
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico
Applied Workshop on Cloud Computing, and
Cyber Risk Assessment and Management
7, 8, and 9
of July, 2015 from 9:30 A.M. to 12:00 N.
E-mail address:
Stochastic Modeling and Simulation
of CLOUD Computing
To study and mimic the chronological events using the analytical
discrete-event simulation (DES) techniques so as to estimate the widely
used operational system Loss of Service index, (LoS) for Cloud systems
(Physical and Social CLOUD) in general. This will be executed both with
non-stochastic and stochastic modeling and simulation of CLOUD
Although the conventional reliability indices such as Loss of Load
Probability (LoLP) and Loss of Load Expected (LoLE) through
deterministic methods such as frequency-duration technique provide
some useful averaging information; it is very important that simulation
techniques be applied for small and large cloud systems where analytical
solutions are not feasible.
 rv : Random variable.
 LSD : Logarithmic series distribution.
 pdf : Probability density function.
 cdf : Cumulative probability density function.
 GB : Gigabyte (hardware storage capacity equal to 1 GB =1000 million bytes).
 MW : Megawatt (electric power capacity measure of a generator equal to 1
million watts).
 Poisson ^ LSD : Poisson compounded by logarithmic series distribution.
 Poisson ^ geometric : Poisson compounded by geometric distribution.
 xi : LSD r.v.
 θ : Correlation-like unknown parameter of the LSD rv, 0< θ <1.
 α : Parameter of the LSD, as a function of θ.
 X : Poisson ^ LSD r.v., i.e. sum of xi’ s which are LSD. Negative binomial rv for a
given assumption of k as a function of Poisson parameter.
 k : Parameter of the Poisson^LSD.
 q : Variance to mean ratio, a parameter of the Poisson^LSD.
 λ : Parameter of the Poisson.
 f : Frequency.
 d : Average duration time.
 NHRS : Number of hours studied in a year (usually 365 days=8760 hours).
 LoL : Loss of load or service event, when capacity cannot meet load
(service) demand plus outages at a given hour or cycle, whichever is used.
 LoLP : Loss of load (service) probability.
 LoSP=Load Surplus Probability
 LoLE : Loss of service Expected = LoLP × NHRS.
 TOTCAP : Installed total capacity for the isolated CLOUD computing
 Li : Service demand forecast r.v. at each discrete ith hour for the isolated
 Oi : Unplanned forced capacity outage r.v. at the ith hour.
 mi : Capacity margin r.v. at the ith hour, where mi<0 signifies a loss of load
hour; where mi = TOTCAP - O - Li all variables in GB (Giga-byte) or MW (Megawatt).
 CLOUD computing is a form of distributed computing offering resources
 This workshop presentation will review CLOUD computing fundamentals,
its operational modeling and the quantitative risk assessment of
sometimes neglected service quality metrics.
 Quantitative methods on the Quality of Service or conversely, Loss of
Service through the LOLP (Loss of Load Probability) or LOSP (Load Surplus
Probability) for customer satisfaction and unsatisfaction metrics of
reliability and security are proposed.
 The goal is to optimize the quality of a CLOUD operation and what
countermeasures to take so as to minimize threats to the service quality.
 CLOUD computing, a relatively new form of computing using services
provided through the largest network (Internet) has become a promising
and lucrative alternative to traditional in house IT computing services, and
provides computing resources (software and hardware) on-demand.
 All of these resources are connected to the Internet (through CLOUD) and
are provided dynamically to users as requested (see Figure in next slide).
 Some companies envision this form of computing as the major type of
service which will be demanded extensively in the next several decades.
Companies like Apple, Google, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Amazon and Yahoo
among many others have already made investments not only in research
but also in establishing CLOUD computing services.
Schematic Representations and Growth of Cloud Computing (to be Cont’d).
Three different groups of CLOUD services currently used are described and
Clients are offered
Infrastructure as a service
Virtualized servers, storage and Delivers
Software as a service
infrastructure via the Internet.
web-based interfaces.
through Increased uptime, no need to
maintain network; complete
complex programs including
security and privacy benefits.
