Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/Marketing plan August 2004 Dan Beaulieu D.B.Management Group L.L.C. Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Objectives To increase sales To be more visible in the marketplace To grow our fast turn business To gain dominance in specialized niche Electronics To get more out of our reps To get more out of our sales force Strategic Plan Sample Before Getting Started 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A word about D.B.Management and how we operate: This is what we promise you We teach you how to sell and market we don’t do it for you. 1. We help you with all of your sales/ strategic and marketing needs. We train, we strategize, we help you to compete better and we show you how to win. 2. We work with strategically and tactically not specifically. We don’t get involved in specifics like customers and pricing. By doing this we work with more than one client at a time in the way that a personal trainer/ coach does The very nature of our work is highly confidential. What happens in your shop stays in your shop. We equip you to compete successfully in the marketplace. Besides being strategists we are implementers. If our are plans are not realized through direct implementation and success measurement, you will not be successful and we will not be successful. When we take on a client we assume responsibility for their success. Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Deliverables Develop a marketing communications plan that will include: Updated sales literature New Niche electronics brochure Updated focused web site Specialized marketing plan Intro Package for reps Sales Presentation Manage, measure and motivate the sales team ACT AS IMPLEMENTOR. MAKE SURE ALL PLANS ARE IMPLEMENTED AND SUCCESSFUL. Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Strategic Plan Sample The Image High tech High quality Customer focused Consistent Reliable Dependable Flexible We are willing to do whatever we must to meet our customers’ needs. Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan THE MESSAGE: MUST BE CONSISTENT ALWAYS TALK ABOUT PERFORMANCE/PERFORMANCE USE ON-TIME STATS QUALITY STATS SATISFIED CUSTOMERS/ Let our satisfied customer speak for us. REFERRALS TESTIMONIALS SUCCESS STORIES Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan The message: By getting the right message out we will make people doubt themselves when they use other shops They will second guess themselves and get to the point where they feel that they have not done the very best for their company by using Strategic Plan Sample. By reading our constant message they will have a great picture of what Strategic Plan Sample can do, and that we are the best value in the industry We are reliable We can show ads and scenarios where terrible things happen when boards are not there on time… or if they fail There is a definite need for a shop that can do everything we can do Strategic Plan will meet that need of getting the right message out to the right people. Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan GETTING THE MESSAGE OUT: LITERATURE WEB SITE E-MAIL POST CARDS DIRECT MAILINGS ADVERTISING PROMOTIONAL CARDS ARTICLES TRADE SHOWS Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan LITERATURE: Strategic Plan Sample/ /Niche electronics UP TO DATE FOLDERS AND INSERTS TRI-FOLD CARRIES THE MESSAGE FOR THE INDIVIDAL NICHE INDUSTRY INDUSTRY PERSONAL BROCHURE TELLS THE COMPANY’S STORY IN NARRATIVE. THIS IS THE BEST WAY TO PORTRAY THE COMPANY’S CULTURE Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan PERSONAL COMPANY BROCHURE TALK ABOUT WHAT WE DO BEST HOW WE GOT HERE OUR PHILOSOPHY CUSTOMER FRIENDLY READABLE/INTERESTING BOOK LIKE Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan WEB SITE: CARRY OTHER LITERATURE THE PERSONAL BROCHURE THE STATISTICS TESTIMONIALS ALL OTHER MATERIALS NEED TO LEAD TO THE WEB SITE WEB SITE MARKETING/DIRECTORY PLACEMENT “WEB SITE IS HOME AWAY FROM HOME” Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan E-MAIL POSTCARDS/ CARRY SPECIFIC MESSAGES VERY QUICK AND FAST OFFER IMMEDIATE PROMOTIONS LEAD TO WEB SITE FOLLOW UP DISCUSS FREQUENCY BUILD D-BASE Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan DIRECT MAILING/ POSTCARDS Be consistent in sending out regularly Collect the right data bases Numbers game Need coordinated follow up Consistent message Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan ADVERTISING GET THE MESSAGE OUT We are the best value in the industry Special ads for Niche business Specialized business