Return this initialed and the signed Lab Safety

A, D, and F Blocks
Course Description: Students will develop a conceptual framework for modern biology and an appreciation for the
process of science. Since the body of scientific knowledge continues to grow rapidly, it is impossible to cover all of
the concepts of biology in a one year introductory course. Honors Biology will focus on developing a basic
understanding of the following topics, time permitting: the organization of living organisms, cell structure and
function, photosynthesis, cell respiration, cell growth and division, genetics, DNA, RNA, proteins, evolution,
classification and the diversity of life on Earth, as well as animal and human organ systems.
Text: Biology, Miller and Levine, 2010 edition (Parrot on cover.)
Do not ask for any extra work to improve your grade.
Tests: A test will be given every 2 to 3 weeks. The test calendar will be strictly followed.
Students will know of tests in advance, therefore, each student is responsible for being prepared on the day of a
test. In the event of an absence in the days before a test, and if NO new material was covered during your absence, you
will take the test the day you return. If new material was covered, you will take the test the day after you return.
Significantly different tests or quizzes may be given to late takers. Make-ups will be given upon return to school in a study
hall or after school, but NOT during class time.
Quizzes and Laboratories: Short quizzes will be given about once a week and may be announced or
unannounced. Quizzes will test for completion and understanding of assigned readings, laboratories, and
homework. Hand-written notes and homework may sometimes be allowed on certain sections of quizzes.
Laboratories will be scheduled throughout the year to provide hands-on learning of concepts. See attached
safety agreement for further details.
Assignments: In class assignments and homework will be given a few times weekly. The use of the textbook will be
an important source of information, as well as the student’s own notes taken during class lectures and laboratories.
Take home assignments are due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date. Late work will RECEIVE A
PENALTY (1 letter grade per day, ‘F’ after 4 days, ‘Z’ if not turned in after 2 weeks from Due Date).
Performance: Accounts for 5% of your grade and includes: participation in all activities, following rules, being
prepared, cooperative and on-task, following cell phone rules, and treating all people and materials with respect.
Breach of safety rules or misconduct in the classroom may result in removal from class, a grade of Z (-6) on the lab
or class activity, a phone call home, and/or administrative action.
Projects: At least one project will be assigned during each semester. Projects will involve research in and out of
class. MLA-format bibliographies for sources from which information is obtained must be submitted with each
project. The graded weight of project will vary and will be made clear when project is assigned.
My Webpage: Most assignments will be posted on my faculty page, however DO NOT depend solely on this for
communication. Due dates, quiz/test content, and assignments may be altered or assigned during class and may not
always directly coincide with information on faculty page. Listen in class and read the board! I will also be posting
most lectures, notes and due dates. Call a friend if you are unsure. #___________________________________
Questions/Help: If you would like to meet for a quick question or help, I will be available in F-3 or the science
office most mornings from 7:40-7:50 AM, most afternoons from 3:10-3:30 PM and during Break. See below
regarding communication via email.
Communication: For important communications (ie: need to reschedule a test, delay of an assignment due date,
missing a class) see me in advance in person at the times listed above. Do not assume I have received and read your
email unless you get a response. Do not assume I will get your email before that day’s class. The only way to be
sure is to talk to me personally.
I can only respond to student emails sent from their Maclay email accounts. All other emails are ignored.
All rules and guidelines set forth in the Maclay School Handbook,
the Lab Safety agreement, and by the teacher will be followed.
General Guidelines and Classroom Rules:
o BE IN CLASS: It’s simple. Show up, take notes, and participate.
o BE ON TIME: Be in your seat when the bell rings with assignments completed and out. Tardies will
negatively affect your grade. Bring me your excused passes, I am the only person who can excuse
you from an absence or tardy in my class. If I don’t see the pass within 3 weeks, then you will remain
unexcused and suffer the grade point deduction at the end of the grading period.
o BE PREPARED: Bring your own Biology textbook, binder and note paper, a writing utensil, and
any prepared work. Without these materials, it will be difficult to follow class lectures and
discussions or to complete classroom assignments. Not being prepared will also result in a grade
deduction from your performance grade.
o NO ELECTRONIC devices allowed, iPods, cell phones, etc. (unless permission granted by me for
each incidence) Place devices in phone basket or keep in locker. If seen, devices will be taken and
given to Mr. Beamer.
o BE RESPONSIBLE and take responsibility for doing your own work. All answers to questions in
all Biology work should be in the student’s own words, not their partner’s words and not from
another source. Copying answers is considered plagiarism and is a violation of the Maclay School
Honor Code. Students may only share data collected with their partners during a lab.
o RESPECT, HONESTY, and SAFETY are of the utmost importance in this class. Please and
Thank you’s are expected. Absolutely NO TALKING while teacher or other students are talking.
Please read these policies as well as the attached laboratory safety agreement and photography permission.
Return this initialed and the signed Lab Safety Agreement form by Wednesday, August
21, 2013 as the first assignment grade of the school year.
Initial here if read_________
Parents initial here if read _______
***If you are interested in conducting a science fair experiment this year,
please see Mrs. King for the guidelines and timeline***