Platform as a service
Operating system maintenance, Full and partial application
load balancing, scaling
that users can access and
utilize on line in collaboration
with others.
 The ‘CLOUD Risk Assessor and Manager’ (CLOURAM) provides the means to
assess and mitigate the unreliability or insecurity of a cyber-grid or any
cloud (remember the five utilities: 1)Cyber, 2)Electric Power, 3)Water,
4)Sewage, 5)Telecommunications) and depending on the nature of the
input data, whether the unwanted risk is occurring by chance failures due
to wear/tear or physical events or man-made maliciously implanted.
 It is an objective, probabilistic assessment using digital simulation that
mimics real-life operations, and not a subjective guess-work or qualitative
categorization such as high, medium or low with no cost implications.
Qualitative or descriptive Security or Reliability Metrics.
History of Theoretical Developments on CLOUD Modeling:
 In a 1990 publication, the distribution of the sum of negative-margin (loss of load)
hours in an isolated power system –another form of CLOUD, one of five utilitieswas approximated to be a limiting compound Poisson geometric process as the
sum of Markov Bernoulli random variables.
 Eight years earlier in 1982, the loss of load was approximated by an asymptotic
normal probability distribution function by the author.
 The parameters of Poisson ^ LSD, the mean and q-ratio (variance/mean), are
calculated by utilizing the well-known frequency and duration method as in (an
electric power generation) system reliability evaluation. These necessary
parameters of compound Poisson distribution are obtained from the popular
frequency and duration method pioneered by Hall, Ringlee and Wood in 1968,
later to be followed by Ayoub and Patton in 1970 and 1976 and documented by
Billinton et al.
MODELING: Frequency and Duration Method for the
Loss of Load or Service
Numerous works have been published on methods to compute (power)
system reliability indices, specifically LoLE.
One of the method is using mi = TOTCAP-Oi-Li, which indicates the capacity
(MW for power CLOUD or GB for Cyber CLOUD) balance or otherwise
known as reserved capacity MARGIN at each discrete step i, where the
realization {mi} assumes either a positive margin, negative margin or a tie.
The quantities m1, m2,...,mN are the MARGIN values at hourly steps where a
positive margin denotes a non-deficient state and negative margin denotes
a deficient state. Margin at a discrete hour is the difference between the
total generating capacity (TOTCAP) and the service demand (hourly peak
load forecast, Li) plus unplanned forced capacity outages, Oi.
Frequency and Duration Method for the Loss of
Load or Service
A few select papers have treated the issue in a stochastic sense where the
number of loss of load or service expected hours in a year (LoLE = LoLP ×
NHRS) was expressed in terms of a pdf.
The usual approach is to compute the required parameters of the capacity
model from the parameters of individual generating units and then to
combine the capacity model with the load model to compute the desired
reliability indices.
As a result, frequency times average duration yields the loss of load hours
in a time period usually taken as a year, i.e., f (number of outages per year)
× d (number of hours per outage) = LoLE (Loss of Load or Service hours
expected per year). One obtains the parameters of the Poisson ( ) and
Logarithmic Series, LSD ( ), from the frequency-duration method.
Negative Binomial Distribution as a Compound
Poisson Model
Any pure Poisson process with no specific compounding distribution in
mind has inter-arrival times (e.g. between customer arrivals in a shopping
mall) as negative-exponentially distributed with a rate.
If the mean breakdown arrival rate is given as , then the compound Poisson
probability of X = x1 + x2+ x3+... demands within a time interval or period t
over total arrivals is given by,
Negative Binomial Distribution for the Loss of
Load or CLOUD Service Expected
Objective of this subsection is to characterize the distribution function for
the sum of negative-margin hours or Loss of Load (LoLE) in an isolated
power generating or Cloud computing system. The proposed model makes
use of the frequency-duration method to deduce information on the
average length of a deficient state and its frequency of occurrence. A
deficient hour is likely to invite a following deficient activity as a
consequence of a true contagion.
