Chapter VII. Acid –Base Disturbance Section 1. Acid-Base Balance Section 2. Simple types of acid-base disturbance Section 3. Mixed Acid-base Disturbance 1 Section 1. Acid-Base Balance (1) Sources of acid and base (2) Regulation of acid-base balance (3) Laboratory parameters of acid-base balance 2 Homeostasis is very important for life. Acid-base balance is one of the major requirements ( volume, osmolarity of the body fluid, etc.). The basic meaning of acid-base balance is the stable [H+] in the body fluid. 3 (1) Sources of acid and base The main origin of acid and base is the intracellular metabolism (catabolism of protein, carbohydrate and fat). 4 Two kinds of acids are formed from metabolism: 1) volatile acid, 2) nonvolatile acid. The volatile acid is the acid, which can be eliminated from lung (respiration). The nonvolatile acid has to be eliminated from kidneys within urine. 5 1) Volatile acid The CO2 is the end-product of oxidative metabolism of protein, carbohydrate and fat. The daily production of H+ (H2CO3) is 13~15(20) Mol. H2CO3 can be dissociated to form hydration (H2O) and CO2. CA (carbonic anhydrase) H2CO3 ←--→H2O+ CO2 The CO2 can be eliminated from pulmonary expiration, so H2CO3 is volatile acid. 6 2) unvolatile acid (fixed acid) Uric acid, phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) are the products in the metabolic process of proteins and nuclear acids. Lactic acid and ketonic bodies(βhydroxybutyric acid β-羟丁酸and acetoacetic acid 乙 酰乙酸) can be formed from the metabolic process of carbohydrate and fat as intermediate products, when the oxygen supply is not sufficiency. ([H+]=70~100 mmol/ per day) 7 3) Base The production of acid (H2CO3, organic acids) is much more than the production of base (deamination of AA―>NH3) from the metabolism in normal diet. The vegetables, and fruits also contains some base (such as citrate (柠檬酸 盐) oxalateis(草酸盐) the H+ acceptor ). Citrate + H+ = citric acid 8 (2) Regulation of acid-base balance 1) 2) 3) 4) Chemical buffers Respiratory regulation Renal regulation Cellular regulation 9 1) Chemical buffers Buffer pair (buffer system) consists of a weak acid and its’ salt, such as NaHCO3 Na2HPO4 Hb- PrHbO-2 ----------- ------------ ----- ----- ---------H2CO3 NaH2PO4 HHb HPr HHbO2 H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) + NaHCO3 = Na2SO4 + H2CO3 A strong acid (H2SO4, HCl) become a weak acid after combining to NaHCO3 -. A strong base becomes a weak base after combining to H2CO3. Minimal changes of [H+ ]. Immediately available (first defense line) 10 buffer system the % account ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------HCO-3/H2CO3 53% Hb-/HHb HbO-2/HHbO2 35% Pr-/HPr 7% Phosphate 5% -------------------------------------------------------NaHCO3 can be effectively eliminated by kidneys and (H2CO3 ←→H2O + CO2) CO2 can be effectively eliminated by the lung. HCO-3/H2CO3 is the most important buffer pair. 11 2) Respiratory regulation Increased PaCO2 (>60mmHg, 8kPa) decreases pH of ESF, which can stimulate the respiratory center via central chemoreceptors and increase the depth of respiration (hyperventilation, tidal volume increased). 