Company message Exactly what we want to sell “DEVELOP 4 ADS AND ROTATE THEM ADVERTISE IN PCBD&M AND US TECH Circuits Assembly and appropriate medical trades Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan ADVERTISING/ direct mailing list are available for advertisers in PCBD&M at $800 per five thousand mailing labels. We should do four mailings using these labels Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Permission marketing Get customers and target customers permission to send them info about our company on a regular basis. Add to data base Send them “valuable” information on steady basis They get used to us and hearing from us Are exposed to benefits of dealing with us Become customers Become loyalists Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Customer Surveys We need to know what our customers are thinking. What they are saying about us and what their needs are. Our focus has to be on the customers: Online surveys Phone surveys Develop a users group? Action: Decide and implement: Date Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Trade Shows Selection: which shows should we attend? Show strategy/ reasons for attending Tactics: Getting the most out of the show Set and meet goals Measure success Plan for next time Post show follow up Action: develop a trade show plan/ Date_____ Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Promotional items: Items have to be consistent with our message They need to be helpful and valuable Something the receivers will keep and use Something that will show our name Something that will be kept at work “Neat products” Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Articles and Seminars/ Niche To position us as industry experts Multi-uses: An article in a magazine can be: Basis for a paper at IPC expo Reprinted as literature Made into a pamphlet A branding device A promotional give away A basis for a seminar Given at customers sales meetings Action: developed a multi-year publication plan Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Niche Marketing plan: Getting the word out Separate from Strategic Plan Sample Good business Good lead producer Good marketing lead Good advertising pioneer Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Special Niche Special literature Tri-fold Clear and to the point How to use our services Used for direct mailings Important that we keep this business apart marketing wise from others. This is very different than medical electronics Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan FIND THE RIGHT REPS THE SALES FORCE INDEPENDENT SALES REPS TERRITORY EXPERTS RELATIONSHIP MANAGERS FOCUSED ON SELLING OUR PCBS FOCUSED ON SELLING OUR TECHNOLOGY SUCCEED BY MAKING US SUCCEED PAID WHEN WE GET PAID Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan INDEPENDENT SALES REPS: ATTRACTION to Our Company: GOOD STRONG COMPANY CLEAR AND DIRECT STRATEGY FINANCIALLY SOUND MARKET FOR AND WITH THEM DEVELOP REPUTATION GREAT TECHNICAL CAPABILITIES NO HOUSE ACCOUNTS SOME PRE-EXISTING RELATIONSHIPS WIDE SPAN OF SERVICES AND PRODUCTS GREAT IN-HOUSE SUPPORT NICHE ELECTRONIC MARKET QUICK TURN Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan QUALIFYING A REP: evaluate BOARD EXPERTISE WELL RUN AGENCY SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH TARGET ACCOUNTS HOW MANY PEOPLE IN FIRM? OTHER BOARD FABRICATORS WORK ETHIC TIME DEDICATED TO COMPANY REFERENCES SPECIALITY Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan TREAT THE REP AS A PARTNER INDEPENDENT SALES REPS FINDING AND KEEPING REPS NO HOUSE ACCOUNTS GOOD CONTRACT TREAT AS PARTNERS GOOD LONG TERM CONTRACT GOOD COMMUNICATIONS PAY ON TIME MARKET IN THEIR REGION Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan TRAIN THE REPS Communicate our strategic plan Let them know our sales tactics Provide them with the right sales tools Assist them in lead generation Trade shows in their region Regular phone meetings Regular live customer co calls Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan Actions: Review and discuss this plan Assert that we are on the right track Document comments Update this plan List actions with dates Begin actual implementation Strategic Plan Sample Strategic/marketing plan About this plan: This is a living plan. We work on it as we go so that we are always making progress. It is also an implementation tool. Giving us a step by step roadmap to implement these strategies, tactics and tools. We use Microsoft Project as tool to make sure that we continuously track our progress and achieve our goals on or ahead of schedule.