NSF 0653270 An Integrative Science Success, Teaching and Retention Program for STEM Education PI: Co-PIs: Benjamin C. Flores bflores@utep.edu James Becvar jbecvar@utep.edu Helmut Knaust hknaust@utep.edu Jorge Lopez jorgelopez@ute.edu Josefina Tinajero Tinajero@utep.edu The University of Texas at El Paso Preamble The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) is largely a commuter institution with a student body that exceeds 21,000 students. Most of our students work while attending school. The majority of our students are first-generation college students living in a city with an estimated 2008 median household income of $37,600. Around 80% of our students are Hispanic, with the "other" label representing international students, primarily Mexican nationals that cross the border daily to attend our institution. One of the major challenges our institution faces is student retention and success. Over the years, UTEP has implemented a number of strategies to increase the number of students that pursue and earn degrees in STEM disciplines. The main activity supported by the current STEP project, peer led team learning (PLTL) falls in this category. A team of five professors with distinguished trajectories have assembled together to make PLTL the student success strategy of choice in several gateway courses 1. What are the successes you have experienced? At least 6 faculty members in the Chemistry Department are deeply involved in PLTL and are clearly aware of the benefits of these PLTL activities. In addition, the Chair and the Assistant Chair are significantly aware of the value of PLTL activities. The effect on attitude of the students that work as peer leaders has been extremely positive. They realize that they can be successful and they can make a difference in the academic performance of the students they lead. Peer Leaders definitely gain stature and confidence of their worth by the experience this program provides. The philosophy of PLTL is now ingrained in the Chemistry Department. In the Physics Department, two professors have taken charge of the delivery of the two gateway courses, the corresponding PLTL workshops, and the supervision of their peer leaders. They report that there is an increased overall student satisfaction based on their own surveys and official university evaluations. The professors are also very please with the improvements in grade distributions (higher mean with respect to historical data), excellent student rapport of peer leaders, efficient class organization with expanded course syllabi, increased use of pod casts by students, and increased hours of exposure of material to students through workshop time. 2. How many students have been impacted by each of the activities in your project? What is the nature of the impact? What are the demographics of the participants? PLTL workshops have been implemented in second semester general chemistry, organic chemistry for majors and non-majors, pre-calculus, and two physics courses. The tables below show the number of students enrolled in each course and corresponding PLTL workshop by term, by ethnicity. The overwhelming majority of students are Hispanic. A small number of students are African American or Native American. The demographics coincide with the region’s population. Pre-Calculus Study Participants Female Fall 2008 (n=788) Spring 2009 (n=622) Fall 2009 (n=768) 344 263 294 Male Asian 444 359 474 14 8 16 Asian African American 18 17 12 Hispanic White 630 507 635 59 34 55 African American 5 2 7 Hispanic White 141 144 171 17 11 13 African American 1 2 1 Hispanic White 137 154 89 12 12 8 African American 0 3 0 Hispanic White 34 56 31 7 8 2 Native American 2 1 2 Other Native American 0 0 2 Other Native American 1 0 0 Other Native American 0 0 0 Other 65 55 48 Physics 2420 Study Participants Female Male Fall 2008 (n=196) Spring 2009 (n=197) Fall 2009 (n=234) 42 49 58 154 148 176 Study Participants Female Male Fall 2008 (n=191) Spring 2009 (n=212) Fall 2009 (n=117) 48 51 28 143 161 89 Female Male 23 43 25 21 32 14 2 2 4 31 38 37 Physics 2421 Asian 5 4 1 35 40 18 Chemistry 3321 Study Participants Fall 2007 (n=44) Fall 2008 (n=75) Fall 2009 (n=39) Asian 0 2 2 3 6 4 Chemistry 3324 Study Participants Female Male Fall 2007 (n=183) Spring 2008 (n=136) Fall 2008 (n=168) Spring 2009 (n=107) Fall 2009 (n=157) 103 75 98 76 86 80 61 70 31 71 Study Participants Female Male Fall 2007 (n=185) Spring 2008 (n=214) Fall 2008 (n=160) Spring 2009 (n=220) Fall 2009 (n=168) 94 125 95 115 88 91 89 65 105 80 Asian 2 0 5 3 6 African American 3 6 3 3 2 Hispanic White 147 113 141 84 121 22 13 14 7 17 African American 9 4 2 3 4 Hispanic White 145 164 128 178 137 16 20 9 21 12 Native American 1 1 1 0 2 Other Native American 1 1 0 1 0 Other 8 3 4 10 9 Chemistry 1306 Asian 1 6 2 6 4 This grant has also given us the opportunity not only to identify talent but more importantly to develop it by focusing on PLTL activities. These activities speak to the importance of giving STEM majors the opportunity to take on leadership roles. To date, 125 peer leaders have led PLTL workshops, receiving training and financial support, through this grant. 