using evidence from the book to prove your answers. Provide a

QVIC – The Maze Runner
Chapters 41-Epilogue
Questions: Create three higher level questions after
reading this section/ chapter:
Vocabulary: Complete the following:
Word #1:
Page #
Part of Speech:
Affixes: (choose two, write the word and underline the affix)
Synonym or antonym: (underline the one used)
Word #2:
Page #
Part of speech:
Affixes: (choose two, write the word and underline the affix)
Synonym or antonym: (underline the one used)
Imagery/Figurative Language: Find three examples. Label
Connections: Use one of the following connections text to
the type, write the sentence/phrase, and page number.
text, text to self, or text to world. Be sure to include which
type of connection and how it connects to you.
Student Response
Discussion Questions: Answer each question in a complete sentence
using evidence from the book to
prove your answers. Provide a quote for each answer!
1. One of the essential functions of the hero myth is to “find one’s self”. How does Thomas’s past start to
conflict with his present? How does he try to reconcile these differences?
2. Thomas is afraid of how the Gladers might react when he tells them the truth about his past, but they
take the news well. Why don’t they react in a negative manner? What heroic traits did Thomas display?
3. What sins have the Creators committed against the boys, and girl, in the Glade?
4. In this section, how does Thomas develop into a more mythological type hero? Give examples of the Epic Hero
Cycle characteristics Thomas displays.
5. Looking back at the novel, how is Chuck’s death foreshadowed? Why was Chuck’s sacrifice important?
6. What else did Thomas lose when Chuck died besides a friend? Do you think Chuck was Thomas’s biological
brother? How was this implied throughout the book?
7. What did Thomas do to Gally? What did you as a reader learn about Thomas from this incident?
8. What did Chuck’s character begin to symbolize in this book? What do Thomas and Teresa symbolize?
9. Teresa doesn’t just trigger the ‘ending’, but also triggers Thomas into becoming his true self. How does she do
this and what affects has Teresa had on Thomas?
10. Was Thomas sent in just to save the Gladers, or does he have a greater purpose? How do you know and what
evidence supports your opinion?