Finally LOLE= f * d, letting E(x) = d = (q-1)/ln(q). One obtains the q value
through a nonlinear solution algorithm as in a nonlinear “NewtonRaphson” solution technique. Let =f, where the Poisson λ is equal to the
frequency of loss of load:
f= k ln(q)
LOLE = f * d = k (q-1)
We will consider two different sizes and three different examples:
1) Small size or experimental cyber system with only 2 groups and a total of
two units (one unit per group)
and two large size cyber systems composed of
2) 24 groups with a total of 348 units and
3) 103 groups with a total of 443 units. Let’s take them one at a time.
First an experimental small-sample analysis is presented to cover the
essential theory behind the large systems.
Small Sample Experimental Systems
In this Graph, we represent, the operation of each unit (Units 1 and 2 for
Capacity vs. Time), during the entire time period of the study, which is 13 hours
or cycles. We represent the operation of the entire system via the addition of
the two one gigabyte units, with units (or components) 1 and 2 where 1=UP
(available) and 0=DOWN (unavailable).
Small Sample Experimental Systems
For our small experimental cyber system model as in the figure shown in next
slide, we consider the basic operational case as in Figure 1 similar to what is
shown in the following equations.
U1(t) = 1, 0 ≤ t <4 and 7 < t ≤ 10
= 0, elsewhere
U2(t) = 1, 0 ≤ t < 2; 3 ≤ t < 6 and 9 ≤ t < 12
= 0, elsewhere
U3(t) = 2, 0 ≤ t < 2; 3 ≤ t < 4 and 9 ≤ t < 10
= 1, 2 ≤ t < 3; 5 ≤ t < 6; 7 ≤ t < 9 and 10 ≤ t < 12
= 0, elsewhere
Negative Binomial Distribution for the Loss of
Load or CLOUD Service Expected
The parameters involved in our simple experimental model are given as follows:
 Disruption (Forced Failure) Rate caused by security breaches: λ (or γ).
 Mean time to Disruption (Forced Failure) : m = 1/ λ. = MTTF
 Recovery Rate: µ. The frequency with which a system recovers from a
security breach.
Mean Recovery (Repair) time: r = 1/µ.
Availability: P = µ/ (µ + λ).
Unavailability: P = λ/ (µ + λ) = 1- µ/ (µ + λ).
Installed Unit Capacity: C. It refers to maximum unit generation or
production capacity.
Demand of Service or LOAD: D. Total service demand for the entire system.
Negative Binomial Distribution for the Loss of
Load or CLOUD Service Expected
Two Component CLOUD System examples.
An initial study is designed for a
constant demand (or service), but a
more realistic variable demand will be
considered for larger-scale systems.
Here unit capacity and service (or
demand) are measured in terms of
computing cycles (e.g., flops) with the
Gigabytes (GB) representing the
capacity or storage.
Negative Binomial Distribution for the Loss of
Load or CLOUD Service Expected
The service demand is assumed to be constant and equal to 1.5 GB. The
results for the small-scale experimental system availability from the Figure in
above slide for UP State: U3(t) = 2 (larger than 1.5 GB) is 4/13 = 0.307.
Markov States for a small Cyber System and
Markov state space analytical equations
Large Cybersystems
 Assume now that there is a very large system to examine like those in
reference such as an interconnected power generation system or a
Cybersystem (Cyber-CLOUD) in a server farm with 103 production
groups, each of which has a given number of components, i.e. totaling
443 servers and each with its own distinct repair crew: one per server.
 Total installed capacity is 26237 Gigabytes. A Java coded CLOURA
simulates the cyber grid for 10,000 runs covering 8760 cycles (or h for
hours) resulting in LOLP=13.71%.
 The service demand as a varying load for an annual period of 8760 h is
available, and given in the Figure in the next slide in Gigabytes.
 TDCU(Total Demand Cycles Unit)=EPU(due to installed capacity)-EUPU
(or LOLE due to failing to serve b/c of outages)+ESPU(or LSE due to
unfailing surplus units) yielding to 126.3million ≈ 126.3 million flops.
In the l.h.s. outcome column, simulation system results are presented on component by
component basis. In the middle column, reliability (surplus) outcomes are presented.
