Sensation and Perception

Sensation and Perception
Unit 4
The Basics of Sensation
- Behavior often begins with sensory input
- Process by which we receive, transform, and process stimuli presented
to sensory organs
- Sensory receptors – in sensory organs
- Detect stimuli from the outside world
- Very sensitive to certain types of stimuli
- Form of light, sound , odors
- Psychophysics – how we experience such stimuli
The Basics of Sensation
Absolute and Difference Thresholds
- Absolute threshold
- Smallest amount of stimulus reliably detected
- Variation in sensitivity among individuals
- Difference threshold: amount to determine difference of level of same
-Just-noticeable difference (JND)
-Weber’s law
-Must change stimulus by a constant proportion for change to be
What do You See?
The Eye
The Image
The Parts
The Eye: The Visionary Sensory Organ
- Contains the sensory receptors to
detect light
- Cornea – transparent covering on
the surface of the eye
- Iris – Muscle surrounding pupil;
adjust to permit entry of light –
adjustment is a reflex
- Pupil – size of opening is
controlled by iris
The Eye
The Image
The Parts
The Eye: The Visionary Sensory Organ
- Lens – changes shape to
adjust to distance of object
- Retina – receives the image
created by light striking it;
contains photoreceptors –
rods and cones
The Eye
The Image
The Parts
Bipolar cells – interconnection cells
Ganglion cells – each projection axon is one
nerve fiber
Optic nerve
- Large bundle of ganglion nerve fibers
- Transmits visual information to the brain
- Creates blind spot
- Contains only cones
- Site for sharpest vision
Vision Options
Color Vision: Sensing Color
-Color Receptors (cones) transmit
different messages to the brain
-Hermann von Helmholtz –
trichromatic theory
-Three types of color receptors
– red, green, and blue-violet
-Dichromatic: only see two of
the three color receptors
Vision Options
Color Vision: Sensing Color
-Monochromatic: only see in
shades of grey
The Ear
Sound: Sensing Waves of Vibrations
- Energy that travels in waves (vibrations)
- Must have a medium in order to exist
- Characteristics
- Amplitude (loudness) – the height of the wave
- Frequency – number of complete waves, or cycles per
- Travels much more slowly than light
- Measured in decibels (dB), and indication of perceived
The Ear
The Ear: A Sound machine
- Sound waves are captured and converted to neural form
- Ear components
- Eardrum – membrane that vibrates in response to sound waves
- Ossicles – three tiny bones in middle ear
- Hammer (malleus)
- Anvil (incus)
- Stirrup (stapes)
- Perception of pitch is related to wave frequency
The Ear
- Cochlea – fluid filled snail-shaped bony tube
- Basilar membrane – vibrates within the cochlea
- Organ of Corti – gelatinous structure lined with hairs cells
- Hair cells – auditory receptors
- Auditory nerve – transmits auditory messages to brain
- Perception of pitch is related to wave frequency
Theories & Principles
-Frequency theory
-Perceived frequency depends on how often the auditory nerve fires
-Volley principle
- If neurons work together and alternate their firing, they can exceed
the limitations of 1,000 firing per second
-Place Theory
-Idea the each frequency vibrates at a particular spot on the basilar
-Olfaction: What Your Nose Knows
-Chemicals in the air that the nose can respond to
-Lock-and-key fitting of molecules into odor receptors
-Olfactory nerve – transmits odor information to brain
-Olfactory bulb – brain destination; odor information does not
travel through thalamus
-Pheromones – chemical substances that play a role in behavior
-Taste: The Flavorful Sense
-Four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty and bitter
-Flavors are a result of combinations of tastes
-Taste cell – taste receptors
-Taste buds – pores or opening on tongue
-Taste sensitivity partly genetic
The Sense of
• Sensed by the nerves just
below the skin
– Pressure
– Pain
– Temperature
The Sense of
-The Kinesthetic and Vestibular Senses: Of Grace and Balance
-Kinesthetic sense tells us bout body position and body movement
-Vestibular sense monitors body position in space
-Aids in keeping one’s balance
-Informs whether we are moving quickly or slowly
-In ear’s semicircular canals – movement of fluid relates body position
-Dizziness: semicircular canal fluid still moving though we have
-Perception: The Brain organizes and interprets sensations
-Attention: did you Notice that?
-Attention: the first step in perception
-Selective attention: limit attention to certain stimuli
-Habituation: results from exposure to a constant stimulus
-Perceptual Constancies
-Shape constancy – shape seen as the same across various perspectives
-Size constancy – size perceived as same regardless of distance from
-Color constancy – color perceived the same despite changes in lighting
-Brightness constancy – brightness seen as the same though illumination
may change
-Cues to Depth Perception
-Binocular cues – need both eyes
-Retinal disparity – slightly differing image, what each eyes
What do You See?
We tend to perceive figures or objects as belonging together
if they appear to form a continuous pattern
Closure (Connectedness)
We perceive figures with gaps in them to be complete
We perceive figures which look alike as being grouped
We perceive things close together as being in sets
What do You See?
Top-Down Vs. Bottom-UP
Top-Down processing looks first at the whole picture and then
breaks it apart into pieces (deductive reasoning)
Top-Down Vs. Bottom-UP
Bottom-Up looks first at the pieces and then creates the big picture
(inductive reasoning)
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans