Stan Bentvelsen SAC 2008 Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 1 ATLAS Muon precision chamber 96 MDT BOL chambers Semi Conducting Tracker Installation Endcap End-cap toroids In-kind contribution Trigger/DAQ Muon Read Out Drivers Computing readiness Combined Tracking Software contribution Physics performance Atlas program Stan Bentvelsen SAC April 17, 2008 2 Nikhef highlights of the last year SCT Endcap installed ○ after delays due to cooling problems in the barrel All modules tested & functional Detector Control System ~ready Alignment system operational Developed analysis model Monte Carlo validation Performance Muon tracking optimization Muons All BOL chambers installed Computing Combined tracking Physics Physics readiness note activities Data acquisition ○ Commissioning top-quark Muon Read Out Drivers in place ○ One lepton Susy Endcap Toroids ○ Higgs vector boson fusion Installation in Atlas Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 3 Nikhef-Atlas group Age profile Atlas group: 16 fte permanent staff Geographic location Amsterdam: FOM & UvA 13 fte perm staff Nijmegen: FOM & RU 3 fte perm staff New Atlas members Involvement in ATLAS management Nigel Hessey – Upgrade coordinator since last SAC Kors Bos – Computing Operation coordinator 6 PhD students Peter Kluit – Convener muon combined performance FOM m/v O. Igonkina Wouter Verkerke – Physics validation coordinator 4 PostDocs (Atlas, VIDI, VICI) Patrick Werneke – Technical coordinator SCT endcaps Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen SAC April 17, 2008 Stan Bentvelsen – Advisory committee CB Olya Igonkina – Tau trigger convener P4 Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen SAC April 17, 2008 Transport of the End-Cap Toroid P5 Installation Lowering the End-Cap Toroid June 4th & July 11th 2007 Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 6 Semi Conductor Tracker •6.2 million readout channels •Barrel •4 cylindrical layers •2112 modules •coverage 0<|η|<1.1-1.4 •‘Sign-off’ completed in december 2007 •End-Caps •18 discs •1976 modules •coverage 1.1-1.4<|η|<2.5 •‘Sign off’ January 2008 •SCT endcap A assembled & installed Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 by NIKHEF! SCT Barrel 2 meter SCT End-Caps 7 Installation in Atlas SCT+TRT endcap installation Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 8 ATLAS - SCT cosmics Barrel and Endcaps Participation in ATLAS wide milestone run ‘M6’ early March Combined runs show normal noise in modules and smooth data acquisition Cooling problems Heater Failure has seriously delayed the commissioning but heaters are now in place and operational. Leak in coolingloop may cause a small loss (<1%) in working modules (Endcap C) Cosmics measured in ATLAS cavern with SCT and TRT ! Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 9 2007: Installation SCT Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 10 2007: Installation of Nikhef’s MDT BOL chambers completed! Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 11 Status MDT chambers All barrel MDT chambers in place Nikhef BOL chambers operate smoothly Problems in power supplies ○ 50% have HV Routinely taking cosmics More than 3 million recent cosmic events available Data processing through central CERN computing facilities ("Tier 0") Nikhef participation ○ This event is taken yesterday ○ 75% have LV Quality monitoring ok Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 12 Muon Direction Distribution sector 5A sector 5C sector 13A Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 13 Detector Control System (DCS) Nikhef heavily involved in DCS system: MDT-DCS module ○ Temperature ○ B-field ○ Front-End electronics Alignment ○ Barrel Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 14 DCS status of muon barrel Nikhef responsabilities in B- and T- systems All T-sensors installed – 98% operational B-field sensors tested and intercalibrated at upcoming magnet test Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 15 Alignment system & Nikhef Goal: 20 mm mechanical precision Projective alignment Close to finished Acquisition speed up Rate of imaging analyses increased by factor 100 Full readout in 15 mins 370 images analysed/min Type Projective Total OK Broken TBD 117 85 12 20 Axial 1035 998 10 27 Praxial 2006 1938 6 56 Reference 256 232 4 20 CCC 260 234 10 16 32 32 0 0 Inplane 2110 2064 8 38 Total 5816 5589 50 177 BIR/BIM Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 16 Data Acquisition Olya Igonkina All 204 Muon Read Out Drivers installed in USA15 Input data from 1150 muon chamers Output: to 16 ROS PC with 4/5 ROBIns per PC (700 ROBINs in Atlas) Since last year: production 255 MRODs Installation, commissioning testing, repairing in 15 VME crates Stable running. Few subtle problems found & solved ROBIN’s activities firmware upgrades The ATLAS ROBIN R Cranfield