12 High PaCO2 Low pH of ESF via central chemoreceptors stimulate the respiratory center increase the depth of respiration more carbon dioxide can be eliminated from lung normal PaCO2 normal pH 13 Increased PaCO2 (>60mmHg, 8kPa) and decreased pH can both stimulate the respiratory center via peripheral chemoreceptors and increase the depth of respiration (hyperventilation, tidal volume increased). More CO2 can be eliminated from lung, so that the [H2CO3] in blood will fall to normal range, the pH will increase to normal by regulate the ratio of [HCO3-] and [H2CO3] . 14 Higher pH and low PaCO2 will inhibit the respiratory center, the depth of respiration will decrease (hypoventilation), the CO2 will increase in the blood, then [H2CO3] in blood will increase to normal and pH will decrease. 15 Characteristic of respiratory compensation (a) Timeliness. The respiratory response begins within several minutes. The respiratory response often takes 30 minutes for the respiratory compensation. 12~24 hours to get maximal compensation. 16 (b) The degree of ventilatory response ([H2CO3],PaCO2) is proportional to the degree of metabolic acidosis or alkalosis ([HCO3¯ ]). The degree of compensation (decrease of [H2CO3]) may be predicted by the decreased level of [HCO3¯ ]. Some equations have been developed for the prediction. There is s maximum of limitation of compensation Significance. 17 (c) Normal PaCO2 = 40 mmHg 40―>60mmHg: stimulates respiratory center. 80 mmHg―>: inhabits respiratory center. (CO2 narcosis, CO2麻醉) 18 3) Renal regulation Renal compensation begins from several hours after the addition of acid load, and it may take 3~5 days to reach the maximum of this compensatory capacity. Kidneys play a major role in the regulation of pH in the body. The renal regulation consists of two processes. 19 (a) Excretion of acids a)Secretion of H+, NH4+ b)Excrete all the nonvolatile acid (70~100 mmol/ per day) produced from catabolism of food. (b) Reabsorb properly the bicarbonate filtered from glomerulus. When the pH is decreased, more bicarbonate needs to be reabsorbed. If the pH is increased, more bicarbonate will be eliminated. 20 Mechanisms of H+excretion and HCO3– reabsorption: ① in proximal tubule: Via Na+ - H+ antiportor (NHE反向转运体) Via actively secretion of H+ Via secretion of NH3/NH4+ ② in distal tubule+collecting duct H+ -ATPase H+ -K+ATPase Cl- -HCO3- exchanger 21 ① in proximal tubule: (a)Na+-H+反向转运体antiportor NHE 细胞内CA碳酸酐酶催化H2O+CO2形成H2CO3, 再解离为H+ 和HCO3管腔膜有Na+ -K+ ATP酶保持低[Na+]i(浓度差),促经NHE,细胞内H+进小管液, 小管液Na+进肾小管细胞, 再结合HCO3 -,经基侧膜Na+ -HCO3 -载体同向重吸收, 结果: 小管上皮细胞向管腔液分泌1mol H+,同时血浆增1mol HCO3- 肾小管细胞内CO2来自于肾小管 腔.管腔内CO2来自于上游HCO3 实为血液中HCO3-,滤过后重吸收. 由NHE排出的H+,和HCO3 -形成 H2CO3,再形成CO2,也被重吸收入肾小 管上皮细胞. 最终只有H2O排出. 22 ① in proximal tubule: (b) Actively secretion of H+ 通过管腔膜H+ATP酶主动耗能将H+ 分泌至肾小管腔内. 尿液酸化. 23 ① in proximal tubule: (c)Via secretion of NH3/NH4+ 谷氨酰胺在谷氨酰 胺酶(GT)作用下,形成谷 氨酸, 再形成NH3和α-酮 戊二酸, 后者再形成 HCO3-。 NH3+H+形成NH4+ , 由Na+-H+反向转运体 (NHE)进入小管液。 HCO3-经基侧膜Na+ HCO3-载体同向重吸收。 24 非离子扩散形式泌NH3 : 肾小管中的NH4+在 髓袢升支粗段再分解为 H+和NH3, H+通过NHE (Na+-H+反向交换体) 泌出,而NH3弥散到集 合管,与集合管上皮泵 出的H+形成NH4+排出。 使尿液进一步酸化. NH4+是水溶性. 25 ② in distal tubule+collecting duct α闰细胞(泌氢细胞)非 Na+依赖性向管腔泌H+ 在管腔膜通过: (a) H+-ATP酶向管腔泌H+; (b) H+-K+ ATP酶泌H+换K+ 使尿液酸化(H2PO4-和NH4+增 多) 在基侧膜经交换Cl-,回吸 收HCO3-进血。 β闰细胞通过基侧膜H+ATP酶向血液排H+ ;通过管腔 膜向管腔排HCO3-与Cl-交换, 使尿液碱化。 