Native American Culture

Native American
Unit 2
Monday, 9/15/14
Come in and sit down quietly
Write down your homework:
1. All- Quizlet test by Friday if not completed in class.
2. All- Enrichment reading “Our Land and it’s
Resources” – girls should have completed this last
Friday. Boys complete this reading by Friday.
3. All- Page 15 of your notebook: Unit 2- Vocabulary
Tricks. Choose one- Make a word search, or
crossword puzzle using the definitions as clues for
the word a peer should find.
4. All Missing Work!!!! Tomorrow Progress Reports go
I will pass out your notebooks while you are
writing down your homework.
Today’s Agenda( All Independent
1. Study and hopefully quiz yourself
on the new vocabulary “Native American
Cultures.” The vocabulary list you were given on
Friday will go on page R16.
Graph your pre and post test scores for your
Geography Unit.
-Remember a Double bar graph should include
a title, labels for the x and y axis, and a key. I
have an example at the back table.
Unit 2- Vocabulary Tricks: Complete one of the
following on page 15 of your notebook:
-Make a Word Search using the definitions as
-Make a Cross Word Puzzle using the
definitions as clues.
Tuesday, 9/16/14
Warm-up: Answer on page R18 of your
notebook. What do you already know about
Native American Cultures? What do you wish
to know?
Write down your homework on Page L17:
◦ Based on our description of what makes a
civilization, would you consider the US to be a
civilization or a culture? What about the Incas, or
Aztecs, or Mayans? If a culture is not a civilization
yet, how can it become one? Your answer should be
at least 4 sentences in length.
◦ Three Civilizations of Americas Reading Guide, goes
on page 17
Set up your notes in Cornell Style.
◦ I would split your page like this:
How has geography influenced cultures and
conflict in North Carolina and the United States?
How have differing cultures impacted North
Carolina and the United States?
Page 18- Early Natives in the
Culture vs. Civilization
What makes a civilization?
◦ This goes onto page R18 when we are finished.
Come in, and quietly sit down.
Get out your homework.
We will be doing a trade and grade.
Make sure your name is on your work.
Write down your homework:
◦ Boys- “Our Lands and It’s Resources”
enrichment reading on
◦ All- Summary of Cornell Notes. The Summary
should answer the essential questions.
Wednesday, 9/17/14
Get out your progress report or log-on to
PowerSchools to see what you’re missing.
You should have the missing pages
I will be checking on your progress,
unless you are translating, there is no
talking. Please do not crowd/rush me.
All work goes in the orange bin.
Thank you!
Working Lunch!
Your notebook should already be set up in
Cornell Style. By raising your hands, what
does a culture need to be considered a
civilization? *Remember there are 6
Turn to Page 18 of your notebook.
It should be titled: Early Natives in
the Americas
I. Early Peoples
Where were the 1st
people migrating
How long did this
What route did they
A. They migrated from Asia to North, Central,
& South America during the last Ice Age
B. Centuries – people spread out across the
Americas as far east as the Atlantic Ocean &
as far south as the tip of S. America
C. They crossed a land bridge, Beringia, from
Siberia to present day Alaska. This bridge is
now under the Bering Strait.
I. Early Peoples
What is a nomad?
What types of hunters
were Native
D. A person who moves from place to place in
search of food
E. They were skilled hunters that used every
part of the animal for food, clothing, weapons, &
II. Settling Down
What happened when
large animals
What were the new
food sources for
Native Americans?
What did the settlers
A. Native Americans hunted smaller game after
the mammoths died, and ate plants & berries
B. Learning to plant & raise crops
C. People living near the coast or rivers
learned to fish
D. They formed villages & communities.
Some people remained nomadic hunters
Warm-up: Log-on to, and
complete your Weekly 5:9/18
Write down your homework:
Boys: IE Reading on due Friday
Quizlet Due Friday
Progress Report due Friday
Notebook Check on Friday
Did you know you may be living with a
stereotypical idea that may not be true?!
