Engineering 101 Linking Experiments to Models through the Bridge Design Exercise Prof. Subramaniam (“Subby”) D. Rajan, Prof. Narayanan Neithalath and Amie Baisley Graduate Students: Kirk Vance, Matt Aguayo, Tejas Ashani, Joseph Harrington and Canio Hoffarth electrical, computer and energy engineering 20-Jan-2010 What are Experiments? Tests to determine the relationship between (input) variables and (output) responses Example 1: What is the effect of dowel diameter on the weight of the bridge? – Model: The entire bridge system – Input Variable: Dowel diameter – Output Response: Weight of the bridge Example 2: What is the effect of dowel diameter on the maximum deflection of the bridge deck? – Model: The entire bridge system – Input Variable: Dowel diameter – Output Response: Deflection of the bridge deck at various locations 2 What are Models? Relationship between (input) variables and (output) responses – Simple equation – Model described by one or more complex equation(s) – differential equation(s), integral equation(s), … Example 1: What is the effect of dowel diameter on the weight of the bridge? n d2 WBRIDGE WOTHER WDOWELS WOTHER g i Li i i 1 4 Example 2: What is the effect of dowel diameter on the maximum deflection of the bridge deck? – Needs a model whose solution can be described by several linear, algebraic equations 3 What is a System? Dictionary definitions – a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular – a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method Traits of a system – has structure, its parts or components are directly or indirectly interact with each other – has behavior (where input and output are linked) 4 Questions Q1: Draw a diagram that shows the components of the bridge system, establishes the boundary and identifies the surroundings. Q2: Describe the bridge system with particular attention to (a) its functionalities, (b) how the different components interact with each other and (c) how the bridge system behaves. 5 Engineering Process or Product Design Analysis Experiments Analysis Model Engineering Process or Product Design Optimization Toolbox Design Model 6 Verification and Validation Models need to be validated and verified before they can be used with any confidence Verification: Are you building it right? – Is the theory/principle embodied in the model implemented correctly? F ma g = 9.81 m/s2 7 Verification and Validation Validation: Are you building the right thing? – Do the results from the model correlate well with experimental results? Trial M m (kg) (kg) Exp. a (m/s2) Model a (m/s2) % error 1 2 3 8 Questions Q3: Describe what a bridge model could be, by identifying the input variables and output responses. Q4: Identify the characteristics of each input variable. Describe how you would obtain the values of these variables. Q5: Identify the characteristics of each output response. What is the purpose of each output response? Q6: Give examples of engineering processes and products? Q7: Describe the linkages between experiments and modeling. 9 Case Study 10 Case Study Develop a model to predict the tip deflection (displacement) of a cantilever beam due to a tip load. Use experiments to validate the model. y, v P A B x B L 11 Case Study: Basic Steps Use a sound scientific or engineering principle to develop the model. What parameters will be a part of this model – input and output variables? Design experiment(s) to verify the model. Design experiment(s) to validate the model. 12 Case Study: Principle/Theory Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory (w/o derivation) Differential Equation d 2v( x) M ( x) 2 dx E ( x) I ( x) v(x): vertical displacement M(x): Bending moment E(x): Young’s modulus I(x): Moment of inertia L: length of the beam y, v M A M v B x dv dx u L Boundary Conditions v( x 0) 0 v( x L) 0 13 Case Study: Cantilever Beam y, v P A B x L Boundary Conditions v( x 0) 0 dv ( x 0) 0 dx Integrating twice and using the BCs 2 Px v( x) x 3L 6 EI 14 Case Study: The Model 2 Px v( x) x 3L 6 EI Para. Remarks P The applied load at the tip of the beam E Material property that needs to be found I Cross-sectional property that needs to be computed L Length of the beam that needs to be measured x Location where the displacement is computed 15 Case Study: Modulus of Elasticity What is modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus (E)? – In a one-dimensional state of stress it is constant of proportionality between the normal stress and the normal strain and has the units of stress. Stress-strain curve (ductile material) 4 1 2 3 5 E 16 Case Study: Moment of Inertia What is moment of inertia, I? – The second moment of area (or, moment of inertia) is a measure of a beam’s cross-sectional shape’s resistance to bending. y Y Yc I x y 2 dA A dx x x C y dy Xc I y x 2 dA A h x w y O X wh3 I x y dA 12 A 2 w3 h I y x dA 12 A 2 17 Experiment Measure the width, w, and thickness, t, of a steel plate y t w z 18 Raw Measurement Data Caliper 1 Width (W) (in) 1.114 1.1135 1.1145 1.1145 1.114 1.113 1.115 1.114 1.113 1.113 1.113 Thickness (T) (in) 0.03 0.03 0.0305 0.03 0.0305 0.0305 0.0305 0.03 0.03 0.0305 0.0305 Caliper 2 Width (W) (in) 1.115 1.115 1.115 1.115 1.115 1.115 1.114 1.114 1.113 1.113 1.113 Thickness (T) (in) 0.031 0.034 0.029 0.03 0.034 0.033 0.032 0.031 0.031 0.031 0.031 Measurements taken at 11 different locations 19 Raw Measurement Data Histogram Plot 20 Statistical Analysis of Data Caliper 1 Width (in) Caliper 2 Thickness (in) Width (in) Thickness (in) # of readings (n) 11 11 11 11 Mean 1.1138 0.0303 1.1143 0.0315 Median 1.114 0.0305 1.115 0.031 Standard Deviation 0.0007198 0.0002611 0.000905 0.00157 : mean : standard deviation 1 n xi n i 1 1 n 2 n 2 x i n 1 i 1 n 1 21 Questions Q8: What is sample size? Q9: What is mean? What is another name for mean? Q10: What is median? Q11: What is standard deviation? Q12: Write a few sentences on the quality of the thickness and width data for the steel plate. 22 Normal Distribution Probability Density Function* 1 f X x, , e 2 x 2 2 2 Function whose graph is a continuous curve over a range of values that x can take. It has the units of probability rate (not probability). x is called random variable. Area under curve between x1 and x2 gives the probability that x lies in the interval x1 and x2. 6 68-95-99.7 rule: 1, 2, 3 standard deviations from mean *Excel terminology: Probability Mass Function 23 Cumulative Distribution Function x FX ( x) f X (z) dz What is the probability that a random width value is between 1.113 in and 1.114 in? Pr[1.113 x 1.114] FX (1.114) FX (1.113) 0.6 0.15 0.45 24 Questions Q13: Normal distribution is often called bell curve. Are there other types of distribution? Q14: Identify and rank the effect of the random variables in the equation for tip deflection. Px 2 v( x) x 3L 6 EI 25 Experiment 2 Measure the tip displacement of an aluminum cantilever beam 26 Raw Experimental Data 27 Case Study: Model Verification 28 Case Study: Model Validation Published Elastic Modulus of Aluminum (6016-T6) = 1.01(107) psi E Published E Computed Diff E Computed 29 Forensic Engineering 30 One-Parameter Regression Analysis Objective: Use the model and experimental data to determine the Young’s modulus of aluminum. Find E to min f ( E ) n i 1 exp i FEA i 2 E L E EU 31 References Do an internet search using these keywords – system, model, experiment, verification, validation, statistical quantities. Engineering Statistics: 32