97% of them have either graduated or are still attending the university, in sharp contrast to the 49% six-year retention/graduation rate seen university-wide. 3. Have the project activities been integrated within your (department, school, college and/or university)? If so, what is the nature of the integration? The primary activity of this project has been the implementation of Peer Led Team Learning (PLTL) workshops in five gateway courses (two courses are in Chemistry, two courses are in Physics, and one course is in Mathematics). As of fall 2008, all workshops were seamlessly integrated to the degree plans. That means that all STEM students required to take these courses were also required to take the workshops concurrently. Faculty adjusted their lecture time, and allowed for extra time to coordinate workshop activities with peer leaders. Students adjusted their schedules to include two-hour workshops. 4. Has this project had any impact beyond the intended project goals, for example on other students, faculty, departments, or institutions? We have been promoting PLTL as a best practice in STEM education at several institutions in the US. There is a strong interest by UT Pan American and UT Brownsville and the New York City College of Technology to work with us on a future dissemination phase of the project. The PI and two of the co-PIs have visited universities in Chile to promote team-based learning and peer led workshops as a means of increasing student performance in STEM courses. The 13 19 19 11 11 ideas shared thus far have been extremely well received by the Chilean Ministry of Education and several universities. 5. If you have partner institutions, what are you achieving through this partnership? Has the role of your partners changed from what was specified in the original proposal? Formally there are no partner institutions. Informally we have begun working with El Paso Community College to implement peer led team learning in Chemistry and Calculus courses. 6. Have you had any positive surprises, including unexpected benefits from this grant? There are now many ‘champions’ of PLTL in the Chemistry department. Our expectation was that the young generation of untenured and newly tenured faculty would be most likely to participate and would be most in favor of the student-centered approach that PLTL provides. We were pleasantly surprised that established, senior faculty members would get behind and readily adopt this approach. The chair of the department clearly sees why this PLTL approach is the future of instruction. In fact, he wants to find ways to expand the program and offer all chemistry majors an opportunity to serve as a peer leaders as part of their undergraduate experience. In the department of Physics, there is now an increased interest from majors who have taken the gateway course sequence to become peer leaders. The degree of enthusiasm from more seasoned peer leaders has helped in making the start-of-semester training seminars very engaging and productive. Also, the chair of the department has joined in the effort and she decided to teach a section of one of the gateway courses. 7. What challenges have you faced when implementing your STEP grant? The main challenge has been related to the change in administration in the College of Science at the dean and department chair levels. Since the start of the STEP project in fall 2007, the deanship has changed once. Similarly, chairmanships in the departments of Physics and Mathematics have also seen changes. Two of the co-PIs were chairs at the time and have now returned to the faculty ranks. This change in guard has impacted the project as changes in college and departmental priorities were rolled out and the support for the project took time to rebuild. At this point the decision to directly involve the Provost is seen as a major development that will help in stabilizing the course of the project. Another major challenge has been related to developing an interdisciplinary programmatic approach that crosses disciplinary boundaries but respects cultural differences of three rather distinct departments. For instance, the department of Chemistry has almost a decade of experience in employing peer leaders in freshman chemistry courses, which not only served to substantially improve student passing rates but also served to promote Chemistry as a major. Peer led team learning enjoys substantial support by the administration and faculty alike. In contrast, the department of Physics has had more limited experience in peer led team learning as it has encouraged undergraduate research as the principal enriching experience for its majors. Consequently, the idea of serving as peer leader is still being promoted among the administration, faculty and students. In the department of Mathematics, peer leading has been applied for years in the context of supplemental instruction. However, math faculty and their peer leaders have had to adjust to the notion of team learning. With time, these challenges will be overcome. 