III. North American Peoples
Who were the
A. Lived in present-day Arizona.
B. A.D. 300 to 1200. They build irrigation channels
to bring water to hot, dry land
Who were the Anasazi?
C. They lived in the Four Corners (UT, CO, AZ, &
NM) from A.D. 200 & 1300
What did the Anasazi
D. Stone & cliff dwellings.
Who were the Mound
E. Lived in central N.America. They built mounds
of earth that looked like Aztec pyramids.
III. North American Peoples
People of the West?
F. Ute & Shoshone – used resources of the forest &
the sea as they hunted & gathered
People of the
G. Hopi, Acoma, Zuni – adobe brick homes, raised
maize, beans, & squash. The Navajo & Apache
People of the Plains?
H. Nomads; hunted & farmed & built tents called
tee-pees. They tamed wild horses.
People of the East?
I. Iroquois & Cherokee formed complex political
systems of governing.
Mound Builders’ Wigwam
People of the East
Long houses
Type of Shelter
Present day AZ
Four corners
Cliff dwellings
Stone dwellings
Road system
Mound Builders
Central North
Huge burial
clothing and
People of the
West Coast
Wooden houses &
earthen houses
Hunters & gathers
People of the
Southwest (Four
Adobe homes
trade network
People of the
Great Plains
Tee pees
Skilled riders &
Long houses
Complex political
People of the East Near Canada &
and Southeast
New York
We are going to be organizing and taping
our notebook. This week’s notebook check
is on pages 15-18.
Prep for Notebook Check #3
Begin a research project to study several
tribes that were and are a part of the
Americas prior to the arrival of Europeans.
Tomorrow we will…
Come in and sit down with your notebook
on your desk.
 Write down your homework:
◦ Missing Work
Friday, 9.19.14
Notebook Check- you will swap your
notebook with a peer near you, and we
will check it together quickly. The quicker
we get through this, the faster we can…
Begin our research for your Native
American Project
Notebook Check #3
On INB Score Sheet we need to do the
Week Pages Score out
15-18 of 5. Use
pg 2 to
Score out of
3 for teacher
kers- page
15 word
search, page
on which is a
page 18summary
Total out of
You Teacher
13. Take
sign signs
score out of
5 and double
it. Then add
their score
out of 3
What if…?
They are missing a stamp for homework,
but now have it?- Count them and stick
note the page so Ms. Farley can give them
a score.
They are missing the sheets we were to
tape in?- Count up the number of missing
pages, or blank pages. 2-3 pages missing
means a score of a 3/5. more than 3
pages missing means a score of a 2 or
Come in and sit down quietly. Have your
laptops on their desk, but do not turn them
I will have 2 classmates pass back the
notebooks that were turned in on Friday
after our trade and grade. I am still missing
Write down your homework:
◦ Missing Work
◦ On Edmodo- “How the Great Smokey Mountains
were Made” Enrichment Reading. Boys you have
until Friday to get this completed.
◦ Determine which second project you are doing,
have the project paper signed by a parent and
returned tomorrow.
Monday, 9/22/14
You will be completing research on your
own for only 1 of the Culture Areas in the
United States.
 We will review as a class, where you will
be responsible for presenting the
information you learned.
Cores 1B, 3A, and
Native American Culture Groups
We will be researching different culture
groups of Native Americans.
You will be broken up into groups that I
have already selected for you.
The chart we will be completing will go on
page 20 of your notebook, you will need
your laptop to complete the research
When doing group work, we are…
If Ms. Farley has to
speak to our group more
than twice due to
behavior or talking too
loudly, our group will
be broken up and we will
finish on our own.
To get to the sites to aid you in
your research…
Go to:
 These maps are interactive and will assist you
with the information you should be tuning
 For additional information:
Finish our research on the culture areas of
Native Americans.
Tuesday we will…
Come in and sit down quietly. Get out page
20 of your notebook.
Add to your table of contents:
◦ Page L19- Brainstorm of your Project
◦ Page R20- Native Culture Areas of the US
Write down your homework:
◦ Project due at the end of class tomorrow.
