Economics Supply and Demand Agenda If not done: Collect Gov. handout Econ Books Homework: Read pages 26-47, answer questions 2.1, 2.2, 2.4. Americans Thrifty Ways Article Political Cartoon Supply and Demand How Supply and Demand Impacts goods we buy! Time for hwk and Project Review Objective: Describe the relationship between supply and demand. Supply and Deman Definitions Scarcity: Goods are insufficient to satisfy people’s wants. Production: Conversion of resources into products that can be consumed. Goods: All things people derive satisfaction from. Services: Mental or physical labor purchased by consumers. Opportunity Cost: Something sacrificed to obtain something. Goods Vs Economic Goods Goods All things you derive happiness From. Similar Economic Goods Economic Goods derived from Goods scarce resources, is a Subset Almost every example is an econ-good, and Of services. Goods Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Scarcity Cost Because of limited resources choices have too be made! Choice With every choice in picking one good over another an individual sacrifices something. Opportunity Cost Is the cost for obtaining another good that is desired Questions What are wants and needs? -Wants is an individual’s desires. -Needs are different for each person, what you need to survive. What is trade-offs? To trade one resource for another. How do you make a PPC? PPC - shows the maximum amount of goods and services that can be produced, for a given level of technology and resources. What Review is scarcity? What is Opportunity Cost? What is a want and need? How do make a PPC? Economics Supply and Demand Agenda Homework: Article on Credit and summary. Check hwk/Review Article/Cartoons on Bankruptcy Now Statement Credit Web Quest. Projects Review Objective: To evaluate the uses of credit. Now Statement How does credit play a role in your life today? Give examples! Review What is credit? What is in a credit report? Why do people want good credit? How do you make a PPC? Economics Credit, and Supply and Demand Agenda Homework: None. Check and Review Credit Article Supply and Demand, Banking, and Labor Unions (Notes and Handout) If Time: Projects Review Objective: To evaluate the uses of Banking, Labor Unions, and to describe the role of demand in the economy. The law of demand: There is a negative, or inverse, relationship between the price of any good or service and the quantity demanded. Relative price: The price of one commodity divided by the price of another commodity. Demand Curve: A graph of the demand schedule. A negatively sloped line showing the relationship of price and quantity. Supply: Shows relationship between price and quantity supplied of a good. Law of Supply: The higher price of a good the more businesses will increase their production of it. Supply Curve: Graphic representation of a supply curve. Line showing the supply schedule, which generally slopes upward. Equilibrium: Situation where quantity supplied meets the quantity demanded. Turn to page 73 of your book and answer question 3-1 and find the equilibrium of the amount demanded and supplied. Banking How does banking differ from nation to nation? Some nations they are crucial in the economy, while in others it is not. Duties of the Central Bank: Functions for the national gov, services to private banks, and monetary policies. What are the parts of the Fed Reserve System: Board of Gov-set monetary policy, oversee Fed Banks; Fed Reserve Banks-furnish currency, handle national debt; Fed Open Market Committee-Directs buying and selling of US assets. Labor Unions Labor Unions: Worker organizations that seek economic improvements for employees. Goals of Unions: Wage rate, rationing of jobs, improve working conditions. Strategies: Limiting Entry, etc. Benefits Vs Disadvantages: Benefits-voice for workers, wages equal, etc.; Disadvantages-profits go down, not necessary the best person for the job, etc. Review What does the Law of demand say? What does the Law of supply say? What is in the Federal Reserve System? What are Labor Unions? Economics Credit, and Supply and Demand Agenda Review Supply and Demand Chart Handout on Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, and Taxes Ten Principles of Economics Click Here If Time: Work on Mock Election Projects Review Hwk: Quiz tomorrow (not online) /Project due Monday by the end of class. Monetary Policy Transaction Demand: Holding money to use in transactions. Precautionary Demand: Holding money to meet unplanned expenditures. Asset Demand: Holding Money as a store of value. Negative aspect of Holding $? Value decreases! Monetary Policy Discount Rate Open Market 1.Fed increases Reserve Operations rate of banks Requirements 1.If fed that borrow 1.Fed increase Increases the # money from it, reserve require. of bonds then then they are then less $ supply of Less likely to in circulation. $ increases. Borrow. Taxes Payments to the government. Taxes: Payroll Taxes: Provide essential funding for programs. Three options: Raising Taxes, Wage Cap, Cutting Benefits. Which is the best choice? Fiscal Policy Fiscal Policy: Changes in governmental expenditures to positively impact the government. Direct Expenditure Offsets: Actions taken by the private sector to offset government spending. Supply-side Economics: Creating incentives for individuals and firms to increase production. Review What are negative aspects of holding money? How is monetary policy determined? What are the three options for paying for governmental expenditures? What is supply-side economics? Agenda Homework: None. Study for Quiz-Look over Econ Notes/worksheets-terms (Labor Unions, Law of Supply, Law of Demand, Credit, Fiscal Policy, etc.) Quiz After Note Quiz finish project cards-name handed in Monday PPT on Summer-Drive needs to be done Agenda Homework: None. Check Projects/Collect NoteCards Review Quiz Investment Options Article Presidents of the US Electoral College If Time: Mock Election Agenda Homework: None. The Political Parties of America Webquest Use computers to fill out information Take Test Review Click Here Parties and Issues If Time: Mock Election Review Agenda Homework: Final Tomorrow take folders Mock Election Final Review Game Click Here If Time: You Be the Judge Review Agenda Winner of Mock Election? Study for Exam Final Exam After Exam read: Supreme Court Article/Summary You Be the Judge