8. Describe any significant changes or deviations from the planned grant activities that you have made or would like to make. Explain why these changes were necessary or seem to be necessary. Provide an explanation about how these changes have already impacted or are expected to impact the project. There have been three major deviations from the planned grant activities. These involve the following: Professional skills seminar for sophomore STEM students. Summer academy for peer leaders. Project assessment and coordination. One of the original activities involved the addition of a professional skills seminar for sophomore students in all STEM degree plans. At the onset of the grant, the Texas State Legislature mandated that all state institutions decrease the number of credit hours in all baccalaureate programs from 128 to 120 credit hours. In response, five STEM departments streamlined their degree plans to reduce requirements. The prevailing strategy was to take off courses outside the discipline that were not part of the university core. Consequently the idea of implementing the sophomore seminar could not get a solid footing in the College of Science. Although this outcome was beyond the control of the STEP management team, on the positive side, we are confident that the reduction in credit hours will aid in increasing graduation rates and reducing the time to graduation time, which is always an issue with our largely nontraditional student population. Another original activity involved the development of a summer academy for STEP peer leaders. The academy envisioned creating a cohort of STEM peer leaders taking secondary education courses, first and foremost, to enhance their pedagogical skills. However, after two years of trial and unsuccessful recruitment, enrollment in the secondary education summer courses was negligible. The feedback received from peer leaders was that they did not perceive how the summer academy was directly linked to advancing their degree plans, except for those already intending to minor in secondary education in preparation for a career as science and mathematics high school teachers. Since the primary goal of the academy was to tool the peer leaders with effective teaching skills, we decided on implementing pre- and postsemester seminars for peer leaders with the aim of training them in the essentials of team-based learning and reflecting on their experience in heading PLTL workshops. A positive alteration in the implementation of the project has been the hiring of a peer leader coordinator and a director of evaluation. The peer leader coordinator assists in the recruiting, selection, and appointment of students as peer leaders, in making arrangements for training seminars, and in conducting student and peer leader surveys. The director of evaluation handles the evaluation of the project, conducting longitudinal passing-rate and retention studies of students and peer leaders, creating and analyzing participant surveys, and participating in discussions about the progress of the project with the internal and external advisory boards. 9. What intermediate measures and metrics are you using to monitor the progress of your project? [For example, say the primary goal of your project is to improve graduation rates and one of the strategies you proposed to implement was changing the way that you teach calculus courses. An intermediate measure of success for your project might be improvements in calculus pass rates because improvements in pass rates would likely translate into improved graduation rates by the end of the grant period.] For assessment purposes, we are looking both at "hard numbers" and perception of participants. The number of students enrolled in the five PLTL courses, course pass rates, and opinions of students, peer leaders and faculty are tracked by semester. Peer leaders are monitored for cumulative grade point average, retention, and graduation. We are also looking to see if there is an increased interest in teaching mathematics and science at the secondary level for peer leaders. Several peer leaders and faculty have been interviewed and PLTL students and peer leaders are surveyed at the end of each term. Two additional intermediate measures will be assessed during the final two years of the grant: success in follow-up course for Pre-Calculus (Calculus) and yearly retention and/or graduation for all five courses. 10. Do these intermediate measures indicate that you are on track to meet your project goals? Include data that support your response. A longitudinal study was conducted for the five PLTL courses. The quantity of students enrolled in the classes has fluctuated, but appears to have dropped off in several of the courses. Further research is needed to find out if this is due to changed degree plans or if there is some other cause. The five selected courses are introductory courses required for engineers and science majors, along with selected majors in several other colleges. University enrollment has continued to see a modest increase but the UT System has implemented a requirement to reduce the number of credit hours for bachelor's degrees which could be affecting the quantity of students enrolling in the courses. Grades have also decreased in Physics, but in interviewing several peer leaders and faculty, this could be a result from a change in instructor and exam structure. Interestingly, several experienced peer leaders felt that some students were not reading the text and those that were not