“Emerging trends in Medicine” The Organizing Committee Indus Medical Conference September 2015 PREFACE As Botswana takes giant steps into Modernization of healthcare, Indus Healthcare is very proud to be part of this process in Botswana. As the medical science is ever evolving, day by day new research brings better approach and techniques to tackle human suffering. The I-CON 2015, a one day medical conference organized by Indus Healthcare Pty Ltd, on 14th September 2015 in Hotel Adansonia, Francistown, aimed at continuous Professional Development of Healthcare workers across Botswana. A conference for Physicians, Surgeons, Nurses, Medical and allied healthcare students, to enrich themselves with the latest in respective fields and keep themselves upto date with the recent developments across the globe. The theme of the first I-con conference –“Emerging trends in medicine”, was selected with the hope of stimulating the academic atmosphere in the field of medical care and health sciences in Botswana and specially Northern Botswana. The conference gave an opportunity to the delegates to listen to experts in the field of Maternal and Child health, Healthcare Quality and Medical law and ethics. As medicine evolves so do medico- legal issues hovering over the care givers, in the same context a special, dedicated session for healthcare personnel was scheduled. The great philosopher Confucius once said that, “a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”. I-con 2015 was the first step towards the goal of improving healthcare quality and gaining equitable distribution of healthcare- across Botswana. This conference was a success and was able to achieve the aim, i.e., sharing the knowledge, improving healthcare quality and to carry a good name. The ORGANIZERS The Organizing Committee members: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) PATRON: Ms Shenaaz El-Halabi , Honouable Permanent Secretary (MoH) CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE: Dr. Morrison Sinvula DEPUTY CHARIMAN OF COMMITTEE : Dr. Navtej Singh CHAIRMAN OF SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE : Dr. Surinder Pal Singh Bedi SECRETARY OF THE COMMITTEE : Dr. Divya Laxmi Sahi CHAIRMAN OF RECEPTION COMMITTEE: Mr. Gulwinder Singh ADVISORS: Dr. Urvashi Makan Singh, Dr. Kamaljit Singh, Mr. Simon Bunt, Mr. Issac Pelaelo 8) TREASURER: Mr. Sunil Baldooni , Mr. Rajeev 9) CONFERENCER CO-ORDINATOR : Mrs. Lea Roodt, Mr. Deepak, Ms. Isang 10) COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Reception:, Mr. Otto, Mrs. Kavita John, Ms Taolo, Ms Thato, Ms Victor, Mr. Prince Logistics: Mr. Modisa Magaga IT Coordinator: Mr. Manish Modgil Catering: Mr. Paramjit Kumar, Mr. Vaneet Chauhan and Mrs. Perpetual Gaberial Transport: Mr. Tejinder Singh , Mr. Musa Nchidzi , Mr. Mooketsi Seswai Accommodations: Mr. Tejinder Singh, Mr. Modisa Magaga, Mr. Musa Nchidzi , Mr. Mooketsi Seswai I-Con 2015 I-con 2015, a one day Medical conference was organized by Indus Healthcare, on 14th September 2015, from 08:00am to 05:00 pm, in the beautiful city of Francistown, with Hotel Adansonia as its venue. On 13th September 2015, a pre conference dinner was organized in Hotel Adansonia at 08:00pm, which was attended by the I-con organizing committee members and all the Speakers. It was attended by the chairman of the organizing committee Dr. Sinvula. This dinner gave an ample opportunity to the Guest Speakers to interact with team Indus and share views and ideas with each other. Also in this dinner, the organizing team was briefed about the planned proceedings of the conference. “Programme” 08:00 – 09:00 am Arrival of guests and registration of delegates 09:00 – 09:30 am Morning Tea 09:30 – 09:40 am Opening Prayer 09:40 – 09:45 am Welcome Address 09:45 – 10:00 am Inaugural Session 10:00 – 11:00 am Session 1 – Legal Protocols against the Risk of Medical Malpractice 11:00 – 12:00 pm Session 2 - Overview of respiratory distress in the newborn. 12:00 – 01:00 pm Session 3 - Emergency preparedness in management of obstetric complications at facility level. 01: 00 – 02:00 pm Lunch 02:00 – 03:00 pm Session 4 – Quality in healthcare- An overview 03:00 – 03:15 pm Tea 03:15 – 04:15 pm Session 5 - Acute respiratory distress syndromewhat has changed and what did not 04:15 – 04:30 pm Valedictory Session 04:30 – 04:40 pm Closing Prayer OPENING CEREMONY Across the globe, everything, be it big or small, is initiated after seeking the blessings of The One - The Almighty. The I-con 2015, started with an opening prayer by Pastor Mashunga and Dr. S.P.S. Bedi. An introductory speech was delivered by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of I-con 2015, Dr. Morrison Sinvula, the Chairman of the Organizing committee. In his speech, he said that medical profession is a never ending process of learning. With changing times and developing science we need to have an understanding of emerging challenges, delivery of quality healthcare. Indus was privileged and honoured by the benign presence of Honourable Deputy Director – Clinical Services Mr. John Botsang. Mr. Botsang officially declared the Medical conference open and also inaugurated the Indus Alive , special bi-monthly bulletin for Botswana. Mr. John Botsang- launching Indus Alive. Accompanied by- Mr. Gulwinder Singh. REMEMBRANCE Dr. Biswajit Biswas (1969 – 2015) A two minutes silence was observed, in memory of Dr. Biswajit Biswas, an eminent member of Indus healthcare, one of our Clinical directors, a very humble human being and a very skilled pediatric surgeon, who left for his heavenly abode on 5th September 2015. Indus family feels very sad and dis-heartened at this irreplaceable loss, but, his zeal and enthusiasm will continue to inspire us to strive for betterment of healthcare services. Session 1 “Legal protocols against the risk of Medical Malpractice” Medical profession is a noble profession and it is exciting to think about its relation with law. In the fast developing and evolving world this relationship is fast changing, with aspirations becoming higher and the role of public as well as private hospitals changing. At times a number of issues are raised due to friction of rights. These rights may be fundamental rights, rights created by a contract, consumer rights or rights of a patient on one hand and the corresponding duties of the hospital on the other hand. All this, has a significant consequences for healthcare professionals and raises a number of legal liabilities. Madam Rose Mwangi- Ssali , shared her views with the delegates on the management of risks related to Medical malpractice. Ms Rose, a corporate attorney by profession, discussed about medical malpractice, the risks associated and methods to prevent them. She emphasized on the importance of documentation and record keeping by health care workers and health care services providers. She insisted on keeping a self check all the time, in what we as healthcare workers do and what we document. She discussed the benefits of adhering to the protocols and consequences of breeching them. The Chairpersons: 1) Dr. Tshipagya (MBBS, MD general Surgery) – Hospital Superintendent, Nyangabgwe Referral Hospital, Francistown. 2) Dr. S.P.S.Bedi (MBBS,MD,DNB Anesthesia, PGDMLE, PGDHM ) SESSION 2 “An Overview of respiratory distress in the newborn” Respiratory distress is a commonly encountered problem in the neonatal period. The causes are varied but the commonest being respiratory distress syndrome , which is a problem often seen in premature babies. Enormous strides have been made in understanding the path physiology and management of respiratory distress syndrome, leading to improvements in morbidity and mortality in infants with the condition. Botswana has seen an increase in neonatal mortality in the past. According, to a study in 2011*, respiratory distress syndrome in newborn accounted for 8.7% of deaths, of which most of the deaths were preventive. Dr. Rachna Singh, a pediatrician, currently working in Letsholathebe II Memorial hospital, in her lecture discussed the various causes of respiratory distress in the newborn with a brief description of the common causes and investigations required. The minor points which should be kept in mind and which will go a long way in overall survival benefit of the newborn were highlighted , along with the fine points to be remembered by the new medical officers, caregivers, nurses in the early diagnosis of the problem and their adequate mitigation at the earliest. The chairpersons: 1) Dr. Ibrahim (MBBS, MD Medicine) – Head of the Department of Internal Medicine in Nyangabgwe Referral Hospital, Francistown. 2) Dr. K.F. Mompati (MBBS, MSc, MRCP, FRCP) – Consultant Physician at Riverside Hospital, Francistown. * http://www.mmegi.bw/index.php?aid=51595&dir=2015/june/02 SESSION 3 “Emergency preparedness in management of obstetric complications at facility level” Most of the developing countries are still fighting maternal mortality rates in their healthcare delivery systems. African continent has been continuously striving to bring down its maternal mortality rates. The Botswana 2007 – 2011 maternal mortality audits report has shown that 78% of the maternal deaths were due to direct causes or avoidable factors. Quality of care amongst the deaths was related to several delays which accounted for 79% of the cases. Indirect maternal deaths accounted for 24%. This discussion brought forth the various ways and means which healthcare institutions across Botswana can adopt in order to remove all those causes which can be tackled at the institutional level, within the available means and resources and a preexisting infrastructure. The strategies which can be implemented at ward level, theater level and administration level to better cope with maternal mortality. Madam Eva Lepherilmile, Nursing Superintendent Letsholathebe II memorial Hospital presented her views on the management of obstetric emergencies. She discussed the importance of facility readiness, team preparedness, the emergency kits, clinical protocols and job aids. The chairpersons: 1) Dr. Morrison Sinvula (Specialist Gynaeclogist) – Coordinator of the maternal mortality rate reduction programme, MoH, Botswana. 2) Ms Berlin Maposa (BSc Nursing, Diploma general nusrsing and midwifery) – Chief Nursing officer, Nyangabgwe referral hospital, Francistown. SESSION 4 “Quality in Healthcare - An overview” Ours is an era of rising expectations concerning healthcare. There has been enormous increase in spending in health and better availability of healthcare facilities in the past. The healthcare delivery systems continue to face challenges in improving the safety and quality of healthcare, assuring access to care, and increasing value to healthcare and reducing disparities -- disparities associated with patient’s race, ethnicity, income, education and place of residence. There has been some progress in reducing care disparities but still the governments as well as Para-statal players are struggling in the delivery of healthcare. Today we have a window of opportunity made possible by the system. There is a need for us to be more engaged, aggressive and committed in transforming the system, of which, QUALITY is the key element of reform. Dr. Navtej Singh, a specialist radiologist and a health economist, in his lecture shared his views about quality in healthcare. He gave a deep insight on all six aspects of Quality in healthcare stated by WHO: EFFECTIVE, EFFICENT, ACCESSIBLE, PATIENT-CENTRIC, EQUITABLE and SAFE medical care. The Chairpersons: 1) Mr. John Botsang – Deputy director, Clinical Services, MoH, Botswana. 