et al 2008 JINST 3 T01002 Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 17 High level streaming & trigger • Routing and Streaming in the Higher Level Trigger • Distinguish between physics and calibration events • Flexible Routing and Streaming implementation allows transparent addition of Remote Online Farms Responsibility for single tau, tau+Missing_ET triggers performance (HLT) Design of complex, multi-objects trigger signatures New Nikhef activity, driven by new staff member: O. Igonkina Large involvement of Nikhef Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 18 Muon reconstruction ATLAS Muon (standalone) reconstruction Main contributions to the modular Moore reconstruction ○ ○ ○ Pattern recognition Segment finding Track finding and fitting Substantial improvements ○ Efficiency (low momenta) ○ Efficiency and fake rate in cavern background events Combined reconstruction ID + MS with Cal energy corrections Combined muon identification η Efficiency Z→μμ with cavern backgrnd Calorimeter tag: requiring a m.i.p. in the Hadron Calorimeter Muon Segment tagging reconstruction Refit of inner detector and MS track Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 19 Physics readiness activities Computing Services Commissioning (2007) Exercise computing infrastructure for large scale production of simulated events. Publish series of notes that give update on ATLAS physics performance on 100 pb-1 to 1fb-1. Separate ‘Analysis Model Forum’ to review analysis experience of CSC Menelaos Tsiakiris Calibration Data Challenge (2007) Calibrate, align detector with ‘data procedure’ on MC sample Tests full chain: procedures, database infrastructure etc… Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 20 Computing & Grid Validation of Simulation, Reconstruction software Scope: Event generation, Simulation (full Geant-4, fast parameterized simulation and hybrid forms), Reconstruction, derived physics data (TAGS) Activities lead by W. Verkerke (Sep 2006 – present), represented in physics and software management ○ Validated simulation and reconstruction of CSC excerise (Release 12). Over 50 million events simulation with G4 and reconstructed with validated software [ done ] ○ Validation of updated G4 software and parameter tuning for Final Dress rehearsal (Release 13) and first data [done] Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 21 Final Dress Rehearsal Grid operation Kors Bos in Atlas’ computing management Operation of computing model with Tier1 and Tier2’s From April 2008 new Nikhef colleague for Tier1 Final Dress rehearsal Exercise of complete computing infrastructure from Tier0 (ATLAS pit) to end-user analysis. ○ Mix samples of simulated events into ‘data-like’ sample, simulate trigger, perform streaming based on trigger info, reconstruct data in Tier-1 centers, perform users analysis. Do as much as possible in real-time (including calibration and monitoring) Two iterations: ○ FDR-1 (early 2008) participation at Nikhef in end-user analysis ○ FDR-2 (june 2008) participation at Nikhef planned for ‘production-style’ enduser analysis. Build on experience of FDR-1 exercise Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen SAC April 17, 2008 22 Top physics at commissioning Top quark pair production at the LHC Cross-section ~ 800 pb (440 pb with a high-PT lepton) signal = 100 x Tevatron, bckg = 10 x Tevatron Nikhef interest in top physics: Early data challenges: t - Commission ATLAS detector in multi-jet final states - Cross-section measurement t Larger data sample: - Top quark properties (mass, charge, …) - Search for new physics (FCNC, SUSY, Mtt-resonances) Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 Golden channel (l=e,μ) 250,000 events/fb-1 23 Top physics: determination σ(tt) 2007/2008: ATLAS physics readiness rapports Include: Top cross-section, Top trigger, Top properties. -1 100 pb ATLAS 100 pb-1 ~ 500 events Mass 3-jet top candidate [ GeV] SuperSymmetry Mass 3-jet top candidate [ GeV] 2008: Early data: - Robust background estimates and calibrations (JES, trigger, ET-miss, fake leptons, b-tag) - Ambition: Nikhef will perform the first cross-section measurement Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 24 VBF: Higgs W+W- ll ATLAS TDR VBF H WW VBF HWW: signifcant discovery potential over wide mass range “No-lose” theorem applies to W-W scattering: Something must show below mWW < 500 GeV/c2 to avoid unitarity violation. Great synergy with Z and top reconstruction Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 25 VBF Higgs: Characteristics Excellent properties for suppressing background: Clean events: color-coherence between initial and final state W-radiating quarks suppressed hadronic activity in central region Tagging jets ATLAS CSC BOOK Two forward, high-Pt jets Spin zero Higgs: mH(true) = 170 GeV/c2 charged leptons prefer to point in same