Welcome to Spanish I

Teacher: Sra. Perez
Conference Time: 1:10-1:40 p.m.
Phone: 806-677-2740
Email: rperez@canyonisd.net
Objective: To instill an appreciation for the language and culture with an emphasis on communication &
Course Description: Realidades is fully aligned with A Texas Framework for Languages Other Than
English (LOTE). Both REALIDADES and the Framework emphasize five program goals, the “C’s” of language
education: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities.
Resource Materials:
Boyles, et.al. (2005) Realidades I. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
School Expectations:
Accepting Rachel’s Challenge
Be on time with your materials ready.
Adhere to the student Dress Code.
Turn off your cell phone during instructional time.
o No electronic devices allowed in classroom – so don’t ask!
No outside drinks, only water in the hallways.
Supplies List for class:
1 box of Kleenex
Last names A-L—1 bottle of hand sanitizer
Last names M-Z—1 box of gallon size bags
Supplies needed every day:
 3 subject notebook or 3 ring binder with notebook paper and dividers
o 1st section for bell work
o 2nd section for vocabulary words
o 3rd section for grammar notes
 Writing utensil
o pencil- most acceptable for all assignments or
o blue/black pen (I will not accept work in any other color)
Suggested supplies:
Spanish/English dictionary
Pencil sharpener with receptacle
Map colors
Grading Policy
Daily work x 1
 Homework/class work –you will have frequent, brief homework assignments and individual or
group classroom assignments.
 Vocabulary Recognition quizzes –given once at the beginning of each chapter.
Tests/Quizzes x 2
 Chapter tests - include a combination of listening, reading, writing and culture.
 Grammar quizzes - designed to assess your overall progress
Tests x 2
 Projects/Major speaking/listening activities - opportunity to create and present something
unique and original in Spanish You will always know in advance and have at least 2 class
periods to work on projects. Late projects will lose 10 points per day after the due
date/class period.
 Notebooks- will be graded every six weeks – you must have all of the bell work, vocabulary and
grammar notes. MAKE SURE YOU WRITE THE DATE EVERY DAY. If you were
absent make sure you get the bell work from another student or make an appointment with
me to get your bell work. Being absent is not an excuse for not having all of the information
needed in your notebook!! This is the easiest grade you can earn just by paying attention in
class and doing what is expected from you.
Note: Most of the work will be done during class. You will only have homework if you were absent or
choose to do nothing during class.
Make up Work
It is your responsibility to make up any work for days that you have been absent. Quizzes and exams are not to
be made up during instructional time. You will need to arrange a time to come in and make those up. You have
two days per day of absence to turn in the work for full credit. No excuses!!!!!! Absolutely NO work will
be accepted 3 days prior to the end of each six weeks.
 If you need to make-up a test or quiz you need to make an appointment with me.
 If you need extra help you need to make an appointment with me.
Tutorials are offered to those who ask for it!!!!
 There are NO retake or corrections offered! You will know ahead of time when a
quiz or test will be taken place. Always read the board! 
Note from the teacher:
I will lead a respectful and disciplined classroom. To achieve this I have established a few simple expectations
and procedures that I want you to know and understand so that we can have a good learning environment. As a
student, it is your responsibility to comply with these expectations and procedures. If you decide not to comply,
there will be logical consequences. By reinforcing these expectations and procedures, I promise to you fairness
and order in our classroom.
Classroom Management:
During the first week of school you will be instructed as to what is expected of you. If you fail to follow the procedures
you will receive a detention notice and be required to serve a lunch D-hall in my class during the first 10 minutes of your
lunch period. You have 2 days to serve your detention. If you do not serve your detention you will be written up and
serve the detentions with your assistant principal. If you are assigned working lunch, detentions must be served before
going to working lunch.
Any student who severely disrupts class (verbal or physical abuse, throwing objects, etc.) will be referred
to the office immediately.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name ________________________ Date___________
Teacher: Sra Perez
Class______ Lunch______
Detention Notice
1. When the bell rings:
a. Sit down
b. Stop talking********
c. Face the front and give me two eyes/ begin bell work
2. Put your backpack or purse under your chair and these items on your desk
a. Writing utensil
b. Notebook
c. And/or any materials listed on the board
3. Make quick and quiet transitions when moving from one activity to the next.
4. Be respectful to everyone and the class room
a. Verbal and body language(includes inappropriate language and rolling of eyes)
b. Do not distract others
c. No uninvited talking
d. Do not sit or write on the desk
5. Produce a good work product and do not stop working until all of your work is complete. Only Spanish
work is allowed in Spanish class.
6. (Other)______________________________________________________________________
Closing procedures:
1. I dismiss the class – not the bell.
2. All materials must be returned in an organized manner to their proper location.
You are expected 100% compliance 100% of the time! 
Let’s have a great year!! 
Hints for being successful in Spanish I
Study vocabulary words daily for 10 minutes
A. Look over vocabulary lists
B. Make flashcards (Spanish on one side; English on the other or use your cell phone!)
C. Power point presentations
1. Google Mrs. Shirley’s website or enter the following
choose PowerPoint presentations
choose realidades level 1
follow online instructions for saving each chapter’s PowerPoint
put the presentation on a 5 or 6 second loop to study words
a. open the PowerPoint
b. under the heading slide show, choose slide transition
c. on the right hand side, select seconds and automatic
d. apply to all slides
e. view PowerPoint
*you can also save power points for grammar notes
D. Online practice using web codes from text book
1. Every two or three pages in our textbook, you will see a web code at the bottom of the page
2. Go to www. phschool.com
3. Type in the web code when prompted—jdd-0001. Some type of practice with adjectives will
come up.
E. Audio Files-these can be downloaded to MP3 players
1. Textbook pg. xxxviii-go online to www. phschool.com
2. type in the web code for whichever chapter you want to practice
3. currently, we are on para empezar-so type in jcd-0099
4. you will hear each of the dialogues that were presented in class from pages 2-23
F. ***********Participate- Not an option!
1. make an effort to be in class- listening and speaking are difficult to make up
2. Repeat/practice saying the words and ask questions
Get help!
1. If you are struggling, tutorials are available. You can also make appointments with me either before
school, after school or during activity period.
Note: You will not be given a textbook to take home so it is vital that you keep your spiral notebook
organized and current so that you have all the material needed to study with!!!!! If you need a
textbook, please see Mr. Singleton and he will check one out to you.