Survival Project

You’ve been given a 72 hour notice that the U.S. will
be attacked with nuclear weaponry. Your team must
create a pamphlet detailing your plan for survival. To
prepare your pamphlet, your team will need to use
detailed research and your own creativity.
Name of your Town
Picture that represents
your town
Student Name(s)
Today’s Goals: Due at the end of class
 Name your town.
 Where are you located?
 It must be made up, in the continental US,
and landlocked (significantly far away from
major bodies of water).
 Draw a picture of the state you are in, with major cities
marked and labeled.
 Mark the location of your town; be sure it is far enough away
from major cities (in your state and bordering states) to be
protected from the blast.
 Decide who you will tell about the coming attacks and who
you will work with or save in your own home.
 Remember, telling a lot of people can cause mass hysteria.
 Telling someone does not mean you have to provide for or
protect them
Our Crew / My Crew
This page will
require you to
do some online
You have a limit
of 20 different
items and a
$5,000 budget.
Today’s Goals: Due at the end of class
• Plan out the layout of your lair, bunker,
home base, house, or camp.
• What design would work best for the
climate, the amount of people, and
efficiently use resources?
• Research what items you will need for the foreseeable future to help
sustain your community.
• Create a shopping list with 20 items or less within your budget of
• This budget is for the entire group, not per person.
• List the items, price, quantity, and purpose (if it is not obvious).
• You may use your phones as long as you are on task.
• Should you fall off task, you will loose phone (internet) privileges
for the duration of this project.
Radiation Research
Effects of Radiation
Protection against
You will need to access the library’s research databases in
order to complete the research needed for these two pages.
Today’s Goals: Due at the end of class
• Conduct research about radiation and fallout.
• For each subject, search for information about…
• What it is.
• What effects it has on people, plants, and animals.
• How to prevent exposure to it.
• Be sure to put anything you find in your own words. DO NOT COPY
PASTE or plagiarize anything!
• Keep track of your works cited by using the free EasyBib app. All
sources will need to be organized in alphabetical order so do not write
them on your final copy until you have completed all research.
Plan of Action
Starting Over
Mass Panic:
New Government:
• Create a plan of action to deal with the issues that will arise after the
• How will you handle the mass panic? You have a town of 2,000 people
who are afraid, how can you help to create order in the chaos?
• Once it becomes apparent that our currency has no value, how will you
address the looting problem?
• How will your group treat minor injuries of the townspeople or within
your group? What about those with long term or terminal illnesses?
• Research your options for a new system of government? There are several
types to choose from, what would work best short term? What about long
• How will your group communicate with each other if they separate? How
will you communicate with those in town? Do you have a system in place
to attempt to communicate with the possible survivors in the outside
• How will you enforce the laws? How will you deal with criminals in your
Works Cited
Works Cited Reminders
a.) Alphabetical
b.) Hanging indent
c.) no bullets or numbers
d.) Works Cited title
e.) Double spaced
f.) Sources in MLA format
Research Project
 Since the purpose of this project is to gain experience
in researching academic sources, it’s important that
you understand how to correctly search and cite
appropriate sources.
 Make sure you pay close attention to the sources and
how to cite the information correctly.
Library Databases
AHS Homepage – Library
Click on the gray iResearch icon
Click on Research Databases
Username: ahs
Password: ahs
Britannica Online
Username: ahs1
Password: ahs1
Library I.D.: ahs
Facts on File
Username: atascocita
Password: atascocita
Write down the above databases usernames and passwords!
Academic Sources
 You may not use Wikipedia as a source for your
project. When you are researching fallout/radiation
and government types, be careful with what websites
you are referencing. Many .com websites are not
academic sources.
 Look for .gov, .org, and .edu for academic sources.
 Search engine designed for students!
Works Cited Reminders
a.) Alphabetical
b.) Hanging indent
c.) no bullets or numbers
d.) Works Cited title
e.) Double spaced
f.) Sources in MLA format
You must cite each
new webpage.
Step 1: Click here!
Step 2: Copy down
link on your own