On the r.h.s column, the unreliability results are presented. As shown below, at the end
of 45 minutes of computation time for 10,000 simulation runs, CLOURA calculates that
the system was interrupted for f = 384 times, each of which lasted on the average
d=3.13 hours (or cycles).
Large Cybersystems
As the above Figure shows, at the end of 45 minutes of computation time for
10,000 simulation runs, CLOURA calculates that the system was interrupted for f
= 384 times, each of which lasted on the average d=3.13 hours (or cycles).
Overall outages led to LoLE (Loss of Load Expected, or Mean Number of Loss of
Service Hours) = f x d = 1201 hours of Loss of Load or Service or
LoLP=LoLE/8760=0.1371 or 14%. The standard deviation is 178.3 hours.
However the LOL (Loss of Load) hours is not a normal distribution but it is a right
skewed Compound Poisson, rather NB (Negative Binomial) with M (mean) =1201
and q1=7.15. No ties are recorded where reserve margin=0.
A dynamic index, Expected Unserved Production, or EUP units (in terms of
gigabyte-cycles, similar to flops was 2,055,607.
The following figures respectively illustrate a multiple server group CLOUD and
the equilibrium counts of the entire study where RHS=LHS values validate.
The pdf (exact probability), cdf (cumulative probability) and sdf (survival
probability) columns are given, where any of the statistical plots can be
extracted at will to facilitate statistical inference on the average duration (=d)
and LoLE (Loss of Load Expected). The Figure below shows the plotting of NBD
(M=835, q=6.04) using the earlier research by the author.
The Figure below shows “Available Capacity “and “Reserve Margin =
Installed Capacity-Load-Outage” respectively at any given cycle.
The Figure below shows a given unit’s fluctuations of up and down states
in a year of operations.
The Figure below shows Group 1’s Component 1 up-down fluctuations in
a year with no waiting time (yellow) due to reserve adequacy.
 CLOURAM (CLOUd Risk Assessor and Manager; CLOUD Risk Assessment
and Management Tool) achieves the following: CLOURAM is both a
simulation tool and an expert system.
 As a simulator, it will mimic real-life operation of the system in
question to calculate critical reliability and/or security indices.
 As an expert system, it will help to quantify and manage the LoS (Loss
of Service) index with the rightful and timely responses to certain
useful cost-conscious “What If?” questions.
 It will assist taking care of the reliability assessment function so as to
manage risk cost effectively by quantifying the entire CLOUD operation
with tangible and practical metrics.
CLOUD Resource Management Planning for
Employment of Repair Crews
 A most popular example to a what-if query as frequently executed in
simulation engineering practices is the resource allocation, which is one of
the most vulnerable and softest (weakest) points of the entire CLOUD
computing process.
 We will study the effect of the number of maintenance crews from full to
lower. Originally it will display an unreliability index of 5.44% for 348 units.
 The total number of production units is 348 available. In a new analysis, we
will simulate (10000 runs or years) for a reduced resource of 100 crews to see
the impact.
 That is how much less reliability we will have to suffice with if we save money
by eliminating 248 repair (recovery) crews.
CLOUD Resource Management Planning for
Employment of Repair Crews
 This time we are expecting wait times and more long-term unreliability or
unavailability from our CLOUD operation. Now see figure in below slide.
 The unreliability index is unfavorably upped to 7.36%, a negligible difference
when you take into account the savings you will accrue from employing 248
less repair crews.
 We now will reduce even further 50 more repair crews, 298 less than
originally assumed. Finally so, we will employ solely 50 crews to see if it is
economical profitable.
 This time we hit the rock! Outcomes are disastrous. We saw the catastrophic
results of a skyrocketing unreliability of 85.71% (while employing only 50
repair crews) from merely 7.46% when we had only 50 more crews.
CLOUD Resource Management Planning for
Employment of Repair Crews
 The difference is the b-ackbreaking point. Therefore this CLOUD should not
lower their repair crews to less than around 100. More detailed studies can
be conducted by trying 99,.., 90..,.. 70….60 etc. to see the drastic jump.