2) Dr. Morrison Sinvula – Coordinator of the Maternal mortality rate reduction programme, MoH, Botswana. SESSION 5 “Acute respiratory distress syndrome- what has changed and what did not” Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome or ARDS as it is called is a life threatening lung condition that prevents enough oxygen from getting in the lungs and into the blood. Most people who develop ARDS are in the hospital for a condition or illness that can directly or indirectly injure their lungs. AR DS treatment has improved over years, as a result more people are surviving ARDS. Researchers are studying new treatment for the condition and newer modalities are being suggested, as the knowledge of the disease grows. ARDS carries a major disease burden on the hospital recourses and needs resource intensive treatment units , increasing the healthcare expenditure of the community. Dr. Surinder Pal Singh Bedi, an anesthesiologist and intensivist, and a former assistant professor of Anesthesia and ICU at PGIMER, through his lecture gave a deep understanding of ARDS , its causes and the methods of management. He stated that, since its first description by Ashbaugh et al, a considerable volume of both basic and clinical research has led to a more sophisticated appreciation of the pathogenesis and patho -physiology of the syndrome. He discussed the Ventilation strategies that can be helpful in order to cause least injury to already vulnerable lung. He also discussed the future strategies and the best of what is available in today’s scenario to manage ARDS with information rich army of healthcare providers. The Chairpersons: 1) Dr. Mcharo (MBBS, MD,General surgery, M. Med Thoracic surgery) – Head of the department of general surgery, Nyangabgwe Referral hospital, Francistown. 2) Dr. Boago Didimalang (MBChB, Msc, Md Internal Medicine) – specialist Internal medicine, Nyangabgwe Referral hospital, Francistown. CLOSING CEREMONY The Indus medical conference, concluded with a valedictory speech by Dr. S.P.S.Bedi , the Chairman of the Scientific Committee. A gathering of 186 delegates attended the conference. There was a small valedictory ceremony, in which all the speakers and chairpersons were facilitated by Mr. John Botsang, with certificates and mementos. The delegates were also facilitated with certificate of attendance and participation in the academic session. Mr. John Botsang Facilitating Dr. Morrison Sinvula A feedback form was duly filled by every delegate who attended the conference. The conference was concluded with a closing prayer by Dr. Bedi. The proceedings of the conference were video graphed and photo graphed by a hired professional photographer. Also the conference was covered by Botswana television, Daily news, Mmegi newspaper, Sunday Standard/ The Telegraph and The Voice newspaper. A post conference dinner was organized on the evening og 14th September 2015, for debriefing and discussing the challenges and appreciating the achievement. The dinner was attended by Dr. Sinvula, Indus team and few of the speakers. LESSONS LEARNT I-con 2015, evolved out of an idea of sharing knowledge and skill, with an aim of improving healthcare delivery and finally achieving better treatment outcomes. Now that we have the experience of our first conference under our belt, we’re sharing what we learned, so that we can come back with a better one in future. Overall, we found this event to be a huge win for our team and definitely worth the cost and effort. 1) The hardest and first decision to be made is that of a conference theme. It was observed that one scientific topic should be chosen and the theme should be well covered, through a number of lectures on its different aspects. A singletrack conference will also allow us to be more selective in choosing talks. 2) A month’s time is very less for organizing a conference, although we had pretty good results. We need a couple of months to convert the idea, the theme into a well organized event and to achieve perfection. 3) Venue of the conference should be decided in the very beginning and visited multiple times during the preparation of banners and wall-drops, flags etc. Also these things should be Conference centric only. 4) We need to go through the process of validation from BHPC well in time, at least two months and adhere to its protocols, to gain CPD Credit hours. 5) A token or registration fees must be charged, because many of the delegates who registered did not turn up for the conference. 6) Events like this can go pretty well, if we have sponsors, stalls and kiosks for exhibition. 7) Designing and printing certificates is another challenge because high printing prices. It would save us a good amount, if we get them designed and printed in India within adequate time limit. 8) The team members of the organizing committee should be facilitated with a certificate, to appreciate the amount of effort and hard work they put in. Over all, the first Medical conference organized by Indus Healthcare was a success and we took our first step for the continuous professional development of healthcare workers, while serving the community, the society. This was our first step towards better and quality healthcare in the Republic of Botswana, for the Batswana. Prepared by: Dr. Divya Laxmi Sahi Secretary I-con 2015 GALLERY