Book Report - Humanities 2210: Ancient World through Renaissance

Paloma Rodriguez (
Humanities 2210: Ancient World through the Renaissance
Book Review
For this assignment you will have to write a 600 word essay about a work of literature related to
class material. You will have to choose a book (a historical novel or a primary source) and write a
report about it showing your ability to connect the information learned in class with your reading.
-Relate the content and ideas discussed in class to your reading.
-Produce a piece of writing that shows good quality both in content and style.
Paper needs to be 600 word long minimum and 1000 maximum. It needs to be typed in a
standard font (Arial, Times New Roman, 12 pts), and double spaced.
Identify the reading and briefly place it in its historical context: author, date, time, location.
Identify the main theme and provide a very brief summary of the plot. (Do not use more
than 100 words to summarize the plot).
Relate the themes in the book to class material: how did the book modified, amplified or
reinforced ideas you have learned in class? What are the themes in the book? How do the
themes in the book relate or represent the values and customs of the civilization it seeks to
portray? Or if you have read an authentic source, how do the themes in the book relate to
the values and customs of the civilization that produced it?
Explain your personal opinion about the reading: what did this reading mean for you? What
aspects of it surprised you? To whom would you recommend the book and why?
Find a work you would like to read. Below are some suggestions. You can use one of them
for your paper, or propose your own choice. If you chose a reading that is not in the list
below, discuss your choice with me before you start reading it. You can email me your
choice or talk to me about it in my office or after class. If you are dissatisfied with your book
once you start reading, talk to me about switching to another work.
You cannot choose a book you have read before. The purpose of this assignment is that
you discover something new.
Reading List
A. Primary sources
Feeling adventurous? Read one of the books featured in your textbook or choose one of these very
entertaining works:
Homer Odyssey
A Greek tragedy Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex, or Antigone, Euripides’ Medea
A Greek Comedy (Aristophanes’ Pluto)
Greek History: Herodotus: History (from Egypt to the Persian Wars)
A Greek novel: Daphnis and Chloe (very romantic and sexy)
Chaereas and Chalirrhoe (A Hellenistic novel of love and adventure. It has
pirates, lovers, riches, ransoms, exotic lands and, of course, a happy
ending…so over the top it is funny)
Epic and Mythology:
Virgil’s Aeneid (books 1-4 and 6) -from Troy to Carthage: war, voyage, love,
duty and…Hell.
Ovid Metamorphoses (Greco-Roman Myths: divine violence and
Love and Hate:
Catullus’ poems. Learn how to love Roman style and how to demolish your
rivals with the most vitriolic type of invective. (You will not believe what
Catullus has to say about Julius Caesar...)
Plautus – Read any of his comedies: Amphitryon, The Pot of Gold,
Menaechmi… young lovers, severe fathers, witty slaves, pirates and pimps,
lots of confusion and a happy ending.
Apuleius The Golden Ass - A Roman novel: Lucius is transformed into an ass
by an evil witch and he moves from owner to owner finding bandits, priests,
sex, dark magic and final redemption. Excellent introduction to mystery cults.
A favorite among students who are good readers.
Livy (Roman legends, Punic Wars), Tacitus (house of Augustus)
B. Historical Novels
Auel, Jean M. The Clan of the Cave Bear, New York: Bantam, 1991.
A series of books about life in Prehistoric times. Strong female characters.
Accurate depiction of life at the time. Warning: the book contains references
to sexual violence.
Mika Waltari The Egyptian, 1949.
A fantastic historical novel. Excellent portrayal of daily life not only in
Ancient Egypt , but also in Crete and the Middle East. Very relevant for this
Mary Renault is a fabulous writer of historical novels set in Ancient Greece.
Choose one of these novels about Alexander the Great:
Fire from Heaven, The Persian Boy, or Funeral Games
If you are interested in the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur,
choose one of these:
The king Must Die or The Bull from the Sea
If you want to learn about Greek literature, read:
The Mask of Apollo (about a Greek actor and Greek theater) or
The Praise Singer (about a poet and the intellectual and political life
on Ancient Greece)
If you are interested in the Peloponnesian Wars and in Greek
homoeroticism, read The Last of the Wine
If you have read Homer’s Odyssey and you would like to read a historical
novel based on it try Robert Graves, Homer’s daughter. There is adventure
and a strong female character.
Robert Graves, I Claudius
Political intrigue and murder in the house of Augustus. Probably my favorite
historical novel. A fine work of literature. You can also read the sequel
Claudius, the God.
Lindsey Davis, The Silver Pigs , Alexandria or any other Marcus Didius Falco
mystery. These Murder mystery novels set in imperial Rome. They are easy
and entertaining.
Robert Harris, Pompeii . This is a murder mystery set in Pompeii few days
before the eruption. It is a very easy reading, but not a great work of
literature. Several students have been disappointed by it.
Middle Ages:
Umberto Eco, Baudolino -life in Europe and the Middle East in the 13th
century: crusades, cathedral cities, emperors and popes… Entertaining and
full of adventure.