 This cost-benefit portfolio of crew-planning analysis as one of the most crucial
“What-If” scenarios could save millions of dollars for a CLOUD Resource
Management to plan ahead.
 The below figure’s cost-benefit portfolio of Reserve Crew Planning
analysis will show how to save millions of dollars’ worth for a CLOUD
Resource Management. It also indicates what the break-even value
would be if LHS=RHS in terms of cost and benefit such that the
“benefit-cost” difference (profit or loss) is zero at balance.
CLOUD Resource Management:
Planning for Employment of Repair Crews
CLOUD Resource Management Planning for
Employment of Repair Crews
CLOUD Resource Management Planning for
Employment of Repair Crews
The Figure below depicts the triplet of operating modes where additionally
waiting time is now a stark reality due to imperfect, i.e. less than initially
installed number of repair crews, implyinmg one crew per installed cloud unit.
CLOUD Resource Management:
Planning by Deployment of Production Servers
 One may want to add or discard certain cyber-servers (or producers in
general such as power plants at a power CLOUD scenario) by
reorganizing the list of groups’ units.
 One can experiment with less or more number of servers at selected
capacities to see how reliability may be affected.
 Break Even Value indicates the $ amount for one percent gain required
to have resulted in neither profit nor loss. This cost-benefit portfolio of
Reserve Product Planning analysis will save (+) or lose (-) millions of
dollars’ worth for a CLOUD Resource Management.
The LOLP value displayed is truncated to round off after four digits following the
decimal; this is why hand calculations and software outcomes may vary slightly,
also due to #simulation runs. Note, 0.0276 x 100% x 1,268,934 (Break Even) =
3,502,257.8(~same as investment dollars).
“∆LOLP = 0.0276” is the decrease in LOLP value. This denotes: 0.0276 x100% x
$1.25M = 3,450,000 gain. Result: 3,450,000 – $3,500,000 = ~ $50,000 (loss,
approximately). Figure above indicates the final solution to as
-$52,226.03 with pennies to be exact.
RemaRks :‘Physical cloud’ WITH Physical Products
 The operation starts at the first hour (or cycle) by randomly generating
the negative exponentially (or Weibull to be versatile where Neg Exp is
special case) distributed operating (up) and repair (down) times where
the goal is to study the random evolution of a memoryless system.
 Then the installed total capacity at each cycle is contrasted against the
outages to calculate the available capacity, which is also compared to
the service demand at that hour to finally determine the reserve
margin capacity. If margin is (-), it is loss od load, otherwise surplus.
 That is, if the reserve capacity (or margin) is less than a zero margin,
then we have an undesired deficiency or loss of service to consider.
RemaRks: ‘Physical cloud’ with Physical PRoducts
 Once these hours (or cycles) of negative margin are added, it will
constitute the expected number of hours of loss of load or service, LoLE.
Divided by the total number of exposure units such as 8760 hours (NHRS)
for a year, it will give the LoLP = LoLE/NHRS.
 Once the LoLE is known, and its frequency (f=number of such
occurrences of deficiencies per annum), then the average duration,
d=LoLE/f, will indicate how long on the average a loss of service is
expected to last.
 If d stands for duration, d=(q-1)/ln(q), one can best estimate the value
of q using a Newton-Raphson nonlinear estimation technique. Similarly
you can plot “d” and “LoLE” probability density functions for inference.
RemaRks foR ‘Physical cloud’ emPloying Physical
RemaRks: ‘Physical cloud’
with Physical PRoducts
 Then f(x) for x=1, 2,.. can be estimated to characterize the distribution
of x. Further these probability values can be plotted.
 One may use Input Wizard in the Java software tool Help Desk to enter
data both in physical and social CLOUD in a step-by-step dialogue. Input
Wizard uses are demonstrated as follows.
RemaRks: ‘Physical cloud’ with Physical PRoducts
Applications to Social (Human Resources) Cloud
What is the Motivation?
 Current lack of digital simulators for future human resources
availability planning.
 Incident commanders need to monitor HRG availability.
 Emergency response situations require efficient coordination and
allocation of available resources that need to be controlled.
