SYLLABUS- FST Ms. Petcher 2015-2016 PHONE: (207) 892-1810 ext. 3221 EMAIL: PREREQUISITE: Teacher recommendation and successful completion of Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2. COURSE OUTLINE: Honors FST is taught from the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project textbook. Functions, Statistics, and Trigonometry will enable students to describe, transform, and interpret numerical information represented as data, graphs, and equations. Statistical and algebraic concepts will be integrated. The use of functions and statistics to model real-world situations is a major theme of this course. The following topics will be covered this year: 1st QUARTER 2nd QUARTER Exploring Data Functions Models Transformations Circular Functions Unit Circle 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Trigonometric Functions Root Functions Power Functions Logarithm Functions Polynomial Functions Probability Sequences Series ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What is trigonometry? How can an analytical approach to problems in our world generate practical solutions? GENERAL INFORMATION: Proper classroom behavior is expected at all times. Be respectful of others. Disrespectful behavior will result first in a warning, next a teacher detention, and contact by teacher to parents, and then if disrespectful behaviors persist an office detention will be assigned. Students are expected to be on time for class, seated, and prepared for the start of class with required materials. Cell phones are not to be used in class. All WHS rules and policies must be followed. REQUIRED MATERIALS: three-ring binder with dividers (notebook), loose leaf paper, a pencil, textbookcovered with a paper or cloth cover, Graphing calculator-TI-83 or TI-84, and all work that is due. HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned every class and due the next class. Homework is an extremely important tool in the study of mathematics. It is important to practice math skills and new concepts. All work needs to be shown, and all problems need to be attempted. The homework will be corrected and graded at my discretion. Homework will be checked each class for completion and will be graded accordingly. 4= all problems attempted 2=some of the problems attempted 0=no problems done LATE WORK: If you do not have a homework assignment done the day it is due you must stay after school to earn partial credit for the assignment. Zeros can only be made up to 75 percent. If you are absent the day of a quiz or a test it is your responsibility to make arrangements to take the quiz or test. All late work will be accepted up to two weeks after an excused absence. If you have an unexcused absence you will receive zeros for missed work. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: All Windham High School students are encouraged and expected to model academic integrity. Any academic dishonesty will be reported. Examples of academic dishonesty are copying answers from the back of the book, copying another student’s work and trying to receive credit for it as your own, and assisting others with cheating. GETTING HELP: I will be available Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 2:00 to 2:40 in room 221. In addition, extra help may be accessed in the Academic Support Center. GRADING: Homework- 20% Class participation/effort-10% Quizzes -35% Tests/Notebooks/Projects-35% A 93-100 B 85-92 C 77-84 D 70-76 F 69 and lower Quizzes are given a couple of times during a chapter and tests are given at the end of each chapter. The lowest quiz grades for each quarter will be dropped. A couple of projects will be assigned throughout the year. Student information will be updated approximately every two weeks on Infinite Campus. Progress Reports will be given out halfway through the quarter and report cards will go out at the end of each quarter. At any of these times I will call home or e-mail parents if their child is failing. This syllabus is subject to change at the teacher’s discretion.