26 Phosphate There are two kinds of phosphate in urine: (1) dibasic form (Na2HPO4 ) and (2) monobasic form (NaH2PO4 ). Na2HPO4 + H+ ←→ NaH2PO4 + Na+ 27 Most of the phosphate in the glomerular filtrate is dibasic form (Na2HPO4 ) with buffering function. There is more NaH2PO4 in the final urine as the result of combining H+. When the final urine pH is 4.8, 99% of phosphate is NaH2PO4 at the same time the more NaHCO3 is reabsorpted. 28 4) Cellular regulation (a) H+-K+ exchange (b) Cl¯ - HCO3¯ exchange (c) Utilizing of bone salt (d) Synthesis of urea from NH3 29 (a) H+-K+ exchange When [H+] in ECF (serum) is increased, the H+ will move into the cells, as a exchange for electrical neutrality, K+ will shift from ICF to the ECF. So the pH of ECF (serum) will increase to normal, but hyperkalemia may occur. 30 (b) Cl ¯ - HCO3¯ exchange When CO2 in ECF(serum) is increased, CO2 will move into the cells, CO2 combines H2O to form carbonic acid, then H2 CO3 dissociates to form H+ and HCO3¯ , the HCO3¯ moves out of the RBC,for neutrality, Cl ¯ moves into the cells. 31 © Utilizing of bone salt In chronic metabolic acidosis, bone salt, Ca3(PO4), is also utilized as a buffer base, but the expense is decalcification of bone and osteoporosis (loose and soft bone). Ca3(PO4)2 + 4H+ ←→ 3 Ca2+ + 2 H2PO4 ¯ Is it a good way of regulating acid-base balance ? (d) Synthesis of urea from NH3 in liver cells. 32 (4) Laboratory parameters of acid-base balance 1) pH 2) PaCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood) 3) Standard bicarbonate (SB) Actual bicarbonate (AB) 4) Buffer base (BB) 5) Base excess (BE) 6) Anion gap (AG) 33 1) pH pH is the negative logarithm (-log) of [H+] in a solution. [H+]=40nmol/L (pH=7.4) The normal range in artery blood =7.35~7.45 (7.41) The survival range of pH=6.8~7.8 According to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation: The pKa is the dissociation constant of carbonic acid (=6.1) 34 24 [HCO3 ¯ ] metabolic factor pH =6.1+ log --------------------------------------1.2 [H2CO3] respiratory factors 20 = 6.1+ log---------- =6.1+1.3=7.4 1 The pH is determined by the ratio of [HCO3¯ ] 20 --------------=--------[H2CO3] 1 No matter how the absolute amounts of HCO3¯ and H2CO3 change, once the ratio remains 20/1, the pH would be 7.4 (normal). 35 24 [HCO3 ¯ ] metabolic factor pH =6.1+ log --------------------------------------1.2 [H2CO3] respiratory factors The primary changes determines the nature of the acid-base imbalance. The purpose of secondary change is to restore the pH. According to the pH: compensatory acid-base disturbances decompensatory acid-base disturbances 36 Clinical significance (anticoagulant artery blood, insulation of air) A normal range of pH may represent three different situations: ① acid-base balance; ② compensatory acidosis or alkalosis; (causes??) ③ a mixed decompensatory acidosis and decompensatory alkalosis. 37 (教材106页表下一段有错) pH<7.35 decompensatory acidosis acidemia (causes??) pH>7.45 decompensatory alkalosis alkalemia (causes??) 38 2) PaCO2 CO2 in blood: (a) 23% HbCO2 in RBC (b) 70% HCO3- in plasma (c) 7% CO2 molecule in plasma PaCO2 is the tension of CO2 caused by CO2 molecule movement. The normal range = 33~46(40) mmHg (4.39~6.25 kPa). PaCO2 is almost equal to PACO2. 39 The capability of normal lung to eliminate CO2 is very good. CO2 retention will not occur with normal ventilation. Generally speaking, the PaCO2 is determined mainly by the respiration, so the PaCO2 is called the “respiratory factor”. Higher PaCO2 is due to the inhibition of respiration. Lower PaCO2 is due to overventilation. 