 Recent natural and man-made disasters have reinforced the need for
stronger HRG response knowledge using objective IT solutions.
Applications to Social (Human Resources) Cloud
What does Social CLOUD implementation bring new to the table?
 A tested, peer-reviewed, accurate & scalable algorithm.
 An insightful and meaningful system availability prediction model
combined with historical resource and service data.
 Easy to implement, user defined and user friendly easy-to-explain tool.
 This project will be vital to HRG leaders monitoring availability.
Applications to Social (Human Resources) Cloud
What does Social CLOUD implementation bring new to the table?
 The project team is proposing to model the daily operational realities
of a defined but limited e.g. county/city, the First Responder Group’s
(FRG) activities such as Firefighters or Police Force.
 In doing so, SOCIAL CLOUD will be applied by collecting city/county
historical data. City/county FRG operations will be positively impacted
by assessing and managing First Responder availability by
implementing this project in the course of daily emergency operations.
Applications to Social (Human Resources) Cloud
What does Social CLOUD implementation bring new to the table (contd)?
 United States regional FRGs (First Responder Groups) will perform
simulation tasks and assess an index of unavailability, then manage risk
by responding to what if remedial questions, conveniently applicable
by using the SCLOURA (the same tool name for SOCIAL CLOUD).
 Finally, the development and implementation of the proposed
application will significantly improve the area’s emergency response
capability. This tool not only assesses availability shortfalls but also
enables emergency response planning in terms of staffing and
Outcomes for Slide 55 FRG Input Data
Stochastic System Simulation for Cyber
and Power CLOUDS
 Generally in Cyber and/or Power CLOUD
modeling and simulations; failure rate,
repair rate, and capacity of servers or
generators and transmission lines or links,
load (demand) on grid and count of repair
crew are collected as deterministic constants
from external sources. CLOURAM is a risk
assessment and management application
software that has been implemented to
emulate a CLOUD operation.
Stochastic System Simulation for Cyber and Power
 Discrete event simulation is applied for a given group of
producers at a time whose assigned failure and repair rates
and the system load cycle remain constant across iterations.
In this modified version of CLOURAM through Stochastic
Simulation, randomizing CLOUD parameters such as
failure and repair rates and the load cycle, the CLOUD
metrics are compared favorably to those employing
deterministic data to verify and validate. Due to Cyber
CLOUD air-medium’s link data missing, only Power
Systems’ grid scenarios as examples will be studied.
Stochastic System Simulation for Cyber and Power
 This innovative research illustrates that we can include
lump-sum composite grid transmission (link) data as an
averaging effect in the simulation of cyber or power CLOUD
performance. Additionally, this algorithm can be used for
any other stochastic (random) data entry for the producers
as well as the links. The versatility of the algorithm stems
from a wide area of usage by leveraging the Weibull
distribution (whose default with shape parameter = 1 is
neg. exponential and used extensively for failures). In the
event of the non-existence of sophisticated data such as
Weibull or similar, the analyst may use uniform deviations
with percentages as shown in the examples of Section IV.
For further research, the authors will seek the power grid
data from industry to compare results [4-6].
Stochastic Cloud System Simulation
In this modified version of CLOURAM through Stochastic Simulation of
CLOUD parameters such as failure and repair rates and the load cycle for a
Power Grid scenario, the following features are provided:
 Specify generator & transmission line failure & repair rates separately.
 Study effect of different load distributions using stochastic simulation. Load
probability distributions supported are Normal & Uniform probability
 Study effect of different failure distributions using stochastic simulation.
 Study effect of different repair distributions using stochastic simulation.
Stochastic Cloud System Simulation
Graphical User Interface:
 A new menu item ‘Stochastic Simulation’ is added to ‘Simulation’ menu in
CLOURAM studied in detail as follows.
 User inputs normally collected grid data in one of the following ways:
1. Input wizard.
2. Manual entry for each group.
3. Import data that was saved earlier in CLOURAM required format.
The following displays initial screen when user clicks Stochastic
Simulation after importing data.
