102615_HW_Unit 2.2

Ms. Mosier
Psychology, Period ____
102615 _ HW
2.2: Sensation and Perception
1. VISION: What are the key structures of the eye and their functions?
2. What are rods and cones? How do their functions differ?
3. What are the bipolar and ganglion cells? How do their function differ?
4. AUDITION: What are the key structures of the ear and their functions?
5. How do sound waves produce different auditory sensations?
6. How do place theory and frequency theory explain pitch perception?
7. TOUCH: What are the four main sensations felt through touch?
8. TASTE: What are the primary tastes, and how does the sensation of taste arise?
9. How do fast and slow pain systems differ, and what is the gate-control theory of pain?
10. How are body sensations of movement, position, and balance produced?
11. OLFACTION: How do airborne molecules result in the sensation of an odor?
Fill In The Blank
1. The sensory receptors for hearing are embedded in the __________ membrane in the __________.
2. When activated, touch receptor cells send messages along pathways to the __________ __________.
3. The bundled axons of the olfactory receptors project to a brain structure called the __________.
4. Hearing loss caused by damage to the bones of the middle ear is called __________.
5. The skin has receptors for four stimuli: pressure, __________, __________, and __________.
6. Sensory receptors convert different forms of physical energy into neural signals through the process of __________.
7. The sensory receptors for vision are contained in the __________.
8. Complete the sequence of visual information transmission: rods and cones, __________ cells, __________ cells, optic
nerve _________, thalamus, __________.
9. According to the __________ theory of color vision, the person with red-green color blindness has normal blue-sensitive
10. Picking up light and other sensory information is __________. Interpreting the image or using previous information to
identify sensory information is __________.