passing were the same students not attending workshop or coming prepared. Opinion data obtained through surveys of students and peer leaders, and interviews with peer leaders and faculty are extremely positive regarding the use of PLTL workshops. A recent survey of students in the five STEP PLTL courses was administered at the end of the fall 2009 term that addressed whether 1) students felt the mandatory two-hour weekly small-group workshops were a better format to increase content understanding, 2) the workshop peer leaders were knowledgeable and capable of presenting the material, and 3) the workshop materials and amount of time spent in workshops were meeting stated objectives. The objectives include reinforcing concepts initially presented in lecture through both individual and group work, including hands-on activities. Given a scale from 1 to 5 (strongly disagree to strongly agree), a mean 4.611 or 93% (n=644 of 693) students felt the workshops were closely related to the material taught in the lectures. 84% felt the workshop activities better prepared them for tests while 88% believed workshop participation would improve their grade. While higher grades (increased passing rates) across disciplines do not mimic those found in the general chemistry class used as the base PLTL model for this current experiment, it is premature to comment as to the long-term effects the PLTL workshop will have on course success (grade), retention, and graduation. Even with increasing contact hours by one hour, 81% of the students said “I would recommend courses with workshops to other students.” A mean 4.4839 felt the workshop peer leader was well prepared and 93% (mean 4.5578) said their peer leader was knowledgeable in the subject area. 85% agreed that the workshops “are a big help in learning to solve problems.” A 5 point Likert scale (1-materials do not meet this objective at all to 5-materials are excellent and meeting this objective) received the following mean and percentage regarding workshop materials presented: Workshop materials are: Well connected with the lecture Challenging Developed to review fundamentals Useful for group work Helpful for further study Useful for reinforcing concepts Mean % receiving 4 or 5 4.3979 88% 4.0627 4.2718 4.1616 4.3125 4.3884 77% 84% 80% 85% 88% Comments about the peer leader/workshop structure varied from not liking workshops and peer leaders at all to “I really enjoy the workshops because it gives us (and other students as well) a chance to fully grasp concepts presented in previous lectures. Being in a smaller group with a peer leader also makes it easier to ask questions.” The faculty perspective is represented by comments from a veteran professor in chemistry regarding peer leaders. "I don't dictate to them: 'You will go over problems 17, 39, and 95 at the end of the chapter. Instead I tell them that they need to make sure that their students understand the concept of limiting reagents or the concept of enthalpy change, and I let them decide how they're going to instruct their students. It puts them a bit ill at ease," he acknowledged, "but that's part of the confidence building. That's a very strong philosophical component in this program." Faculty involved in the project think there has been a positive psychological effect on the leaders as they perceive that they can be successful and can make a difference to the students they lead. As one stated, “peer leaders gain stature and confidence of their worth by the experience this program provides.” 125 peer leaders have participated since fall 2007. Since STEP was implemented in the spring 2008, 117 peer leaders have participated. Of these 31 percent have graduated and 66 percent are still pursuing degrees, for a combined 97 percent retention/graduation rate. This is in sharp contrast with the overall undergraduate student population six-year retention/graduation rate which stands at a combined 49 percent. Overall, in discussing the PLTL model with students, peer leaders, and faculty, all participants feel the model is a great improvement on the traditional large lecture format. Students relate better with other students and feel they are learning the material better. Only over the next few years will we be able to tell if the model will positively impact the numbers of STEM graduates desired. 11. What actions have you taken to address sustainability of this project beyond the grant period? A key action has been to involve the Associate Dean of Science, the Chair of Mathematics, and the Chair of Physics as members of the Internal Advisory Board. Together with the PI and co-PIs, the IAB has worked on identifying the key indicators of success and analyzing the data that can serve as evidence for getting faculty buy-in and sustaining the effort. Another key action has been to promote peer leading as an enriching activity for upper division undergraduates and an opportunity for them to work on campus. This not only allows us to maintain a healthy pool of qualified applicants but also increases the retention of STEM students, the majority of whom are self-supporting and must commute to campus on a daily basis. 