Walmart Volunteerism Always Pays Cheat Sheet Walmart VOLUNTEERISM: Walmart associates are encouraged to volunteer within their local communities.By doing so the organizations they volunteer with are eligible to receive grants through Walmart’s volunteerism programs; Event Volunteerism Always Pays (Event VAP) and Individual Volunteerism Always Pays (VAP). Individual VAP Volunteers who have completed at least 25 hours of uncompensated volunteer service are eligible to apply. Volunteers may receive up to 4 grants each year for organizations for a total of 4 per fiscal year. Associates may not submit both an Event VAP and an Individual VAP for the same organization/event, unless the volunteer hours are split. Hours spent volunteering prior to employment with Walmart Stores, Inc. do not apply towards VAP. If you have more than 25 hours individually, you can submit an Individual VAP. WALMART EMPLOYEES MAY QUALIFY FOR UP TO 4 $250 VAPS FOR EVERY 25 HOURS OF VOLUNTEERING WITH THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY. (Need a few hours to qualify? Please contact your local ACS rep today for other opportunities.) Associates can file their Individual VAPs by logging on to the WIRE and following the instructions under the Volunteerism Always Pays link. Individual VAPs go directly to the American Cancer Society for approval. Event VAP If you are a volunteer participating in a collective group effort with at least 5 associates and have more than 25 hours collectively, you may qualify for the Event VAP program. An event is defined as any effort in which at least 5 associates are collaborating to meet a common goal, such as fundraising, participating in an event for an organization, or other functions as determined by the Walmart Foundation. Events may consist of several projects over a period of time or one-day events. Events may consist of associates from multiple Walmart Sam’s Club or DC/TO facilities. (i.e., the Walmart Softball Tournament). Each facility may submit up to 4 Event VAP grants per fiscal year of any amount. Event VAP Levels listed on back. Grant Amount: Event VAP must consist of: $500 At least five associates AND At least 25 hours of volunteering (combined) $1,000 At least ten associates AND At least 50 hours of volunteering (combined) $2,000 At least 20 associates AND At least 100 hours of volunteering (combined) $3,000 At least 30 associates AND At least 150 hours of volunteering (combined) $5,000 At least 50 associates AND At least 250 hours of volunteering (combined) NOTE: Manager’s Access required to file an EVENT VAP. Tip: If you cannot scan in log forms as directed, type hours and names into a Word document and Save. Attach the document in the VAP form. Save the originals for your records. **Please select Knoxville Metro Area (16 Counties) when choosing the location of the check to be delivered. ** After completing and submitting the Event VAP through the WIRE, please fax a copy of the confirmation page to the ACS Office/Staff Partner at 865.584.1673. ACS Office cannot confirm Event VAP without the ID # and Last Name of Manager provided on the Confirmation Page. Eligibility for each fiscal year resets on January 31st. Quick TIPS: -Make sure to include Store #. -Use your VAP hour log to track your hours for easy input into the Wire. -You can file both individual AND event VAPs to count toward your team totals! -Event VAPs do not have to include registered participants only. ANY associate assisting can for ANY amount of time can be counted toward the Event VAP. -If you have questions, call your Staff Partner. We are here to help! Kayla Shelby, Community Representative 865.556.2568