Afsol Media and Terrorism Power Point

Media and Terrorism: Infusing
African Gnosis into Peace
Journalism to Conceptualize Hybrid
Peace Journalism for Conflict
Resolution and Peace-building in
Fredrick Ogenga, Ph.D:
HOD, Communication Media and Journalism and
Director Center for Media, Democracy, Peace and
Security , Rongo Unversity College, Kenya
America foreign policy shift and lead
from the back approach in
International Relations;
• September 11 experience in the US and 1997 bombing in Kenya (Global
War on Terror as a new found Democratic Principal)–The reality of Terror
in Kenya (Operation Linda Nchi and Usalama Watch)
• Allies to be in the frontline (2010) Umass Boston 8th Biannual Conference
in Dispute Resolution
• 1993 Black Hawk Down Experience – America Humiliated?
• American/foreign Western Backed Regime in Somalia -Local resistance
• Alshabaab threatening liberty and Western/secular interests and therefore
Kenyan interest
• Operation Linda Nchi a proxy long war - Diffuse the Alshabaab threat to
Kenya’s political-economy (Abduction of Tourists, Piracy, insurgency,
militancy etc)
Ideological War
• Three decades of Salafi-Wahabi Proselytization that
entrenched social conservatism giving it strong fiscal
and ideological support even without routine coercion
(Daawa) (ICG, 2014)– ideological deconstruction,
multi-pronged approach (Education and sensitization,
poverty reduction, community policing, addressing
corruption; revising security laws, media’s role in
cultural interaction and citizenship and avoiding
alienization e.g Operation Usalama Watch or Security
Watch targeting mainly Somali immigrants and
Conceptual Framework
Copy and paste journalism ; Bandwagonism
Peace Journalism (Lynch and McGoldrick, 2005)
AfSol - Hybrid Peace Journalism (HPJ): African Gnosis/lenses
Institutionalizing HPJ - Research Center; Center for Media,
Democracy Peace and security (CMPDS) which houses: MA and
Certificate programs in Media, Democracy and Peace Studies;
Regional Peace and Reconciliation Radio Reporting with community
radios with the Center for Global Peace Journalism, Park University,
USA and Center for Peace Journalism in Uganda.
• Research in Media and deconstruction of terrorism for peace and
security (Hall, 1977; Hawk, 1992; Ferguson, R. 1998)
HPJ Institutional Model
Premise; Peace Journalism = Good Journalism
Good Journalism(West)
Universal Attribute
(African Gnosis)
Departure from
Conflict Reporting
Negative Peace;
Prevents conflicts
Positive peace ;
tolerance, Godly
Representation of News stories on
Traditional War Journalism (sensational reporting)
• “If it bleeds it Leads” Escalates the threat of terrorism
however little it is, creates hysteria
• Use graphic images that wounds the minds of audiences
• Sensationalize and propagate war through words such as
Islamic Terrorist; Muslim Jihadist; Somali Terrorist – A
criminal is a criminal
• War centered reporting - war destroys development
• Reference to the word violence and no reference to
• Portrays conflict as involving only two parties
• Use emotive words such as massacre, tragedy etc
Treatment of News Stories
Hybrid Peace Journalism
• Clump down the heat and terror threats
• Avoid using images that impacts negatively on audiences
and show empathy– Victims of terror are brothers, sisters,
fathers, mothers, nephews, nieces or in short related to
someone (Ubuntu e.g SA; umoja (Harambee), e.g Kenya;
Ujamaa e.g Tanzania inspired by Mandela, Kenyatta and
Nyerere respectively– I am because you are; communal
belonging before individual belonging)”We are One” after
Westgate attacks – discursive practice
• Avoid using language prejudicial language that labels others
with the mark ‘terrorist” like Islamic Terrorist; Muslim
Jihadist; Somali Terrorist – A criminal is a criminal
Treatment of News Stories
• Peace centered reporting – peace is a pre-requisite for
development, Africa needs peace in order to develop
and Africa needs development. Therefore Africa needs
reporting about peace and development and not war
journalism(a post-independent 1980’s development
journalism approached in Africa dismissed by Afropessimists as sunshine journalism)
• Avoid inflammatory words make reference to “Peace”
• Voice all parties involved in a conflict
• Avoid use of emotive words such as massacre, tragedy
• Lynch, J. and McGoldrick, A. Peace Journalism.
Gloucestershire: Hawthorn Press.
• Ferguson, R. 1998. ‘Reflection and Representation’ in
Ferguson, Robert. Representing ‘Race’: Ideology,
Identity and the Media. Arnold: London, 1998.
• Hall, S. 1977. Culture, the Media and Ideological Effects
in Mass Communication and Society. Ed.. Curran J.,
Gurevitch M., & Wollacott, J. London: Edward.
• Hawk B.G. 1992. Africa’s Media Image. London:
• ICG, 204. Somalia: Al-Shabaab – It Will be a Long War.
Retrieved 05 March 2015 from www.crisis