◦ Complete summary responses on the bottom of
page 20, answering the sentence prompts that
have been provided for you. You will receive your
rubric(s) today.
Tuesday, 9/23/14
Native American Culture Groups
We will be researching different culture
groups of Native Americans.
You will be broken up into groups that I
have already selected for you.
The chart we will be completing will go on
page 20 of your notebook, you will need
your laptop to complete the research
When doing group work, we are…
If Ms. Farley has to
speak to our group more
than twice due to
behavior or talking too
loudly, our group will
be broken up and we will
finish on our own.
To get to the sites to aid you in
your research…
Go to:
 These maps are interactive and will assist you
with the information you should be tuning
 For additional information:
Review the Research students
have done during the last 10 mins.
of class.
We will be using the information we have
researched to aid us in creating a project
from which you will have a menu to
choose from.
Please bring your colored pencils,
markers, or crayons to class. Remember
Cores 1B and 2A, until further notice, all
craft materials must be brought in.
On Wednesday, 9/22/14
Come in and sit down quietly.
Get out page 20 of your notebook.
Write down your homework:
◦ “How the Great Smokey Mts were Made”
Reading Guide- we will be going over this in
class on Friday.
◦ Tomorrow is our Weekly5- remember you will
be completing your Weekly5s in either Science
or Social Studies for both classes due to the
Early Dismissal tomorrow.
◦ Student Showcase is tomorrow at 9:10am
Wednesday, 9/24/14
Finish our projects
◦ Everyone should have a advertisement of a
tribe they created
If you finish turn your work into the
orange bin, or share it with me on
GoogleDrive (powerpoints/brochures).
Please make sure your name is on it.
For the remainder of class
McLeod’s Math students will only be
seeing Ms. Farley.
 Thompson’s Math students will only see
Miss. Colburn.
 You will be completing your Weekly 5’s on
Edmodo for my class regardless of which
class you are in.
Come in and sit down quietly.
Log-in to and complete Weekly 5: 9/25
Log-in to and complete Miss. Colburn’s
If you finish all of this, complete your Enrichment
Reading, “How the Great Smoky Mountains were
Made.” You received a copy of this reading yesterday
in class.
Organize your notebook. The Table of Contents is on
my webpage.
Missing Work
◦ Enrichment Reading- “How the Great Smoky Mountains
were Made.”
◦ Extra Credit due 10/3. This is on
Thursday, 9/25/14
Turn your homework into the orange bin◦ Enrichment Reading “How the Great Smoky
Mountains were Made” (EVERYONE)
Write down your homework:
◦ How to Tackle an ECR Practice (if not
completed in class today)
◦ Missing Work
You will have the length of 1 song to
organize your notebook.
Friday, 9/26/14
L19- Brainstorm for N.Amer. Project
R20- Native American Culture Groups
L21- How to tackle an ECR? With practice
R22- How do the Europeans affect the Native Populations?
◦ (Getting in class today)
 The Age of Exploration (Getting in class today)
L23- The Columbian Exchange T-shirt Design- Must have
3+ colors in the design. Below the shirt, explain what you
created and how it relates to our class, and to Ms.
Colburn’s science class. (Tuesday)
R24- The Columbian Exchange Cornell Notes (Tuesday)
L25- Review- student created (Wednesday)
Native American Timeline (will get in class)
Write down 5 questions that you believe Ms. Farley should have on the quiz. Think-pairShare
R26- Study Guide- teacher created (Wednesday)
Table of Contents
bdm504 – visual on the Age of
Exploration rap: 2:10 mins of length
 We will complete the Reading Guide as a
Whole Class with volunteer readers after.
The Age of Exploration
Come in quickly and quietly.
 Have a seat and write down your
◦ Complete your ECR for Homework IF we do not
complete it in class.
Monday, 9/29/14
Change page 21 to say….
◦ How do we tackle an ECR? (Page L21)
◦ Notes will be scanned in and placed on my
◦ If we get done early, students will use this time
to make up missing work.
How do we tackle an ECR?
