LCPS Spanish I - AP Curriculum Guide World Languages and Cultures LCPS 2013-2014 Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 LCPS Spanish I Curriculum Guide World Languages and Cultures LCPS 2013-2014 Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 AP THEME: PERSONAL AND PUBLIC IDENTITIES AP SUBTHEME: Language and Identity Recommended pacing: 3 Weeks (Unit 1 Q1) Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level: SI.1 The student will exchange simple spoken and written information in Spanish. SI.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain brief oral and written exchanges in Spanish using familiar phrases and sentences. SI.3 The student will understand simple spoken and written Spanish based on familiar topics that are presented through a variety of media. SI.4 The student will use verbal and non-verbal cues to understand simple spoken and written messages in Spanish. SI.5 The student will present orally and in writing information in Spanish that contains a variety of familiar vocabulary, phrases, and structural patterns. COMMUNICATI ON -Interpersonal Interpretive -Presentational • Use basic greetings, CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS farewells, and expressions of courtesy both orally and in writing • Use formal and informal forms to address in familiar situations • Read and listen to information about the alphabet • Read and listen to information about the calendar, weather, and seasons. •Introduce ser and estar . Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied. Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied. Connect with other disciplines and acquire information Talk about new vocabulary through the recognition of cognates. Similarities between Spanish and English alphabet. Explore attitudes when reacting to gaining knowledge and understanding of other cultures. COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Compare and contrast the Spanish language and the cultures in the countries where it is spoken Explore social issues in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish speaking communities. Identify local Spanish speaking communities and cultural events Use numbers 1-100 to quantify (age, time, items, possessions, etc.) Respond to classroom commands. Use feminine, masculine, singular, plural articles (un, una, unos, unas, el, la, los, las) Respond to basic interrogatives (who, what, where, when, why, how) Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 Q1/Para Empezar: Greetings, Weather & Seasons SALUDOS EL CLIMA/ LAS ESTACIONES LOS DÍAS / LOS MESES SENTIMIENTOS OTRAS PALABRAS Y EXPRESIONES abre open el abrigo coat el año year asustado scared ¿Adónde? Where to? ¿Cómo está el clima? How's the weather? ¡Buenas noches! Good Evening! / Good Night! camina walk la chaqueta jacket el calendario calendar contento happy/content ¿Cómo? How? ¿Cómo se deletrea? How do you spell…? ¡Buenas tardes! Good Afternoon! cierra close la temperatura el día day emocionado excited ¿Con quién? With whom? ¿Cómo se dice? How do you say…? ¡Buenos días! Good morning! corre run las botas boots el mes month enfermo sick ¿Cuál? Which? ¿Cómo se escribe? How do you write…? ¡Hola! Hello! entrega hand in los guantes gloves la semana week enojado angry ¿Cuándo? When? ¿Cómo te llamas? What's your name? ¡Qué tal! What's up!/ How is it going? levanta la mano raise your hand estoy cansado I'm tired ¿Cuánto/a (s)? How many? ¿Cuál es la fecha? What's the date? ¿Cómo está Ud.? How are you (formal)? ¿Cómo estás? How are you (inf.)? por favor please está lloviendo it's raining lunes Monday feliz happy ¿De dónde? From where? ¿Cuántos años tienes? How old are you? quiere decir…. It means... está nevando it's snowing martes Tuesday me siento mal I feel bad ¿Dónde? Where? ¿Qué día es hoy? What day is today? ¿Qué pasa? What's up?/What's happening? repite repeat hace calor it's hot miércoles Wednesday no me siento bien I don't feel well ¿Por qué? Why? ¿Qué quiere decir? What does it mean? ¿Qué tal? What's up? se deletrea… it's spelled... hace frío it's cold jueves Thursday ocupado busy ¿Qué? What? ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? What's the weather today? se dice it's said... hace sol it's sunny viernes Friday preocupado worried/preoccupied ¿Quién? Who? gracias thank you se escribe…. It's written... hace viento it's windy sábado Saturday tengo calor I'm hot porque because me llamo... My name is... ¡Nos vemos! siéntate We'll see each other! sit down hay granizo there's hail domingo Sunday tengo frio I'm cold nada nothing hasta luego 'til later hay tormenta there's a storm tengo hambre I'm hungry números 0-100 de bienvenida USEFUL VOCABULARY MANDATOS PALABRAS INTERROGATIVAS de despedida ¡Adiós! Good Bye! hasta mañana 'til tomorrow respuestas silencio silence el clima los días de la semana los meses del año hay un huracán there's a hurricane enero January tengo sed I'm thirsty se llama... his/her/you (form.) name is... llueve rains febrero February tengo sueño I'm sleepy señor Mr. Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 (muy) bien (very) well nieva snows marzo March ¿Y tú? And you? (inf.) soleado sunny abril April señorita Miss ventoso windy mayo May Soy…… I am junio June te presento a… this is... Tengo____años I'm ___years old ¿Y usted? And you? (form.) de nada your welcome las estaciones del año encantado/a delighted la estación season julio July es un placer it's a pleasure el invierno winter agosto August igualmente likewise el otoño Fall/Autumn septiembre September mucho gusto pleased to meet you la primavera Spring octubre October regular el verano Summer noviembre November triste sad señora Mrs. diciembre December RECYCLED/ON GOING TOPICS/STRUC TURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ¿Cómo estás? ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo____.¿Cómo está el clima? ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿En cuál estación del año estamos? ¿Cuál es tu nombre? Me llamo ____. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? Hace ____. Está ____. ¿Cómo te sientes? Me siento ____. ¿Hace calor? ¿Hace frío? ¿Qué letra es? ¿Cómo se escribe ____? Deletrea la palabra______. ¿Qué dice aquí? ¿Cómo se dice? Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ Video on what causes the seasons is available in Vision. Written dialogues, dramatization, oral conversations, free talk, comic strips, group work, picture as clue to meaning, transparencies, spelling, rhyming, listen to audio program, journal, create a picture dictionary Interactive calendar,, For introductions, arrange students into two circles (an inner circle facing outwards and an outer circle facing in) where students face each other. Have students take turns greeting each other and then have the circles move in different directions. Repeat the greetings with a new student. “Moo! Spanish Calendar” from Teacher’s Discovery “Moo! Spanish Greetings” from Teacher’s Discovery Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs* *Communicative Performance Assessments Read , understand, and be ready to answer the questions the teacher will ask you about the reading. Notice that not all the answers may appear in the reading. You may need to infer information. Use the A/B prompt to create a dialogue with a partner. Make sure you include everything you may require to answer the given prompt. Describe a picture using the vocabulary suggested. Prepare a presentation on a given topic. Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 APTHEME : CONTEMPORATY LIFE, FAMMILIES AND COMMUNITIES Recommended pacing: 4 Weeks (Unit 2 Q1) AP Topic: Leisure and Sports, Childhood and Adolescence Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics S 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied S 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language S 3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding on the concept of culture through comparison between Hispanic cultures and their own. S 5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Talk about preferences in leisure activities Read and listen to information about leisure activities, likes and dislikes (gustar) Listen to and understand information about infinitives Regular ar, er, ir verbs Learn how to ask questions Obligations (tener que) Interrogative questions Extend, accept and decline invitations Express agreement and disagreement CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS Students research and discuss the popular hobbies and sports of their assigned Spanish speaking country. Discuss the popularity of sports in Spanish speaking countries and their Own backgrounds. Students discuss the popularity of the sports and hobbies of their assigned Spanish speaking country Students will discuss what makes some sports and hobbies more more popular that other throughout the Spanish speaking world. COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Students will discuss the differences between football and soccer and how they share the same name. Students will watch in school and at home a soccer game in Spanish and a soccer game in English and discuss in class the similarities and differences ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Identify sports and favorite hobbies. Discuss which hobbies they like, dislike and prefer. Compare sports. Express agreement or disagreement. Identify -ar- er-& -ir infinitive verbs. Play soccer VS another class Gustar ¿Qué te gusta hacer? (No) Me gusta ____. ¿Qué te gusta más ___o ___? Me gusta mucho_____. Me encanta ____. A mí también, a mí tampoco, ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? ¿Cuál es tu pasatiempo favorito? “preferir” Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 USEFUL VOCABULARY Q1/c1A: Likes & dislikes, leisures & activities ACTIVIDADES GUSTAR Me Gusta/No me gusta OTRAS PALABRAS Y EXPRESIONES PRONOMBRES bailar to dance leer to read (A mí) me gusta _____. I like to _______. yo I a veces sometimes cantar to sing leer novelas (las) to read novels (A mí) me gusta más _____. I like to _______ better. tú You - informal favorito(a) favorite comprar to buy leer revistas (las) to read magazines (A mí) me gusta mucho_____. I like to _______ a lot. usted You - formal hay there is/are correr to run montar en bicicleta to ride a bike (A mí) no me gusta nada___. I don't like to_____ at all. él/ella he/she mucho a lot dibujar to draw montar en monopatín to ride a skateboard (A mí) no me gusta___. I don't like to_____. nosotros/nosotras we muy very escribir cuentos to write stories escuchar música to listen to music esquiar to ski A mí también. I do too./ Me too. A mí tampoco. I don't like to ___either. ni…ni neither…nor, not…or vosotros/vosotras you - plural ustedes you - plural ellos / ellas they o or pero a veces….. but sometimes... pero but estudiar to study montar to ride nadar to swim pasar tiempo con amigos to spend time with friends patinar to skate hablar por teléfono to talk on the phone practicar deportes to practice sports hacer to do tocar la guitarra to play the guitar hacer la gimnasia to do gymnastics ir a la escuela to go to school jugar to play trabajar to work usar la computadora to use the computer ver la tele to watch TV jugar a la pelota to play baseball viajar to travel jugar al baloncesto to play basketball no le gusta... he/she doesn't like... you don't like... (formal) no te gusta… you don't like… (informal) poco a little bit ¿Qué más te gusta hacer? What else do you like to do? ¿Qué te gusta más? What do you like better? ¿Te gusta______? Do you like to ____? ¿Y a ti? And you? si if le gusta he/she likes/you like (formal) me gusta I like pues well sí yes tengo I have tiene he/she/it has you have (formal) tienes you have (informal) Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 jugar al fútbol americano to play football jugar al fútbol to play soccer RECYCLED/ONG OING TOPICS/STRUCT URES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES *Communicative Performance Assessments ARTÍCULOS DEFINIDOS jugar al tenis to play tenis un/una a/an el/los the jugar videojuegos to play videogames la lucha libre wrestling unos/unas some la/las the Vocabulario relacionado con los saludos, el clima, el calendario, las partes del cuerpo, las emociones la hora, los números, Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs* ARTÍCULOS INDEFINIDOS Suggested Interpretive Task Read a pen pal’s letter Read cultural information about school in Spanish speaking countries and answer questions Use a story map graphic organizer to identify parts of a story Suggested Interpersonal Task Create an entry on a voice thread discussion Perform a dialog between students discussing what school is like. Use an illustration of a classroom as a prompt for discussion between two students Write a response to a pen pal’s letter Suggested Presentational Task Create and present a display about student’s pen pal, their country school and other information Create and present a slideshow about your school day List all the vocabulary words to describe a situation Write complete sentences to describe students in an imaginary classroom Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 APTHEME : CONTEMPORARY LIFE, FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES Recommended pacing: 3 Weeks (Unit 3 Q 1) AP Subtheme: Leisure and Sports. Who am I? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics S 4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature language through comparison between Spanish and English COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Talk about: Personality traits Ask and tell what people are like Use adjectives to describe people Understand cultural perspectives on friendship Express how often something is done CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS Explain how friendships are formed in Spanish-speaking countries Discuss current Hispanic/American artists in the US COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about new vocabulary through the recognition of cognates Expressing agreement or disagreement Talk about placement of adjectives & vocabulary through recognition of cognates Explain gender agreement rules with use of adjectives. Compare the use of possessive adjectives . Respond to personal questions. Introduce yourself to others. Identify infinitives. Use positive and negative statements to agree/disagree. Talk about leisure activities. Identify the body parts. Say what hurts. Respond appropriately to questions. Describe yourself and others (family members) using adjectives Identify and apply the correct gender (masculine & feminine) of nouns and adjectives Describe pictures by using adjectives. Write phrases using adjectives. Describe what you and others are wearing Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 USEFUL VOCABULARY Q1/c.1B - ¿Cómo eres? PASATIEMPOS SUSTANTIVOS VERBOS ADJETIVOS DESCRIPCION FÍSICA OTRAS PALABRAS Y EXPRESIONES coleccionar to collect el atletismo athletisism competir to compete animador/a cheerleader alto(a) tall ¿Cómo eres? What are you like? el pasatiempo passtime el baloncesto basketball correr to run artístico (a) artistic anciano(a) elderly ¿Cómo es? What is he/she/you(f) like? ir a pasear to go for a walk/stroll el béisbol baseball empatar to tie a score atlético(a) athletic bajo(a) short ¿Cómo se llama? What's his/her/your(f) name? ir de… to go... el ciclismo cycling/biking entrar to enter atrevido(a) daring bonito(a) pretty ir de campamento (el) to go camping ir de compras to go shopping el equipo team el fútbol americano football ganar to win jugar to play bueno(a) good cansado(a) tired calvo bald el bigote mustache ¿Eres…? Are you…? ¿Te gustaría? Would you like? a veces sometimes ir de pesca (la) to go fishing el fútbol soccer llevar puesto to wear contento(a) happy/content flaco(a) skinny de acuerdo agreed pasear en… to ride in... el golf golf llevar to wear deportista sports-minded/sporty gordo(a) fat demasiado too, too much, too many pasear en bote (el) to ride a boat el juego de pelota baseball montar (en) to ride on desordenado(a) disorganized/messy guapo(a) handsome el amigo male friend pasear en carro/auto (el) to ride a car/auto el jugador player nadar to swim estudioso(a) studious tez blanca light skin el chico boy/guy textear to text el patinaje skating no sé jugar I don't know how to play extrovertido(a) extrovert tez morena dark skin entonces so, the el tenis tenis perder to lose generoso generous el pelo CUERPO HUMANO el tiempo libre free time poder to be able to gracioso (a) funny castaño brown hair es is estar de acuerdo to be in agreement el cuello neck la cancha de… …court practicar to practice impaciente impacient corto short (length) la amiga female friend el hombre/los hombres man/men el pie/los pies foot/feet la natación swimming la piscina pool preferir to prefer querer to want inteligente intelligent malo (a) bad el pelo hair largo long (length) la chica girl/gal la boca mouth la raqueta racket saber to know how to negativo (a) negative liso/lacio straight hair le gusta he/she/you(f) likes me gustaría... I would like... Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 la cabeza head las artesanías local crafts salir to exit ocupado(a) busy negro black muy very sé jugar I know how to play tener que to have to ordenado(a) organized paciente pacient oscuro dark pelirrojo(a) redhair ni… nor…nor no estoy de acuerdo I don't agree las manos hands las piernas legs perezoso(a) lazy reservado(a) reserved rizado curly rubio(a) blonde no le gusta he/she/you(f) doesn't like no soy I'm not los brazos arms serio(a) serious ARTÍCULOS DEFINIDOS según mi familia according to my family los dedos fingers los ojos eyes simpático (a) friendly sociable sociable el/los the la/las the según according to soy I am talentoso (a) talented ARTÍCULOS INDEFINIDOS un poco (de) a little (of) trabajador hard-working (masc.) un/una a/an trabajadora hard-working (fem.) unos/unas some la mujer/las mujeres woman/women la nariz nose RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ¿Cuántos años tienes? Tengo ___ años. ¿Dónde vives? Vivo en ____. ¿De dónde Eres? Soy de ____. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? Mi cumpleaños es______. ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes? Tengo ___hermanos. ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? Mi color favorito es___. Me gusta _____. No me gusta_____. ¿Cómo eres? ¿Cómo es? ¿Cómo se llama? “Ser” + adjective Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS For introductions: assign students different countries and have them introduce themselves using that nationality. Get magazine pictures of people and place them in plastic sheet protectors. Use them as flashcards to talk about physical descriptions in class or relationships. “Moo! Body Parts Vocabulary Spanish” by Teacher’s Discovery Suggested Interpretive Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs* *Communicative Performance Assessments en in, on, at de of, from, about Create a chart/graph to demonstrate the popularity of different sports Create a web page to showcase your school activities Suggested Interpersonal Task Write a letter/e-mail describing your activities Create posters showing favorite hobbies Suggested Presentational Task Give a speech to ‘incoming’ students to describe what is available Have each student create a ‘show and tell mystery bag’ Have each student give a ‘Según mi...(familia, amigos, etc.)’ presentation Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 AP THEME : CONTEMPORARY LIFE Recommended pacing: 3 Weeks (Unit 4 Q2) AP Topic: Education Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied S 3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparison between Hispanic cultures and their own. S 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment . COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Talk about school schedules and subjects Discuss what students do during the school day Talk about location of objects and furniture in the classroom Ask about who is doing an action Express ownership and possession Read and listen to information regarding classroom, people, objects, furniture and the use of location words. CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS Talk about uniforms and the design of physical education class Students will be exposed to the various Spanish speaking countries’ school systems. COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Students are able to compare and contrast Spanish-speaking countries’ schools systems and their own. Compare and contrast behavior in school Students create pen pal communications with a Spanish speaking student. Identify classroom items. Discuss school schedules. Identify, talk about and describe different classes. Conjugate regular -ar verbs. Compare classes and teachers using comparative structures Describe the location of classroom objects. Use ordinal numbers to describe their schedules. ¿Qué es? Es ____. Esto es ___. Eso es ___. “Estar” + Prepositional Phrases (locations). “Tener”, Comparisons (La clase de ___ es más interesante que la clase____.), Superlatives (La clase de ___ es la más __ de la escuela Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 USEFUL VOCABULARY Q2/c2A-B: La sala de clases y la escuela SUSTANTIVOS PREPOSICIONES el archivo filing cabinet el/la estudiante student a la derecha de to the right of aburrido/a borring aprender to learn primero /a first el armario/el casillero locker la bandera flag ¿Dónde? Where? desordenado/a disorganized asistir to attend segundo/ a second el asistente assistant el aula/el salón/ la sala de clases classroom la biblioteca library la cafetería cafeteria a la izquierda de to the left of a ver… let's see... difícil hard divertido/a amusing, fun bajar to go down enseñar to teach tercero/ a third cuarto/ a fourth el bolígrafo / la pluma pen la carpeta de argollas three-ring binder abajo under/below fácil easy estudiar to study quinto/ a fifth el borrador eraser el cartel poster el comedor dinning room el compañero partner (male) el cuaderno notebook el diccionario dictionary el disco compacto compact disk el escritorio teacher's desk el gimnasio gym la carpeta folder la compañera partner (female) la computadora/el ordenador computer la enfermería sickbay la goma/la pega glue la grapadora stapler la hoja de papel sheet of paper la maestra teacher (female) la mesa table afuera outside al centro center al lado de next to allá/allí there, over there aquí here arriba de above cerca de near to debajo de under delante de in front of favorito / a favorite inquieto/a restless interesante interesting mucho/a a lot ordenado/a organized poco/a a little práctico/a practical grabar to record hablar to talk hacer las tareas to do homework hacer to do imprimir to make copies ir a… to go to... ir to go mandar un correo to send mail mandar to send sexto/ a sixth séptimo/ a seventh octavo/ a eighth noveno/ a ninth décimo / a tenth décimo primero eleventh décimo segundo twelfth el laboratorio laboratory la mochila backpack dentro de inside of Navegar to navigate el lápiz pencil la oficina office después de after necesitar to need el libro book la pantalla electronic screen detrás de behind presentar to present matemáticas mathematics el maestro teacher (male) el mapa map la papelera garbage can la pizarra/el pizarrón blackboard/whiteboard en frente de in front of en medio de in between salir to exit tener que… to have to… español Spanish historia history el pasillo hallway la profesora professor (female) en on ADJETIVOS VERBOS ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS NÚMEROS ORDINALES MATERIAS / LAS CLASES biología biology Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 el profesor professor (male) la prueba quiz encima de on top of mi(s) my educación física physical education el programa program la puerta door lejos de far from mío(s) mine inglés English el pupitre student's desk la radio radio más...que more...than tu(s) your (informal) música music el ratón mouse el recreo recess la silla chair la tableta electrónica tablet tuyo(s) yours (informal) su(s) his/her/your (formal) artes plásticas art ciencias naturales natural science el reloj clock el sacapuntas pencil sharpener la tarea homework la ventana window suyo(s) yours (formal) nuestro/a (s) our ciencias sociales social science tecnología technology el teclado keyboard las tijeras scissors vuestro/a (s) your el almuerzo lunch la memoria portatil USB drive un examen exam su their/your (formal) RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES ¿Cómo estás? ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo está el clima? ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿En cuál estación del año estamos? ¿Cuál es tu nombre? Me llamo ____. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy? Hace ____. Está ____. ¿Cómo te sientes? Me siento ____. ¿Hace calor? ¿Hace frío? ¿Qué letra es? ¿Cómo se escribe ____? Deletrea la palabra______. ¿Qué dice aquí? ¿Cómo se dice?, los números, las actividades, vocabulario relacionado con la personalidad. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs* *Communicative Performance Assessments Have students tell the class about the content of their ‘mochilas’ Suggested Interpretive Task Read a student schedule and identify courses being taken Read a list of school supplies needed for the school year Suggested Interpersonal Task Play the role of teacher-student in a dialog Use adjectives of possession to tell a student how to organize his/her school supplies in their locker Suggested Presentational Task Using pictures of school supplies one student calls out vocabulary words and other student points to correct pictures Make an illustrated school supply list Make a book of classes and necessary school supplies Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 AP THEME : CONTEMPORARY LIFE AP Topic: Professions, leisure and travel Lugares en tu cominidad Recommended pacing: 3 Weeks (Unit 5 Q2) Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Talk about location in your community Discuss about where you go and with whom Talk about activities outside school Extend, accept, and decline invitations Understand cultural perspectives on after school activities. Talk about how students traditionally engage in activities outside school Read sports advertisement ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) The use of ir in conjuction with a and an infinitive The opportunities in the job market for bilingual peopel Identify and talk about different locations in a community. Talk about places you go in the community and what you do there. Identify professions and workplaces in your community. Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 USEFUL VOCABULARY Q2/c.4A-B: Places in your communiy & Professions LUGARES PROFESIONES EXPRESIONES ACTIVIDADES (VERBOS) OTRAS PALABRAS Y EXPRESIONES el auditorio auditorium la montaña mountains doctor (a) doctor ¡Oye! Hey! Listen! ir de compras to go shopping (él) puede he can el baile dance la oficina office el abogado lawyer ¡Ay! ¡Qué pena! Oh! What a shame! ir a + infinitivo….. to go to + infinitivo (tú) puedes you can el banco bank el carnicero butcher ¡Genial! Great! ir a + lugar to go to + location (yo) puedo I can el café cafe la oficina de……. the office of…. la película movie el carpintero carpenter ¡No me digas! Don't say! ir al cine to go to the movies ¿A qué hora? At what time? el campo countryside el centro comercial mall la piscina pool la playa beach el cartero mailman el dependiente salesperson ¡Qué buena idea! What a great idea! con mi(s) with my ir al medico to go to the doctors ir de campamento to go camping ¿Te gustaría? Would you like? a el = al to the (masculine) el cine movie theatre la plaza plaza el jardinero gardner con tu(s) with your ir de pesca to go fishing a la una at one el club club la práctica de …practice el mecánico mechanic demasiado too much ir de….. to go... a la to the (feminine) el club deportivo sport club la reunión reunion el panadero baker después afterwards jugar a + deporte to play a + sport a las ocho at eight el colegio private school la sinagoga sinagogue ingeniero(a) engineer después de after jugar al balompié to play soccer a to el complejo deportivo sport complex un cibercafé cybercafe la bibliotecaria librarian en casa at home jugar al fútbol americano to play football acompañado accompanied el concierto concert maestro(a) teacher entonces then jugar al baloncesto to play basketball conmigo with me el correo post office oficinista office clerk generalmente generally jugar a la pelota to play baseball contigo with you el gimnasio gym secretario(a) secretary lo siento I'm sorry jugar al golf to play golf de la mañana in the morning el hospital hospital voluntario(a) volunteer los fines de semana on the weekends jugar al tenis to play tenis de la noche in the evening el museo museum los lunes, los martes,… on Mondays ... jugar al vóleibol to play volleyball de la tarde in the afternoon el parque park un poco de….. A little of... leer un libro to read a book el fin de semana weekend Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 el parque de diversiones amusement park me gustaría I would like esta noche this evening el partido game me quedo en casa I stay home esta tarde this afternoon el restaurante restaurant me recoges pick me up este fin de semana this weekend el supermercado supermarket nos encontramos we meet mañana tomorrow el teatro theatre te recojo I pick you up para + infinitivo in order to + infinitive el templo temple tengo que I have to pasado mañana day after tomorrow la biblioteca library ver una película to see a movie Por la mañana in the morning la casa house por la noche in the evening la discoteca disco por la tarde in the afternoon la escuela school solo(a) alone la farmacia pharmacy tener que ______ to have to la fiesta party tú quieres you want la iglesia church tú sabes you know la lección de piano piano lessons yo quiero I want la librería bookstore yo sé I know la mezquita mosque Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Dónde está ___? ¿Con quién vas ____? ¿Qué hace en ____? “Ir” + a + place, “Ir” + a + infinitive, Los fines de semana, el (los) lunes, el (los) martes... Para + infinitive Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs* *Communicative Performance Assessments “Moo! Spanish My City” from Teacher’s Discovery Suggested Interpretive Task Read a map of a town and identify places indicated Read a story about going into town Suggested Interpersonal Task Play the role of someone who works at a location in town. Help a customer Suggested Presentational Task Sequence pictures to tell a story and write the captions Draw a scene from a favorite place to visit in town and talk about it Draw a map if a city and identify places Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 AP THEME : FAMILIES AND COMMUNTIES, CONTEMPORARY LIFE, GLOBAL CHALLENGE AP Topic: Health Issues, Customs and Ceremonies, Nutrition and Food Safety Recommended pacing: 3 Weeks (Unit 6 Q3) Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied S 3.1Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language S 3.2Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures S 4.1Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own S 4.2Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S 5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting S 5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Talk about preferences concerning foods and beverages Talk about eating habits during different meals Talk about table setting and meal customs in Spanish-speaking cultures Listen to and understand information about food items and restaurants, table settings and meal customs during breakfast, lunch and dinner Read: recipes for meals and beverages in Spanish; information about eating habits during different meals; restaurant menus; about fruits and vegetables; a restaurant review Students present the creation of a traditional dish and its history from their assigned Spanish speaking country CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS Explain eating habits Interpret etiquette for summoning a server; typical restaurant offerings Explain the variety of foods that are unique to various Spanish speaking countries and the European and African influence. Students are able to recognize through flavor and taste various foods and their proper usages. Students are able to research a recipe for their assigned Spanish speaking country and present to class COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Students are able to compare and contrast the various activities done in Spanish speaking countries to their own. Students compare and contrast the various eating habits amongst Spanish speaking countries and the United States. Students are able to order food in Spanish at a Spanish speaking restaurant. Talk about food (breakfast/lunch/dinner/bever ages) and discuss what they like and don’t like. Talk about what food is healthy and how food tastes. Discuss ways of staying healthy and good eating habits. Conjugate regular –er and –ir verbs (comer, beber, compartir). (No) Me gusta(n), Me encanta(n), ¿Qué prefieres? Prefiero_______. ¡Qué + adj! Para mantener la salud, en el desayuno, en el almuerzo, en la cena Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 USEFUL VOCABULARY Q3/c.3A-B: Food and Health BEBIDAS/FRUTAS bebidas LA COMIDA verduras VERBOS OTRAS PALABRAS Y EXPRESIONES el helado icecream ¿te gusta? Do you like it? ¡qué asco! How aweful! el agua water el aguacate avocado el relleno filling abierto opened ¿por qué? Why? el café coffee el chocolate chocolate el jugo juice el refresco beverage el té tea el té caliente hot tea el té helado iced tea jugo de……(naranja) (orange…juice) la leche milk la limonada limonade el apio celery el brócoli broccoli el champiñón mushroom el maíz corn el pimiento green pepper el tomate tomato la calabaza pumpkin la cebolla onion la ensalada salad la lechuga lettuce el sándwich sandwich el yogur yogurt la pizza pizza la sopa soup la tortilla de huevos omellet las galletas cookies las papas fritas french fries los huevos eggs los panqueques pancakes los pasteles cakes bajar de peso to loose weight beber to drink caminar to walk cerrado closed comer to eat compartir to share comprender to understand creer to believe dar to give deber must/should ¿verdad? Right? agrio bitter/sour bebidas hidratantes hydrating drinks bueno good bueno para la salud good for the health cada día each day calorías calories con with dulce sweet el almuerzo lunch la soda soda el coco cocunut la zanahoria carrot las espinacas spinach las judías verdes green beans la mantequilla butter la mayonesa mayonaise desear to want/to wish hacer ejercicio to do exercise hacer to do / to make el desayuno breakfast el postre dessert enfermo sick el limón lemon las papas potatoes la crema cream levantar pesas to lift weights hambre hunger el mango mango las verduras/los vegetales vegetables la mermelada jelly los deportes sports horrible horrible el melocotón/el durazno peach el plátano/banana banana los espárragos asparagus los guisantes peas la mostaza mustard la pimienta pepper los ejercicios exercises me duele la barriga my stomack hurts la cena dinner la dieta diet frutas condimentos Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 ensalada de frutas fruit salad la sal salt me duele it hurts me la merienda snack la cereza cherry el arroz rice la salsa de tomate tomato sauce me encanta(n) I love…(not a person) la salud health la ciruela prune el cereal cereal el azúcar sugar me gusta(n) I like malo para la salud bad for the health la frambuesa raspberry el espagueti spaghetti no me gusta(n) I don't like malo/mala bad la manzana apple el pan tostado toast la carne meat pedir to ask for más o menos more or less la naranja orange la papaya papaya la pera pear la sandía watermelon la toronja grapefruit las fresas stawberries las frutas fruits el pan bread la avena oatmeal la pasta pasta los frijoles beans los granos grains el bistec beefsteak el pollo chicken las salchichas sausages el tocino bacon el jamón ham la hamburguesa hamburger el perro caliente hot dog practicar to practice preferir to prefer preparar to prepare subir de peso to gain weight tener hambre to be hungry tener to have traer to bring nunca never picante spicy por su puesto of course porque because proteínas proteins rico delicious sabroso tasty las uvas verdes/rojas green/red grapes RECYCLED/ONGOING granos carnes mariscos salado salty el pescado fish saludable healthy los mariscos seafood sano healthy siempre always sin without todos los días every day Saludos, el clima, el calendario, la hora, los números, las actividades, vocabulario relacionado con Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES la personalidad, el horario escolar, interrogativos. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs* *Communicative Performance Assessments “Moo! Spanish Ordering Food” from Teacher’s Discovery Food manipulatives Suggested Interpretive Task The class will read a story together, act on parts of the story to demonstrate understanding Suggested Interpersonal Task Create a skit that demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary Identify pictures of vocabulary with simple word responses Generate questions about the food eaten at home Interview a classmate about their favorite meals Role play a parent and a child during meal time Make suggestions for future meals Suggested Presentational Task Use objects from vocabulary and identify them as the table is set for dinner Use all the words that describe a meal scene Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 AP THEME : CONTEMPORARY LIFE, GLOBAL CHALLENGES AP Topic: Health Issues, Leisure, Holidays and Celebrations Recommended pacing: 3 Weeks (Unit 7 Q3) Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Learn how to read a menu Order a meal in a restaurant Ask to have something brought out to you Table settings, meal customs Listen to and understand information about food items and restaurants, table settings and meal customs during breakfast, lunch and dinner CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS Explain eating habits Go to Hispanic food section of a grocery store and make a list of foods available COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Compare techniques for getting a servers attention, menu selections, typical breakfast habits Discover the local availability of foods from Spanish-speaking countries ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Going to a restaurant with your family Order food in a restaurant. Say they’re missing something. Talk about how food tastes. Discuss breakfast, lunch, dinner, beber, ages and preferences. Describe table settings Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 USEFUL VOCABULARY Q3/c5B: El Restaurante/Introducción a la familia EL RESTAURANTE LA MESA LA COMIDA VERBOS OTRAS PALABRAS Y EXPRESIONES el baño bathroom el cuchillo knife ¡Qué asco! How awful! el picante hot sauce beber to drink ¡Qué + adjetivo! How…! le/les recomiendo… I recommend... el camarero/el mesero waiter el menú menu el mantel tablecloth a la plancha on the grill el plato principal principal dish comer to eat ¿Algo más? Anything else? le/les sugiero I suggest el plato plate agrio sour el postre dessert compartir to share me falta(n)… I need... el/la acompañante companion el tenedor fork asado roasted el vino wine desear to want ¿Cuánto cuesta? How much does it cost? ¿Está incluida la propina? Is the tip included? la camarera/la mesera waitress la cocina kitchen el vaso glass comida caribeña Caribbean food horrible horrible estar lleno(a) to be full ¿Le/les ofrezco…? May I offer you…? muchísimo a lot la copa wine glass comida china Chinese food la bebida beverage ofrecer to offer ¿Le/les sirvo? May I serve you? mucho a lot la cuenta bill la cuchara pequeña small spoon comida francesa French food la pimienta pepper pagar to pay muy caro very expensive la propina tip la cuchara spoon la mesa table la servilleta napkin la silla chair comida italiana Italian food de plato principal as a main dish de postre for dessert delicioso(a) delicious la sal salt liviano(a) light pesado(a) heavy picante hot/spicy para llevar for carry out pararse to stand oneself up pedir to ask for probar to taste/to try out ¿Me trae…, por favor? Will you bring me…, please? ahora now comida favorita favorite food De nada Your welcome Gracias Thank you la taza cup los cubiertos placesettings dulce sweet el azúcar sugar rico (a) rich/tasty salado salty recomendar to recommend salir to exit/to go out sentarse to sit oneself down la mejor comida the best food la peor comida the worst food Le traigo… I will bring you... poco a little bit por favor please quiero ordenar… I want to order... LA FAMILIA abuela grandmother los padres parents me gustaría… I would like... nada nothing no me gusta I don't like otro (a) another para to/for/in order to servir to serve quisiera I would like servirse to serve oneself solo only Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 abuelo grandfather los parientes relatives sugerir to suggest todo all/everything el esposo husband el hijo son el nieto grandson el padrastro stepfather la madrastra stepmother la mamá/la madre mother tener hambre to be hungry tener calor to be hot tener frío to be cold un poco de a little bit of yo traigo I bring el papá/el padre father hermana sister primo cousin (male) tío uncle tener sed to be thirsty tener sueño to be sleepy hermano brother la esposa wife los primos cousins prima cousin (female) tomar to drink traer to bring los hermanos siblings tía aunt venir to come los hijos children la sobrina niece Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES (No) Me gusta(n), Me encanta(n), ¿Qué prefieres? Prefiero_______. ¿Me trae ___? Quisiera________. Me gustaría ______. ¿Algo más? ¿Cuánto cuesta? La cuenta por favor. Tengo hambre/sed/frío/calor. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange Food manipulatives to have students be the servers and the ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs* *Communicative Performance Assessments Read a menu and make selections for a meal. Go online to a Spanish language menu Read and advertisement for several restaurants and answer questions about the content Use a reaction guide to react to a reading. (What I read, what I think about what I read) *Graphic organizer on VISION Suggested Interpersonal Task Identify pictures of vocabulary with simple word responses Generate questions about the topic Interview a classmate about their favorite restaurant Role play about placing or taking an order in a restaurant Negotiate in the target language to convince a group of friends where to go for dinner Suggested Presentational Task List all the words that describe a meal scene Create a comic strip including dialog in a cultural situation about food or meals Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 AP THEME : CONTEMPORARY LIFE, FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES AP Topic: Housing, Shelter, Family Structures La casa y los que haceres Recommended pacing: 3 Weeks (Unit 8 Q4) Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S S S S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparison between Hispanic cultures and their own. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Identify rooms in a house Name household chores Talk about your bedroom Describe bedroom items and electronic equipment Tell where you live Understand cultural perspectives on different types of housing CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS Research house designs in Spanish speaking countries and different parts of the US. Spanish influence on architecture Look at Spanish language home magazines Identify family structures in the US Identify family structures in Hispanic families COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Compare family structures Compare houses/housing Talk about geographic and climate influences on housing structures ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Identify objects in the room, different rooms in the house and colors. Describe the location of different items. List chores and give commands. Describe what people are doing right now (present progressive). Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 USEFUL VOCABULARY Q4/c6A-B: La casa y los quehaceres LA CASA PERTENENCIAS DOMÉSTICAS ADJETIVOS LOS QUEHACERES OTRAS PALABRAS Y EXPRESIONES ayudar to help ¿cuáles? Which ones? el apartamento apartment el coche/carro/auto car el armario/ el ropero closet el cuadro painting alto tall cocinar to cook ¿De qué color es…..? What color is…? el ático attic el balcón balcony/porch el despertador alarm clock el disco compacto compact disk bajo short bonito/a pretty cortar el césped to cut the grass dar de comer al… to feed…(the dog/the cat/…) ¿Qué estás haciendo? What are you doing? a la derecha(de) to the right of el baño bathroom el comedor dinning room el equipo de sonido sound system el espejo mirror feo/a ugly grande big dar to give hacer la cama to make the bed a la izquierda (de) to the left of bastante enough/sufficient el corredor/el pasillo hallway el estante bookshelf pequeño small lavar el carro to wash the car cerca (de) near to el cuarto room el despacho study el lavaplatos dishwasher el lector DVD DVD player importante important mismo/a same lavar la ropa to wash clothes lavar los platos to wash the dishes el dinero money la cosa thing el dormitorio/ la habitación/ el cuarto bedroom el refrigerador refrigerator propio/a one's own limpiar…(la cocina, el baño,…) to clean…(the kitchen, the bathroom, …) la posesión possession el fregadero sink el reproductor de música (e.g., MP3) MP3 player/iPod pasar la aspiradora to vacuum lejos (de) far from el garaje garage el sofá sofa amarillo yellow poner la mesa to set the table limpio clean el jardín garden el televisor television anaranjado orange quitar el polvo to dust si if el patio patio el piso floor el video video azul blue sacar la basura to take out the garbage sucio dirty la alfombra carpet blanco white DESCRIPCIONES COLORES un momento one moment Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 el primer piso first floor la cama bed café/marrón brown el recibidor foyer la cómoda/el tocador chest of drawers gris gray el segundo piso second floor el sótano basement la casa house la chimenea fireplace la computadora computer la escoba broom la lámpara lamp la mesita side table lila lilac morado purple negro black rojo red la cocina kitchen la nevera refrigerator rosado pink la escalera stairs/staircase la habitación bedroom la oficina office la pared wall la pantalla TV or computer screen las cortinas curtains verde green Vebos Mandatos Irregulares haz do pon put la planta alta upper level la planta baja lower level la sala family room la ventana window RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS dormir (o-ue) to sleep poder (o-ue) to be able to poner (-go) to put recibir to receive vivir to live Comparaciones el /la mejor best el/la peor worst los/las peores the worst mejor/es que better than menos...que less than para mí for me para ti for you peor/es que worse than ¿Dónde está _____? ¿De qué color es__? Mi dormitorio/habitación es___. ¿Qué estás haciendo? “Estar” + present participle. Regular affirmative tú commands (pon & haz), “Tener” que + Infinitive. “Dormir”, “Poder”. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange “Moo! Spanish My House” from Teacher’s Discovery Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs* *Communicative Performance Assessments Look online ads for home decorating and furniture items Read real state ads from Spanish speaking countries Create a booklet describing the rooms in your house and what chores are done there Create a dialog between a realtor and a client who is buying a home Design a house based on a US location vs. a Spanish speaking country and present to class Create and present a show about dream homes Record a radio or TV ad for home furnishing Create a drawing of your house or bedroom to talk about what you have and where they are located Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 AP THEME : FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES, CONTEMPORARY LIFE AP Topic: Holiday Celebrations, Family Structures La familia y las celebraciones Recommended pacing: 3 Weeks (Unit 9 Q4) Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions S1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics S 4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Describe your family • Read and listen to information about families • Present information about your family • Discuss your family tree • Talk about celebrations and parties • Ask and tell ages • Express possession • Understand cultural perspectives on family and celebrations • Compare family celebrations • Compare the role of families • Compare crafts •Compare the use of possessive adjectives • Compare the role of family members and how families interact • Talk about new vocabulary through the recognition of cognates • Compare the uses of tener idioms With English • Compare the use of possessive adjectives • Explain the use of diminutives in Spanish ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Describe family and family members. Describe physical characteristics and personality traits of family members. Tell ages, names, likes, dislikes of family members. Talk about decorations and activities at a party. Describe what people do to prepare for a party. Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 USEFUL VOCABULARY Q4/c5A: La familia y celebraciones el papá/el padre father el nieto grandson ACTIVIDADES EN/PARA UNA FIESTA tener to have la mamá/la madre mother hermano brother los nietos grandchildren los sobrinos nieces and nephews celebrar to celebrate comprar to buy la luz light las luces lights tu /tus your (informal) su /sus his/her/its/ your (formal) los preparativos preparations el aniversario anniversary tío uncle abuelo grandfather los hermanos siblings los padres parents apagar to turn off soplar to blow su /sus your (pl.)/their la fiesta de aniversario anniversary party las velas candles primo cousin (male) el gato/la gata cat bailar to dance la flor flower el papel picado cut-paper decorations la piñata piñata padrastro step-father el perro/la perra dog cantar to sing el pastel cake mayor/mayores older la videograbadora videocamera madrastra step-mother hermanastro step-brother el esposo husband la persona person cuñado brother-in-law los parientes relatives cortar to cut abrir to open decorar to decorate el regalo gift la comida food las decoraciones decorations menor/menores younger viejo old joven young ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy Birthday! ¡Felicidades! Congratulations! la esposa wife hermana sister sacar fotos to take pictures ¿Cuántos años tiene(n)______? How old is _________? sobrino nephew tía aunt hacer un video to make a video Tiene(n)______? He/She/You(f)/They ______? el hijo son la hija daughter abuela grandmother prima cousin (female) gustar to like encantar to love something los hijos children los primos cousins hermanastra step-sister sobrina niece preferir to prefer repartir to pass out LA FAMILIA DECORACIONES ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS CELEBRACIONES el globo balloon mi / mis my la fiesta de cumpleaños birthday party SOBRE LA EDAD la cámara camera Spanish Level I- SY 2013 – 2014 la nieta granddaughter RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURE S RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate rubrics for speaking and writing CPAs* *Communicative Performance Assessments cuñada sister-in-law cumplir años to have a birhday tener años to be certain years old ¿Quién es ____? Es mi __. ¿Cuántos años tiene(n)? Tiene(n)__años. ¿Cómo es? ¿Cómo se llama? Se llama___. ¿Qué le gusta hacer? Le gusta(n) __. Le encanta(n)__. “Tener”, Possessive Adjectives, “Ser” “Venir”, “Invitar”, “Traer”, “Tener” + que, ¿Dónde es la celebración/ fiesta? ¿Cuándo es la celebración/ fiesta? Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange “Moo! Spanish Sweet 15” by Teacher’s Discovery “Moo! Family Nouns Vocabulary Spanish” by Teacher’s Discovery Suggested Interpretive Task Read a story about families Suggested Interpersonal Task Create a dialog between a parent and a child Interview a student about their family structure or famous family structures Suggested Presentational Task Create a power point that demonstrates knowledge of family structure Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 LCPS [Type the document title] [Type the document subtitle] agoetz [Pick the date] [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.] Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 1 Unit 1: Repaso de Gramática AP THEME: Grammar review to help reinforce all AP Themes and Subthemes Recommended pacing: 2 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between Hispanic cultures and their own. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: Maintain a discussion related to basic grammar learned in level I. Discuss and/or debate: level I topics for review. Topics can include but are not limited to restaurant, places in the community, family, celebrations, etc. • Explore • Compare and contrast customs between the United States and Spanish-speaking countries. Talk about: Aforementioned topics INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio, visual and text related to subjects presented from the previous level. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on information about Spanish-speaking countries or previously mentioned topics. Spanish-speaking cultures and relationships in other countries. CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between the culture of the United States and Spanish-speaking countries. Vocabulary: Review level I vocabulary. Grammar: present tense verbs (regular verbs, -ar, -er, ir) verbs tener, hacer, querer, jugar, dormir, preferir, etc. stem-changing verbs present progressive correct word order of nouns and adjectives definite articles (el, la, los, las) and indefinite articles (un, una, unos, unas) interrogative words (por qué, cuándo, dónde, etc.) transition words (después, cuando, luego, etc.) Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 1 Unit 1 USEFUL VOCABULARY Interrogative Words ¿Por qué? ¿Cuándo? ¿Dónde? ¿Cuánto? ¿Qué? ¿Cómo? Transition and Connecting Words después luego mientras entonces a veces primero, segundo, etc. en la mañana, en la tarde, etc. ayer anoche antes durante ahora con porque para por Definite Articles el/la/los/las Indefinite Articles un/una/unos/unas Stem-Changing Verbs tener querer dormir jugar poder preferir Yo-Go Verbs hacer poner traer tener (also stem-changing) jugar (also stem-changing) Additional Grammar regular –ar, -er, -ir verbs present progressive tener que + infinitive ir + a + infinitive ser vs. estar noun/adjective agreement noun/adjective word order Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 1 Unit 2A: Tu Día Escolar, Classroom Items, Activities, and Rules AP THEME: Contemporary Life, Science and Technology AP SUBTHEME: Education, Social Impact of Technology in the Classroom Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : Recommended pacing: 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between Hispanic cultures and their own. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: Maintain a discussion related to: What you do in school. Discuss and/or debate: Classroom rules, and impact of technology in the classroom Express and explain: Ideas using affirmative and negative words. Express opinions and react to: School rules and customs in other countries. • Explore • Compare and contrast: Rules and customs in other countries with those of your own school. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to: School activities, subjects, rules, classroom items and good study habits. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on: Present information about school activities, subjects, a favorite class, and rules. attitudes when reacting to: Student-teacher relationships in a school setting. CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between: Grading systems in different Spanish-speaking countries ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about classroom objects School activities classroom rules impact of technology in the classroom Express affirmative and negative ideas Vocabulary school activities school rules classroom objects Grammar: the verbs tener, hacer, poner, traer the phrases ‘tener que’, ‘(no) se prohíbe’, and ‘hay que’ followed by an infinitive stem-changing verbs affirmative and negative words Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 1 Unit 2A USEFUL VOCABULARY What you do in class Classroom Rules School Objects aprender de memoria contestar (no) se permite a tiempo el armario el asiento dar un discurso empezar discutir el informe/ el ensayo la tarea entender entregar el bolígrafo/ la pluma el borrador el carnet de identidad el proyecto enseñar explicar hacer una pregunta pedir ayuda preguntar sacar una mala nota sacar una buena nota calificaciones RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES la regla/las reglas de la clase llegar tarde llegar temprano prestar atención repasar repetir respetar se prohíbe tener que Negative and Affirmative words a veces algo Classroom Technology Other Useful Words ¿Qué más…? acabar de + infinitive alguien el control remoto el laboratorio de computación el ratón algún/alguna (s) nadie el teclado el teléfono celular conocer el material/los materiales el cuaderno ningún/ninguno-a (s) la computadora el uniforme el lápiz el sacapuntas la carpeta la cinta adhesiva la grapadora la hoja de papel la mochila las tijeras los marcadores los materiales nunca siempre la impresora la pantalla es necesario examinar hay que + infinitive la materia/las materias lo que… otra vez para + infinitive sobre… tener que + infinitive almorzar General review: present tense verbs; stem-changing verbs in the present; go-go verbs, ser and estar, prepositions of location (al lado de, delante de, detrás de, etc); adjectives to describe the classes (aburrida, difícil, divertida, fácil, interesante, práctica, etc.); and words such as, primer piso, segundo piso, y sótano. New Grammar: expressions ‘tener que + infinitive’, ‘hay que+ infinitive’, and ‘(no)se prohíbe+ infinitive’; affirmative and negative words; RESOURCES/ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Realidades II (Chapter 1A), Realidades I (Chapter 6B), visual photos/PowerPoint’s of schools/students in Spanish-speaking countries, newspaper articles on education systems, practice workbook parts I & II, audio and video CDs. Suggested Interpretive Task View and describe classroom pictures Listening exercises Reading Exercises Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students describe to each other their daily class schedule including the location of the classroom, the time, and what is done in the class Create a visual schedule to present Create a graph/chart of differences between school here and in Spanishspeaking countries Create a visual chart of your ideal school with favorite rules Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 1 Unit 2B: Tu Día Escolar, Extracurricular Activities AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Education, Leisure, and Sports Recommended pacing: 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between Hispanic cultures and their own. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: Maintain a discussion related to: What you do after school. Express and explain: comparisons between people, things, or activities knowing a person vs. knowing a skill or information • Explore attitudes when reacting to: perspectives on extracurricular activities • Compare • Express opinions and react to: how long has an activity been going on INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to: School activities, subjects, rules, classroom items and good study habits. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on: favorite activities and pastimes CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between: Use of social media (e.g., facebook model) to create projects and contrast: the different activities and sports of the US and Spanish speaking countries people and things ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about extracurricular activities places what people know (facts) or what they know how to do (skills) how long something has been going on Vocabulary extracurricular activities pastimes Grammar making comparisons using tan…como, and tanto(a/s)…como verbs saber, conocer, and ir expression ‘hace + time’ Understand cultural perspectives on extracurricular activities. Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 1 Unit 2B USEFUL VOCABULARY Extracurricular Activities el ajedrez Athletic Activities Music and Drama Actions Internet Activities Other Useful Words and Phrases el animador/ la animadora el entrenador el bailarín/ la bailarina el coro asistir a ¿cuánto tiempo hace que…? conocer crear una página de red estar en línea el equipo el fotógrafo/ la fotógrafa el/la miembro el hockey hacer gimnasia el ensayo el/la cantante entrenar ganar hacer una búsqueda navegar en la red entre hace + time + que… jugar a los bolos grabar oprimir (aquí) el pasatiempo la reunión/ las reuniones la fotografía la natación las artes marciales el músico/ la música ensayar la orquesta participar (en) perder redes sociales enviar un correo electrónico la oportunidad/ las oportunidades me interesa tan + adj + como la banda saber la canción/ las canciones la voz/ las voces sacar fotos el club/los clubes la práctica las actividades extracurriculares los jóvenes RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES el jugador/ la jugadora el interés tantos (as) + noun + como ser miembro de… tomar lecciones volver (o-ue) General review: locations such as, el gimnasio, el cine, la sala/el salon de clases, la biblioteca, el laboratorio, la oficina, etc.; the verb ir New Grammar: Verbs saber and conocer; Making comparisons (más/menos...que, mejor/peor...que, menor/mayor...que, tan/tanto...como); superlatives (el más/; time expressions (using hace + time + que); RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Realidades II (Chapter 1B), visual photos/PowerPoint’s of schools/students doing sports, Spanish television news/sports reports (audio and visual), practice workbook parts I & II, audio and video CDs. Suggested Interpretive Task Create a chart/graph to demonstrate the popularity of different sports Create a web page to showcase your school activities Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Write a letter/e-mail describing your activities Create posters showing favorite hobbies Create a brochure of your school activities Give a speech to ‘incoming’ students to describe what is available Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 2 Unit 3A: Un Evento Especial, Daily Routines and Getting Ready for a Special Event AP THEME: Families and Communities AP SUBTHME: Customs and Ceremonies Recommended pacing: 2 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between Hispanic cultures and their own. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: COMPARISONS: Maintain a discussion related to: Daily routines and preparing for a special event Talk about: Daily routines Getting ready for a special event • Compare INTERPRETIVE MODE: Demonstrates comprehension of content from reading, watching and listening material relating to: daily routines and getting ready for a special events PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce an oral report on: How to prepare for a special event Compare a special event in the US with those in a Spanish-speaking country and contrast: different activities/events of the US and Spanish speaking countries ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Describe: getting ready for a special event Talk about daily routines Vocabulary daily routines personal daily routine items body parts events Grammar reflexive verbs verbs ser and estar possessive adjectives (long form) Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 2 Unit 3A USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Getting Ready Things You Need Body Parts Special Events How you feel despertarse (e-ie) levantarse prepararse arreglarse (el pelo) bañarse el champú el jabón el cepillo el gel el desodorante la pasta dental el cuerpo la cabeza el pelo la cara los ojos entusiasmado (a) nervioso (a) tranquilo (a) apurado (a) cómodo (a) ducharse secarse lavarse (la cara) afeitarse cepillarse (los dientes/el pelo) peinarse mirarse ponerse vestirse (e-i) pintarse (el pelo/las uñas) cortarse (el pelo/las uñas) acostarse (o-ue) pedir prestado (a) a el agua de colonia el maquillaje el cepillo el peine el secador el espejo la ducha la toalla las joyas (de oro/de plata) el cinturón la nariz la boca los labios los dientes la oreja el cuello el pecho el estómago el brazo la muñeca la mano el dedo la pierna / las rodillas el pie la piel la espalda las cejas las pestañas el aniversario el baile (formal) el bautizo el concurso la audición/ las audiciones la boda la cita la confirmación la fiesta de quince años la graduación la primera comunión un evento especial emocionado(a) feliz /contento(a) Other Useful Words and Phrases antes de después de depende de luego por ejemplo mientras (tanto) lentamente rápidamente el salón de belleza la quinceañera el novio / la novia te ves (bien) luces (bien) primero finalmente en la mañana en la tarde en la noche guapo(a) General review: present tense, the verbs ser and estar, and telling time. New grammar structure: reflexive verbs, and possessive adjectives (long form) RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS Realidades II (Chapter 2 A), Realidades I (Chapter 7A), Selecciones, Spanish television (audio and visual), practice workbook parts I & II, audio and video CDs. Suggested Interpretive Task Reading and listening to passages of daily routines and descriptions of events. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Create a personal book/video journal/power point about daily routines. Create and present a collage of a special event you attended. Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Create models to review body parts. Simón dice game. Write a letter about a special event you are going to. Create invitations to a special event. Quarter 2 Unit 3B: Un Evento Especial, Clothing and Fashion AP THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics, Families and Communities AP SUBTHEME: Ideals of Beauty, Holidays and Celebrations Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : Record and present a special event. Create pieces of Dali/Picasso artwork with the body and present. Recommended pacing: 2 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between Hispanic cultures and their own. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: Maintain a discussion related to: Clothing and fashion Ask for assistance in a shopping situation Express opinions and react to: clothing preferences fashion fit Investigate fashion styles and costs in Spanish-speaking countries. Discuss different Spanishspeaking fashion designers. • Compare and contrast: traditional clothing from Spanish speaking countries to the U.S. INTERPRETIVE MODE: CONNECTIONS: Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to: preferences in attire and personal choice PRESENTATIONAL MODE: Make connections between fashion styles in Spanishspeaking countries and the U.S. Produce an oral report on: a personal fashion Make connections between design identifying the clothing worn historical contexts and current according to body parts and /or climate attitudes towards fashion. Evaluates and interprets written texts and ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about: clothing and where to wear it fashion and materials sizing Vocabulary: clothing shopping numbers body parts Grammar: stem-changing verbs pensar, querer, and preferir demonstrative adjectives verb ‘quedar’ to express fit Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 materials on Spanish-speaking fashion designers. Quarter 2 Unit 3B USEFUL VOCABULARY About Clothing el abrigo el suéter el traje el traje de baño el vestido la blusa la camisa la camiseta la chaqueta la falda la gorra la sudadera las botas los calcetines los jeans los pantalones los pantalones cortos los zapatos el calzado la corbata los guantes el sombrero la bufanda Types of Fabrics ¿De qué está hecho (a)? está hecho (a) de… algodón cuero lana seda tejido tela sintética Colores: claro (a) de sólo un color de un sólo color oscuro (a) pastel vivo (a) Patrones: de puntitos floreado (a) rallado (a) / de rayas, a rayas Describing Clothing accesible el estilo la marca la talla el número estar de moda pasado (a) de moda nuevo (a) viejo (a) bonito (a) feo (a) corto (a) largo (a) elegante la talla pequeña mediano (a) grande extra grande About Specific Items ese/esa esos/esas este/esta estos/estas los/las dos un/una unos/unas Other Useful Words and Phrases ¿Cómo me/te queda(n)? me/te queda(n) bien/mal apretado (a) exagerado (a) flojo (a) llevar pensar (e-ie) preferir (e-ie) querer (e-ie) quizás tener razón escoger ¿Qué te parece? me parece que… me gusta RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES General review: stem changing verbs pensar, querer, preferir; indefinite articles, body parts; adjective/noun agreement New grammar: Demonstrative adjectives; verb quedar to express fit. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Realidades I (Chapter 7A), Realidades II (Chapter 2 A), Selecciones, Spanish television (audio and visual), newspaper advertisements, authentic clothing items for comparisons, photos/ slideshow of clothing, fashion magazines, practice workbook parts I & II, audio and video CDs. ASSESSMENTS/ Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Design a clothing item or a fashion according to seasons/weather and/or body parts Give a speech on fashion design Quarter 2 UNIT 4: De Compras, Shopping and Prices AP THEME: Contemporary Life, Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME: Advertising and Marketing, Economic Issues Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics S 3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines S 5.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to shopping for clothing, gifts, and accessories in the preterite tense. • Discuss and/or debate a variety of stores. • Express opinions and react to store advertisements clothing materials gifts and accessories pricing INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to shopping, clothes, gifts, and accessories in the preterite tense. • Evaluate and interpret authentic store • Discuss the importance of specialty shops in Spanishspeaking countries. • Cross Curricular- Reinforce mathematics skills. • Reinforce knowledge of geography. CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards fashion and shopping. • Compare and contrast specialty shops. • Compare and contrast traditional currencies from Spanish speaking countries to the U.S. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Describe Events in the Past Talk about: Shopping and clothing Gifts and accessories Type of stores Prices Events in the past tense • Explore local stores that sell products from Spanish-speaking countries in your own community. Vocabulary: Shopping Gift and accessories Places to shop Prices/Numbers • Identify local Spanish speaking communities and cultural events. Grammar: Preterite tense for regular verbs, and –car/-gar/-zar COMMUNITIES: Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 advertisements. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce an oral or written report on traditional gifts of Spanish-speaking countries. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to going to the mall. Quarter 2 Unit 4 USEFUL VOCABULARY • Make connections between clothing prices in Spanishspeaking countries and the U.S. endings Direct object pronouns Demonstrative adjectives Using adjectives as nouns Understand cultural perspectives on gift-giving and shopping in Spanish-speaking countries. Shopping Places Gifts and Accessories Prices/Numbers Sales and Purchases Verbs Related to Shopping comprar buscar encontrar (o-ue) anunciar entrar gastar mirar pagar (por) probarse regatear vender Other Useful Words and Phrases ¿Cuándo? ayer anteayer / antier anoche la semana pasada el año pasado el pasado recientemente inmediatamente abierto (a) cerrado (a) el almacén el centro comercial el mercado la joyería la librería la zapatería la tienda la tienda de descuentos la tienda de electrodomésticos la tienda de ropa las tiendas de especialidades (pescadería, panadería, frutería) las tiendas departamentales la Red ¿Dónde? el bolsa / la bolsa el llavero el monedero la billetera la cartera el portafolio el regalo el anillo la pulsera el reloj el reloj de pulsera ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)…? costar (o-ue) el dólar el euro el peso las monedas los billetes el precio cien doscientos (as) trescientos (as) ¿En qué puedo servirle? la caja la caja registradora el/la dependiente el cajero / la cajera el cajero automático el cheque (personal) el cheque de viajero el cupón de regalo en efectivo la tarjeta de crédito los aretes el collar la cadena el perfume los anteojos / las gafas de sol el disco compacto un videojuego el software / el programa de computadora el teléfono celular cuatrocientos (as) quinientos (as) seiscientos (as) setecientos (as) ochocientos (as) en descuento el descuento la ganga la liquidación la oferta la entrada la salida el letrero el marcado ¡Uf! novecientos (as) cientos mil alto (a) bajo (a) barato (a) perdón ¡Vamos! en realidad caro (a) mucho poco tanto tan + adjetivo me/te importa (n) hace + time expression Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 2 Unit 4 RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Review of: location and position words (a la derecha de, a la izquierda de, al lado de, cerca de, delante de, detrás de, lejos de); hace + time expressions New Grammar: Regular preterite tense, including “-car”, “-gar”, and “-zar” verbs; direct object pronouns; demonstrative adjectives; and using adjectives as nouns. Realidades I (Chapter 7B), Realildades II (2B), newspaper articles/advertisements, authentic clothing items for ”purchasing”, store advertisements, radio or television advertisements. Suggested Interpretive Task Create a chart to compare and contrast places in which you buy gifts (internet, department stores, electronic stores, specialty stores). Listen to an advertisement on the radio for a clothing store that is going out of business, and answer true and false questions about what you hear. Suggested Interpersonal Task Perform a skit as a sales clerk and a customer. Describe back to school shopping experiences. Create an open-air market for different countries and have students “shop” and talk about preferences and pricing Suggested Presentational Task Create a TV or radio ad for a store. Create a poster to illustrate and describe things you bought for your boyfriend or girlfriend. Write an email to a friend describing what you bought at the mall. Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 3 Unit 5A: Experiencias, Errands & Places in the City AP THEME: Family and Communities, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities AP SUBTHEME: Customs and Ceremonies, Travel, Beliefs, and Values Recommended pacing: 2 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: Shopping in open-air markets COMPARISONS: Maintain a discussion related to: Experiencias en la ciudad Talk about: Errands you did and where you did them Community stores and services Explain: Why you weren’t able to do certain errands or household chores Discuss: Things you have bought and where you bought them INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from reading, watching and listening material relating to: errands in the community and household chores PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce an oral or written report on: A letter telling someone what chores they should do Interesting places in the city and what to do there • Compare and contrast: the different places in your community and those of Spanish speaking countries, such as plazas ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about running errands in the community where you went what you bought Explain why you couldn’t do a certain errand or chore Vocabulary: places around town errands and chores Grammar: Direct object pronouns Irregular preterite forms of ir, ser, hacer, tener, estar, poder Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 3 Unit 5A USEFUL VOCABULARY Places in the community el banco el cajero automático el centro el parque About Mail el centro comercial el cine el consultorio el hospital el museo el restaurante el supermercado la biblioteca la escuela la estación de servicios/ las estaciones de servicios la farmacia la gasolinera la iglesia la librería la piscina la playa la plaza la tintorería el sello enviar (i-í) la carta la tarjeta postal echar una carta el buzón/ los buzones el correo el paquete Items in a SportingGoods Store el equipo deportivo el palo de golf la pelota la raqueta de tenis Pharmacy Products About Errands Other Useful Words el cepillo de dientes el champú el jabón la pasta dental cerrar (e-ie) cobrar un cheque cortar el césped hacer la cama ¡cómo no! caramba casi ir cuidar a dar de comer al perro / al gato devolver (o-ue) (un libro) el médico / la médica el/la dentista ir a pie la gasolina lavar los platos/la ropa/el coche limpiar el baño llenar (el tanque) en seguida estar hacer hasta hasta pronto las diligencias/los deberes los quehaceres poder por pronto pasar la aspiradora poner la mesa quitar el polvo sacar (un libro) se abre se cierra quedarse se me olvidó ser tener todavía varios(as) los patines RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES General review of household chores, and telling time. New grammar structure: Direct object pronouns, and Irregular preterite forms of ir, ser, hacer, tener, estar, poder RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Realidades II (Chapter 3A), Realidades I (Chapter 6B), Selecciones, Spanish television (audio and visual), newspaper advertisements, authentic pictures of places around the community ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Suggested Interpretive Task Listen and understand as people tell where they went, what they did, and give excuses Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Transform the classroom into a community with locations to go and do the errands. Have students be clerks/doctors and others be the client. Create a booklet describing the rooms in your house and what chores are done there Create a booklet describing the places around your town and what errands Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 you do there Quarter 3 Unit 5B: Experiencias, Traveling, Vacations, Modes of Transportation, and Nationalities AP THEME: Personal and Public Identities, Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Nationalism and Patriotism, Travel Recommended pacing: 2 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: COMPARISONS: Maintain a discussion related to: Experiencias durante un viaje de vacaciones Talk about: acitivities done on vacation local attractions visited modes of transportation used how the trip was the local people Talk about services available to Spanish-speakers at local tourist attractions INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from reading, watching and listening material relating to: what someone did and where he went during his vacation PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce an oral or written report on: your best trip or vacation ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about travel vacations past events Vocabulary: vacation places activities modes of transportation nationalities Grammar: Personal ‘a’ Regular and irregular preterite for the verbs aprender, salir, ver, and ir Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 3 Unit 5B USEFUL VOCABULARY Places to go on Vacation el estadio el lago el lugar el mar el monumento el museo el país el parque de diversiones el parque nacional el río el teatro el zoológico la ciudad la obra de teatro las pirámides RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Things to see on Vacation el animal el árbol el elefante el león el mono el oso el pájaro el tigre Things to do on Vacation Ways to Travel About Your Vacation Other Useful Words (comprar) recuerdos aprender (a) bucear descansar descansar montar a