Student “I Can Statements” for World Languages Standards GRADE 7 I can statement I can talk with other students using basic greetings and farewells Standard # met 1.1 I can identify tú and usted 1.1 I can respond to and use classroom commands 1.1 I can use the Spanish alphabet 1.1 I can discuss the differences in the Spanish and English calendar 1.1 1.1 I can identify all the Spanish speaking countries and their capitals. I can participate in classroom discussion by asking classmates questions about themselves. I can ask and answer questions in the third person. I can identify classroom objects and follow simple directions I can present animal and weather vocabulary to the class 1.3 I can identify the name of each letter verbally and written form. 1.3 I can identify major holidays celebrated in Spanish-speaking cultures 1.3 I can identify major holidays celebrated in Spanish-speaking cultures 1.3 I can respond orally and written form about the weather and what I should wear in that weather type. 1.3 I can explain the meaning and purpose of major Spanishspeaking holidays. 2.1 I can ask and answer questions in both the tú and usted forms. 2.1 I can create a grammatically correct sentence in Spanish. 4.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 4.1 I can identify if a noun is masculine or feminine or singular and plural. I can describe myself and others. I can say what I and others like to do. 4.1 I can say what I and others have. 4.1 4.1