The Columbian Exchange… YAY FOR ICKY
 Wednesday will be review, and we will test
on Thursday. Yay!
 Friday, 10/3/14, we WILL have a
notebook check.
 The sooner we have all 70% or more on
our notebooks, the sooner Ms. Farley
stops having them EVERY week. :D
Tuesday we will learn about
Come in quickly and quietly.
Have a seat and write down your homework:
* I would suggest writing this on page L23*
◦ L23- The Columbian Exchange T-shirt Design- The
theme for your shirt is: Who benefitted more from
the Columbian Exchange, the Europeans or the
Natives? Must have 3+ colors in the design. Below
the shirt, explain what you created and how it
relates to our class, and to Ms. Colburn’s science
◦ Summary due Thursday
Tuesday, 9/30/14
Set up page R24 in Cornell Style
E.Q.: How have humans shaped our environment? How do our
interactions impact our relationships?
What is the Columbian Exchange?
What was brought to the Western
Hemisphere (the Americas)?
What was brought to the Eastern
Hemisphere (Europe)?
How did the Columbian Exchange
affect the countries involved?
Where can we still see the impact
of the Columbian Exchange?
Summary: Answer the Essential Questions.
The Columbian Exchange
Term was coined by
Historian Al Crosby of the
University of Texas
Contact between any two
peoples geographically
separated from one another
results in an “exchange” of
physical elements
The three main elements
are animals, plants and
microbes (diseases)
What is the Columbian Exchange?
-impact-of-the-columbian-exchange-oneurope-a-america (this link should work, if
not use…)
The Columbian Exchange MapWhere does everything go?
How does the Columbian
Exchange still affect other
countries, as well as, the
world today?
In order to leave, please answer your
Essential Questions as your summary for
these Columbian Exchange notes.
Do not forget your homework is to create a
T-shirt Design answering: Who benefitted
more from the Columbian Exchange, the
Europeans or the Natives? Back up your
opinion. Think O.R.E.O. It must have 3+
colors in the design. Below the shirt, explain
what you created and how it relates to our
class, and to Ms. Colburn’s science class.
Tomorrow is review day; Test on Thursday.
Come in and quietly have a seat.
Get out your homework from last night,
which was your t-shirt design.
 Homework: Review your notes, and study
 Answer the question page L25: Create 5
questions that you believe Ms. Farley
should have on the test. We will be doing
a think pair share when the timer goes off
in 6 mins.
Turn to someone near you and tell them
one question that you would like to see on
the test.
That person needs to answer your
They will then tell you one question they
wish to see on the test.
You will answer the question that they
presented to you.
I will give you 2 mins. for this task.
After 6 minutes….
How do the Europeans affect the lives of
the Natives?
 What is the timeline of the story we are
looking at?
Native American Timeline
We are going to put the events that you have
received in chronological order.
You will be able to use your notes and
textbooks on the shelf.
When your group believes that you have the
correct order, raise your hand and I will come
around to check.
When I give the okay, your group will want to
right down the answers on your sheet.
I have the key on my webpage if your group
does not complete this in the time frame
In the next 15 mins. with 2 partners
On your test, expect to see:
Weekly 5 questions
Your ECR question
Essential Questions as written responses
Anything from pages 15-25 in your notebook.
For the remainder of class, work with a
partner (someone with a different dot
color than you) on your study guide.
Study Guide
Come in and sit down. You have 6
minutes to review your study guide, and
notes. Now is the time to ask me any
questions if you did not come see me at
lunch or after school yesterday.
Thursday, 10/2/14
The following people need to line up at
the door for testing……
You will have the remainder of class to
take your test. It should not take you
If you run out of time, write MT in the top
right corner of your page.
Tests get turned into the orange bin.
If you do not attempt the written
responses, I will hand you your test back
to complete the written responses.
Test Time!!!!
Come in and sit down quietly.
 Students who wrote MT on their test, will
get the test back to finish.
 Students who finished yesterday; log-on
to to receive your new
vocabulary for Unit 3- Colonial America.
 Extra Credit was due today.
Friday, 10/3/14