caballo pasear en bote tomar el sol a pie el aeropuerto el autobús el avión el barco el billete / el boleto el camión el carro/el coche ¿Cómo lo pasaste? ¿Qué hiciste? ¿Qué te pasó? ¿Te gustó? ¿Viste…? como dime me divertí a tiempo durante el lugar empacar la exposición la reservación pasarla bien / mal tarde la atracción/ las atracciones la jirafa la serpiente/la culebra la tortuga tomar fotos el helicóptero el hotel temprano visitar el metro el taxi el tren en taxi la bicicleta la motocicleta por mar por tierra por/en el viaje fantástico (a) fue un desastre impresionante ir de vacaciones me gustó regresar salir tremendo (a) vi viajar visitar luego entonces antes / despues Continued use of the regular preterite, and the irregular preterite of the verbs “ir/ser” New grammar: The personal ‘a’, the irregular preterite of the verb ver Realidades I (Chapter 8A), Realidades II (Chapter Para Empezar), Realidades II (Chapter 3A), Spanish television programs/movie on different vacation destinations, authentic brochures and pamphlets from tourist spots, travel magazines Suggested Interpretive Task Listen and understand as people tell where they went, and what they did during their vacation Read and analyze train/bus/plane/cruise itineraries Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Write a letter about a vacation you took Write a letter about your dream vacation Create a scrapbook/collage about a trip Create a travel plan, including what you need to get ready and an itinerary, and talk about how your travel actually went. Create a commercial for a vacation destination Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 3 Unit 6: Tú y Tu Comunidad AP THEME: Families and Communities, Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME: Citizenship, Environmental Issues Recommended pacing: 2 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: Maintain a discussion related to: Giving directions to get around town Talk about: getting to places around town good driving habits modes of transportation Give commands to other people INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from reading, watching and listening material relating to: driving directions and advice PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce an oral or written report on: how to get from a starting point to a point of interest CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about getting around giving directions points of interest good driving habits Vocabulary: asking for and giving directions driving advice about driving Grammar: Direct object pronouns me, te, nos Regular and Irregular affirmative tú commands Present Progressive – irregular forms Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 3 Unit 6 USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. About Driving el camión/los camiones el carro el coche el conductor / la conductora el cruce de calles el peatón el permiso de manejar To give and Receive Driving Advice ¡Basta! ancho (a) de acuerdo déjame en paz To ask for and give Directions ¿Cómo se va…? a la derecha a la izquierda aproximadamente Other Useful Words creer decir dormir este (punto cardinal) dejar despacio esperar las escaleras (mecánicas) leer norte el Puente el semáforo estar seguro (a) estrecho (a) bajar complicado (a) cruzar / cruzar la calle derecho desde el tráfico el/la policía la avenida la carretera la cuadra la esquina la estatua la fuente la parada de (autobús, taxi, etc.) la plaza la señal de pare/ alto los pasillos poner una multa exceso de velocidad me estás poniendo nervioso (a) peligroso (a) quitar tener cuidado ya doblar el metro en medio de girar hasta manejar parar pasar por quedar seguir (e-i) subir tener prisa tomar próximo (a) repetir seguir servir sur traer vestir oeste pedir Continued use of the present and preterite tenses, and local modes of transportation New grammar: Direct object pronouns me, te, nos; regular and irregular affirmative tú commands; present progressive – irregular forms RealidadesII (Chapter 3B), Realidades I (Chapter 8A), Selecciones, Spanish television (audio and visual), newspaper articles, authentic maps and road signs, workbook part 1 and 2. Suggested Interpretive Task Read and listen to advice for establishing good driving habits Read and listen to driving directions Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Create a city map with labels Create road signs Write about things that might happen as you drive that would make you nervous Create a city map with points of interests and labels, then have the class follow your directions to the different points of interest. Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 4 Unit 7A: Celebrando el Pasado, Childhood Activities AP THEME: Families and Communities AP SUBTHEME: Childhood and Adolescence, Friendship and Love Recommended pacing: 2 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.1 Students use Spanish both within and beyond the school setting COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: Maintain a discussion related to: childhood toys, pets and activities, and to or for whom something is done Talk about: Activities that you used to do as a child Pets, toys and games Describe what you were like as a child INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from reading, watching and listening material relating to: childhood, pets, toys, and games PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce an oral or written report on: What you were like as a child and what you used to do CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Compare and contrast nursery rhymes and songs in Spanishspeaking countries to those in the US ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about toys playing with other children what you used to do what you were like Vocabulary: Toys Animals Childhood activities and places Behaviors and characteristics Grammar: The imperfect tense of regular verbs: jugar, hacer, vivir The imperfect tense of irregular verbs ir, ver, and ser Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 4 Unit 7A USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Toys Animals Things you used to do Places Explaining Actions de niño (a) de pequeño (a) de vez en cuando Personal Characteristics bien educado (a) consentido (a) creativo (a) el columpio el dinosaurio el juguete / los juguetes el muñeco el gato el perro el pez / los peces coleccionar ir de campamento la escuela primaria el jardín de infantes el patio de recreo la guardería infantil la lagartija molestar el vecino / la vecina la verdad mentir (e-ie) obedecer (c-zc) desobediente el oso de peluche el tren eléctrico el triciclo la tortuga pelearse saltar (a la cuerda) tirar (la bola, la pelota, las piedras, etc.) la colección / las colecciones la cuerda ofrecer mentiroso (a) permitir obediente la muñeca los bloques por lo general portarse bien/mal todo el mundo prudente tímido (a) travieso (a) Other Useful Words generoso (a) inquieto (a) juguetón / juguetona New grammar: Imperfect tense of regular verbs (jugar, hacer, vivir); Imperfect vs. Perfect Preterite; Imperfect tense of irregular verbs ir, ser, ver RealidadesII (Chapter 4A), Selecciones, Spanish television (audio and visual), newspaper articles, newspaper advertisements, toys, pictures, home videos, storybooks Suggested Interpretive Task Interpret other students’ pictures of their childhood Create a fable for other students to read Write captions to a story using the perfect and imperfect preterite Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Write a simple storybook (fictional or personal) to share Create a home video or slideshow Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Quarter 4 Unit 7B: Celebrando el Pasado, Family, Food, and Holiday Celebrations AP THEME: Families and Communities, Personal and Public Identities, Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME:: Family Structures, Beliefs and Values, Nutrition and Food Safety Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level : S 1.1 Students engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. S 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. S 1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas in Spanish to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S 4.2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons between Hispanic cultures and their own. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive Presentational - INTERPERSONAL MODE: Maintain a discussion related to family members, relatives, and holiday celebrations in the past Talk about: Family and relatives How people interact Social/holiday gatherings Foods served at certain events INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from reading, watching and listening material relating to descriptions about a person from the past, holiday celebrations and family. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce an oral or written report on or about: Holiday celebrations CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Compare and contrast types of foods eaten at social gatherings. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about Family and relatives Describe people and situations in the past How people interact Holiday celebrations Vocabulary: Family members Holiday celebrations Grammar: The imperfect tense: describing a situation in the past Using reflexives Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014 Social gatherings Family/friends interactions Foods served at certain events Quarter 4 Unit 7B USEFUL VOCABULARY Family el abuelo el bisabuelo el cuñado el hermanastro el hermano el hijastro el nieto el padrastro la madrastra la madre la madrina la nieta la prima la sobrina la suegra la tía el padre el padrino el primo los abuelos los hermanos los padres el sobrino el suegro el tío familia, la la abuela la bisabuela la cuñada la hermana la hermanastra los parientes los tíos la hijastra RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Talking about people contar (o-ue) (chistes) el / la bebé feliz los mayores llevarse bien/mal llorar reírse (e-í) reunirse Manners and Customs abrazar(se) besar(se) dar(se) la mano despedirse (e-i) de los modales saludar(se) sonreír (e-í) About Special Events ¡Felicidades! alrededor de casarse (con) cumplir años charlar divertirse (e-ie) el aniversario el carbón (for children who have been bad) el del día festivo el desfile el día de los Reyes Magos Food arroz con gandules arroz con leche el dulce el helado el jamón el lechón el pavo el pescado Other Useful Words antiguo (a) beber comer el cuchillo el mantel el plato el tenedor el vaso el pollo el postre el queso es un sueño frecuentemente había el pesebre enorme felicitar hacer un picnic la boda la costumbre la fiesta de sorpresa la navidad la reunión / las reuniones las fiestas patronales las luces los fuegos artificiales los villancicos nacer Nochebuena Nochevieja regalar el refresco el rosca/roscón de reyes el turrón la comida la manzana las bebidas las tapas las uvas los mariscos la cuchara la mesa la servilleta la silla la taza los regalos mientras (que) ofrecer poner los pastel de tres leches los pasteles los polvorones los tamales recordar (o-ue) retirar(se) sentar(se) servir(se) Imperfect tense, reflexives, “-ito” and “-isimo”, adjective/noun agreement (review). Present and preterite tense (review) Realidades II (Chapter 4B), family trees, magazines, menus, cookbooks, advertisements, product labels, plastic foods or pictures of foods,, Spanish Level II – SY 2013 – 2014,,, ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Dramatizations Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task WebQuest about a Hispanic holiday, present and do a mock celebration Celebrate as a class a special Hispanic holiday Select a Hispanic celebration and present to the class Create a scrapbook/family photo album and illustrate pictures of family members celebrating a special holiday LCPS Spanish III Curriculum Guide World Languages and Cultures LCPS 2013-2014 Spanish III – SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME: Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME: Environmental issues ***The HEALTH theme has been eliminated from Spanish III, it is covered in Spanish IV*** Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 3 SIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in Spanish. SIII.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations. SIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. SIII.5 The student will present in Spanish student-created and culturally authentic stories, poems, and/or skits. SIII.7 The student will use Spanish to reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between Spanish and other subject areas. SIII.10 The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to Global Challenges. • Discuss and/or debate Natural Disasters. • Express and explain Information about natural disasters. • Express opinions and react to Past events related to natural disasters. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to Weather disasters within our community, the United States, and the world. • Compare and contrast The educational preparedness between the United States and Spanishspeaking countries. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards historical weather disasters within our community, the United States, and the world. . • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to Natural disasters • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on Past weather and natural disasters. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Develop the ability to talk about world events, natural disasters, and relief efforts. CONNECTIONS: PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on Natural Disasters. • Produce an activity showing The impact and effects of natural disasters in our daily lives and the environment. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to The appropriate preparation for Emergencies and Natural Disasters. COMMUNITIES: • Explore Natural Disasters and emergency preparation in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish speaking communities. • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events. USEFUL VOCABULARY Vocabulary related to news broadcasts, newspaper articles, rescues, extreme weather events, and specific disasters such as hurricanes, floods, fires, floods, tornadoes, etc. See attached vocabulary list. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Review all preterite and imperfect tenses. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES El Tiempo Latino, Washington Hispanic, Spanish television programs, news reports and audio, Realidades 2 Chapter 5A, Red Cross Book. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Written dialogues, comic strips, listening to: audio/video programs and news broadcasts. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Oral conversations, free talk, fill out a police report/escape routes. Dramatizations, comic strips, create a public service announcement; report on a natural disaster and effects. Spanish III – SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME: Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME: Health issues Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 3 Recommended pacing: 4 weeks SIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in Spanish. SIII.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations. SIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. SIII.5 The student will present in Spanish student-created and culturally authentic stories, poems, and/or skits. SIII.8 The student will discuss in Spanish why similarities and differences exist within and among cultures. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to Global Challenges. • Discuss and/or debate Health Issues resulting from accidents. • Express and explain Information about an accident or emergency that occurred. • Express opinions and react to Past events related to accidents and emergencies. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to medical care and ambulance services in Spanish speaking countries. • Compare and contrast emergency medical care and ambulance services in the United States and Spanishspeaking countries. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to Natural disasters • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on Past weather and natural disasters. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Develop the ability to talk about health, emergency situations, emergency medical care, and hospital visits. CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards international health organizations, further knowledge of basic first aid within our community, the United States, and the world. COMMUNITIES: • Explore Health and accidents in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities. • Identify local Spanish-speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on an accident and medical emergencies. • Produce an activity showing the ways to report an accident specific to parts of the body. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to health care, insurance, alternative medicines, medical terminology. USEFUL VOCABULARY Vocabulary related to accidents (how/when occurred), emergency room, hospital, medical terminology, body parts, treatments, and first responders. See attached vocabulary list. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Review all preterite and imperfect tenses, and imperfect progressive. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES El Tiempo Latino, Washington Hispanic, Spanish television programs, news reports and audio, Realidades 2 Chapter 5B, role playing, department of health. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Written dialogues, comic strips, listening to: audio/video programs and news broadcasts. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Oral conversations, free talk, fill out a police/medical report, and basic first aid. Dramatizations, comic strips, create a public service announcement; report on an accident that occurred. AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Leisure and Sports, Ideals of Beauty, & Music Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 3 SIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in Spanish. Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Spanish III – SY 2013 - 2014 SIII.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations. SIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. SIII.4 The student will present information orally and in writing in Spanish, combining learned and original language in increasingly complex sentences and paragraphs. SIII.6 The student will examine in Spanish the interrelationships among the perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. SIII.7 The student will use Spanish to reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between Spanish and other subject areas. SIII.8 The student will discuss in Spanish why similarities and differences exist within and among cultures. SIII.10 The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to Contemporary Life. • Discuss and/or debate beauty pageants, sports, competitions related to daily life. • Express and explain information about sporting events and competitions. • Express opinions and react to feelings and reactions to information about sporting events and competitions. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to various Hispanic sports, competitions, and competitive events. • Compare and contrast Hispanic sporting events to U.S. sporting events. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards Past sporting events/competitions (Olympics, World Cup, etc), impact of Hispanic players in the United States. . • Explore Sporting events in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish-speaking communities. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to Past sporting events and competitions. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on Past sporting events and competitions. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Develop the ability to communicate opinions and knowledge of sports, competitions, and contests. • Identify local Spanish-speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on results of Past sporting events and competitions. • Produce an activity showing knowledge of sports competition and contests. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to interviews, reports, event results. USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Vocabulary related to athletes, sporting events, competitions, beauty pageants, and contests, different types of sports, interview and commentary vocabulary. See attached vocabulary list. Review all preterite and imperfect tenses, preterite stem-changing verbs, reflexive verbs. El Tiempo Latino, Washington Hispanic, Spanish television programs, news reports and audio, Realidades 2 Chapter 6A, ESPN Deportes, FIFA, Disney Movie-El Camino al Dorado (Mesoamerican Ball Competition Clip, YouTube), La Pequeña Lulu – El Concurso de Belleza (YouTube) Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange Suggested Interpretive Task Written dialogues, listening to: audio/video of sporting events/contests, interviews, and news broadcasts. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Oral conversations and free talk, debate about sporting events and cultural impact on society around the world. Dramatizations, comic strips, create presentation on athletes. AP THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics AP SUBTHEME: Ideals of Beauty, Music, Performing Arts, Social impact of technology Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 3 SIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in Spanish. Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Spanish III – SY 2013 - 2014 SIII.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations. SIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. SIII.5 The student will present in Spanish student-created and culturally authentic stories, poems, and/or skits. SIII.6 The student will examine in Spanish the interrelationships among the perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. SIII.7 The student will use Spanish to reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between Spanish and other subject areas. SIII.8 The student will discuss in Spanish why similarities and differences exist within and among cultures. SIII.10 The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to Television and Movies. • Discuss and/or debate movie genres and television programming. • Express and explain Information about movie themes, plots, and television programs. • Express opinions and react to movies and television shows (critiques) CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to the impact of Spanish films/ actors in the entertainment industry. • Compare and contrast the film rating industry, award ceremonies, habits between the United States and Spanish-speaking countries. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to television and movies • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on film reviews. CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards the impact of Spanish actors in the United States and the world. COMMUNITIES: • Explore Television and Movies in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Develop the ability to talk about television, explain how you feel about watching television, understand cultural perspectives on television programs and movies in Spanish-speaking countries, discuss movie plots and characters, give opinions about movies. • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on preferences and attitudes towards movies and television. • Produce an activity showing the ways to express feelings regarding recently viewed films. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to movie genres and popularity of actors and actresses. USEFUL VOCABULARY Vocabulary related to movies, rentals, actors, acting, television programs, genres, roles, scenes, characters, critiques. See attached vocabulary list. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Introduction to present perfect, review of verbs used with indirect object pronouns. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Spanish television programs, Realidades 2 Chapter 6B, TV Guide, People en Español, Selecciones, Disney Movie – The Incredibles, Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. AP THEME: Families and Communities AP SUBTHEME: Customs and Values Suggested Interpretive Task Written dialogues/reviews, comic strips, listening to: audio/video reviews. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Oral conversations, free talk, discuss: movies, opinions, actors, rating. Dramatizations create a movie or trailer. Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 3 SIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in Spanish. SIII.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new Spanish III – SY 2013 - 2014 situations. SIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. SIII.5 The student will present in Spanish student-created and culturally authentic stories, poems, and/or skits. SIII.6 The student will examine in Spanish the interrelationships among the perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. SIII.8 The student will discuss in Spanish why similarities and differences exist within and among cultures. SIII.10 The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to Meals, foods, traditional dishes, recipes, and cooking. • Discuss and/or debate Camping and cooking outdoors vs. indoors. • Express and explain Information about cooking and recipes. • Express opinions and react to Traditional Hispanic foods and recipes. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to The traditional foods used in Hispanic dishes/recipes. • Compare and contrast The regional cuisine of Spanish- speaking countries. • Compare and contrast The traditional dishes and foods of the United States and Spanish- speaking countries. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards Healthy eating/preparation . • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to Traditional dishes and recipes. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on Traditional dishes and recipes. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Explore Hispanic restaurants and regional cuisine in your own community or your school. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about food and cooking, tell others what not to do, describe what people generally do, understand cultural perspectives on recipes, food preparation, special foods and outdoor food vendors, discuss food and outdoor cooking, tell people what to do or not to do, indicate duration, exchange, reason, and other expressions • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on Recipes and traditional dishes. • Produce an activity showing How to cook a traditional dish. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to The preparation of cooking recipes. USEFUL VOCABULARY Vocabulary related to names of foods, items in the kitchen, recipes, food preparation, outdoors, eating outdoors, describing the foods and the outdoors. See attached vocabulary list. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Review affirmative and negative tú commands. Introduction to affirmative and negative Usted and Ustedes commands, the impersonal se, and por vs. para. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Spanish cooking shows, Spanish recipe books, Realidades 2 Chapter 7A and 7B, Disney movie – Ratatouille. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Written dialogues, comic strips, listening to: audio/video programs and cooking shows. AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Travel Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Oral conversations, free talk, write an invitation for a picnic, create a menu, write an original recipe. Dramatizations, comic strips, create advertisement for a cooking show, create an advertisement for a kitchen appliance or cooking product. Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 3 SIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in Spanish. SIII.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations. SIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. Spanish III – SY 2013 - 2014 SIII.6 The student will examine in Spanish the interrelationships among the perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. SIII.7 The student will use Spanish to reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between Spanish and other subject areas. SIII.8 The student will discuss in Spanish why similarities and differences exist within and among cultures. SIII.9 The student will strengthen knowledge of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. SIII.10 The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to Travel and international travel. • Discuss and/or debate Vacation plans and travel. • Express and explain Information about travel reservations, airports, and flights. • Express opinions and react to Travel recommendation. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to Modes of transportation in Spanish- speaking countries. • Compare and contrast Tourist sites in the United States and Spanish speaking countries. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to Vacation and travel. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on Vacation and travel recommendations. CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards International tourism and travel accommodations. COMMUNITIES: • Explore Travel in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish- speaking communities. • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Talk about visiting an airport, plan for a trip to a foreign country, read about travel destinations in Spanishspeaking countries, understand cultural perspectives on traveling, discuss appropriate tourist behaviors, discuss differences among hotels between the United States and Spanishspeaking countries, and discuss various tourist attractions to visit in different Spanish -speaking countries. • Produce oral and written reports on Vacation and travel recommendations. • Produce an activity showing Tourism and Travel arrangements. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to Travel reservations, airports, and flights. USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Vocabulary related to travel planning, flight, airport, places to visit, hotel, tourist behaviors, tourist activities, and travel expressions. See attached vocabulary list. Introduce the present tense of the subjunctive (including stem changing subjunctive) and subjunctive expressions. Authentic travel itineraries and schedules, tourist attraction brochures, ticket stubs, virtual tours online, photos of previous vacations, Realidades 2 Chapter 8A and 8B. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange Suggested Interpretive Task Written dialogues, comic strips, listening to: audio/video programs and news broadcasts. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Oral conversations, free talk, create a travel itinerary with travel recommendations, fill out airport and customs forms, and perform basic first aid. Dramatizations, comic strips, create a commercial promoting tourism, design a poster to put in an airport stating rules and regulations for proper tourist behavior, create a travel brochure, create a scrapbook or a VoiceThread of a past vacation. AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Professions Recommended pacing: 2 weeks ***This unit was added to the Spanish III curriculum as a brief review to reinforce the future tense. *** Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 3 SIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in Spanish. SIII.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations. Spanish III – SY 2013 - 2014 SIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. SIII.4 The student will present information orally and in writing in Spanish, combining learned and original language in increasingly complex sentences and paragraphs. SIII.6 The student will examine in Spanish the interrelationships among the perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. SIII.7 The student will use Spanish to reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between Spanish and other subject areas. SIII.8 The student will discuss in Spanish why similarities and differences exist within and among cultures. SIII.10 The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to Professions. • Discuss and/or debate Jobs and future professions. • Express and explain Information about various careers. • Express opinions and react to Information about future career choices. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to various education systems and teenage employment in Hispanic countries. • Compare and contrast Teenage employment and lifestyle in Spanishspeaking countries to that in the United States. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards Future career and education choices. • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to Job description and interviews. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on Job descriptions. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Develop the ability to read and respond to a classified ad, participate in a job interview, and develop the ability to discuss plans for the future. CONNECTIONS: PRESENTATIONAL MODE: COMMUNITIES: • Explore Job descriptions in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish- speaking communities. • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events. • Produce oral and written reports on Plans for the future. • Produce an activity showing Knowledge of job descriptions. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to interviews, career and education choices. USEFUL VOCABULARY Vocabulary related to professions, careers, and the future. See attached vocabulary list. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Introduction to the future tense (including the irregulars). RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES El tiempo latino, Washington Hispanic, Classified ads in Spanish newspapers, career center, Realidades 2 Chapter 9A. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Written dialogues, listening to: audio/video of interviews and classified ads. AP THEME: Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME: Environmental Issues Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Oral conversations and free talk, debate about different educational choices, future plans, and fill out job applications. Dramatizations, comic strips, create presentation on various career and education choices, create a commercial for a job fair, and participate in a job fair. Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 3 SIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in Spanish. SIII.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish, applying familiar vocabulary and structures to new situations. SIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. Spanish III – SY 2013 - 2014 SIII.4 The student will present information orally and in writing in Spanish, combining learned and original language in increasingly complex sentences and paragraphs. SIII.6 The student will examine in Spanish the interrelationships among the perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. SIII.7 The student will use Spanish to reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between Spanish and other subject areas. SIII.10 The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to Plants, animals, and the natural world. • Discuss and/or debate Recycling and hopes/plans for the future. • Express and explain Information regarding the future and environmental issues. • Express opinions and react to Recycling and conservation practices. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to the impact of conversation in Spanish- speaking countries. • Compare and contrast the environmental impact of tourism and conservation practices in the United States and Spanish- speaking countries. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to Environmental issues. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on Recycling, conservation, and environmental concerns. CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards the impact of conservation and protection of the ecosystem, wildlife, and future use of energy in the United States and the world. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Be able to make predictions about the future, express doubts about ecological issues, discuss environmental issues and possible solutions, and understand cultural perspectives on ecological problems and solutions. COMMUNITIES: • Explore Environmental Issues in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities. • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on Endangered animals. • Produce an activity showing The ways conserve and protect the environment. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to Recycling and conservation practices. USEFUL VOCABULARY Vocabulary related to Earth, energy, animals, and the environment. See attached vocabulary list. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Review the future tense and the present tense of the subjunctive. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Realidades 2 Chapter 9B, Selecciones, Spanish television news reports (audio and visual). Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Written dialogues/reviews, comic strips, listening to: audio/video on environmental concerns. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Oral conversations, free talk, discuss: recycling, conservation, endangered species. Public service announcements, create a poster/collage advertising how to resolve some environmental issues, and debate on an issue. AP THEME: Science and Technology AP SUBTHEME: Future Technologies, The New Media, and Social Impact of Technology Recommended pacing: 2 weeks Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 3 SIII.1 The student will engage in original and spontaneous oral and written communications in Spanish. SIII.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish presented through a variety of media and based on new topics in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. SIII.6 The student will examine in Spanish the interrelationships among the perspectives, practices, and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. SIII.7 The student will use Spanish to reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between Spanish and other subject areas. SIII.10 The student will improve Spanish language skills and expand cultural understanding by accessing information beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. Spanish III – SY 2013 - 2014 COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to The use of technology. • Discuss and/or debate Technological advances. • Express and explain The use of technology. • Express opinions and react to Technological advances. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to the impact and use of technology in Spanish-speaking countries. • Compare and contrast the technological advances in the United States and Spanish- speaking countries. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards technological uses and advances in the United States and the world. • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to The use of technology. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on The use of technology and technological advances. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Be able to have basic understanding of a Spanish language website; be able to talk basically about the technology that students use on a daily basis. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Explore Technology usage in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities. • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on The use of technology. • Produce an activity showing Technological advances. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to Technological advances and the use of technology. USEFUL VOCABULARY Vocabulary related to technology and the computer. See attached vocabulary list. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Continuous computer lab usage. Review the use of commands and the future tense. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Spanish websites. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Written dialogues/reviews, comic strips, listening to: audio/video on the use of technology and technological advances. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Oral conversations, free talk, discuss: the use of technology and technological advances. Continuous computer lab usage; creating their own Spanish language webpage; web quests; create a pamphlet for the school TRT in Spanish on computer usage LCPS Spanish IVH Curriculum Guide World Languages and Cultures LCPS 2013-2014 Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME: Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Leisure and Sports, Housing and Shelter, Travel Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level: •SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues. •SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish. •SIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources. •SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas. •SIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. •SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to camping/ecotourism. • Explore attitudes when reacting to ecotourism and the treatment of nature by ecotourists. • Compare and contrast national parks. • Discuss and/or debate camping/ecotourism. COMMUNITIES: • Express and explain camping/ecotourism. • Explore camping/ ecotourism in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities. • Express opinions and react to camping/ecotourism. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to camping/ecotourism. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on camping/ecotourism. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on camping/ecotourism. • Produce an activity showing the preparation of a successful and safe camping site. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to safety and respect for the environment while camping or enjoying ecotourism. CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards national parks and ecotourism. • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events related to camping and ecotourism. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) •Preterit/imperfect •Present subjunctive with verbs of influence •camping vocabulary •ecotourism vocabulary Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 USEFUL VOCABULARY acercarse a, andar, dar un paseo, dejar de, escalar, perderse, refugiarse, el desierto, hermoso, -a, la naturaleza, el paisaje, el refugio, la roca, la sierra, el valle, los binoculares, la brújula, la linterna el repelente de insectos, el saco de dormir, la tienda de acampar, caer granizo, el granizo, el relámpago, el trueno, suceder, tener lugar, al amanecer, al anochecer, al principio, un rato, una vez allí, el abrelatas, la balsa, el bote inflable, la cantimplora, la caña de pescar, el casco, el chaleco salvavidas, los fósforos, la leña, el remo, el amanecer, el atardecer, en mediodía, la puesta del sol, la salida de sol, el sendero RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Preterit/imperfect, outdoor vocabulary, present subjunctive RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Create a brochure with how to and safety tips for a camping trip, Public Service Announcement about safe camping/ use of nature, Plan an excursion to a National Park presenting ecotourism events and activities, Stage an actual campsite in the classroom or courtyard to introduce or practice vocabulary, Websites for national parks (el Yunque, Parques nacionales de España, Research national parks, dialogues about trips, discuss weather, songs:, news about current weather events, readings from Aventuras Literarias : "Una Carta a Dios" p. 57, "Poema XXIII" p. 96, Ventanas Dos: "Al Aire Libre" p. 54, Conversación y Controversia: "Los Climas" p.. 138, Read "Los Ojos de Carmen" by Blaine Ray, Ch. 1 of Realidades 3, list of cohesive devices for writing. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Writing based on the analysis of a listening and writing source. Suggested Interpersonal Task Simulated conversation about a camping trip. Suggested Presentational Task Present a plan for 3 day itinerary to a National Park of student’s choosing. Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME: Global Challenges We added the environment (Ch 9) to the first quarter because we felt that it lends itself to the camping topic we will explore at the beginning of the year. Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. AP SUBTHEME: Environmental Issues Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level: •SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues. •SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish. •SIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources. •SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas. •SIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. •SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to conservation of the environment and where the environment is headed in the future. • Explore attitudes when reacting to the conservation of the environment. • Compare and contrast views towards conservation of the environment in the U.S. and Spanish- speaking countries. • Discuss and/or debate the most important environmental issue. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Express and explain how to conserve the environment. • Express opinions and react to the role of the individual citizen in the conservation of the environment. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to conservation of the environment. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on conservation of the environment. • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards conservation of the environment. • Explore conservation of the environment in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish- speaking communities. • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events related to conservation of the environment. •Preterit/imperfect •Present subjunctive with verbs of influence •environment vocabulary Future tense Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on conservation of the environment. • Produce an activity showing how to reduce, reuse and recycle to conserve the environment. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to the conservation of the environment. USEFUL VOCABULARY el aerosol, la contaminación, contaminado -a, el derrame de petróleo, el desperdicio, la fábrica, el pesticida, el petróleo, la pila, la batería, químico –a, el recipiente, el veneno, económico –a, la protección, el recurso natural, suficiente, afectar, agotar(se), amenazar, atrapar, castigar, colocar, conservar, crecer, dañar, depender de, derretir, deshacerse de, desperdiciar, detener, disminuir, echar, explotar, fomentar, limitar, producir, promover (ue), la caza, (en) peligro de extinción, la piel, la pluma, salvaje, el agujero, la amenaza, a menos que, con tal que, debido a, la electricidad, en cuanto, la escasez, estar a cargo de, excesivo –a, la falta de, el gobierno, grave, la limpieza, tan pronto como, tomar conciencia de, tomar medidas, la atmósfera, la capa de ozono, el clima, el efecto invernadero, el hielo, la preservación, el recalentamiento global, el rescate, la reserva natural, la selva tropical, la tierra, el ave, el águila calva, pl. las águilas calvas, la ballena, la especie, la foca RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Preterit/imperfect, environmental vocabulary, present subjunctive RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Internet link activity Chapter 9 (,, Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Write an article for your school Simulated conversation about the Illustrated narrative expressing an newspaper about how students can environment. endangered animal’s point of view – conserve the environment using a why is the animal endangered and listening and writing source to write the what needs to be done to help article. change its fate. ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME: Beauty and Aesthetics AP SUBTHEME: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Contributions to World Artistic Heritages, Music, Ideals of Beauty, Architecture Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level: Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. •SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.; •SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish. •SIV.4 The student will relate information in Spanish, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity.; •SIV.6 The student will analyze in Spanish how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of Spanish-speaking cultures; •SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to different styles of art, dance, and/or theater. • Explore attitudes when reacting to a work of art Or example of architecture • Compare and contrast views towards works of art or architecture over the years in different countries and styles. • Discuss and/or debate the personal preference with regard to styles of art and music. • Express and explain how history has affected art, music, theater and/or dance. • Express opinions and react to a work of art (song, painting, sculpture, etc.) INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to art, dance, music, architecture, and/or theater. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) •Preterit/imperfect •Present subjunctive with verbs of influence •art/music/theater/dance/ architecture vocabulary COMMUNITIES: CONNECTIONS: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards works of art or building. • Explore works of art or architecture in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanishspeaking communities. • Identify local Spanish -speaking communities and cultural events related to art, dance, theater, architecture, and/or music. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on art, dance, music, architecture, ,and/or theater. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on the history of art, dance, music and/or theater. • Produce an activity showing understanding of an artist’s style and life. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to music, art, dance and/or theater. USEFUL VOCABULARY expresarse, sonar a, el sentimiento, inspirar, el autorretrato, el siglo, mostrar, el fondo, el taller, pararse, la fuente de Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 inspiración, el tema, parecerse a, la pintura, parado/a, realizar, el retrato, sentado/a, destacar(se), la escultura, la paleta, la cerámica, el espectáculo, el pincel, la entrada, la figura, abstracto, el escenario, la naturaleza muerta, el/la escultor/a, la obra de arte RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Preterit/imperfect, art/dance/music/theater vocabulary, present subjunctive, ser/estar, estar + participio pasado Internet virtual museum - ; Realidades III chap. 2; Draw a famous work based on an oral description; Critical reviews of famous works; Readings from Ventanas Dos: "De Paseo por El Prado" p. 46, "Arte del Mundo Hispano" p. 60 ; art books and museum guides, list of cohesive devices for writing., Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writings. Suggested Interpretive Task Writing based on the analysis of a listening and writing source. Suggested Interpersonal Task Interview a student about a personal work of art. Write an imaginary interview of a famous artist. Suggested Presentational Task Research an artist (musical artist, painter, sculptor, playwright, etc.), create a work of art in the style of the artist and present a brief presentation about the artist’s life. Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME: Global Challenges and Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME: Health Issues, Nutrition and Food Safety, Leisure and Sports Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level: •SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues.; •SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish. •SIV.4 The student will relate information in Spanish, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity.; •SIV.6 The student will analyze in Spanish how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of Spanish-speaking cultures; •SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas. •SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to leading a healthy lifestyle. • Explore attitudes when reacting to differing diet/exercise plans. • Compare and contrast views towards diet and exercise. • Discuss and/or debate the benefits/challenges of living a healthy. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between eating right and exercise and how it affects lifestyle, mood, etc. • Explore different nutrition/exercise plans. • Express and explain how to lead a healthy lifestyle and the changes one may have to make with regard to nutrition/exercise. • Express opinions and react to global health issues, exercise, and the different diets available. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Commands Subjunctive Direct/Indirect Object Pronouns used separately. • Identify local Spanish- speaking communities and cultural events related to nutrition and exercise. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to diet and exercise. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials pertaining to nutrition and exercise. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on healthy diets or exercise plans. • Produce an activity showing an exercise routine. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to dieting and/or the different diets available. USEFUL VOCABULARY la alergia, el antibiótico, la aspirina, estar resfriado, -a, estornudar, la fiebre, el grado centigrado, la gripe, el jarabe, la tos,el corazón, el músculo, el oído, el pecho, aconsejar, contener, desarrollar, evitar, exigir, incluir, quejarse, saltar (una Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 comida), tomar, abdominales, el calambre, débil, ejercicios aeróbicos, estar en forma, estirar, flexionar, fuerte, la fuerza, hacer bicicleta, hacer cinta/caminadora, hacer flexiones, relajar(se), respirar, yoga, la alimentación, los alimentos, apropiado -a, el calcio, el carbohidrato, la comida basura/chatarra, la dieta, la edad, la energía, equilibrado, -a, la estatura, la fibra, el hábito, alimenticio, el hierro, lleno, -a, la merienda, nutritivo, -a, el peso, la proteína, saludable, vacío -a, la vitamina, aguantar, aunque, el consejo, la manera, el nivel, caerse de sueño, concentrarse, confianza en sí mismo -a, estar de buen / mal humor, el estrés, estresado -a, preocuparse, sentirse fatal RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Commands, Subjunctive, Direct/Indirect Object Pronouns RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES (description of food pyramid in Spanish),, Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Read an article about healthy eating, watch a video about childhood obesity, and write a wellness plan for someone your age. Suggested Interpersonal Task Write a dialogue between a student and a personal trainer. Write a dialogue between two students in which one makes suggestions for improving the other student’s lifestyle. Suggested Presentational Task Make a promotional video advertising a new exercise/diet plan (student must explain meals for a given day and lead exercises). Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME: Families and Communities AP SUBTHEME: Family Structures, Friendship and Love Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level: •SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues. •SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish. •SIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources. •SIV.5 The student will present in Spanish student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories. •SIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate Spanish the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships in the global community. •SIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to some type of conflict. • Explore attitudes when reacting to conflicts/relationships. • Compare and contrast conflicts between friends and conflicts between family members. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Discuss and/or debate the benefits/challenges of types of family structures. • Express and explain how to deal with a conflict. • Express opinions and react to how people have dealt with conflict. • Make connections between conflicts and relationships. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Subjunctive Nosotros Commands Por/para Relationship/Conflict vocabulary Present Perfect • Explore conflicts and relationships. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to conflicts. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on conflicts. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on suggestions for conflict resolution. • Produce an activity showing conflict resolution. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to conflict resolution/relationships. USEFUL VOCABULARY Production: apoyar(se), pensar en sí mismo, comprensivo/a, caerse bien/mal, romper con, infantil, Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES confiar, resolver, (in)maduro, contar con, tener la culpa, (ir)responsable, discutir, la amistad, juntos/as, engañar, la cualidad, justo/a, esperar que, agradable, ojalá, extrañar, amable,¡Qué va!, guardar (un secreto), amistoso/a, ¡Yo no fui!, hacer caso, antipático/a, ¡Déjame en paz!, mejorar, cariñoso/a, ¡Basta ya!, molestar, celoso/a; tener celos, pedir perdón, chismoso/a; chismear Recognition: aceptar tal como (ser), mentir, casado/a, acusar, pelearse; la pelea, consentido/a, alegrarse, ponerse de acuerdo, egoísta, arrepentirse, reconciliarse, mal educado/a, atreverse, reconocer, perezoso/a, burlarse de, temer que, puntual, desconfiar, tener paciencia, soltero/a, estar equivocado/a, el comportamiento, travieso/a, llevarse bien/mal con, el malentendido, vanidoso/a, llorar, ambicioso/a Subjunctive, Nosotros Commands, Por/Para, Present Perfect Movies: "Viva Cuba", “La Misma Luna”, telenovelas, Songs: "Pobre Juan" by Maná, "Mojado" & "Si el Norte fuera el Sur" by Ricardo Arjona. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writings. Suggested Interpretive Task Read/Listen to a conflict and then write about the two sides of the conflict or pick a side and defend it. Suggested Interpersonal Task Give students a topic (a break-up, misunderstanding with a best friend or parent, etc.) and have them present a dialogue in groups of two. Write an e-mail describing a problem/conflict to “Dear Abby” / La Doctora Corazón or respond to a pre-written e-mail as “Dear Abby”. Suggested Presentational Task Write/Speak about a conflict they have had in their life and how they resolved it. Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME: Contemporary Life Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. AP SUBTHEME: Professions/Education Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level: •SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues. •SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish. •SIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources. •SIV.4 The student will relate information in Spanish, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity. •SIV.5 The student will present in Spanish student-created and culturally authentic essays, poetry, plays, and/or stories. •SIV.6 The student will analyze in Spanish how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. •SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas. •SIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate Spanish the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships in the global community. •SIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. •SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to some type of job you would like in the future. • Explore attitudes when reacting to types of available jobs. • Compare and contrast available jobs or volunteer opportunities in your community and why you would/would not like to do them. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Discuss and/or debate the benefits/challenges of different types of jobs. • Express and explain how to deal applying for a job. • Express opinions and react to what it would be like to work different jobs. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to employment/job choice • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials related to employment. • Make connections between your skill set and the type of job you want in the future. • Explore jobs and volunteer opportunities. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Subjunctive Future Conditional Perfect tenses Demonstrative pronouns Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on careers. • Produce an activity showing understanding of skills/abilities need for different types of jobs. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related the economy and employment.. USEFUL VOCABULARY el anuncio clasificado, los beneficios, el/la cliente(a), la compañía, el/la dueño(a), la fecha de nacimiento, el/la gerente, el puesto, el salario/el sueldo, la solicitud de empleo, la computación, el/la consejero(a), el/la mensajero(a), el/la niñero(a), el/la repartidor(a), el/la recepcionista, el/la salvavidas, agradable, dedicado, -a, flexible, injusto, -a, justo, -a, puntual, la responsabilidad, responsable, los conocimientos, la entrevista, la habilidad, la referencia, el requisito, a tiempo completo, a tiempo parcial, atender, construir (i➞y), cumplir con, donar, encargarse(de)(g➞gu), juntar fondos, presentarse, reparar, repartir, seguir (+ gerund), sembrar (ie), soler (ue), solicitar, la campaña, el centro de la comunidad, el centro de rehabilitación, el centro recreativo, la ciudadanía, el/la ciudadano(a), el comedor de beneficencia, los derechos, la gente sin hogar, el hogar de ancianos, la ley, la manifestación, la marcha, el medio ambiente, el servicio social, la sociedad, beneficiar, educar, garantizar, organizar, proteger, a favor de, en contra (de), me es imposible, me encantaría, me interesaría, el/la abogado(a), el/la arquitecto(a), el/la banquero(a), el/la científico(a), el/la cocinero(a), el/la contador(a), el/la diseñador(a), la empresa, las finanzas, el hombre de negocios, la mujer de negocios, el/la ingeniero(a), el/la jefe(a), el/la juez(a), el/la peluquero(a), el/la programador(a), el/la redactor(a), el/la traductor(a), ambicioso, -a, capaz, cuidadoso, -a, eficiente, emprendedor, -a, maduro, -a RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Subjunctive, Future, Conditional, Perfect Tenses, Demonstrative Pronouns RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Classified ads in Spanish, Job applications written in Spanish that can be found online or in the community. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Read a classified ad and apply for a job citing the skills that they have that would make them a good candidate for the job. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Write a dialogue in groups of two in which one student is the employer and one is the person applying for the job. Present information to the class about the education/experience needed for different careers. Create a pretend job fair in the classroom. Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME: Personal and Public Identities AP SUBTHEME: Beliefs and Values, Multiculturalism Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level: •SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues. •SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish. •SIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources. •SIV.4 The student will relate information in Spanish, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity. •SIV.6 The student will analyze in Spanish how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. •SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas. •SIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate Spanish the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships in the global community. •SIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. •SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to the role of student government in a high school. • Explore attitudes when reacting to student government and student rights and responsibilities. • Compare and contrast student government and student rights and responsibilities in U.S. and Spanishspeaking countries. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Discuss and/or debate the rights/responsibilities of students in a high school. • Express and explain how students can make changes through student government. • Express opinions and react to the role of student government in a high school. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to student government and student rights and responsibilities. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials related to student government and student rights and responsibilities. • Make connections between student government and student rights and responsibilities. • Explore student government and student rights and responsibilities of the Spanish-speaking world. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Present/Imperfect Subjunctive Conditional Commands Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on student government and student rights and responsibilities. • Produce an activity showing understanding of student government and student rights and responsibilities. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related student government and student rights and responsibilities. USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES asegurar, el desempleo, el punto de vista, deber, la felicidad, la razón, funcionar, la igualdad, la tolerancia, sufrir, la justicia, ambos, tratar bien/mal, la libertad, libre, votar, la paz, la desigualdad, la pobreza, discriminar, el estado, el pensamiento, el apoyo, la garantía, la prensa, el castigo, la injusticia, mundial present subjunctive with impersonal expressions, commands Realidades 3-chapter 10,,,, song: "Justicia, Tierra y Libertad" by Maná, Mock Trial, movie: "Casi Casi", list of cohesive devices for writing, book: "Vida y Muerte en la Mara Salvatrucha." Selections from Conversación y Controversia: "La pena capital...muerte" p. 141, "La popularidad" p. 32, Aventuras Literarias "Mi Raza" p. 136. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Read an election speech and listen to a related listening and answer questions related to both. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Simulated conversation – interview between old student government president and candidate for student government president. Class election – students must present why their candidate is the best for the position of president (persuade others). AP THEME: Science and Technology AP SUBTHEME: Discoveries and Inventions, Future Technologies, The New Media, Social Impact of Technology Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level: Recommended pacing: 4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 •SIV.1 The student will exchange information orally and in writing in Spanish on a variety of topics related to contemporary and historical events and issues. •SIV.2 The student will demonstrate skills necessary to sustain extended oral and written exchanges in Spanish. •SIV.3 The student will comprehend spoken and written Spanish found in a variety of authentic sources. •SIV.4 The student will relate information in Spanish, combining learned and original language in oral and written presentations of extended length and complexity. •SIV.6 The student will analyze in Spanish how various perspectives reflect the practices and products of Spanish-speaking cultures. •SIV.7 The student will demonstrate increased understanding of the connections between content studied in Spanish class and content studied in other subject areas. •SIV.8 The student will discuss in level-appropriate Spanish the effects of cultural similarities and differences on social, economic, and political relationships in the global community. •SIV.9 The student will expand understanding of the English language through study and analysis of increasingly complex elements of the Spanish language. •SIV.10 The student will apply Spanish language skills and cultural understanding in opportunities beyond the classroom setting for recreational, educational, and occupational purposes. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to the future. • Explore attitudes when reacting to future/technologies/professions in the future. • Compare and contrast future/technologies/professions in the future in US and Spanish-speaking countries. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Discuss and/or debate new technologies. • Express and explain views on technology use in schools. • Express opinions and react to new inventions. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to future/technologies/professions in the future. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials related to future/technologies/professions in the future. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on future/technologies/professions in the future. • Produce an activity showing understanding of future/technologies/professions in the future.. . • Make connections between future/technologies/professions in the future. • Explore future/technologies/professions in the future of the Spanish-speaking world. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Present/Imperfect Subjunctive Future Conditional Perfect tenses Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Spanish IV Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to future/technologies/professions in the future. USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ahorrar, graduarse, la minoría, aumentar, lograr, la mayoría, averiguar, el desarrollo, la solicitud de empleo, contratar, el/la dueño/a, el sueldo, (des)aparecer, el/la gerente, a tiempo completo, descubrir, el hombre/la mujer de negocios, a tiempo parcial, despedir, el idioma, la lengua, encargarse (de), el/la jefe/a, curar, la entrevista, entrevistar, la máquina, el anuncio clasificado, la habilidad, la destreza, los medios de comunicación, los beneficios, el hogar de ancianos, la referencia, el colegio, la industria, el requisito, la empresa, el invento, la universidad, garantizar, seguir (+ gerundio) , capaz, habrá, seguir una carrera, como si fuera, mudarse, tomar decisiones, algún día, eficiente, cuidadoso/a, haré lo que me dé la gana The present perfect, past perfect, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, the future, direct and indirect object pronouns Realidades 3 Chapters 5 & 6, personal ads in newspapers, selections from Conversación y Controversia: "El año 2100", Movie, "La Misma Luna", Songs "Pobre Juan" by Maná, "Mojado" & "Si el Norte fuera el Sur" by Ricardo Arjona, list of cohesive devices for writing. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writings. Suggested Interpretive Task Read an article about technology and listen to a related audio. Answer questions about both. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Simulated conversation – conversation about future plans. Present about what will happen in their lives in the future. . LCPS Spanish VH Curriculum Guide World Languages and Cultures LCPS 2013-2014 Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Personal and Public Identities AP SUBTHEME : Alienation and Assimilation, Language and Identity, Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Patriotism Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Essential Question : How do history and geography affect language and culture ? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: National/State Standards: S1: Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions. S2: Students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S6: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. S7: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparison of that world language and their own. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Continue to obtain information on another’s Interpret meaning through knowledge Recognize roots in two Students will be able to thoughts and opinions (e.g., current social, of cultural factors that affect meaning languages and compare address the essential political, or environmental issue). (e.g., word choice, intonation, setting, cognates. question integrating the etc.). three modes of Discuss advantages and disadvantages of an Demonstrate how idiomatic communication idea or proposed course of action. Observe and record information about expressions reflect culture. (interpersonal, societal issues in the target culture Examine and discuss socio-cultural elements Demonstrate language presentational and through a variety of authentic texts and represented via the Internet. varieties within cultures interpretive). media. through comparison of regional Infer a writer’s assumptions, purpose, or and/or social dialects. Explore cultural components on the point of view in an editorial. Internet. Analyze the relationship Read an authentic historical text and relate it between cultural stereotyping Watch and listen to TV or radio to the historical period. broadcasts in the language studied. and its implications in different cultures. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled history. See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled geography. Present tense, ser vs. estar, gustar & similar verbs, nouns & articles RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Students research 2-3 major political parties of Spain. Have some students represent a particular political party and present their political platform. Conduct a mock election where students must justify their choice. Students select a controversial current event in Spain (the veil issue, bullfighting polemic). Have students come up with advantages and disadvantages (Using a Venn diagram or other graphic organizer) Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. The students will read (as a class lead by the teacher) one of the literary works from the pacing guide. Have students find symbols and roles and discuss, analyze. This could be in oral or written production form. Students will create a skit or dialogue that demonstrates knowledge of regionalism in Spain. Students research and give a ppt. presentation of different cultural aspects of Spain. Examples: Festivals (La Tomatina, La fiesta de San Fermín, las Fallas, La Feria, San Isidro , Semana Santa, Corpus Cristi, Los Castillos, Santiago de Compostela), holidays, regions, etc. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME : Education, Holidays and Celebrations, etc. Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Essential Question : How does nationalism affect everyday life in Spain ? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S2: Students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics. S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S6: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Write an editorial on a current issue. Interpret meaning through knowledge Compare and contrast male Students will be able to of cultural factors that affect meaning and female heroes from both address the essential Examine and discuss socio-cultural elements (e.g., word choice, intonation, setting, cultures and how people question integrating the represented via the Internet. etc.) celebrate their heroes three modes of Continue to explore cultural components of communication Describe attitudes toward money in the Analyze the relationship Internet. (interpersonal, target culture(s). between cultural stereotyping Write, review, and edit own writing with presentational and and its implications in different Observe and record information about teacher guidance. interpretive). cultures. societal issues in the target culture Present to class information learned from through a variety of authentic texts and Travel (true or vicarious trip) research paper using technology media. with family or school on vacation to a country where Explore every day events which occur in target language is spoken. the target country(s) using multiple sources. Attend museum with target culture exhibit on display. Explore an area of interest on the Internet. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled history. See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled economy. Adjectives, passive voice, negative & affirmative expressions, summary of the indicative vs. subjunctive RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Students read a text written using high frequency words from Spain that may have a different connotation/denotation in different areas. The students will attempt to identify the Latin American version of the Spanish words. Example: Almuerzo = morning snack in Spain. Almuerzo = lunch in most of Latin America. Students read an excerpt from El poema de Mio Cid. Students use the Internet to find examples of how El Cid is represented in Spain. Students compare El Cid to an American hero of their choice, including both their lives and their representations today. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Students use an online Spanish newspaper ( to find a current event related to regionalism/nationalism in Spain. They write an editorial in response to the event. Students later edit their writing with teacher guidance. Students will write a blog, letter, or email post of 60-80 words based on a teacherchosen current event in Spain. To follow up, students must respond/comment on classmates’ postings. Students work in groups to research the effects of nationalism in the regions of Spain as assigned to them by their teacher. Students must use a variety of authentic texts and media to obtain their information. Each group researches a different region and creates a Glog ( ) to present the information. Students then share their Glogs with the class. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Personal and Public Identities AP SUBTHEME : Multiculturalism, Nationalism and Patriotism, Alienation and Assimilation, Language and Identity Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Essential Question : What is Spain’s impact on the world ? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S5: Students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language. S7: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparison of that world language and their own. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Identify and understand organizational Identify and discuss significant Recognize that vocabulary Students will be able to elements of writing. individuals/heroes and events in the conveys different meanings in address the essential target culture(s). various contexts. question integrating the Proofread compositions, checking for three modes of cohesiveness, flow of ideas, and clarity of Analyze the literature and arts that Examine various genres of communication meaning. depict cultural products, practices and literature and oral (interpersonal, perspectives. communication to hypothesize presentational and the worldviews of different Read with understanding written interpretive). cultures. materials in target language(s) (e.g., current periodicals) about social, Compare and contrast tangible political and economic is-sues pertinent products of the target cultures to the target culture. and their own (e.g., dress, toys, sports, equipment, etc.). Describe the regions of the target culture(s). Visit local establishments or social clubs owned and Examine how target culture immigrants managed by native speakers. to the U.S. preserve their cultural traditions. Watch and listen to TV or radio broadcasts in the language Use a map to retrace the military studied. campaigns/journeys of famous historical figures. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled human See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled rights and economy. geography. Pero vs. sino, time expressions with hacer, use of the infinitive, transitional expressions RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES The students work in pairs to come up with Spanish words and expressions commonly used by English speakers. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Research and describe (written or orally) the economic impact brought by the Spaniards to the New World. Examples: Grapes, sugar, bananas, oranges, horses, cattle, coffee, pigs, chickens. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students will select one of the four trips of Christopher Columbus and write journal entries (ship-log) from the perspective of a crew-member on the ship. They should include the name of the ship, and they should provide background information on the trip. Suggested Interpersonal Task Students will role play the interaction of the Spaniards/Natives upon arrival in the New World. Suggested Presentational Task The students will research one of the following themes to orally present to the class: (1) Justify why October 12 has a different name and meaning in Spain and Latin America: Día de la Hispanidad vs. Día de la Raza. (2) Research and describe the economic impact brought by the Spaniards to the New World and vice versa. Examples: Spain: Grapes, sugar, bananas, oranges, horses, cattle, coffee, pigs, chickens, etc. New World: gold, chocolate, tomatoes, squash, etc. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME : Diversity issues, economic issues, human rights, environmental issues Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Essential Question : What are the causes and effects of migratory movements? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S1: Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions. S2: Students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S6: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. S7: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparison of that world language and their own. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Defend position on a given social topic. Read with understanding written Recognize that vocabulary Students will be able to materials in target language(s) (e.g. conveys different meanings in address the essential Continue to obtain information on another’s current periodicals) about social, various contexts. question integrating the thoughts and opinions (e.g., current social, political and economic issues pertinent three modes of political, or environmental issue). Compare and contrast career to the target culture. communication choices and social roles in the Discuss advantages and disadvantages of an (interpersonal, target cultures and their own. Suggest possible solutions to the idea or proposed course of action. presentational and economic and environmental challenges Analyze the relationship Write an editorial on a current issue. interpretive). faced by the target culture(s). between cultural stereotyping Examine and discuss socio-cultural elements and its implications in different Observe and record information about represented in a text (e.g. values, attitudes societal issues in the target culture cultures. and beliefs). through a variety of authentic texts and Visit local Infer a writer’s assumptions, purpose, or media. establishments/social clubs point of view in an editorial. owned and managed by native Demonstrate how idiomatic expressions reflect culture. speakers. Engage in simple conversations with native-speaker personnel at site visited. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled human geography, and history. rights and economy. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Preterit tense, imperfect tense, the preterit vs. the imperfect The students watch the movie La misma Luna and write an essay related to who is the most affected, the one who leaves or the one left behind. Students use an online Spanish language newspaper to find a current event related to migration in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador. They write an editorial in response to the event. Students later edit their writing with teacher guidance. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Students use online Spanish language newspapers to find a current event related to migration in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador. They write an editorial in response to the event. Students later edit their writing with teacher guidance. The students debate the advantages and disadvantages of immigration based on the information they have researched. The students watch the movie Al Otro Lado (or similar resource: movie, song, etc.) and speak for 2-3 minutes from the perspective of an immigrant or a family member who has been left behind. They should include in their speech what two countries are represented and the struggles and obstacles they have to overcome in their situation. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME : Human Rights, Peace and War, Economic issues Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Essential Question : What role do cartels and drug trafficking play in global economy and social issues? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S1: Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions. S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S6: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational Defend position on a given social topic. Suggest possible solutions to the Compare and contrast career Students will be able to economic and environmental challenges choices and social roles in the address the essential Continue to express own thoughts and faced by the target culture(s). target cultures and their own. question integrating the opinions on topics of social and personal three modes of interests such as music, literature, the arts Identify and analyze the role of Analyze the relationship communication and the sciences. television in sharing attitudes and between cultural stereotyping (interpersonal, values in the target culture(s). and its implications in different Discuss advantages and disadvantages of an presentational and cultures. idea or proposed course of action. Study and analyze the cultural interpretive). perspectives and practices in the films Watch and listen to TV or radio Present to class information learned from of the target culture. broadcasts in the language research paper using technology (e.g. video, studied. etc.). Observe and record information about societal issues in the target culture Explore cultural components through a variety of authentic texts and on the internet. media. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled human See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled rights. economy. Progressive forms, telling time, the subjunctive in adjective clauses, reflexive verbs RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Students use an online Spanish language newspaper to find a current event related to drug trafficking in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador. They write an editorial in response to the event. Students later edit their writing with teacher guidance. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Students read an article provided by the teacher and listen to a related audio selection (suggested websites:, They respond with a “quick-write.” Students use the “quick-write” from the “Interpretive Task” column to exchange viewpoints with a partner. Students work in groups to research the effects that narcotrafficking has had in the U.S. – Mexico border. Students must use a variety of authentic texts and media to obtain their information. Each group researches a different border state and creates a Glog ( to present the information. Students then share their Glogs with the class. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Personal and Public Identities AP SUBTHEME : Multiculturalism, Language and Identity, Nationalism and Patriotism Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Essential Question : How can indigenous cultures influence the development of identity? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S1: Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions. S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S6: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE -Interpersonal -Interpretive (Facts & Skills) -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: Continue to identify roles and Compare and contrast male Students will be able to responsibilities of men, women and and female heroes from both address the essential Debate the value of specific cultural traditions. children in the target culture(s). cultures and how people question integrating the celebrate their heroes (e.g. three modes of Continue to express own thoughts and Interpret meaning through knowledge equestrian statues, legends, communication opinions on topics of social and personal of cultural factors that affect meaning pictures, etc.). (interpersonal, interests such as music, literature, the arts (e.g. word choice, intonation, setting, presentational and and the sciences. etc.) Recognize words in the target interpretive). language heard/seen outside Engage in more conversations on a variety of Describe attitudes towards money in of school. topics. the target culture(s). Visit local Write and present an original story. Analyze the literature and arts that establishments/social clubs depict cultural products, practices and owned and managed by native perspectives. speakers. Recognize and/or taste/make foods and crafts from target culture(s). Read with understanding written materials in target language(s) (e.g. current periodicals) about social, political and economic issues pertinent to the target culture. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled history. See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled geography. Por vs. para, to become, prepositions, past subjunctive RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Students discuss Mesoamerican indigenous cultures based on their research and identify how it has impacted the culture of Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Resources: (Mexican indigenous groups), (in search field type in name of indigenous group) Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students will read articles on different indigenous topics at different learning stations and will complete an information packet to summarize their learning. Suggested Interpersonal Task After reading an authentic article from the Mesoamerican countries about struggles the indigenous cultures face presented by the teacher, half of the students will take the “pro” side and half will take the “con” side and will debate. (Example: idad/2004/02/25/96216.php or other similar article) Suggested Presentational Task Students will orally present how indigenous cultures have been, and will be, important in preserving the national identity of a specific country. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME : Peace and War, Human Rights Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. How do extremist groups impact political systems? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S2: Students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics. S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S5: Students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language. S6: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Write an editorial on a current issue. Examine and discuss socio-cultural elements represented in a text (e.g. values, attitudes and beliefs). Infer a writer’s assumptions, purpose, or point of view in an editorial. Apply skills of critical analysis to oral communication. Write, review and edit own writing with teacher guidance. Present to class information learned from research paper using technology (e.g. video, etc.). CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS USEFUL VOCABULARY COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Interpret meaning through knowledge of cultural factors that affect meaning (e.g. word choice, intonation, setting, etc.). Describe attitudes towards money in the target culture(s). Read with understanding written materials in the target language(s) (e.g. current periodicals) about social, political and economic issues pertinent to the target culture. Study and analyze the cultural perspectives and practices in the films of the target culture. Describe the regions of the target culture. Use a map to retrace the location and involvement of terrorist cells. Discuss topics from other school subjects in the target language, including political and historical concepts, worldwide health issues and environmental concerns. Observe and record information about societal issues in the target culture through a variety of authentic texts and media. See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled history. Compare and contrast career choices and social roles in the target cultures and their own. Watch and listen to TV or radio broadcasts in the language studied. Students will be able to address the essential question integrating the three modes of communication (interpersonal, presentational and interpretive). See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled human rights. The subjunctive in noun clauses, object pronouns, commands RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES In small groups, choose one of the focus countries, research the various extremist groups on the internet/library and make a chart comparing and contrasting the viewpoints of the groups. Students choose one of the focus countries, construct and illustrate a timeline showing the political development from Spanish conquest OR independence to the present,with an emphasis on extremist influence. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students research the viewpoints of an extremist group in one of the countries and complete a graphic organizer on the positive and negative effects of the group’s activities. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students read a classmate’s editorial and respond in writing asking questions and commenting. Students write an editorial for a newspaper, either supporting or criticizing one of the extremist groups they have researched. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Beauty and Aesthetics AP SUBTHEME : Literature, Music, performing arts, visual arts Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. How can dictatorships affect the stimulation of artistic talents? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S1: Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions. S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S5: Students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language. S6: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Defend position on a given social topic. Continue to initiate and maintain discussions where some responses may be unpredictable (e.g. scenarios). Continue to obtain information on another’s thoughts and opinions (e.g. current social, political or environmental issues). Proofread and peer-edit writing. Present to class information learned from research paper using technology (e.g. video, etc.). CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled economy. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Possessive adjectives/pronouns, demonstrative adjectives/pronouns, future tense, conditional tense RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Students research media from a selected country on the internet (newspapers, news programs) and write an opinion piece on whether there is political bias reflected in the media. Students read novel/watch movie of “El tiempo de las mariposas”. Discuss in class how politics affected the lives of the Mirabal sisters. COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Use elements of humor, irony and satire of the target language in written and oral presentations. Self-monitor and self-evaluate language use according to audience. Discuss topics from other school subjects in the target language, including political and historical concepts, worldwide health issues and environmental concerns. Observe and record information about societal issues in the target culture through a variety of authentic texts and media. Compare and contrast cultural meaning of proverbs, sayings, jokes, riddles in target language/cultures and US. This may be carried out partly in English (e.g. “You move your fee and you lose your seat.”/”El que se va a Sevilla/melipilla, pierde su silla.”). Watch and listen to TV or radio broadcasts in the language studied. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Students will be able to address the essential question integrating the three modes of communication (interpersonal, presentational and interpretive). See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled history and human rights. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Students will read the poem(s) associated with the United Fruit Company and identify and research the dictators mentioned in the poem. AND Students will listen to a song and illustrate their interpretation of the song and how it has to do with dictatorships. (Examples of songs: “El Politico” by Kinito Mendez, “Me cambiaron las preguntas”by Santarosa, “Señor Matanza” by Manu Chao) Students create a mock radio interview with partners based on the artists they have researched in the “Presentational Task”. They should include questions about the interpretation and meaning of their art. Students choose an artist who has been influenced by a political system and research and prepare ppt/brochure/poster/presentation, etc. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Science and Technology AP SUBTHEME : Future Technologies, Social Impact of Technology Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. Based on the example of the Panama Canal, how can technology shape the dynamics of trade patterns? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S1: Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions. S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S6: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Continue to obtain information on another’s thoughts and opinions (e.g. current social, political or environmental issues). Discuss advantages and disadvantages of an idea or proposed course of action (e.g. the year-round school, raising the age for getting a driver’s license to 18). Proofread compositions, checking for cohesiveness, flow of ideas, and clarity of meaning. Present to class information learned from research paper using technology (e.g. video, etc.). CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS USEFUL VOCABULARY COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Read with understanding written materials in the target language(s) (e.g. current periodicals) about social, political and economic issues pertinent to the target culture. Suggest possible solutions to economic and environmental challenges faced by the target culture(s). Describe the regions of the target culture. Observe and record information about societal issues in the target culture through a variety of authentic texts and media. Read literary texts and relate them to the historical period about which or in which they were written. Compare and contrast tangible products of the target cultures and their own (e.g. dress, toys, sports, equipment, etc.). Recognize the contribution of other parallel cultures (e.g. Native American, African and European) to the target culture. Plan an imaginary trip to a country of the language that includes itinerary, budget, transportation, etc. See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled economy. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Students will be able to address the essential question integrating the three modes of communication (interpersonal, presentational and interpretive). See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled history and geography. relative pronouns, qué vs. cuál, the neuter lo, if clauses RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Students read article in portfolio on proposed Chinese-Colombian canal and create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the two canals. Students watch video on Panama Canal and summarize key points on Promethean board. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS Suggested Interpretive Task Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Students will read written descriptions of their classmates’ inventions (see “Presentational Task”) and, imagining they are the developers, will rank the inventions in order of perceived success. Students will create interview questions for one of the inventors (see “Presentational task”) and then students will interview one or more classmates. Students will create an original invention that will economically improve trade between the hemispheres and will display their poster, glog or photo advertisement that includes visual support and a written description of their project. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Families and Communities AP SUBTHEME : Citizenship, Family Structures, Age and Class Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. How are families and communities affected by political oppression? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S1: Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and exchange opinions. S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S6: Students will acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Defend position on given social topic. Debate the value of specific cultural traditions. Continue to obtain information on another’s thoughts and opinions (e.g. current social, political or environmental issues). Write and present an original story. Proofread and peer-edit writing. Present to class information learned from research paper using technology (e.g. video, etc.). CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Continue to identify roles and responsibilities of men, women and children in the target culture(s). Self-monitor and self-evaluate language use according to audience. Observe and record information about societal issues in the target culture through a variety of authentic texts and media. Read literary texts and relate them to the historical period about which or in which they were written. USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled human rights. Compare and contrast male and female heroes from both cultures and how people celebrate their heroes (e.g. equestrian statues, legends, pictures, etc.). Compare and contrast career choices and social roles in the target cultures and their own. Analyze the relationship between cultural stereotyping and its implications in different cultures. Prepare article for school newspaper in target language about cultural aspects of target countries. Establish and maintain communication with peers in the target culture. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Students will be able to address the essential question integrating the three modes of communication (interpersonal, presentational and interpretive). See vocabulary lists for Spanish V curriculum entitled history. subjunctive in adverbial clauses, comparatives and superlatives, adverbs, diminutives and augmentatives RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES In pairs, students write a dialogue between a member of a past totalitarian government and a victim of torture or a child of “desaparecidos”. Present the dialogues in class. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Suggested Interpretive Task Students watch movie “Cautiva” or “La historia oficial” and explain in writing how government policies affected the main characters. OR Students research in articles and on internet to determine how countries (e.g., Argentina, Chile, Uruguay) are responding in the present to atrocities from the past. Write a summary for one country. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students will work in pairs to create an interview of a grandparent of a “desaparecido” or one of the military officers. Students choose one of the “desaparecidos” from the website ( g/victimas/muro2.html) or from the article on Vision that has enough information to give an oral presentation of the background of the person they’ve chosen. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Science and Technology AP SUBTHEME : Future technologies, Intellectual property, Social impact of technology Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. How can a country influence the development of technology looking specifically at the example of countries in South America? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S2: Students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics. S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S5: Students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Use authentic documents to compare costs of goods and services in the home (e.g. gasoline, food, shelter, etc.) Examine and discuss socio-cultural elements represented via the Internet. Infer a writer’s assumptions, purpose, or point of view in an editorial. Identify and understand organizational elements of writing (e.g. titles, paragraphs, bibliography). Present to class information learned from research paper using technology (e.g. video, etc.). CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Interpret meaning through knowledge of cultural factors that affect meaning (e.g. word choice, intonation, setting, etc.). Read with understanding written materials in the target language(s) (e.g. current periodicals) about social, political and economic issues pertinent to the target culture. Suggest possible solutions to the economic and environmental challenges faced by the target culture(s). Identify and analyze the role of television in shaping attitudes and values in target culture(s). Examine how target culture immigrants to the U.S. preserve their cultural traditions. Discuss topics from other school subjects in the target language, including political and historical concepts, worldwide health issues and environmental concerns. Compare and contrast career choices and social roles in the target cultures and their own. Compare and contrast tangible products of the target culture and their own (e.g. dress, toys, sports, equipment, etc.). Recognize the contributions of other parallel cultures (e.g. Native American, African, and European) to the target culture. Recognize words in the target language heard/seen outside of school (e.g. on TV – Sesame Street, on cereal boxes, etc.). Visit local establishments/social clubs owned and managed by native speakers. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Students will be able to address the essential question integrating the three modes of communication (interpersonal, presentational and interpretive). See vocabulary list for Spanish V curriculum entitled economy. present perfect, present perfect subjunctive, uses of se, past participles used as adjectives Students research the currencies of the area and discuss in class how they have been affected by RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 globalization. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students read an article on one of the trade groups (e.g. NAFTA, CAFTA, MERCOSUR, and UE). They must identify how that group has used and/or developed use of technology to impact globalization. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students have “comment” sheets that they must move around the room to “paste/post” on each other’s Facebook pages. The creators of each “Facebook page” must respond to all comments “posted” on their profile. Students create a Facebook profile “page”/poster for their group which they display in the classroom. They must include a description of their group and what technologies they have developed/use. Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME : Education, Professions, Housing and Shelter, Leisure and Sports Recommended pacing: Approximately 3 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. How have indigenous people influenced the politics and culture of today? Virginia State Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level 5: S2: Students will understand and interpret spoken and written language on a variety of topics. S3: Students will present information, concepts and ideas to listeners or readers on a variety of topics. S4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied. S5: Students will reinforce and expand their knowledge of other areas of study through the world language. S8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. S9: Students will use the world language both within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment, enrichment and active participation. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational Use authentic documents to compare costs of goods and services in the home (e.g. gasoline, food, shelter, etc.) Examine and discuss socio-cultural elements represented in text (e.g. values, attitudes and beliefs). Read an authentic historical text and relate it to the historical period. Write, review and edit own writing with teacher guidance. Present to class information learned from research paper using technology (e.g. video, etc.). USEFUL VOCABULARY CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES Interpret meaning through knowledge of cultural factors that affect meaning (e.g. word choice, intonation, setting, etc.). Describe attitudes toward money in the target culture(s). Use a map to retrace the military campaigns/journeys of famous historical/legendary figures (e.g. Charlemagne, Columbus, Napoleon, Aeneas, Odysseus, etc.). Discuss topics from other school subjects in the target language, including political and historical concepts, worldwide health issues and environmental concerns. See vocabulary list for Spanish V curriculum entitled economy. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Students will be Compare and contrast able to address the male and female heroes essential question from both cultures and integrating the three how people celebrate their modes of heroes (e.g. equestrian communication statues, legends, pictures, (interpersonal, etc.). presentational and Recognize the interpretive). contributions of other parallel cultures (e.g. Native American, African, and European) to the target culture. Explore cultural components on the Internet. Watch and listen to TV or radio broadcasts in the language studied. See vocabulary list for Spanish V curriculum entitled history and human rights. present perfect, present perfect subjunctive, uses of se, past participles used as adjectives RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Students compile a Glog summarizing in text and pictures the European effect across the region as presented Spanish V Honors– SY 2013 - 2014 RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES throughout the quarter. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Suggested Interpretive Task Teachers make a copy of p. 295 of the Imagina book for each student or group and cut the paragraphs. Students are given the paragraphs to read and organize into a logical order and then must identify 3 sentences in the paragraphs that serve as good summaries of the article. Suggested Interpersonal Task Students choose a place in South America inhabited by indigenous people. They imagine they are writing “back-in-time” to an Incan and ask any questions about the location they would like to know. Then, they pass the postcard to a friend who will take the postcard home and research the answers to the questions. They must then respond with a postcard to the author of the original postcard. Suggested Presentational Task As a homework assignment, students find examples (print, video, audio) that identify the Incan influence on today’s culture (choose a specific aspect of the culture, i.e. food, education, professions, art, etc.) in South American countries. LCPS Spanish AP Language and Culture World Languages and Cultures agoetz [Pick the date] Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Families and Communities AP SUBTHEME : Friendship and Love, Family structures ¿Qué es para ti ser un(a) buen(a) amigo(a)? Recommended pacing: 3-4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. National Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level AP: COMMUNICATION: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. CULTURES: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied CONNECTIONS: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures COMPARISONS: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. COMMUNITIES: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to friendship. • Discuss and/or debate characteristics of a • Explore attitudes when reacting to cultural differences in friendship. • Compare and contrast types of friendships. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) See vocabulary and grammar topics for the unit. Additional resources are available on Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 good/bad friend. • Express and explain what you would consider the ideal friend. • Express opinions and react to betrayal by friends. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrates comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to love. • Evaluates and interprets written texts and materials on relationships. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: VISION. CONNECTIONS: • Produce oral and written reports on the importance of developing a good friendship. • Produce an activity showing the understanding of how to be a good friend. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to friendship. USEFUL VOCABULARY COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards multicultural/international friendships. . • Explore interpersonal relationships in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish speaking communities. • Identify local Spanish/speaking communities and cultural events. Refer to appropriate “Families and Community” vocabulary lists as provided by teacher. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Refer to Lección 1 and Lección 2 in the “Temas gramaticales” document in the “Recursos gramaticales” folder on VISION. RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES VENN diagram displaying characteristics your best friend in elementary school had and your current best friend has – what are the common characteristics that make them your best friend? Students write a description of their ideal best friend. Students write descriptions of when they felt betrayed by a friend. Students listen to and analyze the song “Amigo” by Roberto Carlos or “Cosas del Amor” by Olga Tañon and Milly Quesada. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students will read situations dealing with friendships and will discuss the situations and their responses/viewpoints in pairs/groups. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students will find one student who agrees with their responses/viewpoints in the class and one student who disagrees and will discuss why they agree/disagree. Students present their viewpoints to the class in a dialogue/debate setting. Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Families and Communities AP SUBTHEME : Family Structures Recommended pacing: 3-4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. ¿Cómo mejoramos la vida familiar en nuestro país? National Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level AP: COMMUNICATION: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. CULTURES: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied CONNECTIONS: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures COMPARISONS: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. COMMUNITIES: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to the family unit. • Discuss and/or debate issues in the family. • Express and explain family dynamics. • Express opinions and react to family interaction. • Explore attitudes when reacting to the importance of family. • Compare and contrast family relationships in the United States and Spanish-speaking cultures. INTERPRETIVE MODE: CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to the extended family. • Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials on family issues. • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards family unit. . • Produce oral and written reports on roles in the family. • Produce an activity showing family dynamics. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to family structures. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES • Explore family elements in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish speaking communities. • Identify local Spanish speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: USEFUL VOCABULARY See vocabulary and grammar topics for the unit. Additional resources are available on VISION. Refer to appropriate “Families and Community” vocabulary lists as provided by teacher. Refer to Lección 3 and Lección 4 in the “Temas gramaticales” document in the “Recursos gramaticales” folder on VISION. Conversation about what activities promote or maintain the family unit in your culture. Reading in Continuemos page 32 “¿Eres un papá de medio tiempo?”. Listening Activity page 205 of Triangulo “Los hombres toman más en serio la paternidad”. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students listen to and/or read a selection from and respond to content / analysis questions based on the reading. Suggested readings/options: La Casa en Mango Street (VISION) Los gallinazos sin plumas (story) Esperanza renace ( Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students imagine they are one of the characters from the reading selection they have done (see “Interpretive Task”) and write to one of their classmates describing their situation at the end of the story. The classmate should respond suggesting solutions as to how they can improve their situation (focusing on the family). Students write an alternate ending to the story they have read. Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 AP THEME : Science and Technology AP SUBTHEME : New Media, Social impact of technology ¿Cómo afecta la tecnología la vida cotidiana ? Recommended pacing: 3-4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. National Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level AP: COMMUNICATION: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. CULTURES: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied CONNECTIONS: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures COMPARISONS: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. COMMUNITIES: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to technological discoveries and inventions. • Discuss and/or debate technological ethical questions. • Express and explain the meaning of intellectual property. • Express opinions and react to the social impact of technology. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to the use of technology in schools. • Compare and contrast the use of technology among generations. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards old and new technology. . • Explore technological advancements in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish speaking communities. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to the “new media”. • Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials on current research topics. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) See vocabulary and grammar topics for the unit. Additional resources are available on VISION. • Identify local Spanish speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on discoveries and innovations. • Produce an activity showing future technologies. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to social media. USEFUL VOCABULARY Refer to appropriate “Science and Technology” vocabulary lists as provided by teacher. Refer to Lección 6 in the “Temas gramaticales” document in the “Recursos gramaticales” folder on VISION. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Brainstorm a list of technologies teen use in everyday life Imagine what kind of technologies will exist in the future Interview different students in Spanish to find which technology or social media they use the most. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students listen to / read a recent news publication about the effect of social media in current affairs. They write structured and organized summarization notes regarding the main points discussed in the article. Example: Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students use a graphic organizer that outlines in what ways different types of technology (i.e. social media) can affect daily life. Students work in pairs/groups to choose what the most effective technology would be to spread news according to their student body. They should describe and give reasons as to why it would be the most effective in a 3-5-minute oral presentation. Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 Los indignados en España La primavera árabe El rol de la blogger Yoani Sanchez AP THEME : Beauty and Aesthetics AP SUBTHEME : Ideals of beauty ¿Qué considera el turista oferta cultural de un país? Recommended pacing: 3-4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. National Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level AP: COMMUNICATION: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. CULTURES: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied CONNECTIONS: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures COMPARISONS: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. COMMUNITIES: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES • Maintain a discussion related to tourism. • Discuss and/or debate effects of tourism on Spanish-speaking countries. • Express and explain what makes a cultural icon. • Express opinions and react to examples of the arts in Spanish-speaking countries. CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Explore attitudes when reacting to artistic heritage. • Compare and contrast traditional and modern artistic identity. CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards the performance arts. . • Explore the arts in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish speaking communities. INTERPRETIVE MODE: • Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to the performing arts. • Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials on contributions to World Artistic Heritage. See vocabulary and grammar topics for the unit. Additional resources are available on VISION. • Identify local Spanish speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on literature. • Produce an activity showing a visual art. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to ideals of beauty. USEFUL VOCABULARY ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Refer to appropriate “Beauty and Aesthetics” vocabulary lists as provided by teacher. Refer to Lección 5 in the “Temas gramaticales” document in the “Recursos gramaticales” folder on VISION. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Choose a country and research cultural highlights to use in future projects. Listening activity in “Los turistas extranjeros en España”. Complete digital activity. Activity page 97 from Triángulo “Presentación oral dos”. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students listen to / read « La Patum de Berga », declarada Patrimonio Oral e Inmaterial de la Humanidad » (AP Spanish : Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students compose a dialogue between a travel agent and a tourist asking questions about the cultural components of a country Students plan and present a travel plan/itinerary based on the conversation they have with the “travel agent,” being Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 Preparing for the Language Examination p. 177) and answer questions related to the activity. that the travel agent answers. AP THEME : Contemporary Life AP SUBTHEME : Rites of Passage ¿Por qué la sociedad y las distintas culturas necesitan establecer ritos de pasaje ? Recommended pacing: 3-4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. National Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level AP: COMMUNICATION: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. CULTURES: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied CONNECTIONS: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures COMPARISONS: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture sure to explain the cultural offerings of the country. Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. COMMUNITIES: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to adulthood. • Discuss and/or debate housing/shelter and independence. • Express and explain customs related to adulthood. • Express opinions and react to different rites of passage. • Explore attitudes when reacting to different cultural rites of passage. • Compare and contrast indigenous and non-indigenous rites of passage. INTERPRETIVE MODE: CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards the idea of adulthood. . • Explore age identity in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish speaking communities. • Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to becoming an adult. • Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials on important life milestones. See vocabulary and grammar topics for the unit. Additional resources are available on VISION. • Identify local Spanish speaking communities and cultural events. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on the “coming of age”. • Produce an activity showing your family’s rites of passage. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to tradition . USEFUL VOCABULARY ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) Refer to appropriate “Contemporary Life” vocabulary lists as provided by teacher. Refer to Lección 7 in the “Temas gramaticales” document in the “Recursos gramaticales” folder on VISION. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Investigate how your own family celebrates different stages of life, and discuss in groups or pairs the similarities and differences. Read an article about indigenous rite of passage and create your own list of principles for adulthood. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students listen to / read “¿A qué edad nos convertimos en adultos?” (A toda vela p. 7980) or “Las medias rojas” by Emilia Pardo Bazáan and respond to content / application questions regarding the reading. AP THEME : Global Challenges AP SUBTHEME : Health Issues, Nutrition and Food Safety ¿Por qué debe prestar atención la sociedad a los problemas médicos ? Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students write an interview to someone from another culture in their class about what their “Rites of Passage” are and then find a Spanish-speaker in their school or community whom they can interview. (Students should verbally record their interview if resources are available. If not, they should record in writing the answers in Spanish and ask the Spanish-speaker to sign off that the conversation took place in Spanish.) Students write a persuasive essay citing previously researched resources answering the question, “¿Cree que los niños dejan de ser niños demasiado pronto?” Recommended pacing: 3-4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. National Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level AP: COMMUNICATION: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. CULTURES: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied CONNECTIONS: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 COMPARISONS: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. COMMUNITIES: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to nutrition. • Discuss and/or debate different illnesses. • Express and explain preventative medicine. • Express opinions and react to home remedies. • Explore attitudes when reacting to how health issues impact society. • Compare and contrast traditional and current medicine. INTERPRETIVE MODE: CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards medical treatments. . • Explore home remedies in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish speaking communities. • Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to health issues. • Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials on current health trends. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on traditional medicine. • Produce an activity showing solutions to a health issue. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to body image. USEFUL VOCABULARY RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) See vocabulary and grammar topics for the unit. Additional resources are available on VISION. • Identify local Spanish speaking communities and cultural events. Refer to appropriate “Global Challenges” vocabulary lists as provided by teacher. Refer to Lección 8 and Lección 9 in the “Temas gramaticales” document in the “Recursos gramaticales” folder on VISION. Students find a reading on a current health issue in a Spanish-speaking country and discuss it with the class. Listen to either song “el yerberito” by Celia Cruz or “El Yerbatero” by Juanes and list and discuss homemade remedies used in Spanish-speaking countries. Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing IPAs. Suggested Interpretive Task Students read “Inglaterra prohíbe la comida basura en los colegios” (A toda vela p. 162) and create a five item interactive / question-and-answer quiz for a classmate based on the article. Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students then orally give and take the quizzes of their classmates after the teacher has assessed the content of their creations. Students choose a health issue that they deem to be important and develop a 2-3 minute persuasive speech convincing their classmates to take action against the problem. They should describe the problem and specify preventative steps. AP THEME : Personal and Public Identities AP SUBTHEME : Gender and Sexuality, Multiculturalism, Beliefs and Values ¿Cómo se distingue la diferencia entre lo masculino y lo femenino en la cultura de los EE.UU. versus otras culturas hispanohablantes ? Recommended pacing: 3-4 weeks Teachers need to appropriate the number of lessons to the caliber of students in the class so long as they are being given opportunities to meet the objectives of the unit. National Foreign Language Standards of Learning for Level AP: COMMUNICATION: Communicate in Languages Other Than English Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. CULTURES: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied CONNECTIONS: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 Standard 3.2: Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures COMPARISONS: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own. COMMUNITIES: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. COMMUNICATION -Interpersonal -Interpretive -Presentational INTERPERSONAL MODE: CULTURES/ CONNECTIONS COMPARISONS/ COMMUNITIES CULTURES: COMPARISONS: • Maintain a discussion related to feminism. • Discuss and/or debate machismo. • Express and explain stereotypes. • Express opinions and react to gender roles. • Explore attitudes when reacting to gender discrimination. • Compare and contrast social values on gender. INTERPRETIVE MODE: CONNECTIONS: COMMUNITIES: • Make connections between historical contexts and current attitudes towards gender identity. . • Explore gender expectations in your own community or your school and compare them to issues in Spanish speaking communities. • Demonstrate comprehension of content from authentic audio visual texts relating to gender in the media. • Evaluate and interpret written texts and materials on multiculturalism. PRESENTATIONAL MODE: • Produce oral and written reports on beliefs and values. • Produce an activity showing the reversal of gender roles. • Produce an oral or written presentation reflecting current trends and/or attitudes in society related to results of gender reversal. USEFUL VOCABULARY ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE (Facts & Skills) See vocabulary and grammar topics for the unit. Additional resources are available on VISION. • Identify local Spanish speaking communities and cultural events. Refer to appropriate “Personal and Public Identities” vocabulary lists as provided by teacher. Refer to Lección 10 in the “Temas gramaticales” document in the “Recursos gramaticales” folder on VISION. RECYCLED/ONGOING TOPICS/STRUCTURES Spanish AP– SY 2013 - 2014 RESOURCES/ ACTIVITIES Read the literature on VISION. Listen to the poem “Superwoman” on Vision and discuss feminism. Students write and present a poem of their own defending your own gender role. Teachers resources available on LCPS Spanish Teacher Exchange ASSESSMENTS/ RUBRICS NOTE: Teachers should use the appropriate PALS rubrics for speaking and writing. Suggested Interpretive Task Students read a selection and cite comparisons / contrasts with the origins of their native countries. Examples: Sor Juana: “Los hombres necios” Las de barranco “Superwoman” by Gloria Velasquez “Me quieres blanca” by Alfonsina Storni Other similar literature (i.e., articles found on VISION) Suggested Interpersonal Task Suggested Presentational Task Students have a roundtable debate/discussion about the roles of men and women in society and which gender is favored. Students write a short skit to perform with puppets based on class roundtable (can reverse gender roles, exaggerate gender roles, etc.)