GSM INSTRUCTIONAL UPDATE 2015 SEPTEMBER 23, 2015 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES • UPDATED POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL UP ONLINE at gsm_pp_manual_revised_march_2015_w_edits_to_format.pdf 1. 440 (Project Course) – Now a 10 week (3 unit) course for all 3 locations. Required for all students admitted Fall 2014 or later. 2. Starting Fall 2015 – Hastings JD/ UC Davis MBA joint program. Same format as current UCD JD/UCD MBA joint program. First students will enroll Fall 2016. 3. Classes cancelled if fewer than 4 students enrolled, consistent with UCD campus policies regarding graduate courses. 4. Exemption of Required Courses: Students may be exempted from the requirement to take specific required core courses with the approval of the senate faculty member who is scheduled to teach (or regularly teaches) the course. Exemption will generally be by examination, but may, at the instructor’s discretion, be based on previous coursework. Exemption, if granted, does not lower total unit requirements. The student must be registered and in good academic standing in order to apply for exemption, and is required to take an equivalent number of units in place of the exempted course. Exemption does not lower the requirements pertaining to full-time study. IMPACT PROJECT COURSE UPDATE ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES CONTINUED 5. Scheduling Checks with DSAC • We now give the day/time schedule to the DSAC at all three locations for review 6 months prior to registration. Based on feedback, we may adjust the schedule. This helps prevent scheduling mishaps that we may not be attuned to (e.g., course conflicts between popular courses that we don’t anticipate). 6. Lunch and Dinner times in San Ramon • Lunch and Dinner in San Ramon will be at the scheduled times and last for 1 hour, even if everyone in the class “votes” to have meals for only 30 minutes. 7. What to do if you need to miss a class as an instructor • Planned absences – Inform Associate Dean for Instruction and Christina Lozano. • Emergency situations – Call Instructional and Operations Manager for the location of your class (Carroll Sandifor – San Ramon, Frances Lessman – Sacramento, Andy Fleisher – Davis) AACSB ASSURANCE OF LEARNING REVAMP SYLLABI Syllabus Construction • See Syllabus Checklist for important items needed in syllabus ATTENDANCE AND CLASS PARTICIPATION AS PART OF GRADE* Grading of class participation and attendance will be determined by individual faculty members. The measurement and value of class participation should be clearly spelled out in the course syllabus. Attendance alone (separate from participation) may also be used as a course requirement, but measurement and value must be made explicit. THIS IS NEW** and a GSM-wide policy on attendance will be discussed by Ed Policy this year. EXAMPLE: Class-participation and attendance (15% of grade): Students are expected to attend all classes and be prepared for class by completing assigned readings and cases. Students are also expected to actively participate in class discussions, group exercises, and position paper debates. Highly-rated class participation involves thoughtful comments and questions, not just “floor time” or repetition of facts from the readings. The following scheme is used to grade attendance and student participation in each class: 3 points: 2 points: 1 point: 0 points: -3 points: Excellent participation. Present and engaged in class. Also, several comments on point that further discussion. Good participation. Present and engaged in class. Also, at least one comment on point that furthers discussion. Satisfactory participation: Present and engaged in class, but no comments Absent with reasonable cause and advance notification; Absent without reasonable cause *Based on CERJ Directives from 2000 and 2015** (see Appendices attached READERS AND TEACHING ASSISTANTS: NEW POLICY COURSE MANAGEMENT 1. Waitlists – Do not promise that any student will be accepted from a waitlist. The GSM Registrar works to clear waitlists after registration has closed. At that time, we move around classrooms to ensure the max. possible students can be enrolled in our courses. Please also note that, unless a special enrollment cap has been approved by the Dean, class size = 60 or the size of the room (which ever is smaller). 2. Exam proctoring – Staff members are not allowed to proctor any exams. They may hand out and collect exams if the exam is done during their normal working hours. 3. Students requesting academic accommodations • A. The first time a student requests accommodation at UCD, s/he must meet with a Student Disability Center (SDC) counselor two weeks before the start of the quarter to establish eligibility • Ever quarter in which an accommodation is requested, the student should: • a) submit an online request for accommodation approximately two weeks before the quarter begins • b) contact the instructor to make alternative arrangements • c) create a written agreement with the instructor regarding the specific accommodation logistics • B. Informal accommodations arranged by a student and instructors without SDC authorization are not permitted 4. Plagiarism Software: Available to any instructor. Be aware: we have seen an uptick in plagiarism and cheating in the last few years. GRADING Grade Standards: Standards for grades awarded in all courses are as follows: A+: A premium grade, awarded in rare instances when a student has performed far above the standard expected for a class. A, A-: Awarded to students for outstanding performance, well above the standard for completion of the class. B+, B: Awarded to students who have fully met all the requirements of the class, B-: Given to students whose performance in a class has been deficient but exhibits basic understanding of the material. Grades of C+ and lower indicate serious deficiencies in performance. Grades of D+ and lower mean that the course units will not count toward degree requirements. Grade Distribution: Instructors set the grade distribution in their classes. In core classes, often half the students or more have a received a grade of B or B+. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) Grading: All GSM courses must be taken for a letter grade except those courses specifically designated with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading. Non-GSM courses taken for S/U grades do not count toward degree requirements. Grade Changes: In accordance with Academic Senate Regulations grades are final when filed with the Registrar. A grade can be changed only if a “clerical” or “procedural” error can be documented. No change of grade may be made on the basis of reassessment of the quality of the student’s work, or with the completion of additional work. Grade Submission: All instructors are required to submit their own grades via Smartsite or MyUCDavis. DO NOT SEND GRADES TO A STAFF MEMBER TO SUBMIT FOR YOU. COURSE EVALUATIONS 1. Online course evaluations • Ed Policy will review: (a) whether to continue online evaluations or allow paper evaluations, (b) revising evaluations comment section to provide more constructive feedback. 2. Response to course evaluations. Student leaders have told us that students want to know what we do with feedback given on course evaluations. • One option is to provide students with summary of changes made to course based on feedback from previous years. 1 UNIT COURSES * IF YOU PROPOSE A NEW 1 UNIT COURSE IT CANNOT REPLACE OR COMPLETELY OVERLAP WITH AN EXISTING 3 UNIT COURSE, UNLESS THAT COURSE IS BEING DISCONTINUED. ELECTIVE CURRICULUM REVIEW Step 1: Review current electives, compare to other schools, consider feedback on skills and knowledge gaps from recruiters. Based on this review, determine needed changes in elective offerings. - Kim will provide spreadsheets for this step. Step 2: FOR ADVISING PURPOSES: Based on new elective offerings, determine career tracks in: Marketing, Finance/Accounting, Strategy/Consulting, and industry tracks: e.g., healthcare, banking, real estate, private equity, etc. - Kim and Jim Stevens will work with faculty on this step. STUDENT CONDUCT & ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE Academic Review Panel. The Academic Review Panel deals with academic performance or conduct issues. It acts in an advisory and support capacity for students dealing with academic performance, and does not have formal authority to instate or remove students from Academic Probation or to impose sanctions for misconduct. It also provides recommendations on appropriate sanctions to Student Judicial Affairs for academic misconduct. The Academic Review Panel consists of the GSM Graduate Advisor, Associate Dean for Instruction, Senior Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, the Director of Academic and Student Services, and the Registrar. Violations. PLEASE TALK WITH THE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR INSTRUCTION FIRST. The Associate Dean for Instruction. acts as the ethics coordinator for the GSM in accordance with the School’s ethics policy. The coordinator and the relevant instructor(s) will determine the proper treatment for alleged violations of the school ethics policy, including, but not limited to, referring the case to Student Judicial Affairs (SJA). A. If SJA determines that academic misconduct has occurred, the GSM Academic Review Panel will meet and make a recommendation to the Dean on appropriate sanctions for the violation. B. The Dean will then make a final recommendation to SJA for the violation. C. SJA will make the final determination of the sanction, and will maintain authority over implementing and overseeing the sanction. All appeals of SJA sanctions will be handled by SJA. RESOURCES 1. GSM online faculty resource webpages 2. Student Disability Center – Information for Faculty on Accommodating Students with Disabilities 3. Online resources from the library 4. Associate Dean Kim Elsbach 5. Academic Operations and Planning (AcOpP) 6. Project and Instructional Resources (PIRO) 7. UCD Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning ( or 530-752-6050) 8. RAPS APPENDIX A: CERJ DIRECTIVE 2000 Dropping students for failure to attend class [Advice to Divisional Chair Jeffrey Gibeling 5/15/2000] CERJ finds no basis for an instructor assuming the authority to compel a duly registered student who meets the prerequisites of the class to drop the class for non-attendance. Attendance may be part of a student's evaluation, affecting the grade in the course. This would clearly be the case when class participation is an integral aspect of course material (e.g., conversational French). More generally, an instructor is free to decide what is gradable and what is not. So, attendance could be made mandatory with grades as the enforcement mechanism. However, due process and the regulations requiring syllabus distribution suggest that the grading rules must be set out in advance and not created as an ad hoc enforcement mechanism. APPENDIX B: CERJ DIRECTIVE 2015 CERJ_ADVICE_GRADING_BA SED_ON_ATTENDANCE_AND _PARTICIPATION_FINAL_031 015