12. What is the relationship between the grant activities and the internal advisory board? How has the board been involved in assessing progress, addressing challenges or facilitating change, if needed, and addressing sustainability? The Internal Advisory Board (IAB) met for the first time on May 14, 2009. The committee discussed the following issues and action items: A “project memory” should be developed to ensure that the original objectives of the project drive all activities. o Deviations from the original objectives should be identified and assessed for their efficacy. o The importance of comparison of the project’s results with national data should be established. Differences in PLTL approach among disciplines should be identified to ensure optimum application of the strategy in each discipline. Critical variables and assessment tools should be identified to measure success. A strategy to engage more professors (in Physics as an example) and gain their commitment to the program should be developed. The budget should be checked and decisions of paying peer leaders a salary versus a stipend in the upcoming semester should be made. Advertisements should announce the peer leader position openings and include criteria for minimum GPA and course success. The IAB will meet again in February 2010 to hear progress made on these action items and to begin the discussion on the long-term sustainability of the project. 13. What is the relationship between the grant activities and the external advisory board? How has the board been involved in assessing progress, addressing challenges or facilitating change, if needed, and addressing sustainability? The External Advisory Board met for the first time on April 17, 2009. The primary objective of the meeting was to assess the progress of the project. The EAB listened to presentations by each one of the co-PIs and made recommendation on the next steps that should be taken. The EAB also performed a SWOT analysis which was included in the annual report to NSF. Based on the feedback of this analysis, we took on the challenge of better documenting our work, monitoring the outcomes of the grant activities as measured through official university evaluations, supervising peer leader hiring standards and training, and effecting minor modification of the course structure and laboratories. The EAB is scheduled to meet again February 5, 2010. The chair of the EAB made an additional visit to our campus on October 1, 2009. He met with the PI and co-PIs to strategize ways of disseminating the preliminary results of the project and to seek the participation of industrial stakeholders that could provide insight on facilitating change in the context of the project. 14. What have you learned from this project and its implementation? We had hoped the adoption of PLTL in multiple STEM courses would have been ‘more automatic’ but we realized that academics from other disciplines need to sense ‘I am making an original contribution’ in order to fully adopt any new didactic strategy. Fortunately, PLTL offers the opportunity for adaptations with varied twists; thus allowing adoption of the basic idea to take many creative directions. We were pleased to see that many of our instructors learned about the value of enhanced communication between instructors and students as facilitated by peer leaders and the advantages of increasing the time the students are exposed to the material. What advice would you offer to new STEP PIs? In general we would advise new PIs to carefully study what has been done in previous STEP programs and gauge learning curves. Also we would recommend that they anticipate adapting and modifying initial plans in the first year of operation, based on their results. More specifically, we would advise STEM colleagues nationwide to consider implementing PLTL in key gatekeeper courses on their campus. There is quantitative and qualitative evidence that this strategy works extremely well for students who need to strengthen their study skills. 15. Finally, please provide an overall summary of how the state of your project relates to your original targets and to the other goals of the project. Include the number of students majoring in fields affected by your project versus the projections. We had anticipated that by the end of the STEP project, the number of undergraduate Hispanic students earning degrees in STEM programs would double with respect to the baseline of AY 2000-2001, which corresponds to an increase of about 28 BS degrees awarded per year. This target has already been met due in part to the large inertia of the system, which has benefited from past programs such as the Model Institutions for Excellence and the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation. Academic Year 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Total BS Degrees Awarded 280 293 290 339 340 433 477 501 544 NA BS Degrees Awarded to Hispanics 181 205 189 230 226 291 323 341 416 NA Percentage Awarded to Hispanics 64.6% 70.0% 65.2% 67.8% 66.5% 67.2% 67.7% 68.1% 76.5% NA However, what we really want to see is an enhancement in the quality of education in the first two years of STEM programs at UTEP and a shift in the teaching/learning strategies to ensure that growth in degree production is maintained. This is our overarching goal.