Agenda Item #11-106 Effective Fall 2012 Management Information Systems Minor LUMPKIN COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND APPLIED SCIENCES EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY TO: Council on Academic Affairs FROM: Mahyar Izadi, Dean Carla Honselman, Chair LCBAS Curriculum Committee SUBJECT: Curriculum Proposals DATE: October 5, 2011 The School of Business recently approved the following curriculum proposals which I support: Revised Course Proposal – MIS 4200, Systems and Database Analysis, Design, and Development (effective Fall 2012 – see attached proposal) Revision of MIS major and minor (effective Fall 2012 – see attached catalog copy) Att. c. C. Noll, Chair, School of Business C. Roszkowski, Associate Chair, School of Business MEMORANDOM TO: Richard Flight, Chair School of Business Curriculum Committee FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Norm Garrett 4/15/11 Request for Revision to the Management of Information Systems Major and Minor PROPOSAL TO REVISE THE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS MAJOR AND MINOR The Management of Information Systems (MIS) discipline requests modification of the MIS major and minor as follows: Reducing the number of hours required in the MIS major core from 25 semester hours to 24 semester hours. Increasing the number of elective hours required for MIS majors from 14 semester hours to 15 semester hours. Reducing the number of hours required in the MIS minor from 22 semester hours to 21 semester hours. RATIONALE These changes reflect the revision of MIS 4200 Systems and Database Analysis, Design, and Development in which the course was reduced from 4 semester hours to 3 semester hours. EFFECTIVE DATE: FA 2012 ATTACHMENT: Current and proposed catalog copy. APPROVED BY SCHOOL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE: 4/28/2011 APPROVED BY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE: 10/5/11 APPROVED BY CAA: 10/20/11 CURRENT CATALOG COPY Management Information Systems Minor Computer technology is integral to almost all organizations. The Management Information Systems (MIS) minor enables students to develop knowledge and skills in information systems that will complement studies in their major. Students minoring in MIS complete a 16 hour core of five courses plus 6 hours of electives. Course Requirements (22 semester hours) BUS 1950 – Computer Concepts and Applications for Business. Credits: 3 MIS 2000 – Information Systems Careers and Logic Skills. Credits: 3 MIS 3200 – Networking Fundamentals. Credits: 3 MIS 4200 – Systems and Database Analysis, Design, and Development. Credits: 4 AND ACC 3900 – Accounting Information Systems. Credits: 3 BUS 3500 – Management Information Systems. Credit: 3 or Plus Six semester hours (nine hours for business majors) of course work selected from the following: … PROPOSED CATALOG COPY Management Information Systems Minor Computer technology is integral to almost all organizations. The Management Information Systems (MIS) minor enables students to develop knowledge and skills in information systems that will complement studies in their major. Students minoring in MIS complete a 16 hour core of five courses. Course Requirements (21 semester hours) BUS 1950 – Computer Concepts and Applications for Business. Credits: 3 MIS 2000 – Information Systems Careers and Logic Skills. Credits: 3 MIS 3200 – Networking Fundamentals. Credits: 3 MIS 4200 – Systems and Database Analysis, Design, and Development. Credits: 3 AND ACC 3900 – Accounting Information Systems. Credits: 3 BUS 3500 – Management Information Systems. Credit: 3 or Plus Six semester hours (nine hours for business majors) of course work selected from the following: …