones 64 Store items Store materials (metal sheet, cables, connectors, components) 0 Sub-detector spares 215 130 100 160 480 5 5 235 125 1,245 580 714 450 3,114 TOTAL C&I FOR B 600 1,676 0 0 1,400 Areas SR-building operation (ID) 125 1,245 290 134 incl. above 3,520 30 Detector controls DCS replacements for ID 695 100 281 30 2,009 (Excluding hired manpower for Category B) 465 640 40 125 1,940 680 995 1,050 4,790 TOTAL PLANNED PAYMENTS (B) Cost to Completion Funding Planning (kCHF) Funding Agency Cost to Completion proposed sharing Total Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Brazil Canada China NSFC+MSTC Czech Republic Denmark France IN2P3 France CEA *) Georgia Germany BMBF Germany MPI Greece Israel Italy Japan Morocco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia JINR Serbia Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Taipei Turkey United Kingdom US DOE + NSF CERN Total 66 357 67 43 85 64 2090 Constr. 48 242 52 38 75 47 1528 C&I 18 115 15 5 10 17 562 Member New funding Remaining Proposed fee 2004-6 (cat1) Commitment (cat 2) (included in incl. member fee Constr. Comp.) Total Total 38 75 38 38 75 38 263 45 140 67 38 75 41 564 143 316 423 5890 1940 43 4529 1093 260 739 6639 4362 58 1934 581 137 446 141 2991 1066 99 196 291 4176 1379 38 3250 761 172 497 4651 3029 47 1368 391 94 265 85 1995 660 44 120 132 1714 561 5 1279 332 88 242 1988 1333 11 566 190 43 181 56 996 406 38 113 38 225 38 38 338 38 113 113 450 563 38 75 75 75 38 38 263 38 70 223 1706 1692 2372 445 85 4386 12243 8451 52 152 1109 1122 1701 318 75 3063 8437 5767 18 71 597 570 671 127 10 1323 3806 2684 38 38 113 150 75 38 75 450 1238 38 141 316 48 4260 1089 38 3617 1093 113 739 4000 4362 41 1934 581 80 339 140 1141 521 300 82 223 1706 1692 1560 445 75 3134 6200 13700 47270 20906 5563 54680 68176 238 1526 375 1630 912 147 57 107 212 812 1252 7268 ACTUAL & PLANNED INCOME FOR ATLAS C&I (kCHF) Funding Agency Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Brazil Canada C&I (A) Calc. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 5 6 4 0 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 China NSFC+MSTC Czech Republic Denmark France IN2P3 France CEA Georgia Germany BMBF Germany MPI Greece Israel Italy Japan Morocco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia JINR Serbia Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Taipei Turkey United Kingdom US DOE + NSF CERN 0 2 0 0 0 0 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 7 9 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 350 0 0 118 32 0 0 0 320 0 0 0 0 0 83 0 22 0 0 0 5485 8 15 0 0 0 0 18 69 0 0 206 412 0 141 38 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 163 99 0 27 0 250 0 0 5 5 0 135 0 0 0 54 0 71 205 271 0 82 22 0 11 15 0 0 0 0 0 53 57 0 16 0 250 0 0 total 515 6475 1479 1256 calculated total 865 2775 4341 0 0 336 0 20 0 31 0 0 188 323 0 0 0 0 0 270 0 167 0 0 35 106 205 966 0 683 0 0 0 341 0 92 0 0 6 44 0 15 0 470 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 36 0 216 0 239 0 0 0 65 0 0 232 732 0 0 80 5676 20 31 71 865 295 4 724 167 36 107 1007 683 4 341 92 20 46 15 408 117 0 11 36 220 239 433 65 10 764 1807 1428 782 10507 10496 2515 0 10496 % 0 C&I (B) Calc. Invoice Calc. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Total Total Total G.Total 3 4 0 0 0 7 13 7 18 13 17 0 0 0 30 59 30 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 1 11 1 15 0 71 0 14 10 54 0 0 253 36 0 14 0 0 0 34 23 2 3 0 28 48 0 10 0 22 45 3 8 0 0 51 199 10 33 0 40 0 0 0 34 0 72 418 0 0 65 29 0 0 0 122 78 0 36 0 55 90 0 26 0 269 25 1081 0 0 9 21 0 238 0 0 183 45 0 50 93 524 0 83 26 0 60 29 96 136 0 0 0 211 87 0 12 0 174 0 0 3 21 0 125 0 0 119 44 0 0 190 126 0 43 20 0 58 11 60 70 0 0 0 93 107 0 15 0 116 0 0 0 874 2575 2077 1221 1405 2770 100 3375 71 226 0 22 0 89 0 10 125 582 0 0 0 0 2 557 1 160 0 0 0 136 262 963 0 650 0 0 0 225 0 98 0 2 14 135 0 40 0 306 0 332 0 0 0 46 35 35 0 381 1 330 0 3 0 61 0 0 0 559 0 76 0 1280 22 89 60 850 265 0 557 165 52 135 980 650 6 225 98 22 135 40 588 289 0 8 35 381 330 238 61 0 559 2001 1260 71 562 42 120 10 905 0 0 827 327 0 242 1929 1333 0 566 190 2 179 55 776 332 0 46 71 597 569 3 126 0 1291 76 6956 42 120 131 1715 560 4 1281 332 88 242 1987 1333 10 566 190 42 181 55 996 406 0 19 71 601 569 671 126 10 1323 3808 2688 440 7187 10410 17694 20906 2825 35 10410 % 69 Actual payments 332 1425 1757 376 1710 2086 Income-actual payments 183 5050 5233 498 865 1363 ACTUAL & PLANNED INCOME FOR ATLAS CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION (kCHF) Funding Agency Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Brazil Canada China NSFC+MSTC Czech Republic Denmark France IN2P3 France CEA Georgia Germany BMBF Germany MPI Greece Israel Italy Japan Morocco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia JINR Serbia Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Taipei Turkey United Kingdom US DOE + NSF CERN total calculated total 2002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2003 0 0 12 0 0 0 2004 12 25 14 12 25 12 Calc. 2007 Total Total 0 38 38 0 75 190 0 52 52 0 38 38 0 75 75 0 38 38 Actual payments Income-actual payments 1139 2003 0 14 0 0 0 0 32 177 2004 0 11 0 0 0 0 CC (B) 2005 0 0 0 0 0 0 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 Calc. Invoice Calc. 2007 Total Total Total G.Total 0 0 10 38 48 0 35 52 110 242 0 0 0 52 52 0 0 0 38 38 0 0 0 75 75 0 2 9 40 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 12 345 712 12 0 0 37 37 80 1771 12 1107 18 25 24 12 87 12 45 15 0 606 213 212 59 25 453 1185 0 13 0 13 1005 13 13 0 100 38 38 160 458 13 25 25 25 13 13 88 13 45 15 0 98 107 25 18 25 453 413 0 13 0 13 75 13 13 0 58 38 38 151 188 13 25 41 25 13 12 88 13 47 1 60 38 50 25 13 25 462 413 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69 120 38 2155 1038 38 1992 570 113 363 821 2417 38 1157 311 75 50 52 263 38 300 31 121 742 811 1475 224 75 1368 3841 5501 69 113 242 2935 1001 38 2452 570 121 363 3418 2417 38 1157 311 75 155 52 1381 397 0 39 121 738 811 1475 224 75 2590 6129 4527 0 16 0 569 21 0 430 61 0 6 14 0 0 22 22 3 0 0 36 3 0 5 0 58 45 21 10 0 137 156 294 9 33 0 0 30 0 368 51 0 128 393 0 0 34 33 0 0 0 12 76 0 0 0 54 131 61 42 0 195 914 949 13 26 0 225 0 0 0 82 0 0 323 482 0 101 21 0 73 17 0 59 0 0 0 242 99 0 27 0 121 778 0 6 1 0 282 0 0 0 2 0 0 267 130 0 41 4 0 9 16 0 0 0 0 0 13 29 0 12 0 21 319 0 2 0 0 124 0 0 0 0 0 0 253 0 3 13 0 0 28 0 54 13 0 0 19 0 7 0 4 0 0 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 83 49 1241 379 0 798 191 52 134 1233 612 9 211 80 19 110 33 614 263 0 14 31 367 311 226 95 0 474 2308 1243 99 196 38 3355 1089 38 2790 766 113 497 2071 3029 41 1368 391 78 160 85 365 189 300 36 152 1109 1122 1557 319 75 1842 6124 6744 99 196 291 4176 1380 38 3250 761 173 497 4651 3029 47 1368 391 94 265 85 1995 660 0 53 152 1105 1122 1701 319 75 3064 8437 5770 3194 10311 7518 3367 2066 351 26807 35604 1973 3704 2700 1152 636 12 10177 11670 36984 47274 9550 11900 9350 4700 100 0 35600 4 2510 2945 4035 1645 535 % 284 2002 0 10 0 0 0 2 25 98 0 730 300 0 0 290 0 0 350 0 0 0 187 0 0 15 0 0 163 0 0 0 441 1213 134 0 0 1830 4523 0 22 0 0 0 0 1992 122 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 978 0 284 CC (A) 2005 2006 13 13 25 25 13 13 13 13 25 25 13 13 Annex 75 0 209 389 30 76 0 1200 51 0 798 196 0 134 1250 612 3 211 80 3 110 33 102 151 0 5 31 367 311 82 95 0 474 2283 1243 0 11670 % 87 8415 4608 13023 1126 1007 2133 -5221 5703 482 847 2697 3544 0 493 1528 2005 C&I Contributions (kCHF) Funding Agency Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Brazil Cat. A Category B item contributions items Pixel SCT TRT IDGen LAr TileC Muon 4 Canada China NSFC+MSTC Czech Republic Denmark France IN2P3 France CEA Georgia Germany BMBF Germany MPI Greece Israel Italy Japan Morocco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia JINR Serbia Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Taipei Turkey United Kingdom US DOE + NSF CERN 5 5 3 4 135 10 69 54 65 25 16 11 71 205 271 40 60 18 82 22 13 20 17 30 70 58 11 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 31 5 2 3 5 0 0 185 3 21 0 125 0 0 119 44 0 0 190 126 0 43 20 0 58 11 60 70 8 26 0 260 0 0 119 98 0 71 395 397 0 125 42 0 69 26 60 70 13 36 48 552 170 2 366 96 22 62 567 370 3 159 51 14 58 18 321 120 0 0 146 164 0 31 0 366 0 1364 6 19 188 188 198 37 3 372 1170 887 6,357 84 49 120 15 154 484 286 408 281 1,613 3,841 13 16 8 7 250 116 0 124 66 Total Calc.+ 124 11 28 0 8 Total A+B 0 0 93 107 0 15 0 116 0 392 30 972 38 8 30 11 15 53 57 46 Total Cat. B 82 36 total contributions 2,228 other income* 1,843 1456 394 587 769 3,206 5,049 total payments 4,100 125 1940 680 995 1050 4,790 8,890 ATLAS CC-B Payments in 2005 (kCHF) Pixel SCT Cat. B TRT IDGe n LAr TileC Muon CC 552 462 200 160 214 313 200 263 766 100 700 Item & Cost Driver (by LHCC CORE Headings) Non-CORE Infrastructure Storage, test areas, modifications, repairs 1,935 Additional CORE Tooling, test-stations, detector equipment 463 Non-covered CORE Detector equipment 462 200 160 752 790 100 700 3,164 Total 103 200 60 228 430 320 310 1651 565 400 220 980 1,220 420 1,010 Anticipated budget carry-over from 2004 4,815 TOTAL CC FOR B 2005 CC-B Contributions Funding Agency Category B item contributions Pixel SCT TRT IDGen LAr TileC Muon Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Brazil Canada China NSFC+MSTC Czech Republic Denmark France IN2P3 France CEA Georgia Germany BMBF Germany MPI Greece Israel Italy Japan Morocco Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia JINR Serbia Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Taipei Turkey United Kingdom US DOE + NSF CERN 2 4 1 30 10 52 6 1 24 1 5 8 35 7 1 2 1 2 59 80 30 30 7 140 115 39 9 16 1 1 9 3 7 11 12 5 5 Total Cat. B Total Calc.+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 77 6 1 0 122 0 0 119 2 0 0 267 130 0 41 4 0 9 16 0 0 0 0 0 13 29 0 12 0 21 319 22 8 6 6 206 87 0 139 33 16 41 261 121 2 51 3 2 6 2 112 43 1,919 43 10 4 23 11 10 total contributions 220 27 32 57 277 79 441 1,133 other income* 345 373 188 923 943 341 569 3,682 total payments 565 400 220 980 1220 420 1010 4,815 balance 126 22 113 3 1 35 33 18 14 0 20 397 171 0 MIG Accounting Expenditure k$ HEC (1+2) FCAL Electronics Feedthroughs ATLAS Membership Total Income k$ MIG Grant Second Wheel FCAL Additional Electronics RTI Total F97/98 F98/99 F99/00 F00/01 F01/02 F02/03 F03/04 F04/05 F05/06 Spent 662 720 991 1,527 548 898 314 96 5,756 281 259 793 905 510 417 110 3,275 67 38 10 24 256 177 555 326 28 1,481 249 584 1,293 960 450 200 185 116 4,037 80 107 74 123 80 97 94 93 93 841 1,339 1,708 3,160 3,539 1,844 1,788 1,258 631 121 15,390 1,384 1,384 1,623 3,188 252 225 1,496 192 183 3,208 63 76 388 898 320 520 500 50 1,806 3,347 3,665 1,688 1,606 1,070 414 12,221 1,905 854 173 395 568 587 395 15,548 Project 158 Contingency