40 Significance PaCO2>46mmHg Primary increase: respiratory acidosis Secodary increase: metabolic alkalosis (compensated by lung) PaCO2<33mmHg Primary decrease: respiratory alkalosis Secodary decrease: metabolic acidosis (compensated by lung) Normal PaCO2 means ??? 41 3) Actual bicarbonate (AB) Standard bicarbonate (SB), The normal [HCO3¯ ] is 22~27(24) mmol/L. AB is measured under “actual condition” in which both respiratory factor and metabolic factor affected the [HCO3¯ ]. CO2 +H2O=H2CO3=H++HCO3 ¯ 42 SB is measured under “standard condition” (temperature 37~38℃, full oxygenation of hemoglobin, PaCO2 = 40 mmHg). Standard condition means that the respiratory factor is eliminated, then the [HCO3¯ ] is only affected by metabolic factor. Higher SB means metabolic alkalosis or respiratory acidosis compensated by kidneys. Low SB means metabolic acidosis or respiratory alkalosis compensated by kidneys. 43 Normally the AB=SB. If AB>SB (CO2 retention), the reason must be the effect of respiratory factor, which indicates respiratory acidosis or metabolic alkalosis compensated by lung. 44 If AB<SB (CO2 depletion), the reason must be the respiratory factor, which means respiratory alkalosis or the metabolic acidosis compensated by lung. CO2 +H2O=H2CO3=H++HCO3- 45 4) Buffer base (BB) Sum of all buffer basees in blood In plasma: HCO3 ¯ =24 Protein¯ =17 In RBC: Hb¯ HbO2¯ =6.3 HPO4 2¯ =1.0 BB=45~55 mmol/L Determined by metabolic factors 46 Significance Normal BB: acid-base balance metabolic acidosis + metabolic alkalosis Increased BB: metabolic alkalosis Decreased BB: metabolic acidosis 47 5) Base excess (BE) Under “standard condition” (temperature 37~38℃, full oxygenation of hemoglobin, PaCO2 = 40 mmHg), titrate the whole blood to pH7.4 with how much acid or base (mmol/L). If with acid, there is must more base (excess) in the blood, BE is expressed with positive value If with base, there is must more acid (deficit) in the blood, BE is expressed with negative value Normal BE= -3.0~+3.0 the BE. Only metabolis factor determines In metabolic alkalosis the positive BE increases. In metabolic acidosis the negative BE increases. 48 6) Anion gap (AG) AG=UA-UC Determined cation Na+ Cl - Determined anion HCO3 - undetermined cations UC UA undetermined anions 49 The AG can be calculated by: UA+ HCO3¯ + Cl¯ =UC+Na+ UA-UC=Na+-(Cl¯ + HCO3¯ ) The normal range is 10~14 mmol/L. AG indicates those anions, other than HCO3¯ and Cl¯, which is required to counterbalance Na+. Na+ Cl - HCO3 UC - AG UA 50 Actually the AG represents the proteins with negative charge, phosphate, sulfate and organic anions (lactic acid, keto-acid, etc.). An increased AG is the same meaning as the accumulation of nonvolatile acids in the body and must be the metabolic acidosis. 51 Significance (a) For the classification of metabolic acidosis a)metabolic acidosis with normal AG ( with increased Cl ¯ ) and b) metabolic acidosis with high AG (with normal Cl ¯). (b) Diagnosis of mixed acid-base imbalances 52 Reported by special instrument with expensive reagents. CO2CP indicates the [HCO3¯ ] in venous blood sample under “actual condition”, that can be measured easily without expensive instrument. 53