direction. Work focus: Optimization of signal sensitivity w/ neuro-evolution Setup and validation of 5dimensional fit to extract Higgs candidates, based fully on bkg control samples. • • background signal + bkg Statistical significance 2) Transverse Higgs mass (GeV/c 26 Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 Supersymmetry We look for new physics beyond the Standard Model, in particular SUSY Inclusively: 1 e or , at least four hard jets, significant ETmiss or multi-leptons plus jets Excellent discovery potential already for 1 fb-1 SUSY mass scales up to 1 TeV can be probed Less sensitive to QCD background than search mode without leptons Various MSUGRA Benchmark points Dominating backgrounds: ttbar, W+jets Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 27 Susy: ‘Data driven’ bckgrnd estimation Crucial issue: Understand SM background? Fit semi-leptonic ttbar, fully leptonic ttbar, and W+jets components Solution: in distributions of ETmiss, MT, and “Mtop” Data-driven estimation of Sideband extrapolation to signal backgrounds in-situ region Many independent methods: Has been proven to work fine Nikhef method: combined fit in one-lepton search mode Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 28 High PT top reconstruction New physics in ttbar-like final states ○ SM ttbar production is a background ○ Anomalous top quark production as signal of new physics j1 dR dR j2 b t Split overlapping jets: “reverse” kt algorithm y12 = scale of jet subcomponents before last merge resonances, stop quarks,… Effort on improving high-pT top quark production Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 29 First Atlas publication Atlas detector paper Complete description of ~420 pages Overview Magnet System Background radiation Inner Detector Calorimetry Muon Spectrometer Forward detectors Trigger & DAQ Integration & Installation Expected performance Submitted to JINST 35 Countries 164 Institutions 1900 Scientific Authors total Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 30 SLHC upgrade: factor in 10 lumi Atlas-Nikhef interests: Replacement pixel b-layer Our ambitions: Pixel detector ○ ~ 2012, after 3 yrs of full lumi ○ Involvement pixel b-layer ○ Design Front End Complete rebuild of Inner electronics ○ GOSSIP to replace silicon sensors close to the IP Detector ○ Around 2016 ○ No more gaseous TRT (see R&D program) Silicon (short) strip tracker ○ Design and production Cooling ○ Implement C02 cooling Lightweight structures Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen SAC April 17, 2008 P 31 Conclusions The ATLAS detector is fully in place Routinely taking cosmics with most subsystems Nikhef hardware responsibilities in good shape Culminated in important knowledge on detector operation and performance Challenging operation of ATLAS ahead In situ calibration, alignment, background studies… ‘Final dress rehearsal’ excellent preparation for physics Detector shifts starting May 1st. Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 32 ATLAS is a lifestyle T-shirts, baseball caps, pens, Newspaper, leaflets, YouTube movies, Atlas DVD’s, the Atlas book, posters, cards, etcetera Give us beam, and you will not be disappointed! Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 33 BACK UP Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 34 No AtlasBedankt! without Nikhef excellent technical & engineer support! Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 35 todo Milestone runs introduceren GRID Computing/analyse models Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 36 Final remarks The workload at CERN was high in the past year Notably for technicians of the SCT and MDT ○ Planned to be permanently at CERN for a few months ○ In reality they were there more than year Very committed, but demand was stretched to the limit Technicians essential – we should show this more explicitly LHC schedule We know about the delays – ○ it has direct impact on the schedule of our PhD students for example But the uncertainty on the schedule is sometimes frustrating ○ Last year we were surprised by the 2007 run of 900 GeV ○ CERN should be more clear about current 2007 schedule Is 900 GeV run cancelled or not? Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen SAC April 17, 2008 P 37 Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 38 ATLAS Collaboration 35 Countries 164 Institutions 1900 Scientific Authors total (1550 with a PhD, for M&O share) New application for CB decision on Friday: Göttingen, Germany New Expressions of Interest: Santiago (PUC)/ Valparaíso (UTFSM), Chile Bogotá (UAN), Colombia Albany, Alberta, NIKHEF Amsterdam, Ankara, LAPP Annecy, Argonne NL, Arizona, UT Arlington, Athens, NTU Athens, Baku, IFAE Barcelona, Belgrade, Bergen, Berkeley LBL and UC, HU Berlin, Bern, Birmingham, Bologna, Bonn, Boston, Brandeis, Bratislava/SAS Kosice, Brookhaven NL, Buenos Aires, Bucharest, Cambridge, Carleton, Casablanca/Rabat, CERN, Chinese Cluster, Chicago, Clermont-Ferrand, Columbia, NBI Copenhagen, Cosenza, AGH UST Cracow, IFJ PAN Cracow, DESY, Dortmund, TU Dresden, JINR Dubna, Duke, Frascati, Freiburg, Geneva, Genoa, Giessen, Glasgow, LPSC Grenoble, Technion Haifa, Hampton, Harvard, Heidelberg, Hiroshima, Hiroshima IT, Indiana, Innsbruck, Iowa SU, Irvine UC, Istanbul Bogazici, KEK, Kobe, Kyoto, Kyoto UE, Lancaster, UN La Plata, Lecce, Lisbon LIP, Liverpool, Ljubljana, QMW London, RHBNC London, UC London, Lund, UA Madrid, Mainz, Manchester, Mannheim, CPPM Marseille, Massachusetts, MIT, Melbourne, Michigan, Michigan SU, Milano, Minsk NAS, Minsk NCPHEP, Montreal, McGill Montreal, FIAN Moscow, ITEP Moscow, MEPhI Moscow, MSU Moscow, Munich LMU, MPI Munich, Nagasaki IAS, Nagoya, Naples, New Mexico, New York, Nijmegen, BINP Novosibirsk, Ohio SU, Okayama, Oklahoma, Oklahoma SU, Oregon, LAL Orsay, Osaka, Oslo, Oxford, Paris VI and VII, Pavia, Pennsylvania, Pisa, Pittsburgh, CAS Prague, CU Prague, TU Prague, IHEP Protvino, Regina, Ritsumeikan, UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, Rome I, Rome II, Rome III, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, DAPNIA Saclay, Santa Cruz UC, Sheffield, Shinshu, Siegen, Simon Fraser Burnaby, SLAC, Southern Methodist Dallas, NPI Petersburg, Stockholm, KTH Stockholm, Stony Brook, Sydney, AS Taipei, Tbilisi, Tel Aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo ICEPP, Tokyo MU, Toronto, TRIUMF, Tsukuba, Tufts, Udine, Uppsala, Urbana UI, Valencia, UBC Vancouver, Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 39 Victoria, Washington, Weizmann Rehovot, FH Wiener Neustadt, Wisconsin, Wuppertal, Yale, Yerevan Muon systeem Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 40 Nikhef-Atlas group Age profile Atlas group: 16 fte permanent staff Geographic location Amsterdam: FOM & UvA 13 fte perm staff Nijmegen: FOM & RU 3 fte perm staff Involvement in ATLAS management Nigel Hessey – Upgrade coordinator Kors Bos – Computing Operation coordinator Paul de Jong - Publications committee Stan Bentvelsen – Convener top physics group Peter Kluit – Convener muon combined performance Wouter Verkerke – Physics validation coordinator Patrick Werneke – Technical coordinator SCT endcaps Charles Timmermans – Convenor Graphics group Stan Bentvelsen – Advisory committee CB Olya Igonkina – Tau trigger convenor Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen SAC April 17, 2008 Awards & external funding VENI “World wide trigger “ Sander Klous VIDI “Radiating Top Quarks”, Auke Pieter Colijn VIDI “Fundamental Physics at 100 zeptometers” Ivo van Vulpen VICI “Top physics; a new era in particle physics” SB FOM project “Large extra dimensions”, Paul de Jong & SB FOM project “Higgs or no Higgs at the LHC”, Ronald Kleiss & SB FOM project “Search for supersymmetry” Nicolo de Groot FOM project “Higgs asap” Sijbrand de Jong FOM project “Higgs search at D0”, Sijbrand de Jong Marie Curie fellowship, Sacha Caron Rubicon subsistence, Max Baak P 41 Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 42 The beam vacuum pipe Two from three sections are installed Installation of the ID beam pipe (with the Beryllium Connection of the ID section to the LAr EC section) together with the Pixel package beam pipe section Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 43 Common Computing Readiness Common Computing at LHC LHC operational: all 4 experiments will take data Data rates and volumes to be handles at Tier1 and Tier2 is the sum of all experiments This scale of operating needs to be prepared and planned Set-up of Combined Challenge (aka CCRC) Should be done in advance of data taking ○ Set of functional tests in February 2008 ○ Final challenge in May 2008 Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 44 Performance/analyse Permormance of the detector And blablabla Nicole Ruckstuhl Menelaos Tsiakiris Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 45 Technical support Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 46 ATLAS ATLAS detector as combination of Active detectors Connectivity services (cables and pipes) Support and access structures Operation infrastructure Cryogenics, cooling units, gas distribution, power distribution, ventilation … Controls and safety systems Front-end and back-end electronics Data flow hardware and software Atlas program Stan Bentvelsen SAC April 17, 2008 47 Today’s & 2008 activities ‘Milestone’ running periods Full test of the data taking chain, mimicing ATLAS runs Test of online and offline software and computing infrastructure Completion of the detector installation ~6000/7000 tons installed Hardware commissioning Electronic systems, controls, safety systems Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 48 Atlas program - Stan Bentvelsen - SAC April 17, 2008 49