Product Distributions (when product data is in Negative Exponential)
For Producer Group 1 with failure rate = 0.028 & repair rate = 0.0552, parameters
are c = ksi= d = eta = 0, a = 28, Xt = 1000, b = 552 and Yt = 10000. This data is
inspired from large CLOUD input in the following figure. To generate random failure
and repair rates, Empirical Bayesian Gamma distribution (SL) is used.
Product Distributions (when product data is in Weibull)
For Producer Group 1 with failure scale = 35.7143 & repair scale = 18.12,
parameters are c = ksi= d = eta = 0, a = 28, Xt = 1000, b = 552 and Yt = 10000.
Link Distributions (when product data is in Negative Exponential)
If the links (or transmissions) are assumed to exist as in a grid, taking link failure
rate = +10% of product failure rate, and repair rate = +10% of product repair rate.
Other parameters follow same rule as above.
Link Distributions (when product data is in Weibull)
First transmission failure & repair rates are computed by applying rules when
Producer data is in Weibull. Then link failure rate = +10% of transmission failure
rate & repair rate = +10% of transmission repair rate. Other parameters follow the
same rule as above.
Stochastic Simulation applied to a Power or
Cyber grid
With Negative Exponential input for failure and repair rates.
Stochastic Simulation applied to a Power or
Cyber grid
The LOLP increased to 7.08% from 5.49 with links activated having same
failure and repair rates as the generating units.
Stochastic Simulation applied to a Power or
Cyber grid
With the Weibull input for failure and repair rates.
Stochastic Simulation applied to a Power or
Cyber grid
A sample complex telecom grid with 52 Weibull (α=1, β=1) units and perfectly
reliable links; Output: Weibull1-52 (α=1.37, β=0.16).
Stochastic Simulation applied to a Power or
Cyber grid
LOLP (=.0582=5.82%) for data95.txt for Power Grid with Weibull parameters
applied to both generating units and links.
Stochastic Simulation applied to a Power or
Cyber grid
LOLP (=.0582=5.82%) for data95.txt for Power Grid with Weibull parameters
applied to both generating units and links.
Error Checking or Flagging
When and If Groups and Load Are Not Defined.
Error Checking or Flagging
When User Tries to Update Product Distribution without Selecting Its Group.
Error Checking or Flagging
When User Forgets to Input Required Values for a Given Distribution Updating.
CONCLUSIVE REMARKS on Stochastic Simulation
 First, we verify the conventional results through test
runs by conducting Stochastic Simulation (SS). Once
the verification process is carried out successfully,
i.e. the CLOUD non-SS metrics are compared
favorably to those employing deterministic data; grid
producer and link scenarios will be studied such as in
the event of the links no more being perfectly
reliable, but operating with specified values through
uniform, or negative exponential input data
assumptions. These were executed in the examples of
Section III.
Stochastic Simulation
 We have earlier substantiated that when we randomize the
producer parameters as well as that of the load, we verify to
obtain the original results in a controlled experimental
status (except for the unparalleled scenario that repair rates
were 10% higher than those of failure rates). Therefore now
with more changes, otherwise to reflect the grid input data,
we will reach a stochastically (purely random) scenario. The
output of Fig. 3 or 4 is not a grid analysis but only that of
production; i.e. without any transmission lines (or links)
and from purely generation-based data. However in power
grid scenarios, each generating unit is attached to links to
transmit the power generated by the units; hence the
composite link.
CONCLUSIVE REMARKS on Stochastic Simulation
 Let’s assume that each power generating unit has failure
and repair rates distributed with expected values inspired
by the producer’s deterministic data provided for each
group. Also assume that each unit is linked to its entire
perimeter in supplying the generated energy specified by
the distributions with expected values identical to failure
and repair rates of the generating unit on the average. This
is different than assuming 10% increase on the failure rates
or 10% on the repair rates for an alternative “uniform
distribution” study we presented in Fig. 8. It has dropped to
7.08% from 8.12% due to now link in effect, i.e. links not
being perfectly reliable, thus averaging 1000 years of nonstochastic simulation.
Stochastic Simulation
 Traditionally, in Cyber or Power Grid modeling, data
regarding failure rate, repair rate, and servers’ or
generators’ nominal capacity and transmission lines or
links, as well as load (demand) supplied by the power (or
cyber) grid and count of repair crews for maintenance are
sampled and estimated as deterministic constants from
external data collection sources. CLOURAM is a risk
assessment and management tool that simulates and
manages the entire generation grid. Through what is
termed as Stochastic (Random) Simulation of CLOUD
parameters such as failure, repair rates of power generators
or cyber servers and the demand (load) cycle, we verify the
non-stochastic CLOURAM so that SS runs are accurate.
Cloud Risk-O-Meter (RoM) Analysis
 The CLOUD RoM has two versions imbedded. The CLOUD RoM,
provider version, is geared toward service providers and corporate
 The CLOUD RoM client version is geared toward individual and smaller
corporate end users, for whom a new vulnerability titled Client
Perception (PR) & Transparency is included.
 Let’s begin with a relevant comprehensive tree diagram as follows.
Detailed list of Vulnerabilities for CLOUD RoM with related threats is
presented below.
Accessibility & Privacy
Insufficient Network-based Controls
Insider/Outsider Intrusion
Poor Key Management & Inadequate Cryptography
Lack of Availability
Software Capacity
Software Incompatibility
Unsecure Code
Lack of User Friendly software
Inadequate CLOUD Applications
Internet Protocols
Web Applications & Services
Lack of Security & Privacy
Inadequate Cryptography
Server Capacity & Scalability
Lack of Sufficient Hardware
Lack of Existing Hardware Scalability
Server Farm Incapacity to Meet Customer Demand
Incorrect Configuration
Physical Infrastructure
Power Outages
Unreliable Network Connections
Inadequate Facilities
Inadequate Repair Crews
Data & Disaster Recovery
Lack of a Contingency Plan
Lack of Multiple Sites
Inadequate Software & Hardware
Recovery Time
Managerial Quality
Lack of Quality Crisis Response Personnel
Inadequate Technical Education
Insufficient Load Demand Management
Lack of Service Monitoring
Macro -Economic & Cost Factors
Inadequate Payment Plans
Low Growth Rates
High Interest Rates
Adverse Regulatory Environment
Client Perceptions (PR) & Transparency
Lack of PR Promotion
Adverse Company News
Unresponsiveness to Client Complaints
Lack of Openness
Questions are designed to elicit the user’s response regarding the perceived
risk from particular threats, and the countermeasures the users may employ to
counteract those threats.
Threat questions would include as examples:
Do your provider’s virtualization appliances have packet inspection settings
set on default?
Is escape to the hypervisor likely in the case of a breach of the virtualization
Tree Diagram for CLOUD Risk-O-Meter: Comprehensive (both Client and Host
RoM Risk Assessment and Management Results applying for figure above slide
Tree Diagram.
Discussions and Conclusion
 Cloud computing has become such a powerful entity for cyber-users as well as
large commercial companies that someday users will not need to buy other than a
terminal such as in the case we only provide for electric bulbs at our homes to light
up our homes from the power grid as currently practiced.
 NBD is math-statistically a reasonable approximation for two essential reasons. The
first one is the taking into account of the phenomenon of interdependence or true
contagious property of the system failures that constitute a cluster at each
breakdown in concert with the electric power utility or cyber system engineering
practices as two prominent examples.
 Secondly, the underlying distribution to estimate the probability distribution
function for the number of power or cyber system failures in this research chapter
is no more an asymptotical or an approximate expression, whereas it is a closedform and non-asymptotic, rather an exact probability distribution function using
statistical jargon .
Discussion and Conclusions
 In brief, ensuring Cloud system reliability in turn requires that the
specifications used to build these systems fully support reliable support
 This research may also lead to providing the failure (disruption or breach) and
repair (recovery) data of many critical network components in Data-Intensive
 High-reliability and high-security as the two primary characteristics of Data-
Intensive computing systems can be achieved through a careful planning in
conducting such reliability and security evaluations employing digital
simulation as an optimization tool.